My daughter had CV about 2 weeks ago. Assume it was the variant du jour. Very very mild, symptoms for only a day, then she was fine. No one else in the house caught it, and I, especially, was in close contact with her. We took IVM as prophylactic.

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How nice you can get your hands on Ivermectin...

Here in maskachusetts the pill Nazi's continue to scream, NO IVERMECTIN FOR YOU!

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no kidding, right? I'm in PA, and now there are a few functional medicine doctors who will prescribe it, and one or two local independent pharmacies who will fill it, I acquired it through FLCCC for my family after our last CV infection in 2021, just so we had it when we needed it. At that time, and even now, no "corporate" doctor or pharmacist would even talk about it.

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It's not like they didn't know what would cure "them" of the bioweapon "they" unleashed on the planet. There are patents for the bug and the bioweapon not vaccine.

That's not a mistake...

That's criminality on a scale never seen in history.

Notice these WEF types and Fauci types are all increasing their security....

They know what they've done...They know we know what they've done... They know we know they know what they've done... What's confusing them is we haven't come after then they they thought we'd come after them. Frankly I'm confused as well.

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They don’t care what we know or what we think. They are going to continue hammering down with catastrophes until a sufficient amount of useless eaters are dead.

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Best thing to do is go on a live our lives. There are more of us than them.

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Wouldn’t it be great if our gov’t rolled out early treatment kits and little nasal spray bottles that folks would use routinely the way we heard about snuff in the 19th century? This could have transformed society early on, saved a few $T and 1000 tons of medical waste. My personal belief is that Fauci would have a distinctive pattern detected in a SPECT scan. Akin to autism, underdevelopment of the prefrontal cortex. Cats have that. Beware Fauci meowing and hopping into your lap when he needs to be fed. Does your cat have an unrealistic notion of his/her importance? Are you not guilty of encouraging it?

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Follow the money. Not only that but look at the power both local, state, and federal governments gave themselves without a peep from the sheeple

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I don't want our government doing anything for me. The government doing shit for us is precisely why we're in the mess we presently find ourselves.

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Some easy instructions might help. Vitamin D and mouthwash.

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A simply gargle with diluted Betadine and a qtip into the nose with the solution will work. And the Xclear type spray for routine use. Too simple just like olden days with salt water.

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Thanks. I'm aware of those remedies and have the

xclear nasal sprays.

We've all recovered from "natural infections"... But for the first time in my life that I can remember over been sick twice in the span of six weeks and my wife has been sick going on two solid weeks now...I think there is a variant, created by the injected people that's floating around and doing damage... In fact I'm still coughing up crap 8 weeks after first getting sick...

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A nebulizer might help clear your lungs. You can use just normal saline. Some add a drop of Lugol's Iodine Solution or use Hydrogen Peroxide to really go after things in your lungs. A few nebs sessions might clear your lungs. Check Mercola's website.

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Will do thanks my friend... It's been right weeks of hell

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We have been hearing about variants for the past few years. Who is isolating, identifying and sequencing all of them. It appears to happen simultaneously around the world, in all countries, poor or rich. In all of covid there has been no QC of any diagnostic, not standards that I have heard of and now all variants are defined down to fractions of % everywhere. Who is generating all this data and publishing it so rapidly?

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Good questions.

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They won't stop the bioweapon shots until we stop them. Do not comply!

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I heard the next variant will be named The Kraken. Dr McCullough I would like to see more info from your China discussion on last weeks podcast. Of course, can we trust any data from China? But the death rate is concerning on a variant that should be more transmissible but less fatal

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Why are so many in China getting pneumonia right off? Is there stress or malnutrition contributing?

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The podcast stated that so much medication and vitamins are withheld from the population. Makes you wonder why ?

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My friend is unvaxxed, and contracted something two weeks ago. It was upper respiratory and also affected her throat, ears, etc. She was weak and said it was the worst ‘virus’ she had ever experienced. As I have read that Omicron is more transmissible but not nearly as serious, I was wondering what she contracted? Is Delta still going around? I cannot find any info that would lead me to figure out what she had……

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There have been a couple of viruses going around, both of which I've had. The first was coughing until vomiting several times in a night, then long term cough, pain, weakness. The second has been affecting me for 11 weeks, with coughing, congestion that creates ear pain. I had covid in December 2021 and would much rather have that than this new stuff. Hope your friend is into the C, zinc, tea, honey---all that really helps.

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Yes, she bombarded herself with supplements, so she was not quite as bad as her husband (who took none). Do you have any idea as to what these viruses are? The internet only talks about Omicron…..????

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No, I have no idea, went to the Dr. twice and they had no idea other than it being a virus. I've seldom been sick in my lifetime, but this cough has lasted almost 3 months! It was very odd. I gave someone a ride, so in the car about 40 minutes with him, and both of us reported the exact same symptoms, coughing and vomiting, the next morning, but no one we were around was sick and no one we know has had this. My friend has copd and other respiratory problems and somehow he's fine now.

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Perhaps his Vitamin D level was higher than yours. Perhaps he uses the Q and zinc. If he has COPD he very likely uses NAC to help his cough.

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I wish he was that attentive to his health! I actually did not believe he'd survive the coughing fits, as he experiences seizure like symptoms just from sneezing (i.e. prior to this). Glad you mention this---he takes the supplements if strongly reminded.

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Great question. My wife has something similar. She had delta sick in 2020 and recovered within 24 hours. My guess is she just has a flu bug

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What's your general location? I haven't talked to anyone who's had this other than my friend.

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One thing I puzzle over...how to make a formal demand to the US government to stop the shots...in writing in a legal letter.

Who to address it to? DOD? President? Joint Chiefs of staff or defence?

IS there some way we could do something like this...and

if we are smart (that means Katherine of Bailiwick and Sasha Latipova and probably David Martin would have to decide)....we might be able to find out who is really at the bottom of this and expose themby their reply or non reply? ..the power behind the CDC and NIH???

Anyone? Craft it in such a way that if they do not respnd, that indicates guilt?

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They don't give a shit duchess... This is not by mistake. You couldn't make this many mistakes all in one direction unless you were trying.

That makes it a plan.

You can't negotiate with people who are trying to kill you. There is only one appropriate response and that's to neutralize the threat.

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Since all those you named are probably guilty they all probably won’t respond. “No response” is a tactic for a number of reasons but one of the biggest is to make us feel helpless. A no response is like running into a brick wall. But I like your idea. We need to try anything we can to let them know we know and are on to them.

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You might want to look at take back your power movement. Ad nominem is the way if you want someone to go to jail or resign.

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Wow. Trump is talking! What we have been waiting for!

- what he thinks about safe and effective, why he did and didn't do certain things, and his thinking process.

He seems sincere. Says he relied on and believed the msm for "safe" and "effective" (and, by extension, I guess he did not believe "us," to whatever extent he was given info about "our" studies.) Says he knows MAGA people are upset with him.


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"Dr. McCullough Calls for COVID-19 Vaccines to be Pulled Off the Market, US Senate, Dec 7, 2022."

Another date that will live in infamy!

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Well, I guess “vaccinating” into a pandemic didn’t work out. Hmmm, didn’t “they” know that before doing it?

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BQ.1 (Cerberus) is the bivalent Pfizer variant. For every registered case it causes 1 death which is surprisingly not counted as a COVID death.

XBB is the Moderna bivalent booster variant. Its prevalence is very low in countries that do not use bivalent boosters. They coined it the Kraken.

BA.5-BQ.1.1 explain all the German excess mortality of 2022 (https://vigilance.pervaers.com/p/german-excess-mortality-part-1).

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Have these viruses been isolated? By who? WHO!? Do they meet the requirements set by koch principles?

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