The saddest part of this report, is that those advocating for these experimental genetic injections simply do not care what the data show. They don't care how many are injured or killed. That has been evident since early in the campaign when it was known, from the Pfizer documents, that 1223 people died soon thereafter. Unfortunately, what we have seen is just the beginning. These are the acute & sub-acute adverse effects. The longer-term effects, such as the explosion of cancer, neurological & autoimmune disorders, will continue to unfold at an unprecedented rate. They don't care about those individuals either. one believes anymore that they got the same stuff as the plebeian "great unwashed"....they had something different for their "vaccine" ...probably saline solution
News just in is that the government is seriously concerned about top secret "eyes-only" advice from its top secret experts that idiocy may be set for a sharp rise - the so-called THICKID19 Second Wave (or Tsunami).
The cause of the vaguely threatening stupidity pandemic is known to be, according to "guessperts" at the NCCJ (National Centre for Conclusion Jumping) a hitherto undiscovered virus that recently escaped from a London-based Stupid Research Lab and made everybody in Westminster quite thick.
The evidence that the virus has spread across the country bringing about an epidemic of thickness is now fairly incontrovertible on the grounds that nobody can understand it enough to argue about it.
A million thanks for your courageous, detailed yet highly condensed information. It is more than enough. My heart breaks for this terrible plague of death that is to soon follow....Thanks to you and others like you such as Dolores Cahill, Dr Heiko Schoning and others--I have stood my ground and got no injections--urging others to listen to you, Sucharit Bhakdi, Mike Yeadon. I hope and pray for all who took them...a reprieve and a chance to repair the damage.
God gave us our DNA and there is no way to improve on His work. Already so much illness and death. You have been a lantern guiding us in the dark. I tried to tell them. Luckily the quality control was rushed and done badly---my hope is many scheduled for death will dodge the bullet
And who lives in King County? None other than Bill Gates- fitting wouldn't you say. He donated 279 million to the University of WA in 2017 prior to that 210 million and prior to that 105million - this is in addition to the other "grants" to Academic institutions and NPOs located in the county. No wonder they mandated vaccines. Less we forget the "first case" of covid in the US was in Kirkland - in King County so close to Xanadu 2.0.
Yeah but they can only do that due to the ease of emotionally manipulating the overriding majority of people, at least 2/3's but in King County, over 90%, at least temporarily by pressing their hard-wired vulnerability to fear, hate, greed, false pride and blind loyalty. (As Hannah Arendt concluded with her "banality of evil" theory and then the social psychologists repeatedly PROVED-- Solomon Asch with his line test showing how people need to conform to the group; Stanley Milgram with his electric voltage experiment proving tendency to obey authority; and Zimbardo prison experiment showing pernicious effect of appointing and inculcating group superiority/supremcacy. These emotional vulnerabilities and the Yin-Yang nature of the (less than 1%) of psychopathically-endowed leaders vis a vis (their 70 to 90%) followers are evolutionarily hard-wired.
I agree Coleen but if people activate their Will they will not do what the Predator/Parasites want. It will likely cost them dearly as it has me. Live Free or Die.
What about the toxicity of Nanotechnologies? University of Waterloo has a YouTube add for Nanotechnology Program that mentions Nanotechnologies were used in the making of mRNA Vaccines. Thanks for your report Dr. McCullough. Polymer Chemistry plays a huge role, I surmise.
Ultimately, the COVID-19 vaccine is an IQ test for humanity, and anyone stupid enough to take it is likely to be removed from the human gene pool, exactly as desired by globalists like Bill Gates.
Says health ranger Mike Adams:
See, even globalists are tired of so many stupid people walking around on this planet, and they've figured out a simple way to eliminate the obedient sheeple: Push a mandatory depopulation vaccine and see how many idiots line up to take it.
Those who take the shot prove they're too stupid to represent the future of the human race. As they die off over the next few years, they take their stupidity to the grave, thereby aiding the future of humanity by removing their own stupidity from it.
It was certainly an IQ test for health care professionals who should have known better. However I know plenty of people who had no other choice than taking these shots if they wanted to continue their studies or jobs.
Allegedly one of the co-authors of the cynical plan (IQ-test) is no other than a former counselor to the French government:
I lived outside King County but I was frequently in King County for shopping and workout during the 6 months period 2021-2022 when businesses like restaurants and health clubs were compelled to enforce proof of vaccination. It was difficult to get into a restaurant without proof of vaccination unless you were there to get takeout, and we did not go out to eat in King County during that time. My wife was vaccinated, but strongly opposed to the sharing of medical information to do anything, while I myself was unvaccinated by choice. Health clubs were permitted to allow their own members if unvaccinated if they could show a negative result of initially a PCR test and in later months a rapid antigen test, which I did for six months initially, but continued to take the equivalent of the PCR test for an additional year because my health club management was leary about acceptance by other vaccinated members, concerned members would leave if the policy shifted too quickly. They maintained the proof of vaccination/proof of negative PCR requirement until March of 2023. Although to my knowledge, few people voluntarily chose testing as an option to getting vaccinated, in actual practice the cost of testing was covered fully by my insurance.
I do not think he has hidden it. Some of the ingredients are common herbs and other easily obtainable substances that you can buy in many places. I am going to see if I can find the list....
The saddest part of this report, is that those advocating for these experimental genetic injections simply do not care what the data show. They don't care how many are injured or killed. That has been evident since early in the campaign when it was known, from the Pfizer documents, that 1223 people died soon thereafter. Unfortunately, what we have seen is just the beginning. These are the acute & sub-acute adverse effects. The longer-term effects, such as the explosion of cancer, neurological & autoimmune disorders, will continue to unfold at an unprecedented rate. They don't care about those individuals either.
Can’t stress enough that they don’t care, unless they are made to be held accountable. one believes anymore that they got the same stuff as the plebeian "great unwashed"....they had something different for their "vaccine" ...probably saline solution
ha is something good for a chuckle
by Steve Cook
News just in is that the government is seriously concerned about top secret "eyes-only" advice from its top secret experts that idiocy may be set for a sharp rise - the so-called THICKID19 Second Wave (or Tsunami).
The cause of the vaguely threatening stupidity pandemic is known to be, according to "guessperts" at the NCCJ (National Centre for Conclusion Jumping) a hitherto undiscovered virus that recently escaped from a London-based Stupid Research Lab and made everybody in Westminster quite thick.
The evidence that the virus has spread across the country bringing about an epidemic of thickness is now fairly incontrovertible on the grounds that nobody can understand it enough to argue about it.
Matthew 24:4-5
King James Version
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
John 14:6
King James Version
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
2 Timothy 3:1-5
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
....seems to be democide ....seems to be crimes again'st humanity ....
A million thanks for your courageous, detailed yet highly condensed information. It is more than enough. My heart breaks for this terrible plague of death that is to soon follow....Thanks to you and others like you such as Dolores Cahill, Dr Heiko Schoning and others--I have stood my ground and got no injections--urging others to listen to you, Sucharit Bhakdi, Mike Yeadon. I hope and pray for all who took them...a reprieve and a chance to repair the damage.
God gave us our DNA and there is no way to improve on His work. Already so much illness and death. You have been a lantern guiding us in the dark. I tried to tell them. Luckily the quality control was rushed and done badly---my hope is many scheduled for death will dodge the bullet
And who lives in King County? None other than Bill Gates- fitting wouldn't you say. He donated 279 million to the University of WA in 2017 prior to that 210 million and prior to that 105million - this is in addition to the other "grants" to Academic institutions and NPOs located in the county. No wonder they mandated vaccines. Less we forget the "first case" of covid in the US was in Kirkland - in King County so close to Xanadu 2.0.
His money won't save him when 2 billion people want to rip his heart out.
yup...this hits it on the head. Him and his genocidal cabal....
Yeah but they can only do that due to the ease of emotionally manipulating the overriding majority of people, at least 2/3's but in King County, over 90%, at least temporarily by pressing their hard-wired vulnerability to fear, hate, greed, false pride and blind loyalty. (As Hannah Arendt concluded with her "banality of evil" theory and then the social psychologists repeatedly PROVED-- Solomon Asch with his line test showing how people need to conform to the group; Stanley Milgram with his electric voltage experiment proving tendency to obey authority; and Zimbardo prison experiment showing pernicious effect of appointing and inculcating group superiority/supremcacy. These emotional vulnerabilities and the Yin-Yang nature of the (less than 1%) of psychopathically-endowed leaders vis a vis (their 70 to 90%) followers are evolutionarily hard-wired.
The ease of this manipulation is also what Nazi Goering admitted.
I agree Coleen but if people activate their Will they will not do what the Predator/Parasites want. It will likely cost them dearly as it has me. Live Free or Die.
Steve, I don’t know if you’ve read Norman Fenton substack. He’s a U.K statistician on substack. Very interesting.
Yep. I see it ALL THE TIME. I have two MCGs (multifunction cardiograms) and it is on display almost each and every time.
What about the toxicity of Nanotechnologies? University of Waterloo has a YouTube add for Nanotechnology Program that mentions Nanotechnologies were used in the making of mRNA Vaccines. Thanks for your report Dr. McCullough. Polymer Chemistry plays a huge role, I surmise.
I gotta agree with the lyrics in this little tune:
his chemical world will be your demise.
Here is our friend mr bill at his famous Ted Talk...telling us we all must be "reduced" by a technology he hopes to "invent"--namely a 'vaccine' --which he says he 'loves'...
"If we don't get will be terrible..."
astounding. It is all there. It will be "terrible" if other people are allowed to live so "let's kill them" smoking gun.
Ultimately, the COVID-19 vaccine is an IQ test for humanity, and anyone stupid enough to take it is likely to be removed from the human gene pool, exactly as desired by globalists like Bill Gates.
Says health ranger Mike Adams:
See, even globalists are tired of so many stupid people walking around on this planet, and they've figured out a simple way to eliminate the obedient sheeple: Push a mandatory depopulation vaccine and see how many idiots line up to take it.
Those who take the shot prove they're too stupid to represent the future of the human race. As they die off over the next few years, they take their stupidity to the grave, thereby aiding the future of humanity by removing their own stupidity from it.
It was certainly an IQ test for health care professionals who should have known better. However I know plenty of people who had no other choice than taking these shots if they wanted to continue their studies or jobs.
Allegedly one of the co-authors of the cynical plan (IQ-test) is no other than a former counselor to the French government:
I lived outside King County but I was frequently in King County for shopping and workout during the 6 months period 2021-2022 when businesses like restaurants and health clubs were compelled to enforce proof of vaccination. It was difficult to get into a restaurant without proof of vaccination unless you were there to get takeout, and we did not go out to eat in King County during that time. My wife was vaccinated, but strongly opposed to the sharing of medical information to do anything, while I myself was unvaccinated by choice. Health clubs were permitted to allow their own members if unvaccinated if they could show a negative result of initially a PCR test and in later months a rapid antigen test, which I did for six months initially, but continued to take the equivalent of the PCR test for an additional year because my health club management was leary about acceptance by other vaccinated members, concerned members would leave if the policy shifted too quickly. They maintained the proof of vaccination/proof of negative PCR requirement until March of 2023. Although to my knowledge, few people voluntarily chose testing as an option to getting vaccinated, in actual practice the cost of testing was covered fully by my insurance.
Does anyone know how to contact the McCullough protocol?
I do not think he has hidden it. Some of the ingredients are common herbs and other easily obtainable substances that you can buy in many places. I am going to see if I can find the list....