I am a teacher 2.5 hours from the border. I promise you the issue is real. My reality is, within the last 1-2 years, the monolingual population is blowing up, and the educational system is taxed and cracking even more than it already was with teacher shortages and packed classrooms. Teachers now feel helpless as to where to even begin with students who can not write in English, but also can’t read or write in their native language. Teachers who speak Asian are non existent here. We have many Thai, Philippine, Chinese, etc. only speaking children in our small town of 60,000 now. The bilingual programs were maybe 20-30 students in 2021 at each school, with one bilingual teacher. Now we have 100+ students at each school, and 2-3 teachers.

I guess seeing it for yourself may be necessary to fully grasp the problem. I’ve watched the non English speaking population in a very small town triple to quadruple in just over a year. It’s very much a problem. The students of the parents here, paying taxes that go toward their children’s education, are the one’s suffering the most in this situation. As classroom sizes and students special needs go up exponentially, their education inevitably goes down due to less time with their teacher from insane class sizes to long term subs in teaching positions. I’m sure there are other truth tellers out there like me, whose reality has very much changed because our borders are wide open. It’s not about living the reality, it’s about educating yourself so your head is no longer in the sand and understanding there is a crisis, even if it’s not at your doorstep, and gathering the stories like mine that prove how detrimental to many systems and American ways of life this disregard for our borders is.

I hope others who have similar stories will share them, and help educate others on just what is being broken by these open border policies.

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Ginger here-- a new documentary has just been brought to my attention--here is the description and the link:


Muckraker followed the entire mass migration trail from Quito, Ecuador to the United States border, a journey which included:

Crossing the Darién Gap.

Discovering secret Chinese hotels.

Getting smuggled into Mexico by the Sinaloa Cartel.

Embedding with a massive caravan.

Riding the Mexican Train of Death.

And finally, getting kidnapped by the Gulf Cartel.

In this documentary, you will learn how the United Nations is executing an industrial scale weaponized migration program and you will see the entire route that millions of illegal aliens are following to the United States every year


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The number is at least double the one they are giving us.

With a good friend in border law enforcement and personally living in Southern California, the reality is: they are seeing about 85% of these illegal crossings as young men of military age from Central/South America, China, Middle Eastern countries and Africa. They are peddling drugs, illegal weapons, children, young women for the sex trade… Nefarious purposes, indeed. And that's not the ones on terror watch lists.

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I would add that migrants are quite visible here in Chicago.

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Watch the independent journalist program on Real Americas Voice (RAV) called Law and Border. Well documented video footage is presented.

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Even illegal alien proponents say that there are ‘only’ 11 million or so illegals in the US. And that number is surely a vast understatement, given that they’ve been making the same claim for the last thirty years.

I’m not sure where you got your 8 million number, but I’ve seen credible estimates that there are more than 20 million illegal aliens in the US, and that figure was before Biden took office.

There must be many more now......

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I thought you guys were smart researchers. If I asked my 12 year old to find out where all the immigrants are going, and where the greatest concentrations are, he would find out in about 15 mins. In fact I just asked him to. Also, I was a cop in Arlington TX back in the 90s and worked the Hispanic projects in the south east. Literally everyone there was illegal, but they lived in section 8 and for the most part had jobs and stayed out of trouble. After trying to get ICE to deport the ones we caught, and told to let them go, we just stopped trying. Ok, while I wrote this, my son came back and told me to have you guys look up Ben Burquam and Oscar Blue Ramirez. You’re welcome John, I found them for you.

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No, John, we don't need to see in person the 6,000,000 to 8,000,000 illegals who have recently INVADED (I mean ENTERED) our country. Rest assure, the Democrats are using OUR TAX money to give them food, shelter, medical care, psychological services, education. They're even sleeping in our schools, while the bleeding heart liberals have ejected our own kids from the schools to go "learn at home!!)

People like these illegals are very, very good at staying under the radar.

Sure you're not questioning the number who are here, are you? If so, then you're a Nikki Haley supporter.

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Have you seen the pics and video of the border. The ppl crossing into our country. Bus and plane loads being dropped off day in and day out for over 3 years. I believe there is an invasion. They are in hotels, aitports, military bases, schools, librarys, shrltrs, parks and they are still crossing. Many military age men. They dont get vaxed, they get free phones, computers, min $2,200 a month, free room and food. We are paying for it. Incomprehensable, but its happening. Our gov is making sure our borders are wide open and welcoming. Are there really 2 political partys. Non stop for 3+ years.

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The question is, "Why is John writing this?"

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I'm pretty sure they're staying with my friend, Jose. (Joking.)

I think you're right to question where they are. But a lot of them have family here already. I teach middle school ESL and most of my classes are Hispanic, who tend to be more family oriented and take care of each other. That's probably why you don't see so many of them technically homeless. Whites and blacks are victims of "the independent American" myth that became popular in post-WWII era. Hispanics stay with family until they can afford their own place. Not sure if that can account for everybody, but lots for sure.

I've had the same thoughts about the following:

I've never met a white supremacist, and I've been white all my life (except for that time in college when I experimented with my race. You know. Like college kids do.) Yet Biden thinks white supremacists are more dangerous than al quaida.

I've never known an anti-Semite, but antisemitism is up 300%.

I never knew anyone who died of covid, but it killed many millions(?). It's right to question these things.

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We have over 3,000 Pakistan illegals being housed at a local university. It’s all hush hush…

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While you’re at it ...

Send me a photo of gravity.

Will ‘ya ?

Oh that’s right.

You see the effects of gravity.

Don’t ’you ?

And you can measure those effects.


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20 million are here, unvetted , unvaccinated and hating Americans!

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You should follow Michael Yon, Lara Logan, Oscar Blue, Muckraker News or Ben Berquam on Twitter. They follow the invasion up close and personal and have verified proof that it is happening.

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I think it's important to also note ongoing issues at the U.S.-Canada border (more terrorists caught there then down South)... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/wait-what-about-the-northern-border?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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