BREAKING Publication--Are COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy as Safe and Effective as the U.S. Government, Medical Organizations, and Pharmaceutical Industry Claim? Part II
Thorp Published Second Paper on the Disastrous Vaccines
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
The evolving medical literature is commonly split along two sides of an argument, medication, or surgery. One can find vigorous presentations of data promoting low back surgery and an equal counterbalancing support for chiropractic care of the same medical problem.
The COVID-19 vaccines have been promoted relentlessly by the mainstream media and major medical journals with no countervailing publications. Thus papers such as the three part series led by Dr. James Thorp are vital to achieving balance.
“Of all VAERS AE reports, 8.47% (138,983) of COVID-19 reports had no vaccination date and thus were missing from the data presented in Part I of this series. We unconcealed data presented in Part I of this series to include VAERS case reports that were excluded when using standard queries because of an “unknown vaccination date”. The unconcealed data in the 37 AE cases reported in this study (Part II) ranged from 0 - 38% with a mean of 8.2% (standard deviation 9.7%) and the significant breaches of VAERS safety signals in Part I of this series were largely underestimated. Another method of concealing vaccine associated AEs is to exclude the specific vaccine type rendering it as an “unknown vaccine type”. “Unknown vaccine type” has logarithmically increased since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines in 2021, ranging from 1 to 400 cases between 1990 to 2018 to 11,461 cases in 2021. CDC/FDA granted $67 million via a Cooperative Agreement grant to Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) between July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2025. MDPH then made subawards under this grant to 21 influential public and private health and civic organizations, including NEJM’s owner, Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS). As one of the sub awardees under the grant, MMS as owner of NEJM received over $426,000 in federal HHS/CDC grant money from 2019 to 2020 for “public health and medical emergency preparedness projects”. CDC/FDA has failed to capture and account for a significant number of AE case reports following COVID-19 in VAERS by a variety of techniques in an apparent attempt to sanitize the data. CDC’s Rochelle Walensky and NEJM’s Editor-in-Chief Eric Rubin pushed novel untested COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant women despite clear evidence from multiple sources that safety signals had been breached.”

This manuscript suggests the safety data on the COVID-19 vaccines are grossly under-represented by government agencies and thus the medical journals they are paying. This means the public health problem is far worse than what we believe it to be at the present. Stay tuned for part III in the series. Thorp is pounding a sledgehammer.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
My 24 year old niece, who spent a month in the hospital trying to stop her baby from being born early and whose baby was born "neurologically" injured and still isn't right sure doesn't think much of our medical system.... or our "vaccine" guide, nor do I or many thousands of people. She was pressured into getting the vaccine and she only got one. She still cannot get pregnant again, it's been 3 years!
But, heavens, bring on the Bird Flu vax, there are many more lives to ruin!
Government agencies paying medical journals to publish a predetermined narrative. Readers must always look for potential conflicts of interest when reading any reports.