You advise us to 'follow highly credentialed doctors taking care of patients in their practice with side effects after the vaccine' I agree and my advice is to also subscribe to the substacks of these doctors, with a paid subscription if you can possibly afford to, as these doctors, like yourself, are beyond invaluable in the fight against the global medical industrial complex.

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"Dr. McCullough offered no evidence . . . " Ridiculous! The reason I follow you is your amazing habit of citing every source of information, including names and dates, often from memory. I find that astonishing, and also reassuring, in that I know you won't make unfounded claims the way "fact checkers" do. Thanks again for your steadfast reliability.

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What's worse, is those so-called "fact checkers" are paid by our governments to stifle the voices of REAL scientists/physicians.

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But we can fight back on their website. I just did. The more people who do, particualrly licensed medical providers, the more they will become uncomfortable. I copied and pasted the comments I sent them below.

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Thank-you Dr. McCullough. I am grateful for your tireless efforts to publish and share the truth regarding the dangerous jabs.

One wonders who the so-called fact-checkers are in this case. I try to imagine such a person trolling the internet to attack a medical professional who is worth far more than his weight in gold. What is wrong with people?? They are anti-human.

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My thinking is our internet is controlled by the Middle East or China or both

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More likely, and as we have learned with the Twitter Files, our internet is controlled by traitors within the federal government and academia.

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Yes that one as well😩

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Hmmm...whom shall I believe - a pro "vaccine" fact-chucker (not a typo) web-site or Dr. Peter McCullough who has been seeing patients & saving lives since the beginning of the scamdemic? That's a tough one (not).

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At this point seems everyone in my social circle knows at least one person that has “”died suddenly” so I think the jig is up. Let them write away. No one believes the lies anymore with friends snd loved ones dropping

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Yup. If only 1.3% is getting the booster that the 10 mice got, you can rest assured the public is tired of this if nothing else. What’s important is if they are not getting the vaccine because they researched it and know the side effects.

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Thank you for your continued work. I just did an MCG (multifunction Cardiogram) on a 37 yo former military, robust health man. Since Dec 22, he has been in the ER 5 times and one hospitalization for severe chest pain. He has a d-dimer of 7 on initial ER in Dec of 22 as well as other visits although significantly lower and than normalized. All ECHOS, CT, MRIs of heart have been negative. All labs except elevated ESR have been negative. Not ONCE did they order a PAI1 or spiked protein levels. He has elevated spiked protein and his PAI1 is pending. His MCG reveals myocarditis and severe softening or elasticity to the heart muscle. This man is now getting the appropriate help, but after hundreds of thousands of dollars and they called it idiopathic pericarditis. Do know how many physicians need to go though re-training to think critically once again? It is downright sobering and chilling to even think about.

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If anyone is interested, you can submit your comments to this alleged group of fact checkers: Here is what I wrote followed with the Pub med link because the insisted they would only take verifiable comments seriously: Comment: This is a Pub Med search responding to your recent claims that Dr. Peter McCullough exaggerated claims about thromboembolism after the injection that is referred to as a “vaccine”. Maybe if you folks actually followed the science, you would know more than your patients:

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I must take issue with Dr. McCullough's closing lines.

1) “This brief exercise demonstrates how dangerous false counterclaims can be made by uncredentialed, internet blogger services deceiving the public on vaccine safety.”

As we should have learned during COVID censorship, credentials are no guarantee of veracity. In many cases, uncredentialed bloggers like myself got far closer to the truth than thousands of highly-credentialed doctors because while they were following orders, we were following common sense; and common sense prevailed.

What's more, many great and brave doctors (Dr. McCullough amongst them) were stripped of credentials by corrupt administrations and oversight boards. Their newfound lack of credentials didn't make them any less reliable, so it's a mistake to overemphasize the significance of credentials in discerning truth.

Credentials are powerless against corruption. Many people with impressive degrees sold out, rendering their credentials meaningless because knowing the truth is not enough; you must also be willing to tell the truth.

2) “Any blogger downplaying safety concerns is a public health risk.”

The fundamental assertion here is that “misinformation” = “public health risk.” If this sounds familiar, it’s because this is the exact same line censorious tyrants have been pushing on us for the last three years.

What’s worse, this phrasing plays directly into the hands of the globalists behind the UN/WHO's Pandemic Treaty, which effectively forfeits national sovereignty to the WHO in the name of combatting public health emergencies. It's no coincidence that "public health emergency" was the precise phrase used by New Mexico governor Michelle Lujan Grisham when she attempted to effectively nullify the Second Amendment in several counties. This will be a recurring theme going forward.

Furthermore, every falsehood creates the risk of bad results; that's baked into the falsehood cake. But to call the risk presented by a blogger's misinformation a "public" risk suggests that _everyone_ is being put at risk, which (in addition to being false) begs for government intervention. This is exactly the specious line of reasoning being employed by governments and media throughout the West in order to justify censorship.

Misinformation (real or perceived) must be permitted if we are to remain free because if we set the precedent that only truth may be spoken, those in power will simply declare their words to be truth and all opposing views to be misinformation. To paraphrase Thomas Sowell: the question is not "what is true" but "who decides what is true."

3. "Always, safety first."

Safety must never be first. I realize “safety first” has become a cultural cliché — something we repeat not because it’s true so much as because it’s familiar — but safety should never be first. In the words of Mike Rowe of "Dirty Jobs" fame:

“Were safety truly ‘first,’ no level of risk would ever be encouraged or permitted, and no work would ever get done. Or play, for that matter.”

Our physical wellbeing is certainly important (it’s literally a life-and-death issue), but to give it top billing is to deprioritize eternal, transcendent values such as truth, goodness, and liberty.

“Safety first” implies that nothing is more important than my physical life, which is another way of saying that there is nothing worth dying for; that any indignity is preferable to death. This is utterly at odds with what our Founders thought (as evidenced by both their statements and their willingness to face death for the cause of liberty), to say nothing of what God Himself says on the matter.


I don't believe I've ever disagreed with Dr. McCullough before, and I realize that I put what little reputation I have at risk by doing so now; the man is, after all, a hero in every sense that does not involve super powers. But these few statements instantly struck me as not only untrue but counter to the dual causes of liberty and truth for which he himself has put so much on the line.

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Agree to all. Especially your argument on 'credentials'. Which leads to this concept that only 'experts' have a right to an opinion, and that 'experts' should set public policy. Pernicious ideas which have entered the realm of the public and managed to achieve the status of 'everyone knows that'.

I wasted some time on the CBC comment section on an article proposing or pondering a ban on smoking. This 'the experts should set the policy' recurred several times. And Safety first, what about seatbelts huh? I said barking down 3 big macs a day and being morbidly obese was nearer the mark of a sister issue to smoking, maybe we should ban overeating, or failing that, make the obese pay for their stroke treatment. And so on. Cleaning your gutters after 2 beers and break your arm? Pay for it!

I was pleased to see at least half of the posters were in some sort of alignment with what I felt to be the principles, where does it stop? Smoking today, obesity tomorrow, climbing ladders, auto racing..... ban them all. I think people mostly got it. Lots of folk said ban overeating as a counterpoint, I never saw a rational reply. "we all have to eat" that was about it.

Anyways nice comment above, I expect our host will give it some attention, they are valid points.

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These clots are most definitely not normal. As a physical therapist, I've had many patients with strange blood clots after their injections, many end up in the hospital and then on blood thinners. 2 in particular had very LONG and RESISTANT clots. One patient showed me a photo the doctor took when he removed the clot - it was like an anatomy lesson. From iliac artery in the pelvis down into the femoral to just below the knee. THIS IS NOT NORMAL!!! The doc told the patient he suspected the jab but of course did not document it. In 25 years I have never seen this type of thing. Clots do not extend a foot or more.

Another patient has had to have 2 bypass grafts in the lower leg due to clots. This person has NO risk factors for this type of thing. I read the surgery report and it detailed how the doctor could NOT PASS the wire through the clot to break it up and thus the patient had to have a bypass. Now a second vessel adjacent to this is blocked and there will be another bypass.

There are more stories sadly but not enough time and space. I can count 5 patients who have died that I would bet money on were due to the jab as well. More suffering from strange ailments and sudden onset maladies that are unusual. Thankfully it's not more than approx 10-25% from my estimate. But still, it's too many.

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The amounts of stealth Bribery money "donated" into the dis-creditors under the "carpet" to bank accounts grows new .Orgs tentacles, names change but the game remains the same. No different than Robert L. Peters shell company paper "leave no trail" games while sifting international sands.

What kind of financial back door games lie ahead when all these global predators get control of a key to the coming "Digital only" cash management systems? Obviously these folks are continuing to rely on Pandemic style fear hypnosis to bolster Vaxx death and injury till the finance collapses.

Substack essays of this caliber remind us that clearly there is an invisible "EVIL" Empire at work.

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Just met a man, 78, mayor of a small city in WA, that said he got blood clots in his lungs right after J&J shot. Has had skin cancer since then as well. That’s on top of my mom that got ovarian cancer one month after J&J shot. It’s not just mRNA. It’s all vaccines. They don’t really know what the fuck they’re doing.

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is that Doscheyevsky(sp) in your avatar??!

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Indeed. You’re ready first to notice. I think substack should make them bigger

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My brother in law dropped dead in June a week shy of his 69th birthday - just fell to the floor dead. And a colleague's husband, same thing - I get so angry- but there's no going back. We can only move forward and protect our rights next time around.

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I sent Dr Bekal a little email note . . . asked the real motivation and scientific evidence behind his abstract tracts:

"Fortunately, COVID-19 vaccines have proven to be one of the most promising options in halting the progression of the pandemic.” and

". . . the benefits of receiving an mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine still outweigh the risks of post-vaccination complications.”

I expect: "crickets", but am hopeful!

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There are few public commenting sections left in the MSM. Really, shocking how they all disappeared. CBC still 'allows' comments on selected stories, and they allow comments on 'latest greatest booster recommended by Health Canada" surprisingly often.

So after getting huge numbers of comments 'deactivated' (where they still show as a blank and 'deactivated' on the thread, for all to see) I started playing a game with the thought police. So post something, it gets deactivated. Copy paste and change it around a bit, make sure your opinions are clearly such, and so on, post it again. Deactivated. Try again, drop a paragraph out, is it all right now? Try again, and again, and again. So I dont waste my time on posts which are instantly deactivated due to an automatic word check, bad words. I do this on posts which have a lag on banning, where an actual human being on the other side is being forced to repeatedly reconsider just what exactly is 'wrong' with a post. Its entertaining. Especially for a very active current thread, where you already have 3 likes and 6 responses and its all under 'deactivated'. An argument with an obvious too and fro, and one entire side of the argument is 'deactivated'. One 'opponent' even said hey whats going on nothing wrong with his opinions? Eh?". It makes people think, maybe a little. It makes the fact checkers perhaps look in the mirror, you make them reconsider your point 10 times framed differently, and most are just fine. They realize they are banning speech framed as opinion, framed as possibly not true, and even that is what, too dangerous? The 'truth' they are supporting so weak it cant take a contrary opinion?

Hard to say, makes those truth police work for their money. Their unease may grow? And your 'opponents' notice they can be rude, borderline personal, state opinion as fact, be illogical, and never a deactivated post. But they just read your careful, polite, logical refutation and 'poof' its gone. Makes them think too, I bet.

Any controversial topic and I can guarantee fully 1 in 4 deactivated posts. Its a sight.

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It IS FUN to tweak them, right?! Love it.

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Dr. Richard Fleming's work has covered and explained this issue in great detail. You and he should be assisting one another in this important work.

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I loved the article until the last sentence, “Always, safety first”.

That sort of thinking, and peoples’ obsession with the (false) promise of safety is kind of what got us to this point. That and germaphobia. And also general poor health. It’s not a good place for society to be. Nothing wrong with safety in general but fake safety through vaccination from viruses is such a scam.

Perhaps we could say instead, “Always, health first”…

Imagine if we said that to ourselves before we ate, participated in other life activities, and before we chose medical interventions. What if the medical system was centered around true health and encouraged people to embrace good health instead of instilling fear of dangerous viruses. If that had happened, no one would have chosen these injections because they did not promote health in anyway. This is how I taught my children and now that they are adults, none of them were even tempted to take the injections. (And my grand babies are injection free as well, thank God.) Just a thought as we continue on in this dystopian world.

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