Current discussion about the reality of H5N1 - i.e., whether it's fact or fiction - ignores that the matter should be the subject of a criminal investigation, not merely scientific debate.
It’s simple as this. They have been working diligently to create a variant that they can let loose on society to create mass fear, another lockdown, quarantines, masking, social distancing. It is meant to infect people, birds, pets and cattle. This will usher in their 2030 agenda of no meat or dairy and also vaccine passports,continuous PCR testing,and digital ID. This is so evil and psychopathic. So many are involved in this and is beyond comprehension. Just review the bird flu summit meeting. It’s been all pre planned just like Covid.
It is of the highest psychotic level, to intentionally create substances that knowingly cause harm and fatalities. I completely agree with you, that just as we were manipulated and forced to follow and comply with these nefarious practices, this invention was ABSOLUTELY premeditated- like every case for intentional homicide would be defined.
Yes you are right. PCR was never meant for diagnosis of disease. It’s a means to get “cases” and numbers. It will also be used to push the “asymptomatic spreaders” lie like before.
As confirmed when the 350k swabs shipped to Haiti were found to be contaminated with-among other things- covid. And when called out by President Moise, he was assassinated. Likewise, at least five other presidents/pm.s of African countries were assassinated all within a short time frame. At least some of them were "covid-skeptic", smelling "a rat".
They've already torched millions of laying hens. That's not only mass animal cruelty, but deprives people of affordable eggs. And please quit calling amplifying technique PCR "testing".
I - of course - wish you were right... but please remember that:
> They faked the 9/11 attack
> They faked proof for WMDs in Iraq, which lead to a war of aggression killing over 1Meg people
> They faked a "pandemic" so far...
> They faked and MANDATED a toxic "vaccine" at GLOBAL level, while blocking treatment
> They provoked the SMO in Ukraine and blocked any peaceful path to prolong the conflict (over 1Meg people dead there as well and growing)
This means they have enough power/leverage (1) and A LOT to lose if the above will get revealed (2)... I doubt that there is possible, using their own corrupt system to end their illegal and criminal ways.
Satan once was "all powerful" in he resides in hell. There are many examples in real history of David's taking on Goliath and felling the dim witted giant with a well aimed sling shot. People are ill and dropping dead left and right. J Wilderness did many video compilations of this and Ed Dowd has book of actual obituaries of youth dropping dead for CAUSE UNKNOWN. If you care to stop copies and send out to people you care about and respect.....along with Peter McCullough's COURAGE TO FACE COVID 19 and the Breggins GLOBAL PREDATORS.
Ed Dowd's book is visceral and very powerful. If you must choose just one....choose that one.
Pray and thank God you are awake. Love your family. Enjoy your life! "They" want us depressed angry and worried. Don't be.
I in no way advocate physically harming or attacking the criminals who maliciously harmed the public with fake "vaccines" after shutting down the entire country for a non-pandemic....death is too good a fate. Remember the incessant yammering about how "the unvaccinated" were causing others to be ill and that "good" caring people got "vaccinated"...the ads-- the tv shows---the horrible lying articles in such places like the NYTs....
No.... death is too good a fate.
They need decades alone in a damp cell with no tv and no visitors eating swill from the jail kitchen... so they have plenty of time to contemplate their own roles in the deaths of millions from the spike protein toxic shots that were "mandated" for many jobs and school attendances. According Dr. William Makis at least 15 young doctors died within weeks after their "covid" shots.
These injections are one wants them anymore. And the next step is to press murder charges agains the perps themselves. According the former Pfizer vp Dr. Mike Yeadon they drug produces and major players like "Dr." Fauci knew very well the harm and death they would cause. It was deliberate.
If you can write great songs, and have a good voice, there is a good chance you will understand immunology by reading the headlines. She called the vaccine hesitant 'cowards', not true and not nice. Another celebrity big on shots developed a brain clot during her pregnancy. Could there possibly be a connection? What does the science say regarding mRNA vaccines and the spike proteins causing clots? Oh, yeah, mRNA vaccines cause blood clots. But if you google, you will get 'google bias' that clots are 'rare' or that covid itself is the culprit.
agreed. These injections are a crime against humanity. There were numerous perps....some aware of the permutations of this lie called "The Pandemic" and many more not aware and just following along. Here is an interesting article by a highly respected Canadian scientist which you may have already seen
Video: Denis Rancourt: There Was No Pandemic, It Was the State That Killed Granny
The constant pointless killing of animals for no valid reason is infuriating. It is done for TB, foot and mouth, bird flu, swine flu and many others. There is no evidence that it saves the lives of anyone. If they want to stop these diseases stop feeding them shit and look after them better.
The most dangerous animal to us is the misquito not the cow.
If they want to stop us catching diseases then stop vaccinations and feeding us substandard foods.
Diseases can not be erradicated but will largely disappear in heslthy populations.
The whole pharmaceutical industry is about fear porn to sell dangerous substances that csuse the next problem. To live a long life eat well and stay away from doctors.
Totally agree! I have the same idea, it is only to drive up cost and to destroy the food chain! If they just isolated the animals and let them fight it, they would be "vaccinated"..
The food chain is already disrupted it’s now damage limitation we need to be concerned with support farmers help them resolve the vile chemicals that are destroying are wildlife and food supply !
I also agree. It is inconceivable that pure greed should detonate such a cataclysmic chain of events with special emphasis on the total lack of concern over animal life, trickling right down to the draconian laws endured by innocent backyard poultry keepers.
"The most dangerous animal to us is the misquito not the cow."
Sorry---if this plandemic proved one single thing to me it was this
............the most dangerous animal to us wears a white coat calls himself "Doctor."
Millions are dead from this "vaccine" and many more have myocarditis or cancer.
Some are saying this is the most heinous attack on humanity ever....
And who is behind this? Is it Dr. Walensky? Dr Anthony it the WEF or the WHO?
maybe the CDC?
Some say this has been planned for decades and that is why there was a campaign to STOP TOBACCO USE....because --as it turns out-- nicotine disables the corona virus....I am not a scientist so I don't know if this statement is true or not. Maybe Dr. McCullough or one of his staff could comment on nicotine and viruses?
It’s not pointless to those evil retards my friend don’t forget kill you all gates eugenics boy..! Is the biggest farm owner in America soon to be uk if we don’t stop him ! He’s going to build insect farms and mass produce vile synthetic meat for us all to put on are dinner plates while him and his evil friends laugh over a steak meal and wine at us ! If we all sit on are arses say nothing do nothing it might just come to fruition! Get on ya emails tell the gov inform farmers and support them but there produce leave the super markets esp Morrisons sainburys lidl send a message to them you ain’t happy! Make them change there ways ! I am I will never use these places again support your butchers and farmers
It is a mind virus. Do not be afraid and do not comply. Compliance is required for their plans to work. Again DO NOT COMPLY.
I stopped watching MSM in 2020 for the most part and it does not exist in my house. I was at my mother's house last week and she dutifully watches ABC national news and Wheel of Fortune. The ABC anchor's name was Witt.. (more like twit to me). They ran a story about a nation wide cat food recall because one cat died after eating it. Then he said the brand tested positive for "bird flu". I lost it... What a crock of $h!t..
They are going to be pummeling us with lies. Do not believe anything the "authorities" tell you and do not comply. This is the only thing we can do. There are too many of us and we have the power.
Brother I have no TV this is not in my mind it’s happening and if we listen to you do nothing what do you think will eventually happen? If your silent they take that as yes ! Don’t you research? Yes amor if it is but this is how they throw you if the sent and before you know if your saying it’s all in your head !
Producers routinely cull the newly hatched Roosters. Hens only lay about 5-7 years depending on breed, feed, and treated water.
It's as Fake as P'Nut or Fred having rabies. Squirrels live hours, coons 1-3 days, both were inside for 7 years. Nor can they bite through a Falconrs glove.
Most if not all GOF labs are situated on major avian migratory routes, including the CIA's 13 bio weapons labs in Ukraine. I am not aware of the CIA being held to account in any fashion at any time. They are a rogue criminal organization with an ongoing operation of assassination, coups,
bio weapons research labs, drug trafficking to fund their black ops, psyops, enrolling agents in all levels of govt and media etc.
The labs in Ukraine are not there anymore. They were among the first sites that Russo bombed. They showed where they bombed, and it was very accurately where usa had shown they invested in bio labs.
But yes they are absolutely retarded and criminal. That they still have not been hung, jailed or fined, clearly shows we have a psychotic and unjust " justice" system.
Never happen. This country has loved vaccines for over 70 years. Pig Pharma and the doctors have 80% of the population convinced they will die without enough injections.
Based on my understanding of how labs "isolate" so-claimed viruses in lieu of the recent plan-scamdemic I have no idea why anyone would take what our "scientific" institutions are claiming at face value. Due to their now long-lived partnership with pharma and our recent military operation with covid I assume they're lying until proven otherwise, and any proofs are very difficult to tease out. They want to continue scaring the crap out of people and remove our rights to more easily control and exploit us and I'm pretty sure psychopaths have no off switch.
GOF ought to be strictly illegal--illegal for even dark, non-existent organizations.
Creation of new pathogens cannot redound to a net benefit. Theoretically, it allows discovery by granting insight into defensive mechanisms to get ahead of the pathogen if ever it occurred naturally. However, man has imperfect knowledge and less perfect manufactures, so nature will evade man's contrivances at will. Thus, GOF is nothing more than accelerating destruction of human condition.
If nature is going to throw pestilence upon the earth, best to allow nature's immune inventions to be the response to such insults, not man's inventions derived by GOF. To do otherwise allows a pathogen to develop with gains not possible or probable naturally and that therefore cannot be countered and tempered by natural responses.
Imagine "forever chemicals" that cannot be generated in nature and resist natural degradation. Now, apply that to pathogens.
This is a multiple gain for Gates, Schwab/WEF, and global elites pushing for global governance. A severe reduction in food supplies, livestock, even migratory game some (including Venezuelan illegal immigrants?) that many folk eat - some for subsistence - along with the intended fear and control tyranny we saw with the Covid terrorism indulged in by governments all over the world - most notably here in America, the UK, Australia, and most of Europe.
Note that, due to the refusal of many of us to permit the injection of modRNA substances into our bodies, Gates and others are working on weaponizing mosquitoes bred to inject modRNA into humans at large, with neither informed consent nor even our knowledge of it when it happens, if they are successful. All for our own "good", of course.
These criminals must be stopped. Anyone who loves their children and grandchildren must perform citizens arrest on these monsters. They must be locked up before they kill more babies, children and everyone else. The covid "vaccine" is at this moment being injected into newborns. Criminal and it is murder.
I like your thinking, but our corrupt government is paying millions of our tax dollars for bodyguards for that genus-homo-cidal scum, Fauci. It would be very difficult to affect a citizen's arrest, and possibly fatal (considering that even IRS agents can use lethal force against any of us for mere tax violations, and unproven ones, at that).
Yes Fauci has been at this game a long long time. He murdered hundreds of thousands of people with AZT during the so called AIDS epidemic. AZT was very toxic and AIDS was a life style disease...not at all contagious. See Dr. Peter Duesberg's book INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS. Unfortunately Americans seem to have a very short memory. COVID may be related to the rollout of 5-G radiation from cell towers. COVID is just an AIDS replay and as usual they used our tax dollars against us...."vaccinating" and harming millions. Education is the answer. Sadly the people don't want to "learn"and the manipulators enjoy the profits from the cons as they "succeed" in sickening and killing enormous numbers of innocent victims. You see, they spent all our Social Security already and had to get rid of the "useless eaters"...Doctors are venerated as "saviors" all while committing mass murder. Until recently I lived in a "retirement community" and I witness first hand the depth of "denial" as "medical professionals" killed and harmed my neighbors. ... stroke, cancer, myocarditis. As you sow, so shall you reap. Ignorance kills, not viruses.
Thank you Mr. Leake. They certainly should be forced to stand trial before the People! Courts are dismissing cases left and right, globally- for attempting to make amends “legally.” Reparations of any type will likely be upto all of us.
Fantastic illustration of the current predicament of modern society's folly.
As Tesla observed already a hundred years ago, "Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
We've reached a bizarre culmination of the Tree of Knowledge narrative. The sheer volume of accessible information has created a paradox: we can now use data to support virtually any position, including that which is improbable, yet this abundance leaves us knowing less with certainty. It's become a form of intellectual black magic, where truth becomes malleable based on how skillfully one can manipulate and present data.
We're witnessing this prediction unfold: highly intelligent individuals who've lost the capacity to recognize how their theoretical constructs have imprisoned rather than liberated their thinking.
This dynamic manifests strikingly in current debates around Gain-of-Function research and medical freedom, where we see a perfect illustration of what Thomas Kuhn identified in his analysis of scientific paradigms. The very tools used to challenge establishment thinking often become the chains that bind us to new forms of intellectual imprisonment.
Kuhn's insights illuminate our current predicament. In his seminal work "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" (1962), he defined a paradigm as a conceptual model that explains scientific observations, creating a framework through which we interpret reality.
What makes his analysis particularly relevant to our situation is that scientists perform "normal science" within their paradigm, often discarding observations that don't fit their framework as mere experimental error or patching up their existing paradigm to account for them.
And yet, while Kuhn's analysis focused on scientific communities, this unconscious bondage to mental frameworks extends far beyond laboratory walls. This pattern reveals itself powerfully in today's medical freedom discourse. Those who position themselves as challengers to the establishment often employ the same paradigmatic thinking they seek to oppose.
Now, in our unprecedented era where the internet provides universal access to scientific data, we witness a novel predicament: armed with studies, technical jargon, and data analysis, individuals across all spheres of society unknowingly mirror the methodological frameworks of those they critique.
The technical mastery required to challenge establishment science becomes itself a form of cognitive imprisonment, transcending professional boundaries and affecting how we all engage with reality.
The irony deepens when we consider that both sides in this debate might be equally trapped within their respective paradigms, unable to see how their theoretical constructs have become intellectual prisons.
As Max Planck observed, 'A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up familiar with it.'
Perhaps the real challenge isn't in marshaling more data or refining our technical arguments, but in recognizing how our very approach to understanding might be perpetuating the disconnection that Steiner foresaw.
In our quest to combat what we perceive as manipulation through technical expertise, we risk becoming masters of the very same craft, equally divorced from the deeper wisdom that might serve to prevent our self-annihilation.
It’s simple as this. They have been working diligently to create a variant that they can let loose on society to create mass fear, another lockdown, quarantines, masking, social distancing. It is meant to infect people, birds, pets and cattle. This will usher in their 2030 agenda of no meat or dairy and also vaccine passports,continuous PCR testing,and digital ID. This is so evil and psychopathic. So many are involved in this and is beyond comprehension. Just review the bird flu summit meeting. It’s been all pre planned just like Covid.
It is of the highest psychotic level, to intentionally create substances that knowingly cause harm and fatalities. I completely agree with you, that just as we were manipulated and forced to follow and comply with these nefarious practices, this invention was ABSOLUTELY premeditated- like every case for intentional homicide would be defined.
Yes you are right. PCR was never meant for diagnosis of disease. It’s a means to get “cases” and numbers. It will also be used to push the “asymptomatic spreaders” lie like before.
Kary Mullis the "inventor" of the PCR test tested unambiguously it was NEVER to be used for diagnostic purposes...
The early test swabs from China were made of a very stiff sharpened material to damage the nasal mucosa, and they had contaminants
As confirmed when the 350k swabs shipped to Haiti were found to be contaminated with-among other things- covid. And when called out by President Moise, he was assassinated. Likewise, at least five other presidents/pm.s of African countries were assassinated all within a short time frame. At least some of them were "covid-skeptic", smelling "a rat".
If cycle number when ethidium fluorescence appears is reported, it's useful for quantification.
They've already torched millions of laying hens. That's not only mass animal cruelty, but deprives people of affordable eggs. And please quit calling amplifying technique PCR "testing".
Blood sacrifice to their “gods”.
They have gone waaaaaaaaaaay too far to let Trump/ Bobby Kennedy to interfere with their plans...
I disagree. Those people are toast. Everyone is on to their con. In my retirement community literally NO ONE WANTED THE BOOSTER.
I - of course - wish you were right... but please remember that:
> They faked the 9/11 attack
> They faked proof for WMDs in Iraq, which lead to a war of aggression killing over 1Meg people
> They faked a "pandemic" so far...
> They faked and MANDATED a toxic "vaccine" at GLOBAL level, while blocking treatment
> They provoked the SMO in Ukraine and blocked any peaceful path to prolong the conflict (over 1Meg people dead there as well and growing)
This means they have enough power/leverage (1) and A LOT to lose if the above will get revealed (2)... I doubt that there is possible, using their own corrupt system to end their illegal and criminal ways.
... just saying...
Satan once was "all powerful" in he resides in hell. There are many examples in real history of David's taking on Goliath and felling the dim witted giant with a well aimed sling shot. People are ill and dropping dead left and right. J Wilderness did many video compilations of this and Ed Dowd has book of actual obituaries of youth dropping dead for CAUSE UNKNOWN. If you care to stop copies and send out to people you care about and respect.....along with Peter McCullough's COURAGE TO FACE COVID 19 and the Breggins GLOBAL PREDATORS.
Ed Dowd's book is visceral and very powerful. If you must choose just one....choose that one.
Pray and thank God you are awake. Love your family. Enjoy your life! "They" want us depressed angry and worried. Don't be.
You have more power than you know....use it!
I in no way advocate physically harming or attacking the criminals who maliciously harmed the public with fake "vaccines" after shutting down the entire country for a non-pandemic....death is too good a fate. Remember the incessant yammering about how "the unvaccinated" were causing others to be ill and that "good" caring people got "vaccinated"...the ads-- the tv shows---the horrible lying articles in such places like the NYTs....
No.... death is too good a fate.
They need decades alone in a damp cell with no tv and no visitors eating swill from the jail kitchen... so they have plenty of time to contemplate their own roles in the deaths of millions from the spike protein toxic shots that were "mandated" for many jobs and school attendances. According Dr. William Makis at least 15 young doctors died within weeks after their "covid" shots.
These injections are one wants them anymore. And the next step is to press murder charges agains the perps themselves. According the former Pfizer vp Dr. Mike Yeadon they drug produces and major players like "Dr." Fauci knew very well the harm and death they would cause. It was deliberate.
Here's a prime example of how "famous" people performed for the drug companies:
Dolly Partin pimps for the drug companies.
If you can write great songs, and have a good voice, there is a good chance you will understand immunology by reading the headlines. She called the vaccine hesitant 'cowards', not true and not nice. Another celebrity big on shots developed a brain clot during her pregnancy. Could there possibly be a connection? What does the science say regarding mRNA vaccines and the spike proteins causing clots? Oh, yeah, mRNA vaccines cause blood clots. But if you google, you will get 'google bias' that clots are 'rare' or that covid itself is the culprit.
agreed. These injections are a crime against humanity. There were numerous perps....some aware of the permutations of this lie called "The Pandemic" and many more not aware and just following along. Here is an interesting article by a highly respected Canadian scientist which you may have already seen
Video: Denis Rancourt: There Was No Pandemic, It Was the State That Killed Granny
By Prof Denis Rancourt
Oh, they must be very serious. They just had one (the same) about bird flu in October 2024! Hmm…
I have to compare them both. They prob learned some important lessons…
The constant pointless killing of animals for no valid reason is infuriating. It is done for TB, foot and mouth, bird flu, swine flu and many others. There is no evidence that it saves the lives of anyone. If they want to stop these diseases stop feeding them shit and look after them better.
The most dangerous animal to us is the misquito not the cow.
If they want to stop us catching diseases then stop vaccinations and feeding us substandard foods.
Diseases can not be erradicated but will largely disappear in heslthy populations.
The whole pharmaceutical industry is about fear porn to sell dangerous substances that csuse the next problem. To live a long life eat well and stay away from doctors.
Totally agree! I have the same idea, it is only to drive up cost and to destroy the food chain! If they just isolated the animals and let them fight it, they would be "vaccinated"..
The food chain is already disrupted it’s now damage limitation we need to be concerned with support farmers help them resolve the vile chemicals that are destroying are wildlife and food supply !
I also agree. It is inconceivable that pure greed should detonate such a cataclysmic chain of events with special emphasis on the total lack of concern over animal life, trickling right down to the draconian laws endured by innocent backyard poultry keepers.
It's a holocaust for the poor animals.
"The most dangerous animal to us is the misquito not the cow."
Sorry---if this plandemic proved one single thing to me it was this
............the most dangerous animal to us wears a white coat calls himself "Doctor."
Millions are dead from this "vaccine" and many more have myocarditis or cancer.
Some are saying this is the most heinous attack on humanity ever....
And who is behind this? Is it Dr. Walensky? Dr Anthony it the WEF or the WHO?
maybe the CDC?
Some say this has been planned for decades and that is why there was a campaign to STOP TOBACCO USE....because --as it turns out-- nicotine disables the corona virus....I am not a scientist so I don't know if this statement is true or not. Maybe Dr. McCullough or one of his staff could comment on nicotine and viruses?
It’s not pointless to those evil retards my friend don’t forget kill you all gates eugenics boy..! Is the biggest farm owner in America soon to be uk if we don’t stop him ! He’s going to build insect farms and mass produce vile synthetic meat for us all to put on are dinner plates while him and his evil friends laugh over a steak meal and wine at us ! If we all sit on are arses say nothing do nothing it might just come to fruition! Get on ya emails tell the gov inform farmers and support them but there produce leave the super markets esp Morrisons sainburys lidl send a message to them you ain’t happy! Make them change there ways ! I am I will never use these places again support your butchers and farmers
It is a mind virus. Do not be afraid and do not comply. Compliance is required for their plans to work. Again DO NOT COMPLY.
I stopped watching MSM in 2020 for the most part and it does not exist in my house. I was at my mother's house last week and she dutifully watches ABC national news and Wheel of Fortune. The ABC anchor's name was Witt.. (more like twit to me). They ran a story about a nation wide cat food recall because one cat died after eating it. Then he said the brand tested positive for "bird flu". I lost it... What a crock of $h!t..
They are going to be pummeling us with lies. Do not believe anything the "authorities" tell you and do not comply. This is the only thing we can do. There are too many of us and we have the power.
Amen, BC. Thank you .
Correct. They don’t NEED to do any GOF. Birds dropping out of the sky en masse.. that’s no ‘virus’..
Brother I have no TV this is not in my mind it’s happening and if we listen to you do nothing what do you think will eventually happen? If your silent they take that as yes ! Don’t you research? Yes amor if it is but this is how they throw you if the sent and before you know if your saying it’s all in your head !
Hundreds of thousands of cattle have NOT died from H5N1.
Tens of millions of laying hens have died of "culling". Were the cattle and the hens autopsied? (Pointless for those actually dying of culling.)
Yes, but I was addressing the claim about cattle.
This is what they do they jab a few test them then say your contaminated!
Producers routinely cull the newly hatched Roosters. Hens only lay about 5-7 years depending on breed, feed, and treated water.
It's as Fake as P'Nut or Fred having rabies. Squirrels live hours, coons 1-3 days, both were inside for 7 years. Nor can they bite through a Falconrs glove.
No it’s what they are jabbing then with
Most if not all GOF labs are situated on major avian migratory routes, including the CIA's 13 bio weapons labs in Ukraine. I am not aware of the CIA being held to account in any fashion at any time. They are a rogue criminal organization with an ongoing operation of assassination, coups,
bio weapons research labs, drug trafficking to fund their black ops, psyops, enrolling agents in all levels of govt and media etc.
The labs in Ukraine are not there anymore. They were among the first sites that Russo bombed. They showed where they bombed, and it was very accurately where usa had shown they invested in bio labs.
But yes they are absolutely retarded and criminal. That they still have not been hung, jailed or fined, clearly shows we have a psychotic and unjust " justice" system.
not mention child trafficking for the "elite" pedophiles who run everything.
Another PCR fueled event to cover up the mass culling of our food supply.
My local grocery had zero eggs. They're getting it done (famine, that is...)
Never happen. This country has loved vaccines for over 70 years. Pig Pharma and the doctors have 80% of the population convinced they will die without enough injections.
Moooooo 🙌
Based on my understanding of how labs "isolate" so-claimed viruses in lieu of the recent plan-scamdemic I have no idea why anyone would take what our "scientific" institutions are claiming at face value. Due to their now long-lived partnership with pharma and our recent military operation with covid I assume they're lying until proven otherwise, and any proofs are very difficult to tease out. They want to continue scaring the crap out of people and remove our rights to more easily control and exploit us and I'm pretty sure psychopaths have no off switch.
They lock them in separate stalls until they die or recover.
Odds are that it is labeled "Made in America".
GOF ought to be strictly illegal--illegal for even dark, non-existent organizations.
Creation of new pathogens cannot redound to a net benefit. Theoretically, it allows discovery by granting insight into defensive mechanisms to get ahead of the pathogen if ever it occurred naturally. However, man has imperfect knowledge and less perfect manufactures, so nature will evade man's contrivances at will. Thus, GOF is nothing more than accelerating destruction of human condition.
If nature is going to throw pestilence upon the earth, best to allow nature's immune inventions to be the response to such insults, not man's inventions derived by GOF. To do otherwise allows a pathogen to develop with gains not possible or probable naturally and that therefore cannot be countered and tempered by natural responses.
Imagine "forever chemicals" that cannot be generated in nature and resist natural degradation. Now, apply that to pathogens.
Thank the Rockefellers 😝
Right, I mean there are strict regulations around dealing with uranium.
The question is why is it still difficult to obtain the repurposed drugs for early treatment of these viruses? This is a crime in itself.
Begs the question: Where do we go to find law enforcement that will launch a criminal investigation? Maybe the new HHS Sec'y will have an idea.
This is a multiple gain for Gates, Schwab/WEF, and global elites pushing for global governance. A severe reduction in food supplies, livestock, even migratory game some (including Venezuelan illegal immigrants?) that many folk eat - some for subsistence - along with the intended fear and control tyranny we saw with the Covid terrorism indulged in by governments all over the world - most notably here in America, the UK, Australia, and most of Europe.
Note that, due to the refusal of many of us to permit the injection of modRNA substances into our bodies, Gates and others are working on weaponizing mosquitoes bred to inject modRNA into humans at large, with neither informed consent nor even our knowledge of it when it happens, if they are successful. All for our own "good", of course.
These criminals must be stopped. Anyone who loves their children and grandchildren must perform citizens arrest on these monsters. They must be locked up before they kill more babies, children and everyone else. The covid "vaccine" is at this moment being injected into newborns. Criminal and it is murder.
I like your thinking, but our corrupt government is paying millions of our tax dollars for bodyguards for that genus-homo-cidal scum, Fauci. It would be very difficult to affect a citizen's arrest, and possibly fatal (considering that even IRS agents can use lethal force against any of us for mere tax violations, and unproven ones, at that).
Yes Fauci has been at this game a long long time. He murdered hundreds of thousands of people with AZT during the so called AIDS epidemic. AZT was very toxic and AIDS was a life style disease...not at all contagious. See Dr. Peter Duesberg's book INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS. Unfortunately Americans seem to have a very short memory. COVID may be related to the rollout of 5-G radiation from cell towers. COVID is just an AIDS replay and as usual they used our tax dollars against us...."vaccinating" and harming millions. Education is the answer. Sadly the people don't want to "learn"and the manipulators enjoy the profits from the cons as they "succeed" in sickening and killing enormous numbers of innocent victims. You see, they spent all our Social Security already and had to get rid of the "useless eaters"...Doctors are venerated as "saviors" all while committing mass murder. Until recently I lived in a "retirement community" and I witness first hand the depth of "denial" as "medical professionals" killed and harmed my neighbors. ... stroke, cancer, myocarditis. As you sow, so shall you reap. Ignorance kills, not viruses.
The harm and no accountability. A two-tiered justice system.
They will get the mRNA into us one way or another, in the air we breathe or the food we eat. We will be forced to comply against our will.
Gates is working on weaponizing mosquitoes, bred with a modRNA component to inject those who don't want to be injected. I have no idea if that is actually possible, but he is funding research to make it possible.
Yeah, I read that too and forgot to include it in my comment.
Thank you Mr. Leake. They certainly should be forced to stand trial before the People! Courts are dismissing cases left and right, globally- for attempting to make amends “legally.” Reparations of any type will likely be upto all of us.
ALL- please read. I read and value both authors.
I held the absolute highest esteem for Dr Nass.
Fantastic illustration of the current predicament of modern society's folly.
As Tesla observed already a hundred years ago, "Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
We've reached a bizarre culmination of the Tree of Knowledge narrative. The sheer volume of accessible information has created a paradox: we can now use data to support virtually any position, including that which is improbable, yet this abundance leaves us knowing less with certainty. It's become a form of intellectual black magic, where truth becomes malleable based on how skillfully one can manipulate and present data.
This transformation was prophetically described by Rudolf Steiner in 1917, who foresaw a future where humanity would become "extremely smart" yet disconnected from spiritual and natural wisdom (
We're witnessing this prediction unfold: highly intelligent individuals who've lost the capacity to recognize how their theoretical constructs have imprisoned rather than liberated their thinking.
This dynamic manifests strikingly in current debates around Gain-of-Function research and medical freedom, where we see a perfect illustration of what Thomas Kuhn identified in his analysis of scientific paradigms. The very tools used to challenge establishment thinking often become the chains that bind us to new forms of intellectual imprisonment.
Kuhn's insights illuminate our current predicament. In his seminal work "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" (1962), he defined a paradigm as a conceptual model that explains scientific observations, creating a framework through which we interpret reality.
What makes his analysis particularly relevant to our situation is that scientists perform "normal science" within their paradigm, often discarding observations that don't fit their framework as mere experimental error or patching up their existing paradigm to account for them.
And yet, while Kuhn's analysis focused on scientific communities, this unconscious bondage to mental frameworks extends far beyond laboratory walls. This pattern reveals itself powerfully in today's medical freedom discourse. Those who position themselves as challengers to the establishment often employ the same paradigmatic thinking they seek to oppose.
Now, in our unprecedented era where the internet provides universal access to scientific data, we witness a novel predicament: armed with studies, technical jargon, and data analysis, individuals across all spheres of society unknowingly mirror the methodological frameworks of those they critique.
The technical mastery required to challenge establishment science becomes itself a form of cognitive imprisonment, transcending professional boundaries and affecting how we all engage with reality.
The irony deepens when we consider that both sides in this debate might be equally trapped within their respective paradigms, unable to see how their theoretical constructs have become intellectual prisons.
As Max Planck observed, 'A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up familiar with it.'
Perhaps the real challenge isn't in marshaling more data or refining our technical arguments, but in recognizing how our very approach to understanding might be perpetuating the disconnection that Steiner foresaw.
In our quest to combat what we perceive as manipulation through technical expertise, we risk becoming masters of the very same craft, equally divorced from the deeper wisdom that might serve to prevent our self-annihilation.