I am a teacher 2.5 hours from the border. I promise you the issue is real. My reality is, within the last 1-2 years, the monolingual population is blowing up, and the educational system is taxed and cracking even more than it already was with teacher shortages and packed classrooms. Teachers now feel helpless as to where to even begin with students who can not write in English, but also can’t read or write in their native language. Teachers who speak Asian are non existent here. We have many Thai, Philippine, Chinese, etc. only speaking children in our small town of 60,000 now. The bilingual programs were maybe 20-30 students in 2021 at each school, with one bilingual teacher. Now we have 100+ students at each school, and 2-3 teachers.
I guess seeing it for yourself may be necessary to fully grasp the problem. I’ve watched the non English speaking population in a very small town triple to quadruple in just over a year. It’s very much a problem. The students of the parents here, paying taxes that go toward their children’s education, are the one’s suffering the most in this situation. As classroom sizes and students special needs go up exponentially, their education inevitably goes down due to less time with their teacher from insane class sizes to long term subs in teaching positions. I’m sure there are other truth tellers out there like me, whose reality has very much changed because our borders are wide open. It’s not about living the reality, it’s about educating yourself so your head is no longer in the sand and understanding there is a crisis, even if it’s not at your doorstep, and gathering the stories like mine that prove how detrimental to many systems and American ways of life this disregard for our borders is.
I hope others who have similar stories will share them, and help educate others on just what is being broken by these open border policies.
We too are in education (SoCal). And little over an hour from the border. Life long southern Californians, and I can tell you we have seen the immigration come and go over the last 60 years of our life. THIS IS NOT THE SAME! It's a criminal infiltration of fentanyl, cartels, Chinese nationals (setting up illegal labs for the CCP), traffickers etc.
Obama is in his third term with OBiden…rumors of five doubles and no public speaking by the bumbler to fool you. A stage was rumored to have been built …Hollywood tricks with film and makeup.
I agree with you about Obaminable’s third term. I’m not so sure about the body doubles though. However, it is clear that Xiden has to be well rested and medicated before doing any planned public speaking.
I've seen the comparison photos of the old Joe Biden with the current Joe Biden and the differences are glaringly obvious. That they could pull this off is breathtaking to say the least. It more than implies that Deceptive, evil people are running the show
On Tucker's show last night he played a clip of Van Johnson, corrupt black politician from 1st part of Obama admin., recommending to other pundits in a circle of talking idiots(CNBC or MSNBC, CNN, or ?), that Biden should just hide in the basement. They are saying in the open what had been only whispered. Certainly Xiden will not be debating Trump or in public except for extremely limited clips to show he is "alive" while the MSM pundits around the world cover for these Socialist traitors of our country.
Basically, this is what I have finally concluded is REALLY happening:
-- The PTB are a few billionaires manipulating these entities: the WEF, the UN, China, USA, the UK, Australia, Germany, France, Germany, New Zealand, Mexico. . . uh, maybe I missed one or two!
-- They have SO much money buying them off is minimal expense.
-- 10 to 15 years ago they transitioned all of Western Europe by causing the emmigration of Muslims and poor from Africa and middle east; now these peoples have disrupted all these country's and change their cultures permanently.
-- It worked well in this trial balloon; they learned how to optimally accomplish the overrun of countries without war and kept those countries intact, sleeping, and accepting of their fate.
-- We are seeing the final and fully planned out final stage of their MAIN goal-- the DISSOLUTION OF AMERICA, now!
Try googling body doubles makeup etc. seen a number of them. Watch the ear lobes, the eyes, the walk vs the shuffle,
The mouth formation around the teeth. Always dark glasses hiding the eyes. Also chin has some anomaly at some angles. Ear lobes are biggy. Hollywood masks and makeup are amazing! Google that, too.
Oh, all the better set up for the WEF/WHO to swoop in and fix it for us....they will use the mess as justification to have Marshall Law. Because it is a dangerous, scary, health crisis...don't ya know...
In 2023, Biden’s open border policy surpassed one migrant for every newborn.1 Why was it a deliberate policy?
Kalergi’s goal: under the guise of humanitarianism, anti-racism and multi-culturalism, to destroy nations from within creating division and conflict, by:
a) flooding countries with uncontrolled migration (especially, socialists, criminals and rapists) and
b) assuring that they are not assimilated/integrated in the national culture
Coudenhove-Kalergi, simplified as Kalergi, was a mason backed by illuminati Rothschild and Warburg money. They started out by destroying the national and European cultures with massive immigration since the 70s.
Kalergi: “The (European) man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space (nations), time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals”
Kalergi Europe
24 Oct 2023. One result: “Two defenseless elderly women, age 93 and 95, were brutally raped at a hospital in France last Sunday. Both women died in the days that followed after the horrors they endured.
The suspect, Samir B., a 40-year-old, who was already known to the police for sexual assault, was released (!!!) under judicial supervision after 48 hours only.
Five days ago, a 23 y/o British woman visiting Paris was raped at knifepoint right next to Eiffel Tower by a North-African man in the bushes.
I sound like an broken record, but European women truly aren’t safe in Europe anymore. At any age.
We haven’t safe been since our elites started importing fighting age savages from archaic societies, and we’re just letting it happen.
We’re letting our civilization be invaded and destroyed, and our women raped and murdered.
People apparently just don’t care enough.” 2
22 Jan 2024. Mason UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak paid £36 million to private boats, operating a free “taxi service” for illegal migrants, picking them up in the middle of the Channel and ferrying them to the Port of Dover: 600 illegal boat migrants have been brought ashore, following around 30,000 successful crossings last year. 3
The Border Force has even been reported to have travelled into French territorial waters to pick up migrants and bring them to British soil. 4
The government set aside £224 million to begin procuring five new cutters and six coastal patrol vessels in April of 2022, yet the process of replacing the current Border Force fleet was first pushed back to April of 2024 and now is not expected to begin until March of 2026: this deliberate 4-year procrastination had the target of turning the Border Force “ineffective”. If the government actually wanted to deter illegal boat migration, it should adopt a send-back-the-boats approach like that adopted in Australia. 5
Kalergi USA
23 Dec 2023. NGOs provided illegals in South and Central America with critical maps to show routes to the southern US border. 6
Even from Ecuador, which doesn’t require passports for entry so many Chinese and Africans are using that route:
United Nations UNHCR Darién Gap Map pointing to the USA:
“NGO Amigos Del Tren hands out train route maps showing the various train routes to the United States and assists aliens in riding the ‘Train of Death’, also known as ‘La Bestia’ (The Beast).” 7
16 Jan 2024. In 2023, nearly a quarter million immigrants crossing the US border per month! 8 This means 3 million per year: “an illegal alien pipeline for what it is: a United Nations-weaponized migration agenda masquerading as an organic humanitarian crisis. Aliens receive aid in the form of legal assistance, food packages, healthcare, maps, and the United Nations International Organization of Migration, also known as the IOM, hands out pamphlets detailing how to put on a condom. 9
18 Jan 2024. Journalist James O'Keefe uncovered a "shadowy network of secretive nonprofits" (some of which are funded by taxpayers) that are facilitating the invasion of illegals on the US southern border. "Alita's Angels" is a "brand-new nonprofit with no tax records on file", funded by FEMA government agency. 10
20 Jan 2024. “US citizens traveling domestically have to show a valid identification card or a passport to board a plane, but signs at certain airports say there are easier rules for some newly arrived (immigrants): Transport Security Administration is working with Customs and Border Protection to “validate adult non-US citizen travel documentation when the traveler does not otherwise have an acceptable form of identification”. No US ID, no alien ID, no photo requirement, only voluntary “biographic information” (like “I come from Ecuador”) without any proof of origin and without any consequences for lying because the information about the migrant is not stored !!!
Kalergi’s plan was updated to groom unaccompanied minors in order to use them for sex trafficking and human sacrifices.
I'm about to post this article (still have to add some amazing data):
Excellent post. Perhaps a bit too long for most readers, but well defines the ongoing Kalergi plan of 1923. The executive and legislative branches of 'government' are in violation of their fiduciary obligations, period. Refer to: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 69 - NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/part-I/chapter-69
Ginger here-- a new documentary has just been brought to my attention--here is the description and the link:
Muckraker followed the entire mass migration trail from Quito, Ecuador to the United States border, a journey which included:
Crossing the Darién Gap.
Discovering secret Chinese hotels.
Getting smuggled into Mexico by the Sinaloa Cartel.
Embedding with a massive caravan.
Riding the Mexican Train of Death.
And finally, getting kidnapped by the Gulf Cartel.
In this documentary, you will learn how the United Nations is executing an industrial scale weaponized migration program and you will see the entire route that millions of illegal aliens are following to the United States every year
I wrote Schumer about this- he thinks we are humanitarians so we need to let them in. He says the donations for wall were misused or fraudulent- I say it’s taxation without representation-using my school dollars to put our kids online while illegals sleep at school. Disaster is what it is. Just cultivating votes, crime and destruction of American prosperity
He is a flaming moron, and a Traitor, to boot! Hundreds of thousands of military-aged men from China (CCP, PLA) are flooding in, along with countless Jihadi fighters from radical Muslim countries that hate us and hate our way of life! They are not shy about declaring WAR against The Great Satan (us). This invasion has reached crisis proportions with so many military-aged men (about 80% of the illegals) affiliated with terrorist groups flooding across our non-existant borders and being pre-positioned to attack us! These are NOT REFUGEES OR "MIGRANTS"! THIS IS AN INVASION FORCE CALCULATED TO DESTROY OUR COUNTRY!!!!!
I was on a plane from Texas to Nebraska- connecting flight- gentleman had my seat. He smiled and showed stewardess his phone and said I could be upgraded to first class. My daughter took that seat and I took hers. He told me he was delivering this illegal immigrant to “a relative in Omaha “ and his partner had one too. What are the odds of two illegals having a relative in Omaha? Was paid for by you and I. The man said his job paid him so much money he was taking a vacation and paying for his mom, dad, brother to go to Florida for a week for free. He got free airfare, food, travel, hotel. And yes my flight was at 11pm so the stories of dropping them off in middle America were true. Here in upstate ny we have more and more non English speaking people- how go they get jobs? Are they contributing in taxes?
My nephew texted me last night about bunch of refugees/migrants who were brought in last night on an evening flight from Chicago to our city with their IOM bags!!! They are invading us and our corrupt governments are covering up and allowing it!
Schumer has only one country he cares about and that isn't the US it is Palestine as was and as is and as shall always be though for some strange reason he calls the country Israel. If you remember God destroyed Israel 2,000 years ago for disrespecting his son and what God has put assunder only a complete moron like Schumer would try to resurrect. According to Schumer a wall is fine for fake Israel but not for the US.
Amazing how many of our "representatives" and constitutional office holders have dual citizenship with "Israel" and for some reason no disclosure is required. All of this crap is planned and has been for a very long time.
I remember a speech given in 1943 or thereabouts by a certain Austrian chap who said that the state they were attempting to build there would mean that they could have a place to run to after stealing wealth in the West and that they would never be extradited back from there. I heard him giving the speech on Youtube a few years back now and I was amazed at the prescience of it then and it is even more correct today than it was then. He clearly was not the madman that their controlled press paint him as. WE saw Ghislane Maxwell's father steal the pensions of British people working for him and "have an accident" aboard his yacht in the Canary islands and be buried in occupied Palestine on the mount of olives within 24 hrs. There are many that suspect that he was alive in occupied Palestine for many years after his "demise". His two sons who were in charge of the companies the pension monies were stolen from said in court that they had no idea what their father was doing with the pension money and a British jury cleared them of all involvement which many people at the time found rather strange as they were supposed to be in charge of those companies and clearly failed in their duties to the pensioners. As I recall his "widow" was not even required to hand back all of those stolen funds but you can look up the story yourself to confirm these things as my memory may be faulty as it all happened in the mid-90's.
Whitney Webb's books One Nation Under Blackmail - vol 2 covered the Maxwell connection. They (Committee of 300/Royal Institute of International Affairs) have been controlling things for centuries. The purpose is to divide and conquer and subdue what is left of the population. The population will naturally cry out for the government to do something - which always seems to result in more of your rights being taken (think Covid). Some background on goals of NWO and how to achieve it is in an old video of a former CIA agent, Dr. John Coleman https://rumble.com/embed/v2hpv40/?pub=m6fb1 -incredible background which sheds light on the plan.
Yes and no. Yes, Schumer is a self-hating Jew (which is obvious from the way he votes.) I would disagree with you regarding Israel as it is the apple of God's eye. Yes, many/most of the Jewish people rejected Jesus, but there are almost a million Jews in Israel who are believers in Jesus. (Messianic Jews) God is not done with Israel. Read Ezekiel 16:60, 38 and 39. The book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ Chapter 20. These are just a few of the many prophetic verses regarding Jesus ruling and reigning for a thousand years from Jerusalem.
Israel is a people not a place and that people are Hebrews made up of the twelve tribes and the tribe of Judah, the Jews, is only one small part of Israel and the Sephardic Jews are the only real Jews in this world with the others being fakes of Khazarian blood that carry not a single trace of the Abrahamic blood. Europeans including the Russians and all other Slavs are the Hebrews and thus Europe, including Russia, is Israel if you want to stick a geographic centre to it. That is what galls these "jews" so much, they are not included in any of God's promises to Abraham. There is a reason that Ben Gurion gasped "What have we done" when the results of the first DNA tests came back in the earlyt 70's to show that Sephardic Jews and Palestinians were identical i.e. were Hebrews and his people, the Khazarians, had no more genetic link to Abraham than a flea on a rat does. And Jesus has a new name and rules in New Jerusalem not from some dusty dump in the middle East.
Yes, John and Peter should. If they are thinking soft on this, then they are like RFK, Jr. Funny we're hearing this from John right after Trump wins both Iowa and New Hampshire. Now it's obviously to them that Trump will be in the General Election, and not Global Nikki Haley. Their "boy" RFK,JR., of course, is a Globalist. RFK, JR. STILL refuses to say he will exit the WHO, if elected, because "the WHO helps many poor people in the world."
1. he needs to get elected so 'of course' cant spook the normies? Do you think he should in any way moderate his talk?
2. that you dont have a lock on exactly what is going on in the world? That to belong to your group of the 'fully enlightened' really might mean just a particular set of beliefs of some fairly exact things going on, which are hard to prove and really amount to guesses?
I am NOT saying you are wrong. I AM saying that expecting conformity with your exact version is dangerous, and divisive.
My personal eg is chemtrails, after some work and direct observations I think they are real. However, and this is the point, I dont require my allies to believe this. I only expect my allies to conform with the concept that there is much wrong in the world, that there is malignant intent behind some of the things going on, and we need to resist. That is sufficient.
I could be wrong, but my belief is RFK, Mr Leake, and P Malone are all allies. And so are the Breggins, T Carlson and B Weinstein. Close enough.
Just saw a huge staging area aerial photo supposedly in Panama. Like where they gather before heading this way. So it is very planned out and I'm sure our own money being smuggled there thru NGO's and shell companies with deceptive names.
On Tucker's show last night he played a clip of Van Johnson(Edit: Jones), corrupt black politician from 1st part of Obama admin., recommending to other pundits in a circle of talking idiots(CNBC or MSNBC, CNN, or ?), that Biden should just hide in the basement. They are saying in the open what had been only whispered. Certainly Xiden will not be debating Trump or in public except for extremely limited clips to show he is "alive" while the MSM pundits around the world cover for these Socialist traitors of our country.
Basically, this is what I have finally concluded is REALLY happening:
-- The PTB are a few billionaires manipulating these entities: the WEF, the UN, China, USA, the UK, Australia, Germany, France, Germany, New Zealand, Mexico. . . uh, maybe I missed one or two!
-- They have SO much money buying them off is minimal expense.
-- 10 to 15 years ago they transitioned all of Western Europe by causing the emmigration of Muslims and poor from Africa and middle east; now these peoples have disrupted all these country's and change their cultures permanently.
-- It worked well in this trial balloon; they learned how to optimally accomplish the overrun of countries without war and kept those countries intact, sleeping, and accepting of their fate.
-- We are seeing the final and fully planned out final stage of their MAIN goal-- the DISSOLUTION OF AMERICA, now!
The term “border crossing identification card” means a document of identity bearing that designation issued to an *alien* who is lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or to an alien who is a resident in foreign contiguous territory, by a consular officer or an immigration officer for the purpose of crossing over the borders between the United States and foreign contiguous territory in accordance with such conditions for its issuance and use as may be prescribed by regulations. Such regulations shall provide that (A) each such document include a biometric identifier (such as the fingerprint or handprint of the alien) that is machine readable and (B) an alien presenting a border crossing identification card is not permitted to cross over the border into the United States unless the biometric identifier contained on the card matches the appropriate biometric characteristic of the alien. [End quote]
The number is at least double the one they are giving us.
With a good friend in border law enforcement and personally living in Southern California, the reality is: they are seeing about 85% of these illegal crossings as young men of military age from Central/South America, China, Middle Eastern countries and Africa. They are peddling drugs, illegal weapons, children, young women for the sex trade… Nefarious purposes, indeed. And that's not the ones on terror watch lists.
Yes, Ben Bergquam and his co-workers from Real America’s Voice have done a superb job of documenting the illegal immigration crisis. They have put themselves in danger to show us what’s happening when the lame stream networks ignore the problem. They have talked to some of these people on air, asking them where they have come from and where they are going, Ben and his other documentarians have been to the Darien Gap and walked with these people. They have shown us the “rape trees” with little girls underwear and women’s undergarments hanging from them. They have shown us communities along the routes south of the border loaded with trash. We have seen train loads of people sitting on top of the trains heading for the US. They have shown us the very long lines of people walking along our border fence toward the ports of entry. They have been to the border towns showing us how these people are being loaded onto buses. They have been to NYC and Chicago to show you the immigrants exiting buses and being brought into fancy hotels, too expensive for me to stay at. I’ve seen the footage of these people coming off buses and led into schools with citizen parents outside complaining that their children were told they would have to attend their classes online so that the school can house these people. Schools have given up their gymnasia to house them. Are the airports not housing some of them? Jonathan, are you trying to tell us that this is not reality? How about the poor people in Detroit complaining about illegals being prioritized over them for public services? Are you suggesting that the documentaries that I am seeing are fake news as the lamestream media has been guilty of, such as when NBC has famously done, filming fake events?
So far Trumps a blow hard, Israel's guilty of genocide and there's no border crises or people housing illegal immigrants. IMO I also know all I need to know. Let people talk long enough and they'll show you who they are. Very sad because we need those who seek truth not truth makers
Agree. I'm wondering if he wears glasses? Maybe he needs an eye exam and a new prescription. Got hearing aides? Maybe crank them up to 11.
Just bc there's no muslim terrorists, slimy child trafficking pedos or drug kingpin fentynyl hustlers on your street don't mean they aint invading this country like something from walking dead.
Some useful sites for you could be Infowars, News Target, Ickonic, MANY other Substacks.
Your "lived experience" is dubious.
PS Maybe your TV is stuck on mute and the closed cap is coming in swahili or croatian and/or you only watch Disney Chan and Housewives of XYZ.
And secreted God knows where…just like in Obama’s term…crossing border in blacked out busses and not required to stop . Some wicked this way comes. We are in OBiden’s term now…
Why would they be homeless? When they cross the border they are given cell phones and $2000-$4000 cash and told to ask for gift cards at local churches which is happening Columbus Ohio. We have local churches offering all kinds of services, medical, dental. They are working in fast food. I live in a nice condo area. But when I drive through the adjoining apartments there are only foreigners loading their children on buses. In New York City they are being housed in the schools and American school children are being required to do online school. I have seen the video footage.
As someone who lives where the demographics have gone from 75-80% caucasian, to somewhere in the mid forties, I can attest they are definitely here. I can walk through stores and not hear a single conversation in English.
Their family culture lends them to house many generations and extended families in the same house. What would normally be a 4-5 person residence often will have 15-20 family members (or more) under the same roof. Many small farm communities are 90%+ non english speaking, where city counsel meetings are done in Spanish. As for the rest of the aliens from other corners of the globe, who don't have the UFW organization, most have headed for the metro areas that have a robust welfare system.
This manifestation of Cloward-Piven will crush the American socio, political and economic engine, just like those two radicals proposed back in 1966.
Exactly!!! The churches are very complicit in this!!!! They are not helping our country!!! Money speaks louder than words and so much for their fake Christian faith!!! Catholic charities, etc., are traitors!!
Watch Muckraker... it is the UN IOM paying for all of it (churches are but one pawn). The contracts to the huge non-profits coordinating the trafficking likely share but a tiny percent of their ill-gotten gains with the migrants. Probably yet another gov sponsored money laundering scheme. Voting cattle is the first goal.
I never realized that until my nephew contacted me to look it up while he was at the airport last night and all these refugees were brought in with these IOM bags! I’ll check out the movie. Thanks.
It's a bit early on yet. Until they build them residences. . .
I have noticed over the last year in our rural county how a number of apartment buildings are going up. It just does not seem as though their could be that much pent up demand, yet her they are popping like crocuses in spring.
I don't know where you live, but here in my area of Southern California, the homeless and immigrant population of the streets has grown by leaps and bounds in the last 2 1/2 years.
Are you Middle Class or higher? If so, you will not see them in supermarkets near where you live. They are illegal and unjustly here, yes, BUT that does not mean they have to income WE have to live by and shop in our favorite Whole Foods and QFC neighborhood grocery stores.
They aren't homeless. They are given thousands of $ by US. They are renting. They probably do not shop in your Middle Class neighborhood. They are careful with their money and buying food.
Even illegal alien proponents say that there are ‘only’ 11 million or so illegals in the US. And that number is surely a vast understatement, given that they’ve been making the same claim for the last thirty years.
I’m not sure where you got your 8 million number, but I’ve seen credible estimates that there are more than 20 million illegal aliens in the US, and that figure was before Biden took office.
Untold millions have been here for decades . The demographic shift in public school enrollment, along with the explosion of ESL programs across the country, provides proof , and millions of their U. S. born children have reached voting age .
No, you know that most Americans are not insane. Your 3 examples are ALL Medical issues. If American DOCTORS taught us how to be healthy and stood up with courage opposing the shots, and demanding we be given access to Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine, Americans would be healthier. The DOCTORS are at fault - not the people just trying to make a living.
I don't think the situation is limited to doctors. It is the System. The zillionaires have bought off the docs, the main stream media, the institutions, etc., so now most people are beholden to them for their paychecks, and thus cater to their version of Truth.
It is not LIMITED to doctors, but whom more appropriate to teach us about our health than doctors? I don't see how doctors are not firstly responsible.
Possibly because WE are supposed to be responsible for ourselves in every area of our life. Yes, medicine has failed us, our gov has failed. The nanny state has trained us to look to “others” when it’s truly our responsibility to care for ourselves.
And, during the last census, citizen status was not allowed to be asked. I believe it is in Georgia that a bill was introduced that would require citizenship to vote in the state. Imagine that! We know that some states are allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections. Well, if you believe that those noncitizens will not also be voting in federal elections, I have a bridge to cell you. And why do you think the left wants to give these illegal immigrants drivers licenses?
I lived in Vermont before moving south. They allowed illegal immigrants to get licenses many years ago, saying most were needed farm workers who had to drive to get to doctor's appointments and the like. Those who objected were called racist, bigoted etc, of course. Now at least three cities that I know of allow them to vote "only in state and municipal elections". Sure. When we moved 5 years ago, no IDs were required to vote. You just gave your name and address and they checked you off the voter rolls. Seems easy enough to add (inadvertently or deliberately) ineligible voters to the federal election voter rolls. BTW, in 2020, we both got postcards asking if we wanted absentee ballots...mailed to our Georgia address from Vermont. I wonder if they would have mailed us those ballots if we had requested them,
In many places, ballots are being mailed out to everyone, even if they did not request them. Many people report receiving multiple ballots in the mail. We really need to get back to one-day voting, called Election Day, paper ballots and voter ID. Election Day should be made a national holiday. Absentee ballots only upon request by members of the military, people confined to the hospital or home, or people with a valid excuse for not being in their state on Election Day.
I thought you guys were smart researchers. If I asked my 12 year old to find out where all the immigrants are going, and where the greatest concentrations are, he would find out in about 15 mins. In fact I just asked him to. Also, I was a cop in Arlington TX back in the 90s and worked the Hispanic projects in the south east. Literally everyone there was illegal, but they lived in section 8 and for the most part had jobs and stayed out of trouble. After trying to get ICE to deport the ones we caught, and told to let them go, we just stopped trying. Ok, while I wrote this, my son came back and told me to have you guys look up Ben Burquam and Oscar Blue Ramirez. You’re welcome John, I found them for you.
No, John, we don't need to see in person the 6,000,000 to 8,000,000 illegals who have recently INVADED (I mean ENTERED) our country. Rest assure, the Democrats are using OUR TAX money to give them food, shelter, medical care, psychological services, education. They're even sleeping in our schools, while the bleeding heart liberals have ejected our own kids from the schools to go "learn at home!!)
People like these illegals are very, very good at staying under the radar.
Sure you're not questioning the number who are here, are you? If so, then you're a Nikki Haley supporter.
After all, the goal is at some point this year, for our vile government to give our medical sovereignty to the WHO.
American citizens are already less than replacement reproduction add in the hopelessness of Gen X and Z, the repercussions of being jabbed, over and over and over again… You now have a country overrun with illegal foreigners, who rapidly reproduce and out number the countries citizens, with completely different ideologies, beliefs and goals.
Reagan said something to the affect: "a country without borders will cease to be a country".
Also, I don't go around saying this because I appreciate what Dr. Peter McCullough has done, but MCCULLOUGH HATES TRUMP and wants to see him hung. John is beholden to Peter. They work partially for RFK,JR's CHD.
I can see why McCullough or anyone else might hate Trump for not disavowing the COVID jabs. But, as even Dr. McCullough knows, those gene bioweapons were developed before Trump was even in office. Moderna had a patent on theirs already. Trump was too trusting in the medical “experts” like so many others. This is his Achilles heel. But Trump never mandated the shots and he said he never would. He went along with the “15 days to prevent the spread” lockdowns, to allow time to restore the stockpile of PPE and ventilators, not knowing how they would be misused. It was governors who continued the lockdowns long after Trump said that the cure should not be made worse than the disease. I wish Trump would recognize what a huge catastrophe the jabs are. I can see why Leake and McCullough would be friendly toward RFK Jr because of his work regarding vaccines. I also respect RFK Jr for his exposé’s on vaccines and the Children’s Health Defense. But, other than that, he is a flaming progressive on so many issues that are designed to take your freedoms away from us. I hope that our country can survive until next year when, God willing, we will see another Trump presidency and we can start to undue the havoc wreaked on our country and restore our freedoms that the Marxists in our government have been trying to do away with.
He doesn't hate Trump, but is justifiably angry at the way he mishandled the entire Covid/Covid "vaccine" debacle. I'm sure you will make the excuse that he was fooled by Fauci, but there were many, many other esteemed scientists and doctors who advocated against the lockdowns, the rushed "vaccine" that Trump still brags about and says, without evidence, "saved hundreds of millions of lives", masking toddlers and all the other nonsense propagated by Trump's task force and administration. If Fauci could fool him, who else can? Stop with the wanting him hung nonsense.
Have you seen the pics and video of the border. The ppl crossing into our country. Bus and plane loads being dropped off day in and day out for over 3 years. I believe there is an invasion. They are in hotels, aitports, military bases, schools, librarys, shrltrs, parks and they are still crossing. Many military age men. They dont get vaxed, they get free phones, computers, min $2,200 a month, free room and food. We are paying for it. Incomprehensable, but its happening. Our gov is making sure our borders are wide open and welcoming. Are there really 2 political partys. Non stop for 3+ years.
Jennifer Jones - exactly! Of all the things he could write about…why this? And no matter how he tries to couch his words, a synopsis of this post is: ‘It’s said there are millions of illegal aliens in the USA, but Peter and I never see any of them’. So, where are John and Peter on any given day? He doesn’t mention anything about that, nor does he say they’ve actually looked for illegals. And have he or Peter done a quick, casual internet search for articles, videos, and first-hand accounts? It’s in our face daily! So, yeah, I can’t help but be suspicious about the point of this article. Frankly, it’s weird.
Take your allies where you find and HOW you find them. First they may be writing or speaking for someone other than full on redpilled folk, and second we dont all have to agree on the details of just what cabal is doing what exactly? For eg, I personally am concerned that some sort of spraying of this or that is occurring, you know, look up, but I wouldn't expect my fellow allies to agree and I dont bring it up.
To understand we are under threat from global predators is sufficient, the details are NOT.
And I trust my senses, or choose to trust them. I detect no malignance or ill intent by Leake, I consider him a solid ally if perhaps a little naive now and then. But I could be wrong too, on where I feel him 'naive'. So lets all squash our tendency to need to be right about everything and move along with the blunting or defeat of 'the cabal';s plan.
I am SURE of one thing, everytime the Breggins and Malone get into it, for eg, and all associated internal squabbles, the Vampire Squid overlords squirm and twist with delight, watching us 'eat our own'.
I should say, since Malone is not popular in this particular forum, that it seems obvious Malone is not some sort of angel, not at all. Without knowing the details I am distressed at the lawsuit and ill will. BUT, and this is it, someone explain how what he has said and done over the last several years has helped the cabal? This is obviously not true, he has hurt them, considerably, I expect they wish him dead already. The Breggins are ALSO my allies. This is obvious as well. But we are eating our own, to some extent. Folk are just folk, warts and all. We can agree there is a plan to hurt us, isn't that sufficient?
Also, I initially planned to dump Malone's sub but reneged and am still with him for the very reasons you express. Patriots really need to stick together, period.
"Where are they dwelling and how are their basic biological needs being met? I’m not saying they don’t exist; I’m just saying that I haven’t seen any of them, even though I live in a border state."
Do you simply not understand what a RHETORICAL question is, Jennifer?!
Do you not understand that his "questioning" has instigated an eruption of the truth in the comment section?
Multiple examples have arisen from folks here explaining to you why these people are not being "seen".
I'm pretty sure they're staying with my friend, Jose. (Joking.)
I think you're right to question where they are. But a lot of them have family here already. I teach middle school ESL and most of my classes are Hispanic, who tend to be more family oriented and take care of each other. That's probably why you don't see so many of them technically homeless. Whites and blacks are victims of "the independent American" myth that became popular in post-WWII era. Hispanics stay with family until they can afford their own place. Not sure if that can account for everybody, but lots for sure.
I've had the same thoughts about the following:
I've never met a white supremacist, and I've been white all my life (except for that time in college when I experimented with my race. You know. Like college kids do.) Yet Biden thinks white supremacists are more dangerous than al quaida.
I've never known an anti-Semite, but antisemitism is up 300%.
I never knew anyone who died of covid, but it killed many millions(?). It's right to question these things.
Biden videos over his entire career document his own virulent racism. When video proof and actual racist Biden quotes were shown to black citizens in variuous videos they were astounded and truly gobsmacked at the words that came out of Biden's mouth. Filthy racist shit.
I've never met a Nazi in Australia, but groups of masked men in black wearing similar boots are appearing in mainstream media photos, probably engineered, to support the "Far Right" rhetorical lie.
Oh dear:( Australia was fooled. Sad you think this. You don’t think it’s the sicko? Cuz quite frankly I have had it with the progressives, dems, rinos, republicans- they all are terrible and traitors. By you giving credence to that shows you have been fooled
In small towns in the West, people with very little money live in motels. Most of us don’t pay attention to hotels, but I’m sure they are hosting some of these families.
You should follow Michael Yon, Lara Logan, Oscar Blue, Muckraker News or Ben Berquam on Twitter. They follow the invasion up close and personal and have verified proof that it is happening.
And you can watch “Law and Border” with Ben Bergquam on Real America”s Voice. Ben works with Oscar Blue and others on RAV to document the illegal immigration crisis.
I am a teacher 2.5 hours from the border. I promise you the issue is real. My reality is, within the last 1-2 years, the monolingual population is blowing up, and the educational system is taxed and cracking even more than it already was with teacher shortages and packed classrooms. Teachers now feel helpless as to where to even begin with students who can not write in English, but also can’t read or write in their native language. Teachers who speak Asian are non existent here. We have many Thai, Philippine, Chinese, etc. only speaking children in our small town of 60,000 now. The bilingual programs were maybe 20-30 students in 2021 at each school, with one bilingual teacher. Now we have 100+ students at each school, and 2-3 teachers.
I guess seeing it for yourself may be necessary to fully grasp the problem. I’ve watched the non English speaking population in a very small town triple to quadruple in just over a year. It’s very much a problem. The students of the parents here, paying taxes that go toward their children’s education, are the one’s suffering the most in this situation. As classroom sizes and students special needs go up exponentially, their education inevitably goes down due to less time with their teacher from insane class sizes to long term subs in teaching positions. I’m sure there are other truth tellers out there like me, whose reality has very much changed because our borders are wide open. It’s not about living the reality, it’s about educating yourself so your head is no longer in the sand and understanding there is a crisis, even if it’s not at your doorstep, and gathering the stories like mine that prove how detrimental to many systems and American ways of life this disregard for our borders is.
I hope others who have similar stories will share them, and help educate others on just what is being broken by these open border policies.
We too are in education (SoCal). And little over an hour from the border. Life long southern Californians, and I can tell you we have seen the immigration come and go over the last 60 years of our life. THIS IS NOT THE SAME! It's a criminal infiltration of fentanyl, cartels, Chinese nationals (setting up illegal labs for the CCP), traffickers etc.
Obama is in his third term with OBiden…rumors of five doubles and no public speaking by the bumbler to fool you. A stage was rumored to have been built …Hollywood tricks with film and makeup.
You would think the doubles would at least be somewhat coherent.
happy they are incompetent! at least we can see thru their "showstopping" performance!
That's my logic exactly, unless they are going to give him the boot this summer and try to install a "manchurian candidate."
I agree with you about Obaminable’s third term. I’m not so sure about the body doubles though. However, it is clear that Xiden has to be well rested and medicated before doing any planned public speaking.
I've seen the comparison photos of the old Joe Biden with the current Joe Biden and the differences are glaringly obvious. That they could pull this off is breathtaking to say the least. It more than implies that Deceptive, evil people are running the show
On Tucker's show last night he played a clip of Van Johnson, corrupt black politician from 1st part of Obama admin., recommending to other pundits in a circle of talking idiots(CNBC or MSNBC, CNN, or ?), that Biden should just hide in the basement. They are saying in the open what had been only whispered. Certainly Xiden will not be debating Trump or in public except for extremely limited clips to show he is "alive" while the MSM pundits around the world cover for these Socialist traitors of our country.
Basically, this is what I have finally concluded is REALLY happening:
-- The PTB are a few billionaires manipulating these entities: the WEF, the UN, China, USA, the UK, Australia, Germany, France, Germany, New Zealand, Mexico. . . uh, maybe I missed one or two!
-- They have SO much money buying them off is minimal expense.
-- 10 to 15 years ago they transitioned all of Western Europe by causing the emmigration of Muslims and poor from Africa and middle east; now these peoples have disrupted all these country's and change their cultures permanently.
-- It worked well in this trial balloon; they learned how to optimally accomplish the overrun of countries without war and kept those countries intact, sleeping, and accepting of their fate.
-- We are seeing the final and fully planned out final stage of their MAIN goal-- the DISSOLUTION OF AMERICA, now!
Try googling body doubles makeup etc. seen a number of them. Watch the ear lobes, the eyes, the walk vs the shuffle,
The mouth formation around the teeth. Always dark glasses hiding the eyes. Also chin has some anomaly at some angles. Ear lobes are biggy. Hollywood masks and makeup are amazing! Google that, too.
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
Oh, all the better set up for the WEF/WHO to swoop in and fix it for us....they will use the mess as justification to have Marshall Law. Because it is a dangerous, scary, health crisis...don't ya know...
Please people it's "martial" law!
You are not the first to make this mistake
Well said. American children are suffering greatly. As if falling back 2 grade levels during the pandemic weren't enough.
Spot on and it is going to get very bad here.
I guess you must be a “racists” MommaBear! (I’m being sarcastic). But this is how the left views you for complaining.
I live in Tucson mamma bear, Mr leakes being fed false information
And buying it
Wake up! this invasion is deliberate!
Kalergi plan
In 2023, Biden’s open border policy surpassed one migrant for every newborn.1 Why was it a deliberate policy?
Kalergi’s goal: under the guise of humanitarianism, anti-racism and multi-culturalism, to destroy nations from within creating division and conflict, by:
a) flooding countries with uncontrolled migration (especially, socialists, criminals and rapists) and
b) assuring that they are not assimilated/integrated in the national culture
Coudenhove-Kalergi, simplified as Kalergi, was a mason backed by illuminati Rothschild and Warburg money. They started out by destroying the national and European cultures with massive immigration since the 70s.
Kalergi: “The (European) man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space (nations), time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals”
Kalergi Europe
24 Oct 2023. One result: “Two defenseless elderly women, age 93 and 95, were brutally raped at a hospital in France last Sunday. Both women died in the days that followed after the horrors they endured.
The suspect, Samir B., a 40-year-old, who was already known to the police for sexual assault, was released (!!!) under judicial supervision after 48 hours only.
Five days ago, a 23 y/o British woman visiting Paris was raped at knifepoint right next to Eiffel Tower by a North-African man in the bushes.
I sound like an broken record, but European women truly aren’t safe in Europe anymore. At any age.
We haven’t safe been since our elites started importing fighting age savages from archaic societies, and we’re just letting it happen.
We’re letting our civilization be invaded and destroyed, and our women raped and murdered.
People apparently just don’t care enough.” 2
22 Jan 2024. Mason UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak paid £36 million to private boats, operating a free “taxi service” for illegal migrants, picking them up in the middle of the Channel and ferrying them to the Port of Dover: 600 illegal boat migrants have been brought ashore, following around 30,000 successful crossings last year. 3
The Border Force has even been reported to have travelled into French territorial waters to pick up migrants and bring them to British soil. 4
The government set aside £224 million to begin procuring five new cutters and six coastal patrol vessels in April of 2022, yet the process of replacing the current Border Force fleet was first pushed back to April of 2024 and now is not expected to begin until March of 2026: this deliberate 4-year procrastination had the target of turning the Border Force “ineffective”. If the government actually wanted to deter illegal boat migration, it should adopt a send-back-the-boats approach like that adopted in Australia. 5
Kalergi USA
23 Dec 2023. NGOs provided illegals in South and Central America with critical maps to show routes to the southern US border. 6
Even from Ecuador, which doesn’t require passports for entry so many Chinese and Africans are using that route:
United Nations UNHCR Darién Gap Map pointing to the USA:
“NGO Amigos Del Tren hands out train route maps showing the various train routes to the United States and assists aliens in riding the ‘Train of Death’, also known as ‘La Bestia’ (The Beast).” 7
16 Jan 2024. In 2023, nearly a quarter million immigrants crossing the US border per month! 8 This means 3 million per year: “an illegal alien pipeline for what it is: a United Nations-weaponized migration agenda masquerading as an organic humanitarian crisis. Aliens receive aid in the form of legal assistance, food packages, healthcare, maps, and the United Nations International Organization of Migration, also known as the IOM, hands out pamphlets detailing how to put on a condom. 9
Documentary: https://youtu.be/Bk66WyMBjvQ
18 Jan 2024. Journalist James O'Keefe uncovered a "shadowy network of secretive nonprofits" (some of which are funded by taxpayers) that are facilitating the invasion of illegals on the US southern border. "Alita's Angels" is a "brand-new nonprofit with no tax records on file", funded by FEMA government agency. 10
20 Jan 2024. “US citizens traveling domestically have to show a valid identification card or a passport to board a plane, but signs at certain airports say there are easier rules for some newly arrived (immigrants): Transport Security Administration is working with Customs and Border Protection to “validate adult non-US citizen travel documentation when the traveler does not otherwise have an acceptable form of identification”. No US ID, no alien ID, no photo requirement, only voluntary “biographic information” (like “I come from Ecuador”) without any proof of origin and without any consequences for lying because the information about the migrant is not stored !!!
Kalergi’s plan was updated to groom unaccompanied minors in order to use them for sex trafficking and human sacrifices.
I'm about to post this article (still have to add some amazing data):
Excellent post. Perhaps a bit too long for most readers, but well defines the ongoing Kalergi plan of 1923. The executive and legislative branches of 'government' are in violation of their fiduciary obligations, period. Refer to: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 69 - NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/part-I/chapter-69
Also: 18 U.S. Code § 1426 - Reproduction of naturalization or citizenship papers >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1426
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
Ginger here-- a new documentary has just been brought to my attention--here is the description and the link:
Muckraker followed the entire mass migration trail from Quito, Ecuador to the United States border, a journey which included:
Crossing the Darién Gap.
Discovering secret Chinese hotels.
Getting smuggled into Mexico by the Sinaloa Cartel.
Embedding with a massive caravan.
Riding the Mexican Train of Death.
And finally, getting kidnapped by the Gulf Cartel.
In this documentary, you will learn how the United Nations is executing an industrial scale weaponized migration program and you will see the entire route that millions of illegal aliens are following to the United States every year
Thank you Ginger for this information!
John and Peter McCullough might should view this to get greater clarity of the illegal alien problem coming from about 180 nations…
I wrote Schumer about this- he thinks we are humanitarians so we need to let them in. He says the donations for wall were misused or fraudulent- I say it’s taxation without representation-using my school dollars to put our kids online while illegals sleep at school. Disaster is what it is. Just cultivating votes, crime and destruction of American prosperity
He is a flaming moron, and a Traitor, to boot! Hundreds of thousands of military-aged men from China (CCP, PLA) are flooding in, along with countless Jihadi fighters from radical Muslim countries that hate us and hate our way of life! They are not shy about declaring WAR against The Great Satan (us). This invasion has reached crisis proportions with so many military-aged men (about 80% of the illegals) affiliated with terrorist groups flooding across our non-existant borders and being pre-positioned to attack us! These are NOT REFUGEES OR "MIGRANTS"! THIS IS AN INVASION FORCE CALCULATED TO DESTROY OUR COUNTRY!!!!!
They will attack from within.
Faith: Yeah but...where are they?
I was on a plane from Texas to Nebraska- connecting flight- gentleman had my seat. He smiled and showed stewardess his phone and said I could be upgraded to first class. My daughter took that seat and I took hers. He told me he was delivering this illegal immigrant to “a relative in Omaha “ and his partner had one too. What are the odds of two illegals having a relative in Omaha? Was paid for by you and I. The man said his job paid him so much money he was taking a vacation and paying for his mom, dad, brother to go to Florida for a week for free. He got free airfare, food, travel, hotel. And yes my flight was at 11pm so the stories of dropping them off in middle America were true. Here in upstate ny we have more and more non English speaking people- how go they get jobs? Are they contributing in taxes?
My nephew texted me last night about bunch of refugees/migrants who were brought in last night on an evening flight from Chicago to our city with their IOM bags!!! They are invading us and our corrupt governments are covering up and allowing it!
This should worry you…yeah but (?) seriously?
Schumer has only one country he cares about and that isn't the US it is Palestine as was and as is and as shall always be though for some strange reason he calls the country Israel. If you remember God destroyed Israel 2,000 years ago for disrespecting his son and what God has put assunder only a complete moron like Schumer would try to resurrect. According to Schumer a wall is fine for fake Israel but not for the US.
Amazing how many of our "representatives" and constitutional office holders have dual citizenship with "Israel" and for some reason no disclosure is required. All of this crap is planned and has been for a very long time.
I remember a speech given in 1943 or thereabouts by a certain Austrian chap who said that the state they were attempting to build there would mean that they could have a place to run to after stealing wealth in the West and that they would never be extradited back from there. I heard him giving the speech on Youtube a few years back now and I was amazed at the prescience of it then and it is even more correct today than it was then. He clearly was not the madman that their controlled press paint him as. WE saw Ghislane Maxwell's father steal the pensions of British people working for him and "have an accident" aboard his yacht in the Canary islands and be buried in occupied Palestine on the mount of olives within 24 hrs. There are many that suspect that he was alive in occupied Palestine for many years after his "demise". His two sons who were in charge of the companies the pension monies were stolen from said in court that they had no idea what their father was doing with the pension money and a British jury cleared them of all involvement which many people at the time found rather strange as they were supposed to be in charge of those companies and clearly failed in their duties to the pensioners. As I recall his "widow" was not even required to hand back all of those stolen funds but you can look up the story yourself to confirm these things as my memory may be faulty as it all happened in the mid-90's.
Whitney Webb's books One Nation Under Blackmail - vol 2 covered the Maxwell connection. They (Committee of 300/Royal Institute of International Affairs) have been controlling things for centuries. The purpose is to divide and conquer and subdue what is left of the population. The population will naturally cry out for the government to do something - which always seems to result in more of your rights being taken (think Covid). Some background on goals of NWO and how to achieve it is in an old video of a former CIA agent, Dr. John Coleman https://rumble.com/embed/v2hpv40/?pub=m6fb1 -incredible background which sheds light on the plan.
Yes and no. Yes, Schumer is a self-hating Jew (which is obvious from the way he votes.) I would disagree with you regarding Israel as it is the apple of God's eye. Yes, many/most of the Jewish people rejected Jesus, but there are almost a million Jews in Israel who are believers in Jesus. (Messianic Jews) God is not done with Israel. Read Ezekiel 16:60, 38 and 39. The book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ Chapter 20. These are just a few of the many prophetic verses regarding Jesus ruling and reigning for a thousand years from Jerusalem.
Israel is a people not a place and that people are Hebrews made up of the twelve tribes and the tribe of Judah, the Jews, is only one small part of Israel and the Sephardic Jews are the only real Jews in this world with the others being fakes of Khazarian blood that carry not a single trace of the Abrahamic blood. Europeans including the Russians and all other Slavs are the Hebrews and thus Europe, including Russia, is Israel if you want to stick a geographic centre to it. That is what galls these "jews" so much, they are not included in any of God's promises to Abraham. There is a reason that Ben Gurion gasped "What have we done" when the results of the first DNA tests came back in the earlyt 70's to show that Sephardic Jews and Palestinians were identical i.e. were Hebrews and his people, the Khazarians, had no more genetic link to Abraham than a flea on a rat does. And Jesus has a new name and rules in New Jerusalem not from some dusty dump in the middle East.
Perhaps they are housed on land purchased by Gates or the CCP
Yes, John and Peter should. If they are thinking soft on this, then they are like RFK, Jr. Funny we're hearing this from John right after Trump wins both Iowa and New Hampshire. Now it's obviously to them that Trump will be in the General Election, and not Global Nikki Haley. Their "boy" RFK,JR., of course, is a Globalist. RFK, JR. STILL refuses to say he will exit the WHO, if elected, because "the WHO helps many poor people in the world."
RFK is 'of course' a globalist?
Is it possible:
1. he needs to get elected so 'of course' cant spook the normies? Do you think he should in any way moderate his talk?
2. that you dont have a lock on exactly what is going on in the world? That to belong to your group of the 'fully enlightened' really might mean just a particular set of beliefs of some fairly exact things going on, which are hard to prove and really amount to guesses?
I am NOT saying you are wrong. I AM saying that expecting conformity with your exact version is dangerous, and divisive.
My personal eg is chemtrails, after some work and direct observations I think they are real. However, and this is the point, I dont require my allies to believe this. I only expect my allies to conform with the concept that there is much wrong in the world, that there is malignant intent behind some of the things going on, and we need to resist. That is sufficient.
I could be wrong, but my belief is RFK, Mr Leake, and P Malone are all allies. And so are the Breggins, T Carlson and B Weinstein. Close enough.
That's one of the bullet points of the world economic forum, 2030 agenda, borderless countries.
And so dangerous!
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
Just saw a huge staging area aerial photo supposedly in Panama. Like where they gather before heading this way. So it is very planned out and I'm sure our own money being smuggled there thru NGO's and shell companies with deceptive names.
On Tucker's show last night he played a clip of Van Johnson(Edit: Jones), corrupt black politician from 1st part of Obama admin., recommending to other pundits in a circle of talking idiots(CNBC or MSNBC, CNN, or ?), that Biden should just hide in the basement. They are saying in the open what had been only whispered. Certainly Xiden will not be debating Trump or in public except for extremely limited clips to show he is "alive" while the MSM pundits around the world cover for these Socialist traitors of our country.
Basically, this is what I have finally concluded is REALLY happening:
-- The PTB are a few billionaires manipulating these entities: the WEF, the UN, China, USA, the UK, Australia, Germany, France, Germany, New Zealand, Mexico. . . uh, maybe I missed one or two!
-- They have SO much money buying them off is minimal expense.
-- 10 to 15 years ago they transitioned all of Western Europe by causing the emmigration of Muslims and poor from Africa and middle east; now these peoples have disrupted all these country's and change their cultures permanently.
-- It worked well in this trial balloon; they learned how to optimally accomplish the overrun of countries without war and kept those countries intact, sleeping, and accepting of their fate.
-- We are seeing the final and fully planned out final stage of their MAIN goal-- the DISSOLUTION OF AMERICA, now!
Peter and Ginger,
Love your dedication!
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
TU for posting. I shared with my kids 🙏❤️
Hello Peter and Ginger Breggin: Perhaps you could read and/or save this Statute text:
8 U.S. Code § 1101 - Definitions >>> Excerpt: (6) >>>
The term “border crossing identification card” means a document of identity bearing that designation issued to an *alien* who is lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or to an alien who is a resident in foreign contiguous territory, by a consular officer or an immigration officer for the purpose of crossing over the borders between the United States and foreign contiguous territory in accordance with such conditions for its issuance and use as may be prescribed by regulations. Such regulations shall provide that (A) each such document include a biometric identifier (such as the fingerprint or handprint of the alien) that is machine readable and (B) an alien presenting a border crossing identification card is not permitted to cross over the border into the United States unless the biometric identifier contained on the card matches the appropriate biometric characteristic of the alien. [End quote]
Refer to definition: “alien”…
Complete text: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1101 Thank you.
Please help Peter and Ginger!
We love your work and true grit at this dangerous time in America!
My message to you and all patriotic Americans…
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
that link is blank so I guess it was banned?
The number is at least double the one they are giving us.
With a good friend in border law enforcement and personally living in Southern California, the reality is: they are seeing about 85% of these illegal crossings as young men of military age from Central/South America, China, Middle Eastern countries and Africa. They are peddling drugs, illegal weapons, children, young women for the sex trade… Nefarious purposes, indeed. And that's not the ones on terror watch lists.
That is exactly what every episode of Law and Border is showing, military age males loaded on buses and planes every night.
Yes, Ben Bergquam and his co-workers from Real America’s Voice have done a superb job of documenting the illegal immigration crisis. They have put themselves in danger to show us what’s happening when the lame stream networks ignore the problem. They have talked to some of these people on air, asking them where they have come from and where they are going, Ben and his other documentarians have been to the Darien Gap and walked with these people. They have shown us the “rape trees” with little girls underwear and women’s undergarments hanging from them. They have shown us communities along the routes south of the border loaded with trash. We have seen train loads of people sitting on top of the trains heading for the US. They have shown us the very long lines of people walking along our border fence toward the ports of entry. They have been to the border towns showing us how these people are being loaded onto buses. They have been to NYC and Chicago to show you the immigrants exiting buses and being brought into fancy hotels, too expensive for me to stay at. I’ve seen the footage of these people coming off buses and led into schools with citizen parents outside complaining that their children were told they would have to attend their classes online so that the school can house these people. Schools have given up their gymnasia to house them. Are the airports not housing some of them? Jonathan, are you trying to tell us that this is not reality? How about the poor people in Detroit complaining about illegals being prioritized over them for public services? Are you suggesting that the documentaries that I am seeing are fake news as the lamestream media has been guilty of, such as when NBC has famously done, filming fake events?
Ditto al, have read alot of Mr leakes stuff but now realize something is amiss
So far Trumps a blow hard, Israel's guilty of genocide and there's no border crises or people housing illegal immigrants. IMO I also know all I need to know. Let people talk long enough and they'll show you who they are. Very sad because we need those who seek truth not truth makers
Trust yourself. Trust your common sense. Do not allow yourself to be gaslit.
We need you Jennifer at…
North American Law Center
What would you need?
he is asking what is called a rhetorical question! wake up.
Agree. I'm wondering if he wears glasses? Maybe he needs an eye exam and a new prescription. Got hearing aides? Maybe crank them up to 11.
Just bc there's no muslim terrorists, slimy child trafficking pedos or drug kingpin fentynyl hustlers on your street don't mean they aint invading this country like something from walking dead.
Some useful sites for you could be Infowars, News Target, Ickonic, MANY other Substacks.
Your "lived experience" is dubious.
PS Maybe your TV is stuck on mute and the closed cap is coming in swahili or croatian and/or you only watch Disney Chan and Housewives of XYZ.
And secreted God knows where…just like in Obama’s term…crossing border in blacked out busses and not required to stop . Some wicked this way comes. We are in OBiden’s term now…
And they plan on running his wife Michael for his fourth term!! His is what he planned all along! The rhinos are also aligned with him!
Gordon Chang recently commented about this on Fox News.
But WHERE ARE THEY??? I too don’t see anymore homeless people walking the streets in my town than before 2020.
Why would they be homeless? When they cross the border they are given cell phones and $2000-$4000 cash and told to ask for gift cards at local churches which is happening Columbus Ohio. We have local churches offering all kinds of services, medical, dental. They are working in fast food. I live in a nice condo area. But when I drive through the adjoining apartments there are only foreigners loading their children on buses. In New York City they are being housed in the schools and American school children are being required to do online school. I have seen the video footage.
As someone who lives where the demographics have gone from 75-80% caucasian, to somewhere in the mid forties, I can attest they are definitely here. I can walk through stores and not hear a single conversation in English.
Their family culture lends them to house many generations and extended families in the same house. What would normally be a 4-5 person residence often will have 15-20 family members (or more) under the same roof. Many small farm communities are 90%+ non english speaking, where city counsel meetings are done in Spanish. As for the rest of the aliens from other corners of the globe, who don't have the UFW organization, most have headed for the metro areas that have a robust welfare system.
This manifestation of Cloward-Piven will crush the American socio, political and economic engine, just like those two radicals proposed back in 1966.
Exactly!!! The churches are very complicit in this!!!! They are not helping our country!!! Money speaks louder than words and so much for their fake Christian faith!!! Catholic charities, etc., are traitors!!
Watch Muckraker... it is the UN IOM paying for all of it (churches are but one pawn). The contracts to the huge non-profits coordinating the trafficking likely share but a tiny percent of their ill-gotten gains with the migrants. Probably yet another gov sponsored money laundering scheme. Voting cattle is the first goal.
I never realized that until my nephew contacted me to look it up while he was at the airport last night and all these refugees were brought in with these IOM bags! I’ll check out the movie. Thanks.
Disgusting! Globalists want America taken down.
I suppose they do not have to be homeless… but I also don’t see them shopping in our super markets, shopping mall or fast food restaurants.
They mostly stay together. Are you in the Middle Class or higher? If so, that's why you don't see rhem.
It's a bit early on yet. Until they build them residences. . .
I have noticed over the last year in our rural county how a number of apartment buildings are going up. It just does not seem as though their could be that much pent up demand, yet her they are popping like crocuses in spring.
Who will occupy them? hmmm. think about it.
I don't know where you live, but here in my area of Southern California, the homeless and immigrant population of the streets has grown by leaps and bounds in the last 2 1/2 years.
Santa Clarita. I’m not seeing them in our super markets, mall or fast food restaurants besides not seeing them on the streets.
I'm live in southern Riverside County. Much closer to the influx.
Are you Middle Class or higher? If so, you will not see them in supermarkets near where you live. They are illegal and unjustly here, yes, BUT that does not mean they have to income WE have to live by and shop in our favorite Whole Foods and QFC neighborhood grocery stores.
They aren't homeless. They are given thousands of $ by US. They are renting. They probably do not shop in your Middle Class neighborhood. They are careful with their money and buying food.
They know how to hide. It's not the same as "our" homeless
I would add that migrants are quite visible here in Chicago.
Watch the independent journalist program on Real Americas Voice (RAV) called Law and Border. Well documented video footage is presented.
Please see my comment about RAV. You will see news on this program that the lamestream news fails to show.
Even illegal alien proponents say that there are ‘only’ 11 million or so illegals in the US. And that number is surely a vast understatement, given that they’ve been making the same claim for the last thirty years.
I’m not sure where you got your 8 million number, but I’ve seen credible estimates that there are more than 20 million illegal aliens in the US, and that figure was before Biden took office.
There must be many more now......
Untold millions have been here for decades . The demographic shift in public school enrollment, along with the explosion of ESL programs across the country, provides proof , and millions of their U. S. born children have reached voting age .
Just a proud terrorist. Most Americans are ostriches
No, you know that most Americans are not insane. Your 3 examples are ALL Medical issues. If American DOCTORS taught us how to be healthy and stood up with courage opposing the shots, and demanding we be given access to Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine, Americans would be healthier. The DOCTORS are at fault - not the people just trying to make a living.
I don't think the situation is limited to doctors. It is the System. The zillionaires have bought off the docs, the main stream media, the institutions, etc., so now most people are beholden to them for their paychecks, and thus cater to their version of Truth.
It is not LIMITED to doctors, but whom more appropriate to teach us about our health than doctors? I don't see how doctors are not firstly responsible.
Possibly because WE are supposed to be responsible for ourselves in every area of our life. Yes, medicine has failed us, our gov has failed. The nanny state has trained us to look to “others” when it’s truly our responsibility to care for ourselves.
And, during the last census, citizen status was not allowed to be asked. I believe it is in Georgia that a bill was introduced that would require citizenship to vote in the state. Imagine that! We know that some states are allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections. Well, if you believe that those noncitizens will not also be voting in federal elections, I have a bridge to cell you. And why do you think the left wants to give these illegal immigrants drivers licenses?
I lived in Vermont before moving south. They allowed illegal immigrants to get licenses many years ago, saying most were needed farm workers who had to drive to get to doctor's appointments and the like. Those who objected were called racist, bigoted etc, of course. Now at least three cities that I know of allow them to vote "only in state and municipal elections". Sure. When we moved 5 years ago, no IDs were required to vote. You just gave your name and address and they checked you off the voter rolls. Seems easy enough to add (inadvertently or deliberately) ineligible voters to the federal election voter rolls. BTW, in 2020, we both got postcards asking if we wanted absentee ballots...mailed to our Georgia address from Vermont. I wonder if they would have mailed us those ballots if we had requested them,
In many places, ballots are being mailed out to everyone, even if they did not request them. Many people report receiving multiple ballots in the mail. We really need to get back to one-day voting, called Election Day, paper ballots and voter ID. Election Day should be made a national holiday. Absentee ballots only upon request by members of the military, people confined to the hospital or home, or people with a valid excuse for not being in their state on Election Day.
I thought you guys were smart researchers. If I asked my 12 year old to find out where all the immigrants are going, and where the greatest concentrations are, he would find out in about 15 mins. In fact I just asked him to. Also, I was a cop in Arlington TX back in the 90s and worked the Hispanic projects in the south east. Literally everyone there was illegal, but they lived in section 8 and for the most part had jobs and stayed out of trouble. After trying to get ICE to deport the ones we caught, and told to let them go, we just stopped trying. Ok, while I wrote this, my son came back and told me to have you guys look up Ben Burquam and Oscar Blue Ramirez. You’re welcome John, I found them for you.
No, John, we don't need to see in person the 6,000,000 to 8,000,000 illegals who have recently INVADED (I mean ENTERED) our country. Rest assure, the Democrats are using OUR TAX money to give them food, shelter, medical care, psychological services, education. They're even sleeping in our schools, while the bleeding heart liberals have ejected our own kids from the schools to go "learn at home!!)
People like these illegals are very, very good at staying under the radar.
Sure you're not questioning the number who are here, are you? If so, then you're a Nikki Haley supporter.
Oh, don't forget gender altering services, too.🤦♀️
But then, it shouldn't be a surprise.
After all, the goal is at some point this year, for our vile government to give our medical sovereignty to the WHO.
American citizens are already less than replacement reproduction add in the hopelessness of Gen X and Z, the repercussions of being jabbed, over and over and over again… You now have a country overrun with illegal foreigners, who rapidly reproduce and out number the countries citizens, with completely different ideologies, beliefs and goals.
Reagan said something to the affect: "a country without borders will cease to be a country".
And here we are.
Also, I don't go around saying this because I appreciate what Dr. Peter McCullough has done, but MCCULLOUGH HATES TRUMP and wants to see him hung. John is beholden to Peter. They work partially for RFK,JR's CHD.
I can see why McCullough or anyone else might hate Trump for not disavowing the COVID jabs. But, as even Dr. McCullough knows, those gene bioweapons were developed before Trump was even in office. Moderna had a patent on theirs already. Trump was too trusting in the medical “experts” like so many others. This is his Achilles heel. But Trump never mandated the shots and he said he never would. He went along with the “15 days to prevent the spread” lockdowns, to allow time to restore the stockpile of PPE and ventilators, not knowing how they would be misused. It was governors who continued the lockdowns long after Trump said that the cure should not be made worse than the disease. I wish Trump would recognize what a huge catastrophe the jabs are. I can see why Leake and McCullough would be friendly toward RFK Jr because of his work regarding vaccines. I also respect RFK Jr for his exposé’s on vaccines and the Children’s Health Defense. But, other than that, he is a flaming progressive on so many issues that are designed to take your freedoms away from us. I hope that our country can survive until next year when, God willing, we will see another Trump presidency and we can start to undue the havoc wreaked on our country and restore our freedoms that the Marxists in our government have been trying to do away with.
Allie, you said that really well.
I just saw that Dr. McCullough just reposted “Blowup” on GETTR and he put the word “crisis” in quotes.
I don't quite get what you're saying.
He doesn't hate Trump, but is justifiably angry at the way he mishandled the entire Covid/Covid "vaccine" debacle. I'm sure you will make the excuse that he was fooled by Fauci, but there were many, many other esteemed scientists and doctors who advocated against the lockdowns, the rushed "vaccine" that Trump still brags about and says, without evidence, "saved hundreds of millions of lives", masking toddlers and all the other nonsense propagated by Trump's task force and administration. If Fauci could fool him, who else can? Stop with the wanting him hung nonsense.
I'm not going to make any argument about Trump, one way or the other.
Ask Dr. McCullough, if you want. He definitely wants both Fauci AND Trump to have the ultimate punishment and he does hates them. Truth matters.
YOU don't "know" that.
And how do YOU know what I know?
Have you seen the pics and video of the border. The ppl crossing into our country. Bus and plane loads being dropped off day in and day out for over 3 years. I believe there is an invasion. They are in hotels, aitports, military bases, schools, librarys, shrltrs, parks and they are still crossing. Many military age men. They dont get vaxed, they get free phones, computers, min $2,200 a month, free room and food. We are paying for it. Incomprehensable, but its happening. Our gov is making sure our borders are wide open and welcoming. Are there really 2 political partys. Non stop for 3+ years.
That's just it. Certainly John's seen them. Everyone has. So, what are we left to conclude?
The obvious.
I suffer from paranoia. I try not to but with all the lying and deception going on well you ponder if you are paranoid ENOUGH (old joke yes).
Is Leake an ally? Or do you feel he is doing the work of the cabal?
The question is, "Why is John writing this?"
Jennifer Jones - exactly! Of all the things he could write about…why this? And no matter how he tries to couch his words, a synopsis of this post is: ‘It’s said there are millions of illegal aliens in the USA, but Peter and I never see any of them’. So, where are John and Peter on any given day? He doesn’t mention anything about that, nor does he say they’ve actually looked for illegals. And have he or Peter done a quick, casual internet search for articles, videos, and first-hand accounts? It’s in our face daily! So, yeah, I can’t help but be suspicious about the point of this article. Frankly, it’s weird.
you are obviously a Jennifer sycophant; you would have us all eat our own?
Hahaha - yah thats it eh?
Take your allies where you find and HOW you find them. First they may be writing or speaking for someone other than full on redpilled folk, and second we dont all have to agree on the details of just what cabal is doing what exactly? For eg, I personally am concerned that some sort of spraying of this or that is occurring, you know, look up, but I wouldn't expect my fellow allies to agree and I dont bring it up.
To understand we are under threat from global predators is sufficient, the details are NOT.
And I trust my senses, or choose to trust them. I detect no malignance or ill intent by Leake, I consider him a solid ally if perhaps a little naive now and then. But I could be wrong too, on where I feel him 'naive'. So lets all squash our tendency to need to be right about everything and move along with the blunting or defeat of 'the cabal';s plan.
I am SURE of one thing, everytime the Breggins and Malone get into it, for eg, and all associated internal squabbles, the Vampire Squid overlords squirm and twist with delight, watching us 'eat our own'.
I should say, since Malone is not popular in this particular forum, that it seems obvious Malone is not some sort of angel, not at all. Without knowing the details I am distressed at the lawsuit and ill will. BUT, and this is it, someone explain how what he has said and done over the last several years has helped the cabal? This is obviously not true, he has hurt them, considerably, I expect they wish him dead already. The Breggins are ALSO my allies. This is obvious as well. But we are eating our own, to some extent. Folk are just folk, warts and all. We can agree there is a plan to hurt us, isn't that sufficient?
man, Grant, you hit that nail dead center.
Also, I initially planned to dump Malone's sub but reneged and am still with him for the very reasons you express. Patriots really need to stick together, period.
"Where are they dwelling and how are their basic biological needs being met? I’m not saying they don’t exist; I’m just saying that I haven’t seen any of them, even though I live in a border state."
Do you simply not understand what a RHETORICAL question is, Jennifer?!
Do you not understand that his "questioning" has instigated an eruption of the truth in the comment section?
Multiple examples have arisen from folks here explaining to you why these people are not being "seen".
Oh, I understand better than you, old guy. You appear confused. He was not asking rhetorically.
again. . . YOU do not KNOW that.
I'm pretty sure they're staying with my friend, Jose. (Joking.)
I think you're right to question where they are. But a lot of them have family here already. I teach middle school ESL and most of my classes are Hispanic, who tend to be more family oriented and take care of each other. That's probably why you don't see so many of them technically homeless. Whites and blacks are victims of "the independent American" myth that became popular in post-WWII era. Hispanics stay with family until they can afford their own place. Not sure if that can account for everybody, but lots for sure.
I've had the same thoughts about the following:
I've never met a white supremacist, and I've been white all my life (except for that time in college when I experimented with my race. You know. Like college kids do.) Yet Biden thinks white supremacists are more dangerous than al quaida.
I've never known an anti-Semite, but antisemitism is up 300%.
I never knew anyone who died of covid, but it killed many millions(?). It's right to question these things.
Biden videos over his entire career document his own virulent racism. When video proof and actual racist Biden quotes were shown to black citizens in variuous videos they were astounded and truly gobsmacked at the words that came out of Biden's mouth. Filthy racist shit.
I've never met a Nazi in Australia, but groups of masked men in black wearing similar boots are appearing in mainstream media photos, probably engineered, to support the "Far Right" rhetorical lie.
Oh dear:( Australia was fooled. Sad you think this. You don’t think it’s the sicko? Cuz quite frankly I have had it with the progressives, dems, rinos, republicans- they all are terrible and traitors. By you giving credence to that shows you have been fooled
I'm not sure you understand my statement and I certainly don't understand yours.
In small towns in the West, people with very little money live in motels. Most of us don’t pay attention to hotels, but I’m sure they are hosting some of these families.
We have over 3,000 Pakistan illegals being housed at a local university. It’s all hush hush…
yes, thanks for showing one MORE reason why we are not seeing them.
The conspiracy, which John has subtley awakened you to, is everywhere:
-- rural housing units being built
-- Tucker Carlson's expose' showing them being housed in O'hare airport and police stations.
-- your local university,
-- etc etc.
John has subtley woken you all UP!
. . . subtley must be misspelled!
While you’re at it ...
Send me a photo of gravity.
Will ‘ya ?
Oh that’s right.
You see the effects of gravity.
Don’t ’you ?
And you can measure those effects.
20 million are here, unvetted , unvaccinated and hating Americans!
Least of our worries is vaccination status
You should follow Michael Yon, Lara Logan, Oscar Blue, Muckraker News or Ben Berquam on Twitter. They follow the invasion up close and personal and have verified proof that it is happening.
Yep. Sadly, though, John already knows and probably does follow them. It's something else. See my previous posts.
John and Peter seem to be more passive- I do think something else is going on because even rfk jr has changed his rhetoric
And you can watch “Law and Border” with Ben Bergquam on Real America”s Voice. Ben works with Oscar Blue and others on RAV to document the illegal immigration crisis.
I think it's important to also note ongoing issues at the U.S.-Canada border (more terrorists caught there then down South)... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/wait-what-about-the-northern-border?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web