My 24 year old niece, who spent a month in the hospital trying to stop her baby from being born early and whose baby was born "neurologically" injured and still isn't right sure doesn't think much of our medical system.... or our "vaccine" guide, nor do I or many thousands of people. She was pressured into getting the vaccine and she only got one. She still cannot get pregnant again, it's been 3 years!

But, heavens, bring on the Bird Flu vax, there are many more lives to ruin!

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God bless your niece. My wife was pregnant with our two year old when her OBs pressured her to get the injection claiming “it was for the safety of her 80 year old patients who were in the waiting room”. Luckily under my influence she declined. But these idiots tried to guilt trip her into it several times. Our two year old baby is the picture of health. Now one of those OBs is pregnant, having complications, on bed rest and can’t work. These OBs were also brainwashed and have injured themselves as well. Terrible…

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C19 was in large part, an intelligence test of humanity subjected to mass fear hypnosis.

And many other hidden de-pop agendas.

Let us not get fooled again.

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yes, granny was the reason my niece got the vax (even though I kept saying "don't" and I kept sending them info), now grandma is dead (turbo lymphoma).

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Being Heard....we must be without failure granted, our ways in others for listening.

Not silenced!

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Government agencies paying medical journals to publish a predetermined narrative. Readers must always look for potential conflicts of interest when reading any reports.

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“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.”

― Marcia Angell

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Roger that Houston....we have lift off.....Fraud Discovery Mission One is under way!!

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'conflicts of interest' yup, it's all about money; government grants roll the ball...

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Due to the utterly fraudulent "scientific" world we now live in, looking for potential conflicts of interest requires researching each individual author, using a search engine that is not Googled affiliated. Quite a cumbersome task for anyone with a life.

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So true. It would help if we could all be statisticians to understand the manipulation os statistics to obtain a desired result. We can’t all be statisticians but common sense (which is not so common) can often tell us when something is obviously biased.

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All those involved in funding or participating in this criminal cover-up deserve hard time in prison.

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It’s simple enough to go on to the Pfizer documentation (which is updated occasionally) to see their safety info and data: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/rmp-summary/comirnaty-epar-risk-management-plan_en.pdf If you go to page 96, it indicates that pregnant and breastfeeding women were EXCLUDED from the trials as to ‘avoid use in a vulnerable population’.

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Let's return to the safety Data sheet that by law needs to be included in every dosage box.

The 2X3 ft sheet was text empty. Void of any and all mandatory information! C19=$$$

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I believe that each of the vaccine vials contained about 5 doses…so it was unlike meds you get at home, where you can open the box and read all the safety info. As I am unvaxxed, I don’t know exactly how this was being carried out, but have seen, for example, ‘drive in’ situations where the vax was given while you’re in your car. Your statement would be more applicable to the pharmacists that were actually getting the vials delivered to them…and how would ‘informed consent’ impact that pharmacist…if at all. ???

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Dr Robert Malone has one of those white blank sheets of very large product info data folded into a rectangle inside the box that clinics open to inject patients.

They were not permitted to give you the vial. The paper.

Nor the box with code number on it.

He had to get it from

Undisclosed source.

Talk about collusion

Talk about consumer fraud. Talk about your legal rights to know what is in the inoculation slurry being jabbed into your vascular highway. ❓

Nonexistent it still is.

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Talk about the blind trust (or ignorance) in accepting such an injection.

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Bingo OMG ....What a great C19 Souvenir he secured,

knowing all he does on subject and topic matter of the actual science.

He in fact took the Jab. I knew better.

9/11 was my finest reminder. Along with JFK/RFK/MLK moments.

Deceptions and bullshit rampant.

Never to forget what Deep State Fraud looks and smells like in the USA.

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I think some of them said in small print.

Deliberatey left blank

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Paraphrasing H D Thoreau: There are a thousand hands hacking at the branches of Big Pharma for every one hacking at the root. Federal legislation granting the murderous-whores of Big Pharma “blanket immunity” is CRIMINAL. Strike it down, NOW!

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Are medical researchers still unwilling or unable to penetrate the wall of government sponsored duplicity surrounding the Covid vaccine and associated corrupt studies of its inefficacy?

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I agree with the Watt/Latypova thesis of bioweapons/massmurder. Nothing else fits. Evidence abounds for those with eyes to see.


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The Covid 19 vaccine will go down as the largest mass murder and intent to murder crimes in the history of the world.

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How many lab GOF spike proteins does it take to cancel swimming sperm cells or ovary eggs in humans?

Just One.....Only One.

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I would say no. I have a Canadian friend, who's daughter was born during the vaccine period and she had all sorts of circulatory issues after birth, and has been in and out of the hospital so many times. Due to all that was done to treat her, she now has kidney problems. It's got to be hard on his wife and family. They are always getting sick too. I warned him about the jab, but he and his wife had no choice. Monsters all of them who forced this thing on us

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