Jun 23, 2023Liked by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

It is such a relief listening to you and reading your essays. My husband and I attended the Censorship Industrial Complex Exposed launch in London last night with Russel Brand, Michael Shellenberger and Matthew Taibbi. It was wonderful to be around free thinkers from so many different walks of life. No matter what position you take it is more important than ever that we talk to each other and debate. John and Peter have been a light in a very dark tunnel over the past three years. Thank you!

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In a recent article on this topic (picked up by The Brownstone Institute), I simply note that Dr. Hotez is scared. Where I come from (south Alabama), we have an expression: "If you're scared, say you're scared."


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Good article Bill. Yes, not taking up the debate just reveals what shaky ground he is standing on.

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Wow I bet that was well worth attending Jill. I am in the UK as well - near to Haslemere in Surrey.

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It would have been worth the trip in Patricia. Maybe next time!

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Yes, a debate with Shiva Ayyudurai is what I want to see. Nobody has accepted is challenge. Why not?

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As a physician with a natural bent I prefer gaining immunity in as natural a way as possible. Just make sure your defenses are optimal before relying on them, and those of our airways are NOT optimal.

One of the things not discussed by the vaccers is their financial interest in their product, which is the most prominent sign of bias. Another is what happens when the shot is given. We are told the mRNA gets into our cells and builds the foreign protein that triggers immunity. WE ARE NOT told that our cells coat that protein in a glycan cover that identifies it as us, EVEN THOUGH THIS PROCESS IS UNIVERSAL. That means we have a wolf in our own clothing circulating in our bodies waiting to be discovered wherever the glycans take them.

I doubt very much that our immune systems are up to distinguishing the motives of the vaccers and can't help wondering if the rise of autoimmune problems–now seen to include autism–are not related.

Prior to releasing a drug, any drug, including vaccines, they should be given to fruit flies and their life expectancy measured. If it's shorter do the same for rats, and rabbits. Our current analytical methods are blind to all of the interconnections eliminated in the analysis. Measuring life expectancy is the easiest and best alternative.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

When I first read about mRNA using the spike protein, my first thought was that this was going to basically give many people an autoimmune disease. Teaching your immune system to fight its own cells seems like the worst case scenario for a medical intervention. I just keep shaking my head. I may not completely understand mRNA gene therapies but this seems like a no-brainer bad idea.

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Every article I’ve seen shows RFK Jr holding steady at 20% in presidential polls among Dems.

1. Has anyone seen a poll to indicate if the recent exposure is moving the needle?

2. Given that Rogan, Carlson and Musk are not Dems, does anyone else think RFK should run as an independent instead? He’d likely get enough votes to split the vote (Ross Perot style), kick Biden out of the White House and give a voice to our loud minority of people who saw through Covidiocy from Day 1.

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The Economist/YouGov Poll taken June 10th-13th had the following results: RFK Jr.'s total favorable rating at 49%, unfavorable rating was 30%. His was the highest favorable and lowest unfavorable of all 2024 declared candidates from both the Dems & GOP. He beat Trump (43% Favorable, 53% Unfavorable) and Biden (45% Favorable, 52% Unfavorable). These results were with a polling sample that had 42% of respondents identifying as Democrats, and 37% responding as Republicans.

Then, the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll came out, also mid-June. Once again RFK Jr. beat all candidates with the highest NET Favorable rating: 46% and lowest NET Unfavorable at 25%, which gave him a +21 gap! Other Candidates' results: Tim Scott was +9, Vivek Ramaswamy +8, Ron Desantis +5, Nikki Haley +4. All other declared candidates in this poll were in the negative, including Biden -11, Harris -10, Pence -7, and Trump -3.

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That’s awesome. If you happen to have a handy link to that poll please share, but either way thanks for the informative post.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

I've heard their internals say he's much higher than that - Trump called him in back in 2016 to form a vaccine safety commission - watch his interview with the Epoch Times - Trump forced Fauci and Birks to meet with him - he asked Fauci to show him the data on childhood vaccine safety - Fauci made a big show of rummaging through his files and told RFK they must be back in Bethesda....RFK NEVER HEARD FROM HIM - so he sued the NIH for the data and they had to admit- THERE WASN'T ANY - yet states like NY, CT and NJ mandate these toxic shots for all school children - it's a crime - Autism rates are now 1 in 34 children - God help us - those poor souls - their lives are over - along with their families and society will have to take care of them because they will outlive their parents - This MUST STOP. Medical Freedom MUST PREVAIL. Trust RFK - he is trying to right the ship of the Democrat party - I'm a Republican and I'll be voting for him in NY - For some reason, that commission never happened - BIG MISTAKE on Trumps part - because RFK would have made sure HCQ and Ivermectin was available to everyone - think how many millions would have been saved world wide.

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My kids have never gotten a single jab and other than COVID (which lasted between 1 day to 2 weeks depending on kid) have not been sick for as many years as I can remember.

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Good for you! Jason, I'm not sure where you live but here in NYS your children cannot go to school without them and expeditions are hard to get - same in Ct. where they even require that useless flu shot. I agree! My grandson who did have the reaction to the HIB has NOT had any other shots and he is healthy as a horse thank God - and he goes to play dates and groups and those kids are always sick but not him - clearly those vaccines weaken the immune systems of kids who get them. Lucky you - hoping my daughter will prevail or they have to move to a state that allows freedom to choose.

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School has been challenging and we’re constantly navigating the maze of exemptions and we even home schooled for several years. I live in a “purple” state and will never move back to a blue one unless and until the medical tyranny ends.

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RFK said if he doesn’t get the dem nomination he’ll run as an independent 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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I left the R party a few years ago and became an independent. Yesterday I registered as a D just so I can vote for RFK jr in the primary. Gotta do whatever we can to get him through the primary. Biden has to go at all costs.

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Let's give JFK Jr. the job of cleaning up the corrupt federal healthcare bureaucracy. in a Trump administration. We need a person with Trump's courage and patriotism to drain the rest of the Washington swamp.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

Trump is owned by big pharma. RFK Jr tried to get Trump to allow a team to look into the public data to see if there were safety signals. They met at the white house after the election. Trump received a Pfizer donation shortly after and Trump refused to ever take calls or make contact with RFK Jr after that time.

Trump could have listed to reasonable advisors rather than Birx and Fauci but he chose not to. He could have put together a team to explore early treatments but he signed Operation Warp Speed instead. He put the country under emergency powers. He allowed property rights to be suspended. He shut down the economy. He printed massive amounts of inflationary money. There were people testifying in congress against all these things.

We could argue whether or not Trump was aware that he was being played for a fool but the fact that he did everything needed to successfully make the plandemic response completely about the vaccine and have nothing to do with health or freedom is just a fact. I cannot imagine why anyone would want him to be the president again. It would be similar to democrats making excuses for Biden’s presidency and all the awful things that have happened over the last two years. Republicans and democrats both need to say, “no more!”

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You are clueless about what happened in the White House. You should watch Dr. Zelenko's video where he details how Trump had issued an order to make HCQ available OTC and Rick Bright (with help from Vaccine monsters) worked behind the scenes to stop Trump’s request.

Kennedy did meet with Fauci when Trump was in the White House. Did he have access to Fauci under the Democrats that Kennedy funded? No, he didn't but Obama gave him millions for his climate change scam. He doesn't talk about that, can't let the Conservatives know the truth. Can't talk about why he's hiding the financials of CHD, so very honest of him🙄

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Trump did make a few feeble attempts to support early treatments but then abandoned them in favor of the injection. To me, this shows that he was trying to have the appearance of supporting good things but it was in the plan for him to support big pharma in the end. There were excelling doctors who would have gladly worked with the White House to put together early treatment plans/task forces etc. HCQ was only one of many effective early treatment options. If he really wanted to support early treatments, he could have signed an early treatment version of Operation Warp Speed instead of handing over billions to the DOD and Pharmaceutical companies to push novel gene therapies on the world. Operation Warp Speed is literally the legacy of the Trump presidency. And he still sings it’s praises.

Let’s ask Kennedy about these things that you bring up during a debate. I think he should be answering questions and he seems to be very open to answering tough questions. He’s been very happy to be interviewed so far. I look forward to hearing his responses as these things are brought up. CHD is an amazing organization that I support because it’s attempting to protect children from pharmaceutical companies preying off a helpless target. I’ve followed them for a few years and they are a blessing to humanity. If there is something off about their finances, we can all take that into account as we make our decisions. But I haven’t seen anything but amazing bravery from the people involved with CHD so far. They are saving lives, which is the opposite of Operation Warp Speed.

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That's the move. Trump needs to be President because we simply HAVE TO re-litigate 2020. The crimes of covid and the J6 persecution and the election theft -- these really do threaten our existence. Bobby would be focused on glad-handing the climate crowd -- who he thinks is actually interested in the climate, and not world-domination -- and getting NOWHERE with them. Trump would actually show them the door -- and that's what's actually needed.

RFK Jr. for Secretary of Health. He would be extremely effective in such a role.

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All Kennedy needs to do to "win" is to get publicity, to let the world hear the ideas.

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Exactly! His policies make sense and he has a clear message of bringing this country back together. People are tired of the “us vs. them” fighting. He’s also humble and approachable-exactly what america needs right now. He’s far from perfect but I strongly believe he’s our only option for healing.

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I'm already tired of people criticizing / attacking him because they don't agree 100% with everything he says or his history. Or attacking him because of his family. Sheesh... people are way too polarized and critical.

Anyone that doesn't like Kennedy, in my opinion, should stop and ask themselves "Would I rather have four more years of the Biden administration?".

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People se to be forgetting who they are fighting for by rejecting RFK. A demented old man who can barely walk, stand up or form a complete sentence. Anyone willing to choose that over RFK has no other explanation other than ideological capture.

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It’s deeper, I think. If people (particularly Dems) acknowledge RFK’s message then they’d need to admit to themselves they’ve been lied to and that they fell for it. That’s a big ask for most peoples’ egos. Easier to live in the murky world of character assassinating anyone whose statements go against the choices they made. (Without even realizing they were being coerced.)

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You’re absolutely correct.

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What I consider is the "tone" of Biden in some of his speeches. He has addressed the nation several times with a very angry attitude. He is much like a parent who can't handle children that are misbehaving.

I don't want a president that speaks to me like I'm a child, I want one that engages in intelligent adult discussion. "Hey, I think we need to do this so I'm recommending we do this." rather than "YOU are the problem because you aren't obeying the tyranny."

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He is/was and always will be a liberal, progressive Democrat.therefore he supportstheir platform..he is one of you with all the letters behind your names that got our country where it is..he voted for Hillary, Obama and Biden and will/would do so again. He is an elite..a climate wacko..he is NOT against vaxs but the ingredients that cause autism..he was for masks and lockdowns..he thought unvaxed should be jailed..he just like his father, his uncles and cousins treat females badly but he carried it to another level by documenting his exploites in a journal..that is sick...he has a daughter in law who is CIA and others who are questionable..a grandfather who was deeply involved with the mafia and a father and 2 uncles who hung out with the mob and questionable ones in Hollywood.

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He is a nice person.


He calls himself the ‘Leading Environmentalist’

Supported AOC’s Green Deal

Endorsed Clinton

Campaigned for Obama

He’s a Democrat

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Exactly! Our nation’s economic issues in large part are due to the new wacko energy policies being implemented. This crazy climate agenda is such crap and I fear RFK Jr. is all in!

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Both you and JD Lin need to look at his statements on this. He believes that climate change has been captured by global elites who want to usher in a security state and he is very much against that. Just look at children’s health, defense and all the articles they published about that. He Wants to clean up the environment and they stop polluting rivers in the air which is not the same thing as the green deal.

Also, when I consider him, I also think about what is he able to accomplish while also, thinking about is he a rational adult that would inhabit that office. I feel like some of the issues people get really concerned about he might not be able to do quite as much as we fear. But at the same time, I feel like he’s a rational human, who would be much better capable of keeping us out of unwanted wars, and fending off the security State.

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Important to remember as well that the underpinnings for the NWO are based on the climate change/carbon neutral narrative. Could make COVID look like child’s play when they start doing what’s necessary for the “planet’s health.”

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Yes, not to mention the money he received from Obama for his climate change scam. No one will ask him about that.

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Very fair. I guess the question is this: We all appreciate the environment regardless of our politics. (Does anyone not enjoy national parks or a walk on a clean beach?) Do you think RFK would implement coercive types of policies such as trying to ban gas stoves and saying it’s because of “cancer” instead of admitting it’s due to some WEF climate goals? (This is a serious question. I’m not trying to be a wise guy. I’m curious if you think RFK’s environmental policies are as dangerous as the current Dem contingent.)

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I don’t have any easy answer.

However, it is very apparent if you do a little research on the AMA and it’s CEO’s focus over the last decade....(not to mention the WHO approach) the plan is to meld the health/medical narrative with the climate change narrative. It is already in the works and has been cultivated. The horse has left the barn.

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Ok. Ultimately I’m finding it hard to find any politician where I agree with all their stances so I’m judging them more on my belief in their integrity, resistance to being “bought” and general alignment on views. I’m not sure how I’d vote in an RFK vs a reasonable Republican race, but I’d vote for almost anyone over Biden.

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He hasn't fully articulated what his true environmental stance might be.

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Unfortunately, that makes RFK JR. stupid. Yet, he’s very smart on other issues.

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I respect your opinion.

However, I’ll take JFKJr .

Have a great day!

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If you call a liberal progressive elite Democrat who supports their platform and candidates..open your eyes to the truth. He is part of the club.

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Trump gave us Operation Warp Speed and is still bragging about how great the Covid jabs are. Holds Pfizer stock. He abandoned medical freedom when he cancelled the review of vaccines he had asked Bobby Jr. to head.

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Only Biden’s vaccine has the MRNA. Their plan was to kill 7 Billion of us. Trump’s vaccine has the things he talked about and tweeted. Go on Truth Social and follow Tommy Mac171.

Plus the attached.

Plus look who surrounded Trump when he was inaugurated.

He, plus the WhiteHat’s Military, plus the Global Military Alliance have been taking all this corruption down behind the scenes. That is why there will be Military Tribunals in 2023, plus the Emergency Broadcast System, plus Med/Beds/plusGesera/Nesara, etc.

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What do you think is Trump’s vaccine?

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😂 yeah, sure.

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Exactly! Our healthcare system is broken and someone as unhealthy and clueless on health issues as Trump doesn’t have the personal insight to start fixing it. Nor does he care-people who eat McDonalds everyday just don’t “get it.”

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LIstened to the Tucker video and it was reasonable sounding but lacked a lot of fact. For example, Hotez worked for over 20 yrs and never produced a working vaccine which speaks to his lack of scientific ability. Why wasn't that salient fact promoted to put him in real scientific context.

Allow me to insert a political action here from Stand for Health Freedom. They are trying to sue the CDC, etc for fraudulent data which underpinned the entire covid hysteria--massive numbers of death.

Please read the post, listen to their short presentation and sign the petition and forward to others.


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NICE!! The CDC's lie that people that took the shot were unvaccinated for two weeks was probably the pivotal lie that helped them make their other false claims. They literally killed people en masse with the shots and blamed the unvaccinated for the carnage. These ghouls cannot meet the punishments on Earth they have accrued for themselves. It will take many lifetimes, if there is such a thing. Not that that should stop us from trying.

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Ginger Breggin here. I want to urge you to find a different metaphor for the media and control grid meltdown. Comparison to an autistic two-year-old is really poor form--especially for the autistic two-year-old. Please note that these days the term autistic (though it is supposed to describe a child without accompanying neurological injury) often describes a child who also has neurological damage -- perhaps from vaccines or other sources. These children and their taxed parents deserve an extra dose of sympathy and patience.

You quoted: "For example … the child [cries] louder in an effort to push the parent to their breaking point." And then you added yourself: "Thus, an “extinction burst” is something akin to a retreating army using tactical nuclear weapons in a final, desperate gambit to avoid losing the war."

In a nutshell-- two year old human beings are never the controller or the one in charge. The helplessness of infancy (ages birth to three years old or so) can only be expressed by that fledgling human being in so many ways. Some parents have enough trouble looking at their distressed children with empathy without making sly comparisons to negative influences, disruptions or wars.

We are not being controlled and attacked by desperate, physically injured or emotionally wounded children.

We are being attacked and controlled and enslaved unless we resist by elite global predators who are adult human beings who want power, control, wealth, exclusivity, and everlasting life. They are so far removed from us that we look like ants or bees to them, not humans.

If we do not fully face the evil forces aligned against the human species, we will never be able to stop the tightening net that is being drawn around us to enslave us and our children and grandchildren for our lifetimes. See our book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey.

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Beautiful statement, Ginger.

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What a wonderfully descriptive term; "extinction burst" is. It describes something many of us have seen over time and now have terminology to describe it. Thank you, Dr. McCullough--for your relentless commentary, founded on your life experience, professional skills and your vision for our future. Stay with us for a long time, sir. And may much of that time be of a new era you help inspire where we feel secure, nurtured and in the best of company.

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This is by John Leake, though Dr. McCullough is wonderful too. I so agree, what a great term! They just keep blabbing these idiotic terms, not unlike toddlers, who, it turns out, according to neuroscience, are actually fritzing out due to the intensity of neuron pruning and organizing of their brains. Not that these freaks are developing, just that they are fritzing out. Hotez reminded me of Hoder on Game of Thrones, saying nothing but "Hodor," whereas Hotex keeps on "sciency science, anti-science, scientific blah blah" like he was delivering a hypnotic cue straight out of Woody Allen's Curse of the Jade Scorpion, only the mass formation is shrinking, and his hypnotic subjects don't obey. John Leake is right, and we need a drinking game for every time we hear the words "antisemitic, racist, right-wing terrorist, transphobic, harmful, misogynistic" etc. Or we could just say what my brother and sister and I said when we were kids back in the Cenozoic: "I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" lol

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Maybe winning now, but this is a 16 inning (month) game to get to the finish line. Except that line has been erased by the commie dems and only joey knows where it's at.

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Aren't they all just part of the SWARM?.. Shiva4president ..watch his video on how tge Oligarchs & the Elites are just a SWARM to use whoever they can..celebrities JF Kennedy jnr. Etc to push their propaganda to smash the little people into breaking point 👉

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Is that the Dr. Shiva who invented the capitalized hyphenated word “E-Mail”?

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I was excited to see that Robert xfinity junior put his name and the democratic president election process. However reading some of the deeper dives people have started to do about his private life, well he seems like an asshole, wife committing suicide with his encouragement..cheated on her aswell. The diary with very uncomfortable details shedding light on his Bazaar sex life..the son marrying a cia agent, i'm beginning to frown at this prospect getting elected.

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Any links? That’s some weird stuff alright. But I’d rather see the source docs and judge their credibility for myself.

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Health impact news posted the article, he supposedly hooked up with girls at AA, the wife suicide is suspicious, she was a childhood friend of the family mainly roberts sister

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RFK jr sounds better every time I get to hear him. If he can get the Democratic nomination he needs to reach across the isle for his running mate. There are many young Republicans that would make a great fit. He always needs to publicly declare that there will be zero Obama/Biden holdovers in his administration and that he will bring Fauci to justice and expose everything he did.

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Tucker Carlson’s take on the reality of RFK’s popularity compared to his rivals, the American Media’s coverage of him, the BS Vaxx program, Censorship & Character Assassination of those who disagree is probably the most fair and honest I’ve heard to date. It’s about time. Now if only we, the righteous “Truthers,” could not only receive apologies, but well-deserved compensation for all the hate & defamation by the gluttonous Media Corp, VIACOM, BlackRock-Owned mainstream media and other monsters who’ve been slandering and shadow-banning us—the Anti-Vaxxers—for the past three years.🗽

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