And as soon as they do make these claims, THE VIEW and Rachel Maddow followers will be all over it like flies on honey, with thousands of posts claiming Russian misinformation. They are all hopelessly brain-washed.
Yet another nonsense study only proving the lethality of the vaccine in a null context. The diagnosis of the original covid illness was on the basis of a PCR test which is now widely accepted as being a useless ,corrupt over cycled fraud which never diagnosed the existence of a disease state only fragments of a coronavirus if even that useless piece of information. Come on doctors stop with the cognitive dissonance. Covid as a disease was a hoax.
To begin with, the fact that hundreds of labs around the world have gene-sequenced the virus and its mutations—and shared this data—comes directly from some of the world’s literal top scientists. These are the very same scientists and doctors who gave the freedom movement its entire platform.
I’m referring to top-tier scientists who risked—and in many cases, lost—their careers by coming forward to expose the lies propagated by governments and the media. These courageous individuals provided us with the evidence to challenge the narrative. They unequivocally proved, at least to my satisfaction, that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does exist. However, according to early statistics—even admitted by the CDC—the virus was comparable to seasonal influenza in its impact, with the significant exception that influenza killed six times as many children.
The claim that the virus never existed was a strategy concocted by Big Pharma to discredit the freedom movement. By associating us with ridiculous concepts that wouldn’t stand up in a court of law, they undermined our credibility. This narrative was a distraction, and unfortunately, well-meaning people like yourself bought into it without realizing it would jeopardize our ability to present credible cases in court. Telling a judge that the virus doesn’t exist would destroy any chance of legal victory.
It’s inconceivable that the scientists who armed us with evidence about fraudulent PCR tests, false claims of vaccine safety, efficacy, necessity, and the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine would be fooled about the existence of the virus—especially when hundreds of independent labs worldwide have corroborated its gene sequencing.
"hundreds of labs around the world have gene-sequenced the virus and its mutations"
some seem to call this in silica Jason: all just made up sequences of code visible on a computer screen; or very impressively, printable onto paper; some question if this converts into a replication competent; intracellular pathogen;
some point out that for "virology"; that the belief that the V word had to exist was paramount in its inception; so they didn't observe anything firstly; or succeed in growing; or "isolating": this last word is a very fraught topic; the driving belief came first; the "evidence" had to be assembled thereafter; eg follow the "retrovirus" debate from 1970 to the early 1980s; where "retrovirus" were "believed" to "cause cancer"
"comes directly from some of the world’s literal top scientists." we can in these jaundiced days admire your profound faith Jason; would these be the "follow the $cience" top $cientists, or the "Trust the $cience" top $cientists? Some of are very disillusioned after 5 yrs of being assaulted
"The claim that the virus never existed was a strategy concocted by Big Pharma"; again Jason; I can but admire your profound faith in a single unipolar explanation for everything; eg friends refer me here: I would be fascinated on your take on this work. (not exactly Big Harma folks these two)
"especially when hundreds of independent labs worldwide have corroborated its gene sequencing." I can't claim to have the answer; but there are many pointing out what they feel are fundamental flaws in all this "gene sequencing" in giving us THE ANSWER eg
It is good to be able to talk over these issues with you Jason; the more we can all discuss; present different ideas; reflect in harmonising discussion, and reflection, the better surely; all best wishes
Thank you for your response. I appreciate your willingness to engage in this discussion. However, I believe there is a fundamental misunderstanding regarding the difference between in silico modeling and laboratory-based gene sequencing. Allow me to clarify.
1. In Silico Sequencing vs. Laboratory Gene Sequencing
The in silico computer model you referred to is not the same as the gene sequencing performed independently by hundreds of laboratories worldwide.
The in silico sequence you mentioned relates specifically to the initial genomic data provided to Pfizer, which they used to develop their mRNA vaccine. Pfizer did indeed admit to slightly altering this computer model for their development process.
In contrast, when independent labs sequence viruses like SARS-CoV-2, they use rigorous methodologies, such as:
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): A high-throughput method that sequences millions of DNA or RNA fragments in parallel.
Sanger Sequencing: A traditional and highly reliable sequencing method.
Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing: Used for sequencing all genetic material in a sample, confirming the presence and structure of a virus.
These methods produce directly observed genetic data from physical viral RNA/DNA, not theoretical computer models. This distinction is critical to understanding how scientists confirmed SARS-CoV-2’s existence and mutations.
2. Evidence Supporting the Existence of Viruses
To address the claim that viruses do not exist, here are the key ways we have proven their existence:
Electron Microscopy: Viruses have been visualized under electron microscopes, allowing us to observe their structure directly.
Isolation and Cultivation: While isolating viruses isn’t always necessary, it has been done. Cell culture methods allow replication and study of viral behavior.
Genetic Sequencing: Viral RNA/DNA can be extracted, sequenced, and matched to known or novel viruses.
Measurable Host Effects: Viruses cause reproducible diseases in hosts, supported by Koch’s postulates (when properly understood).
Experimental Transmission: Controlled studies demonstrate how viruses spread and infect hosts, further validating their existence.
Molecular Markers: Detection of viral proteins and antibody responses proves their interaction with the immune system.
Epidemiological Patterns: Outbreaks follow consistent and predictable viral behavior, reinforcing their role in disease.
3. Refuting the Terrain Hypothesis
Dr. Samantha Bailey's hypothesis that "frequencies emitted by sick individuals trigger a detox response in others" is fundamentally flawed for several reasons:
If such frequencies caused detoxification, symptoms would vary widely due to differences in individual toxins. Instead, diseases like chickenpox result in consistent symptoms worldwide, which is only explainable through a viral mechanism.
This claim also lacks empirical support and ignores decades of research in virology, immunology, and molecular biology.
4. Discrediting the Virus Distracts from the Real Issue
The argument that "the virus does not exist" is a disservice to those fighting for justice:
It undermines credibility, especially in court cases, where presenting unscientific claims only strengthens the opposition.
I have personally worked with top scientists and lawyers on these issues. Judges often dismiss cases due to technicalities, but when evidence is considered, it overwhelmingly exposes the bioengineering and harm caused by the mRNA vaccine.
We must focus on what can be proven:
The virus exists and was engineered.
The mRNA vaccines are a deliberate bioweapon designed to cause harm.
5. Coordinated Psychological Warfare
I agree that the ruling establishment executed a psychological operation, manipulating public perception with media campaigns, rewards (free ice cream, gift cards), and punitive measures (job loss, travel restrictions). This strategy was meticulously planned to suppress dissent and enforce compliance.
In the following video, Christine M, The main proponent of these ideas gets completely owned by an average scientist, I suggest watching this for further clarification
The distinction between in silico models and laboratory sequencing is critical. Laboratory sequencing, performed globally, has confirmed SARS-CoV-2's existence. Claims that viruses do not exist only distract from actionable evidence and weaken our case in exposing the real crime: the creation and deployment of a bioengineered weapon disguised as a vaccine. Let's stay focused on what can be scientifically and legally proven.
I hope my comment and explanation clarified your misunderstandings. I believe it is important that we do not fall for such low hanging fruit as it both divisive and discrediting.
" In any event this is proof that there was something circulating in early 2020," but was it just a URTI: (upper respiratory tract infection) of some sort; I ask because I don't know
I say this because in Feb 2020 or so: I started reading about the Po Valley in N Italy; they had reported excess deaths of 40,000-60,000 I think over many of the preceding years; everyone took it for granted; the old got really sick in the densely polluted air it seemed; of Milan/Turin and the surrounding areas; folks used to take the "F" word for granted; then in 2020, we meant to scream and cower in terror .
"actually an attenuated, spreadable, bat vaccine "
the chinese did it; ralph baric did it; fauci did it;
there seem so many .. made up stories; fabrications; lies; pulling us all here; there; and everywhere; maybe the truth of what was done was simple; maybe at its core it is very simple; but we cannot see it or talk about it; maybe some day we will; who knows?
no; this would have been the original kits rolled out early 2020; the story was Christian Drosten "invented" his test on a Friday afternoon; mid-way through the afternoon; and by Monday morning the next week, billions of test kits were successfully being distributed worldwide; but they had been far-sighted, they developed the kits in at least 2017 and kgs of them were being flown to countries around the globe; to be stored till early 2020. Public health, as always, planning ahead and looking after us all.
As a GP I know with absolute certainty that there was nothing in my community any different than the previous 40 years . One must remember the unprecedented neglect we were mandated to impose on our patients and death certification three card trick plus the massive psychological overlay from the evil propaganda coming from mass media , government and treasonous doctors. It was special all right but not on a virulence basis.
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
all you say seems very true on all scores; one senses slowly the totalitarian censorship of the last four years is slowly breaking up; like ice in spring; this gentle lampoon by Rob Schneider had enough truth bombs to show what were forced to live through; what we were subjected to;
So PCR is your only argument to deduce that Sars-COV2 is a non-existent disease? I don't know if you realized that democracy, to be believed as such, must make mandatory falsifiable errors...
The context that you call null, has produced excess deaths, complications of diseases and not only those, as you will have seen there have been many superficialities in the management, criminal shortcomings from the beginning, despite years before having done simulations for a pandemic, there have been many criminal shortcomings for example autopsies not performed, deaths without investigation, strange and uncommon symptoms (still existing) and classified as usual symptoms or as particular outcomes from generic complications, progressive data without correlation, data on the concentration of variants impossible to align with infections and deaths, manipulation of data to demonstrate that the lock downs worked.
All the symptoms and fatal events have been classified in such a way as to highlight the unstoppable spread of the Spike protein, and at the same time without ever contrasting it with at least one known drug, or a timely prophylaxis or even a supplement to be used promptly without ever even working on a test that would quantify it (instead of PCR)!! .
I repeat, the symptoms of the disease were not exactly common, both in unvaccinated subjects, and in people affected before the vaccine, you should have heard something about this... from friends, or from acquaintances or relatives, or any symptom you perceived, you thought everyone had drunk their brains out of fear, even all those who then did not get vaccinated?
Yes, the badly used PCR is only part of the problem, as I think you can imagine it served to amplify the epidemic, but also to better pave the way for vaccines, being able to question the PCR was very useful for propaganda, because it shifted the attention from the symptoms and criminal shortcomings, on an exaggeration perceived by many as necessary, for others instead as proof of fear and a non-existent disease, but instead the PCR must be considered together with all the criminal management of the problem, including the desired solution (the vaccine).
As they say, you have to give a dog a bone sometimes otherwise the dog might forget that it is a dog.
I hope you have not been vaccinated, but I would not be so sure (like you) that a Spike (viral or vaccine) like this, was designed for so long to be temporary.
You Guys, Im so incredibly sad and heart broken. I tried so so hard to warn my parents. They told me I was ignorant and knew nothing. My dad is now at MD Anderson cancer hospital in Houston dying of leukemia😭 My moms not doing good either. Im going to lose them both to bio warfare. My brain wont stop. I cant get to my Dad to say goodbye. God did warn both myself and my daughter 2 years ago to prepare but really theres no preparing for death.
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
Why do they need to do further research on a vaccine that's not even needed? There are many tried and true inexpensive treatments for people that come down with COVID. Most of them should just be made OTC. I mean heck, look at all the medications over the counter for influenza...etc, you can even kill your fetus OTC with the day after pill.
sadly, Aunt Ohm; some even doubt the "virus" ever existed; all fabricated; some make a very good case for this; very hard to know these days what to believe.
I’ve known this since the pandemic started. Essentially… Del Bigtree was reporting this around March or April of 2020 and brought it up in other episodes of the Highwire. His people and interviewees were talking about how they didn’t think the vaccine would be able to get through because the studies, going way back, resulted in the death of the lab rats or mice, indicated that once vaccinated, the animals ALL died. I believe the unvaccinated lab animals were more likely to survive the disease without the vaccine. I was mortified… knowing that the interviewee, not big tree, was stating that the pandemic probably isn’t for the purpose of bringing a vax to market because it’s been nothing but a failure in the lab. Of course we agree it shouldn’t be released… but, I personally knew it was coming. I told sooo many people about this very situation. I don’t think I was able to stop anyone. Maybe my awesome neighbor Jay.
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
Your work on the vaccine harms is stellar but I fear we may be forgetting the initial crime which precipitated these millions of harms!
The PCR tests for covid 19 were being distributed internationally in 2017, two years before the official naming of the pandemic as demonstrated in the article linked below.
The symptoms described were relatively harmless and included symptoms such as headaches or fatigue. Then the Long Covid symptoms systematically became more and more similar to the Sars-CoV-2 vaccine-induced side effects step by step. It is now claimed that Long Covid disease is more dangerous and occurs more frequently than vaccine-induced disease.
If you believe that Long Covid disease exists, I challenge you to provide me with sources with clear (cryo)-electron microscopic evidence instead of the usual complacency studies. I challenge the proponents of the fictitious Long Covid theory to provide me with clear, comprehensible and incontrovertible scientific evidence of the origin of Long Covid. There is not a single scientific research paper that clearly proves the unqualified assumptions about the alleged development of Long Covid. Influenza viruses have spike proteins that change regularly and can be significantly more aggressive than the mutated long Covid spikes. Nevertheless, there is still no long influenza diagnosis.
Unfortunately, various experts on vaccine-induced side effects have now also jumped on the long Covid bandwagon. And of course, these experts, which now include Dr. Peter McCullough, offer remedies for both viral Covid spikes and vaccine-induced spikes. Source:
You just pay 89 dollars for a colorful mixture against spike proteins.
Unfortunately, Andrographis Paniculata, one of the most important active ingredients against vaccine poisoning, is missing from this 89 dollar offer.
Does Long Covid exist?
-The fairy tale of the fictitious Long Covid diagnosis.
The actual number of severe vaccine-induced side effects caused by the toxic Sars-CoV-2 vaccines is probably in the region of several hundred million cases. This is shown, among other things, by the new law of the French president Macron, who wants to punish any discussion of vaccine-induced side effects with 3 years in prison.
Macron's reaction shows the fear of the initiators of vaccine-induced mass murder of the investigation of this greatest crime in human history.
The data on serious side effects is systematically and deliberately falsified.
The best indicator for determining the actual number of serious vaccine-induced side effects is therefore the number of so-called long Covid diagnoses.
Anyone who knows ten people who have been diagnosed with Long Covid by the doctors who administered the Sars-CoV-2 vaccines, actually knows 10 patients with severe vaccine-induced side effects.
Long Covid does not exist. All Long Covid patients in my practice have been vaccinated.
There is not a single piece of scientific evidence to support the fictitious Long Covid diagnosis.
If you disagree, I would ask you to provide me with authentic sources of scientific evidence of Long Covid based on molecular biology with clear cryo-electromicroscopic images.
All claims about the origin of Long COVID are made in the subjunctive mood.
All statements on the freely invented Long Covid theory are completely fact-free, are based on medical illiteracy and, as an expert in molecular biology, raise doubts in me about the mental state of the proponents of the Long COVID theory.
The Long Covid fairy tale is based on the following statements:
We don't Long Covid develops.
Dr A from B claims.......
We suspect.......that Long Covid could be caused by remnants of Sars-CoV-2 viruses. (Conjunctive and purely molecular biologically impossible)
We suspect.......that it could be Sars-CoV-2 viruses hiding in the bodies of infected people. (From a medical point of view, this is an absolutely moronic assertion).
We don't know what triggers it, how we can treat it and how long this (fictitious) disease can persist.
Conclusion: The Long Covid diagnosis is based solely on medical illiteracy and absolutely fact-free theories. The core statement of the Long Covid theory is:
We don't know anything and we can't prove our Long Covid fairy tale either.
But we can use this fictitious diagnosis to deny vaccine-injured people any help in treating their serious vaccine-induced illnesses. We also use the fictitious Long COVID diagnosis to salve the consciences of the GPs responsible for the millions of deaths and millions of serious side effects caused by the toxic, experimental Sars-CoV-2 vaccines.
If we add up the so-called Long Covid cases, we get an accurate picture of the actual number of vaccine poisonings and deaths.
Meanwhile, the alleged Long COVID symptoms are becoming more and more similar to the possible symptoms caused by the toxic Sars-CoV-2 vaccines.
One more personal comment on Long Covid.
The fact that mRNA Sars-CoV-2 vaccine opponents Doctors support the fictitious Long Covid theory, which is all conjecture without hard evidence, I personally find cynical and counterproductive because it allows doctors to diagnose their vaccine poisoned patients as Long Covid cases. And this is exactly what the fictitious Long Covid diagnosis was intended for. Long Covid only serves to falsify the actual number of Sars-CoV-2 vaccine poisonings.
Everyone can well imagine what the Long Covid fairy tale means for patients with more severe vaccine-induced side effects.
As already described above, there is now a way to clearly detect the presence of vaccine-induced spike proteins in the blood and/or urine of vaccinated individuals. I am currently working on finding laboratories that are willing to carry out this method in Germany.
This could clearly prove the systematically staged vaccine-induced mass murder. Because now it can be determined exactly how long the bodies of vaccinated people actually produce vaccine-induced spike proteins. Title: Detection of recombinant spike protein in the blood of people vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2: Possible molecular mechanisms.
In conclusion, the possibility of detecting the presence of specific fragments of recombinant Spike protein opens new scenarios for monitoring the presence and half-life of vaccine Spike protein in vaccinated individuals. The hypotheses advanced need more and larger studies. At present, these initial observations are limited only to assessing the presence of the vaccine protein with the aim of wanting to provide aid in the individual's decision to administer booster doses or temporize.
Using mass spectrometry examination of biological samples, we detected the presence of specific fragments of recombinant Spike protein in about 50% of subjects who received mRNA-based vaccines. In some cases, we found the PP-Spike marker in vaccinated individuals more than 30 days after the vaccine, indicating that it is possible to detect vaccine “Spike” protein even sometime after vaccination and in any organic tissue (data in preparation). Based on the results obtained, hypotheses can be made for possible molecular mechanisms of persistence of “Spike PP.” In particular, three hypotheses are possible and are shown in Figure 3.
1)It is possible that the mRNA may be integrated or re-transcribed in some cells.
3.2 Rationale
Trypsin for the cleavage of viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins.
Trypsin [18] is an enzyme belonging to the class of hydrolases capable of reducing proteins to smaller polypeptides by proteolytic cuts with specificity for arginine (R) and lysine (K). Synthetic Spike protein and natural Spike protein can thus be distinguished as they produce different tryptic digestion products:
– When digested by trypsin, the PP-Spike encoded by vaccine mRNA produces an LDPPEAEVQIDR fragment (PP-Spike marker) (Figure 2C).
– The wild-type SAR-CoV-2 protein, when digested by trypsin, produces two smaller fragments, namely LDK + VEAEVQIDR.
Long Covid sounds no different to common CFS = chronic fatigue syndrome. Are you equally skeptical that CFS doesnt exist, even though we know what causes it ? I am an expert on chronic fatigue, and there is an explanation for the fatigue and associated symptoms. I could give you an extended explanation of how weakened hormone response, and hormone disruption can lead to fatigue and chronic symptoms, but it is complex, and would take some time. I might prefer to direct you to my substack, for a more permanent detailed record of the cause. Long Covid is clearly caused by a sustained attack on the CNS by a bad infection such as Glandular fever, that lasts long enough to weaken hormone activity in ones H - P - A axis, and people struggle to recover from the chronic results. I can provide a more detailed explanation.
Rather than claim “breaking new” Study why don’t you just instead say new studies keep coming out confirming what top scientist stated during the first days of the vaccine rollout.
It was clear back at the end of 2020 that there was a political component to the vaccine and a suspicious response to the use of hydroxychloroquine. When both HCQ and Ivermectin were essentially made unavailable we knew something was horribly wrong. Neither my wife nor I got vaccinated and we both feel vindicated. As a point of interest neither one of us ever had Covid.
I have no expectations of seeing anyone going to jail but I hope hearings uncover all of the responsible parties to this crime against humanity even if it is only to put their pictures in a rogues' gallery.
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
Waiting for big pharma to claim that this is a Russian influenced study, followed by an FBI investigation led by Peter Strzok.
And Paid for by the Clinton Foundation
Read the following, shortlist, of names and job titles, and then think of the damage they helped cause quite intentionally during the Covid fiasco!
Larry Fink. CEO BlackRock (Fox, CNN J&J)
Rochelle Walensky. CDC Director
Anne Schuchat. CDC Deputy Director
Jeff Reczek. CDC Director Washington
Xavier Becerra. Health & Human Services
Sherri Berger. CDC Chief of Staff
Rachel Levine. Assistant Secretary for Health
Mitchell Wolfe. CDC Chief Medical Officer
Wendy Sherman. Deputy Secretary of State
Albert Bourla. Pfizer CEO
Pascal Soriot. AstraZenica CEO
Tal Zaks. Moderna Chief Scientist
Alex Gorsky. Johnson & Johnson CEO
Mikael Dolsten. Pfizer Chief Scientist
Andy Slavitt. Senior Pandemic Advisor
Robert Klain. White House Chief of Staff
Merrick Garland. Attorney General
Mortimer J Buckley. Vanguard CEO
(owner of Fox & CNN, J&J)
Avril Haines. Director of National Intelligence
Alejandro Mayorkas. Secretary of Homeland Security
Janet Yellen. Secretary of Treasury
David Cohen. Former Director of CIA
Anne Neuberger. Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology
Mark Zuckerberg CEO Facebook
George Soros. Alphabet Inc. (Google's parent company)
* Amazon
* Netflix
* Facebook
* * Lyft
* Spotify Technology S.A
* * Moderna Inc.
* Bail reform
* Defund Police
Robert Kapito. BlackRock President (owner of Fox & CNN, J&J)
Andy Slavitt. Senior Pandemic Advisor
Antony Blinken. Secretary of State
Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted
More fakery from the wizards
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
And as soon as they do make these claims, THE VIEW and Rachel Maddow followers will be all over it like flies on honey, with thousands of posts claiming Russian misinformation. They are all hopelessly brain-washed.
Yet another nonsense study only proving the lethality of the vaccine in a null context. The diagnosis of the original covid illness was on the basis of a PCR test which is now widely accepted as being a useless ,corrupt over cycled fraud which never diagnosed the existence of a disease state only fragments of a coronavirus if even that useless piece of information. Come on doctors stop with the cognitive dissonance. Covid as a disease was a hoax.
Whether COVID is a disease or a poison, it does exist.
really? what would you cite to support your assertion?
why for example; were COVID-19 test kits being flown to countries all around the world in 2017 and 2018? Just far-sightedness?
To begin with, the fact that hundreds of labs around the world have gene-sequenced the virus and its mutations—and shared this data—comes directly from some of the world’s literal top scientists. These are the very same scientists and doctors who gave the freedom movement its entire platform.
I’m referring to top-tier scientists who risked—and in many cases, lost—their careers by coming forward to expose the lies propagated by governments and the media. These courageous individuals provided us with the evidence to challenge the narrative. They unequivocally proved, at least to my satisfaction, that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does exist. However, according to early statistics—even admitted by the CDC—the virus was comparable to seasonal influenza in its impact, with the significant exception that influenza killed six times as many children.
The claim that the virus never existed was a strategy concocted by Big Pharma to discredit the freedom movement. By associating us with ridiculous concepts that wouldn’t stand up in a court of law, they undermined our credibility. This narrative was a distraction, and unfortunately, well-meaning people like yourself bought into it without realizing it would jeopardize our ability to present credible cases in court. Telling a judge that the virus doesn’t exist would destroy any chance of legal victory.
It’s inconceivable that the scientists who armed us with evidence about fraudulent PCR tests, false claims of vaccine safety, efficacy, necessity, and the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine would be fooled about the existence of the virus—especially when hundreds of independent labs worldwide have corroborated its gene sequencing.
thanks Jason
"hundreds of labs around the world have gene-sequenced the virus and its mutations"
some seem to call this in silica Jason: all just made up sequences of code visible on a computer screen; or very impressively, printable onto paper; some question if this converts into a replication competent; intracellular pathogen;
some point out that for "virology"; that the belief that the V word had to exist was paramount in its inception; so they didn't observe anything firstly; or succeed in growing; or "isolating": this last word is a very fraught topic; the driving belief came first; the "evidence" had to be assembled thereafter; eg follow the "retrovirus" debate from 1970 to the early 1980s; where "retrovirus" were "believed" to "cause cancer"
"comes directly from some of the world’s literal top scientists." we can in these jaundiced days admire your profound faith Jason; would these be the "follow the $cience" top $cientists, or the "Trust the $cience" top $cientists? Some of are very disillusioned after 5 yrs of being assaulted
"The claim that the virus never existed was a strategy concocted by Big Pharma"; again Jason; I can but admire your profound faith in a single unipolar explanation for everything; eg friends refer me here: I would be fascinated on your take on this work. (not exactly Big Harma folks these two)
"especially when hundreds of independent labs worldwide have corroborated its gene sequencing." I can't claim to have the answer; but there are many pointing out what they feel are fundamental flaws in all this "gene sequencing" in giving us THE ANSWER eg
It is good to be able to talk over these issues with you Jason; the more we can all discuss; present different ideas; reflect in harmonising discussion, and reflection, the better surely; all best wishes
Thank you for your response. I appreciate your willingness to engage in this discussion. However, I believe there is a fundamental misunderstanding regarding the difference between in silico modeling and laboratory-based gene sequencing. Allow me to clarify.
1. In Silico Sequencing vs. Laboratory Gene Sequencing
The in silico computer model you referred to is not the same as the gene sequencing performed independently by hundreds of laboratories worldwide.
The in silico sequence you mentioned relates specifically to the initial genomic data provided to Pfizer, which they used to develop their mRNA vaccine. Pfizer did indeed admit to slightly altering this computer model for their development process.
In contrast, when independent labs sequence viruses like SARS-CoV-2, they use rigorous methodologies, such as:
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): A high-throughput method that sequences millions of DNA or RNA fragments in parallel.
Sanger Sequencing: A traditional and highly reliable sequencing method.
Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing: Used for sequencing all genetic material in a sample, confirming the presence and structure of a virus.
These methods produce directly observed genetic data from physical viral RNA/DNA, not theoretical computer models. This distinction is critical to understanding how scientists confirmed SARS-CoV-2’s existence and mutations.
2. Evidence Supporting the Existence of Viruses
To address the claim that viruses do not exist, here are the key ways we have proven their existence:
Electron Microscopy: Viruses have been visualized under electron microscopes, allowing us to observe their structure directly.
Isolation and Cultivation: While isolating viruses isn’t always necessary, it has been done. Cell culture methods allow replication and study of viral behavior.
Genetic Sequencing: Viral RNA/DNA can be extracted, sequenced, and matched to known or novel viruses.
Measurable Host Effects: Viruses cause reproducible diseases in hosts, supported by Koch’s postulates (when properly understood).
Experimental Transmission: Controlled studies demonstrate how viruses spread and infect hosts, further validating their existence.
Molecular Markers: Detection of viral proteins and antibody responses proves their interaction with the immune system.
Epidemiological Patterns: Outbreaks follow consistent and predictable viral behavior, reinforcing their role in disease.
3. Refuting the Terrain Hypothesis
Dr. Samantha Bailey's hypothesis that "frequencies emitted by sick individuals trigger a detox response in others" is fundamentally flawed for several reasons:
If such frequencies caused detoxification, symptoms would vary widely due to differences in individual toxins. Instead, diseases like chickenpox result in consistent symptoms worldwide, which is only explainable through a viral mechanism.
This claim also lacks empirical support and ignores decades of research in virology, immunology, and molecular biology.
4. Discrediting the Virus Distracts from the Real Issue
The argument that "the virus does not exist" is a disservice to those fighting for justice:
It undermines credibility, especially in court cases, where presenting unscientific claims only strengthens the opposition.
I have personally worked with top scientists and lawyers on these issues. Judges often dismiss cases due to technicalities, but when evidence is considered, it overwhelmingly exposes the bioengineering and harm caused by the mRNA vaccine.
We must focus on what can be proven:
The virus exists and was engineered.
The mRNA vaccines are a deliberate bioweapon designed to cause harm.
5. Coordinated Psychological Warfare
I agree that the ruling establishment executed a psychological operation, manipulating public perception with media campaigns, rewards (free ice cream, gift cards), and punitive measures (job loss, travel restrictions). This strategy was meticulously planned to suppress dissent and enforce compliance.
In the following video, Christine M, The main proponent of these ideas gets completely owned by an average scientist, I suggest watching this for further clarification
In Summary:
The distinction between in silico models and laboratory sequencing is critical. Laboratory sequencing, performed globally, has confirmed SARS-CoV-2's existence. Claims that viruses do not exist only distract from actionable evidence and weaken our case in exposing the real crime: the creation and deployment of a bioengineered weapon disguised as a vaccine. Let's stay focused on what can be scientifically and legally proven.
I hope my comment and explanation clarified your misunderstandings. I believe it is important that we do not fall for such low hanging fruit as it both divisive and discrediting.
There was a thing released in Fall 2019. It caused idiosyncratic symptoms for many and we have their testimonies: It was likely being engineered as a measure/countermeasure project. It may even have been a vaccine: The PCR test was designed to pick up the markers in as broad a spectrum as possible.
thanks for this:
" In any event this is proof that there was something circulating in early 2020," but was it just a URTI: (upper respiratory tract infection) of some sort; I ask because I don't know
I say this because in Feb 2020 or so: I started reading about the Po Valley in N Italy; they had reported excess deaths of 40,000-60,000 I think over many of the preceding years; everyone took it for granted; the old got really sick in the densely polluted air it seemed; of Milan/Turin and the surrounding areas; folks used to take the "F" word for granted; then in 2020, we meant to scream and cower in terror .
"actually an attenuated, spreadable, bat vaccine "
the chinese did it; ralph baric did it; fauci did it;
there seem so many .. made up stories; fabrications; lies; pulling us all here; there; and everywhere; maybe the truth of what was done was simple; maybe at its core it is very simple; but we cannot see it or talk about it; maybe some day we will; who knows?
Check out David Martin. There are patents on the poison.
What test kits? Those ripoffs I see at Walgreen's?
no; this would have been the original kits rolled out early 2020; the story was Christian Drosten "invented" his test on a Friday afternoon; mid-way through the afternoon; and by Monday morning the next week, billions of test kits were successfully being distributed worldwide; but they had been far-sighted, they developed the kits in at least 2017 and kgs of them were being flown to countries around the globe; to be stored till early 2020. Public health, as always, planning ahead and looking after us all.
As a GP I know with absolute certainty that there was nothing in my community any different than the previous 40 years . One must remember the unprecedented neglect we were mandated to impose on our patients and death certification three card trick plus the massive psychological overlay from the evil propaganda coming from mass media , government and treasonous doctors. It was special all right but not on a virulence basis.
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
Many of the family practitioners that I spoke with reported seeing an unusual amount of patients experiencing loss of taste.
Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted
More fakery from the wizards
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
Why don't you go argue it out with Bill Rice, Jr.?
Who is Bill Rice Junior ?
all you say seems very true on all scores; one senses slowly the totalitarian censorship of the last four years is slowly breaking up; like ice in spring; this gentle lampoon by Rob Schneider had enough truth bombs to show what were forced to live through; what we were subjected to;
So PCR is your only argument to deduce that Sars-COV2 is a non-existent disease? I don't know if you realized that democracy, to be believed as such, must make mandatory falsifiable errors...
The context that you call null, has produced excess deaths, complications of diseases and not only those, as you will have seen there have been many superficialities in the management, criminal shortcomings from the beginning, despite years before having done simulations for a pandemic, there have been many criminal shortcomings for example autopsies not performed, deaths without investigation, strange and uncommon symptoms (still existing) and classified as usual symptoms or as particular outcomes from generic complications, progressive data without correlation, data on the concentration of variants impossible to align with infections and deaths, manipulation of data to demonstrate that the lock downs worked.
All the symptoms and fatal events have been classified in such a way as to highlight the unstoppable spread of the Spike protein, and at the same time without ever contrasting it with at least one known drug, or a timely prophylaxis or even a supplement to be used promptly without ever even working on a test that would quantify it (instead of PCR)!! .
I repeat, the symptoms of the disease were not exactly common, both in unvaccinated subjects, and in people affected before the vaccine, you should have heard something about this... from friends, or from acquaintances or relatives, or any symptom you perceived, you thought everyone had drunk their brains out of fear, even all those who then did not get vaccinated?
Yes, the badly used PCR is only part of the problem, as I think you can imagine it served to amplify the epidemic, but also to better pave the way for vaccines, being able to question the PCR was very useful for propaganda, because it shifted the attention from the symptoms and criminal shortcomings, on an exaggeration perceived by many as necessary, for others instead as proof of fear and a non-existent disease, but instead the PCR must be considered together with all the criminal management of the problem, including the desired solution (the vaccine).
As they say, you have to give a dog a bone sometimes otherwise the dog might forget that it is a dog.
I hope you have not been vaccinated, but I would not be so sure (like you) that a Spike (viral or vaccine) like this, was designed for so long to be temporary.
Cycle on out of here! It got me on 29 February 2020. What "PCR test"? PCR is an amplification technique.
I can not say it better.
You Guys, Im so incredibly sad and heart broken. I tried so so hard to warn my parents. They told me I was ignorant and knew nothing. My dad is now at MD Anderson cancer hospital in Houston dying of leukemia😭 My moms not doing good either. Im going to lose them both to bio warfare. My brain wont stop. I cant get to my Dad to say goodbye. God did warn both myself and my daughter 2 years ago to prepare but really theres no preparing for death.
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
Why do they need to do further research on a vaccine that's not even needed? There are many tried and true inexpensive treatments for people that come down with COVID. Most of them should just be made OTC. I mean heck, look at all the medications over the counter for influenza...etc, you can even kill your fetus OTC with the day after pill.
Proteases (such as pineapple) are OTC; amantadine and rimantadine are not.
sadly, Aunt Ohm; some even doubt the "virus" ever existed; all fabricated; some make a very good case for this; very hard to know these days what to believe.
I’ve known this since the pandemic started. Essentially… Del Bigtree was reporting this around March or April of 2020 and brought it up in other episodes of the Highwire. His people and interviewees were talking about how they didn’t think the vaccine would be able to get through because the studies, going way back, resulted in the death of the lab rats or mice, indicated that once vaccinated, the animals ALL died. I believe the unvaccinated lab animals were more likely to survive the disease without the vaccine. I was mortified… knowing that the interviewee, not big tree, was stating that the pandemic probably isn’t for the purpose of bringing a vax to market because it’s been nothing but a failure in the lab. Of course we agree it shouldn’t be released… but, I personally knew it was coming. I told sooo many people about this very situation. I don’t think I was able to stop anyone. Maybe my awesome neighbor Jay.
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
Taking any mainstream big pharma drugs increases your risk of death and debilitation.
Your work on the vaccine harms is stellar but I fear we may be forgetting the initial crime which precipitated these millions of harms!
The PCR tests for covid 19 were being distributed internationally in 2017, two years before the official naming of the pandemic as demonstrated in the article linked below.
Accepting an accidental leak theory detracts from the truth and also protects the real criminals.
Damn all you murderers and liars for killing men, women and children!!!
Our owners are culling us, subtly this time, so we don't know.
At first, the Long Covid diagnosis was a guess.
The symptoms described were relatively harmless and included symptoms such as headaches or fatigue. Then the Long Covid symptoms systematically became more and more similar to the Sars-CoV-2 vaccine-induced side effects step by step. It is now claimed that Long Covid disease is more dangerous and occurs more frequently than vaccine-induced disease.
If you believe that Long Covid disease exists, I challenge you to provide me with sources with clear (cryo)-electron microscopic evidence instead of the usual complacency studies. I challenge the proponents of the fictitious Long Covid theory to provide me with clear, comprehensible and incontrovertible scientific evidence of the origin of Long Covid. There is not a single scientific research paper that clearly proves the unqualified assumptions about the alleged development of Long Covid. Influenza viruses have spike proteins that change regularly and can be significantly more aggressive than the mutated long Covid spikes. Nevertheless, there is still no long influenza diagnosis.
Unfortunately, various experts on vaccine-induced side effects have now also jumped on the long Covid bandwagon. And of course, these experts, which now include Dr. Peter McCullough, offer remedies for both viral Covid spikes and vaccine-induced spikes. Source:
You just pay 89 dollars for a colorful mixture against spike proteins.
Advertised by Dr. Peter McCullough.
Unfortunately, Andrographis Paniculata, one of the most important active ingredients against vaccine poisoning, is missing from this 89 dollar offer.
Does Long Covid exist?
-The fairy tale of the fictitious Long Covid diagnosis.
The actual number of severe vaccine-induced side effects caused by the toxic Sars-CoV-2 vaccines is probably in the region of several hundred million cases. This is shown, among other things, by the new law of the French president Macron, who wants to punish any discussion of vaccine-induced side effects with 3 years in prison.
Macron's reaction shows the fear of the initiators of vaccine-induced mass murder of the investigation of this greatest crime in human history.
The data on serious side effects is systematically and deliberately falsified.
The best indicator for determining the actual number of serious vaccine-induced side effects is therefore the number of so-called long Covid diagnoses.
Anyone who knows ten people who have been diagnosed with Long Covid by the doctors who administered the Sars-CoV-2 vaccines, actually knows 10 patients with severe vaccine-induced side effects.
Long Covid does not exist. All Long Covid patients in my practice have been vaccinated.
There is not a single piece of scientific evidence to support the fictitious Long Covid diagnosis.
If you disagree, I would ask you to provide me with authentic sources of scientific evidence of Long Covid based on molecular biology with clear cryo-electromicroscopic images.
All claims about the origin of Long COVID are made in the subjunctive mood.
All statements on the freely invented Long Covid theory are completely fact-free, are based on medical illiteracy and, as an expert in molecular biology, raise doubts in me about the mental state of the proponents of the Long COVID theory.
The Long Covid fairy tale is based on the following statements:
We don't Long Covid develops.
Dr A from B claims.......
We suspect.......that Long Covid could be caused by remnants of Sars-CoV-2 viruses. (Conjunctive and purely molecular biologically impossible)
We suspect.......that it could be Sars-CoV-2 viruses hiding in the bodies of infected people. (From a medical point of view, this is an absolutely moronic assertion).
We don't know what triggers it, how we can treat it and how long this (fictitious) disease can persist.
Conclusion: The Long Covid diagnosis is based solely on medical illiteracy and absolutely fact-free theories. The core statement of the Long Covid theory is:
We don't know anything and we can't prove our Long Covid fairy tale either.
But we can use this fictitious diagnosis to deny vaccine-injured people any help in treating their serious vaccine-induced illnesses. We also use the fictitious Long COVID diagnosis to salve the consciences of the GPs responsible for the millions of deaths and millions of serious side effects caused by the toxic, experimental Sars-CoV-2 vaccines.
If we add up the so-called Long Covid cases, we get an accurate picture of the actual number of vaccine poisonings and deaths.
Meanwhile, the alleged Long COVID symptoms are becoming more and more similar to the possible symptoms caused by the toxic Sars-CoV-2 vaccines.
One more personal comment on Long Covid.
The fact that mRNA Sars-CoV-2 vaccine opponents Doctors support the fictitious Long Covid theory, which is all conjecture without hard evidence, I personally find cynical and counterproductive because it allows doctors to diagnose their vaccine poisoned patients as Long Covid cases. And this is exactly what the fictitious Long Covid diagnosis was intended for. Long Covid only serves to falsify the actual number of Sars-CoV-2 vaccine poisonings.
Everyone can well imagine what the Long Covid fairy tale means for patients with more severe vaccine-induced side effects.
As already described above, there is now a way to clearly detect the presence of vaccine-induced spike proteins in the blood and/or urine of vaccinated individuals. I am currently working on finding laboratories that are willing to carry out this method in Germany.
This could clearly prove the systematically staged vaccine-induced mass murder. Because now it can be determined exactly how long the bodies of vaccinated people actually produce vaccine-induced spike proteins. Title: Detection of recombinant spike protein in the blood of people vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2: Possible molecular mechanisms.
Text excerpt:
In conclusion, the possibility of detecting the presence of specific fragments of recombinant Spike protein opens new scenarios for monitoring the presence and half-life of vaccine Spike protein in vaccinated individuals. The hypotheses advanced need more and larger studies. At present, these initial observations are limited only to assessing the presence of the vaccine protein with the aim of wanting to provide aid in the individual's decision to administer booster doses or temporize.
Using mass spectrometry examination of biological samples, we detected the presence of specific fragments of recombinant Spike protein in about 50% of subjects who received mRNA-based vaccines. In some cases, we found the PP-Spike marker in vaccinated individuals more than 30 days after the vaccine, indicating that it is possible to detect vaccine “Spike” protein even sometime after vaccination and in any organic tissue (data in preparation). Based on the results obtained, hypotheses can be made for possible molecular mechanisms of persistence of “Spike PP.” In particular, three hypotheses are possible and are shown in Figure 3.
1)It is possible that the mRNA may be integrated or re-transcribed in some cells.
3.2 Rationale
Trypsin for the cleavage of viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins.
Trypsin [18] is an enzyme belonging to the class of hydrolases capable of reducing proteins to smaller polypeptides by proteolytic cuts with specificity for arginine (R) and lysine (K). Synthetic Spike protein and natural Spike protein can thus be distinguished as they produce different tryptic digestion products:
– When digested by trypsin, the PP-Spike encoded by vaccine mRNA produces an LDPPEAEVQIDR fragment (PP-Spike marker) (Figure 2C).
– The wild-type SAR-CoV-2 protein, when digested by trypsin, produces two smaller fragments, namely LDK + VEAEVQIDR.
Long Covid sounds no different to common CFS = chronic fatigue syndrome. Are you equally skeptical that CFS doesnt exist, even though we know what causes it ? I am an expert on chronic fatigue, and there is an explanation for the fatigue and associated symptoms. I could give you an extended explanation of how weakened hormone response, and hormone disruption can lead to fatigue and chronic symptoms, but it is complex, and would take some time. I might prefer to direct you to my substack, for a more permanent detailed record of the cause. Long Covid is clearly caused by a sustained attack on the CNS by a bad infection such as Glandular fever, that lasts long enough to weaken hormone activity in ones H - P - A axis, and people struggle to recover from the chronic results. I can provide a more detailed explanation.
Choking kills; it's not "relatively harmless". Long covid is chronic spike protein poisoning.
Rather than claim “breaking new” Study why don’t you just instead say new studies keep coming out confirming what top scientist stated during the first days of the vaccine rollout.
the dam is leaking and the govt will not have enough fingers to plug the holes....
It was clear back at the end of 2020 that there was a political component to the vaccine and a suspicious response to the use of hydroxychloroquine. When both HCQ and Ivermectin were essentially made unavailable we knew something was horribly wrong. Neither my wife nor I got vaccinated and we both feel vindicated. As a point of interest neither one of us ever had Covid.
I have no expectations of seeing anyone going to jail but I hope hearings uncover all of the responsible parties to this crime against humanity even if it is only to put their pictures in a rogues' gallery.
Incredible to me that the “authorities” all over the world are still getting away with denying this kind of data and pushing the poison.
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure, and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
This is getting more and more negligent, the longer these mRNA products stay on the market.
The ONS data shows for all cause mortality that the risk is over 10 fold higher by Jan 2022 in vaccinated versus unvaccinated.