I'm surprised at how few people recognized mRNA as a likely carcinogen from the outset. It's not just obvious now, it was obvious on day one.

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how very true. Yet "doctors" from our government went on television...giving and taking these poisonous--possibly lethal injections"....of course theirs were all fakes. Our children got the real thing, however.

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Brilliant Mike Yeadon did a presentation to Doctors for Covid Ethics where he explains the evidence that mRNA TRANSFECTIONS (not vaccines ) were deadly by design & how immune system differentiates between self & non-self proteins so injecting replicating foreign proteins has always been a known disaster.

Group has 4 min intro Mike presents for 40min followed by Q&A but the real heavy truth bomb riff is 21-32min.. best to watch it all Mike is a rare gem!! <3


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Thanks for the link!! I have to listen again because I know I missed some.

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Forever grateful for your reporting and guidance.

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As a coroner, I was aware of the new onset early on (2021) when 2 young healthy men in my community were diagnosed with cancers one month after their second injection of Moderna. Both these 30 year olds died within one year, despite extensive treatment. I track covid vaccine status on my decedents, and I am finding certain lot numbers in common. The cancer rate in my county has abruptly risen 40%, with half of all new cancers having received 2 or more injections. (my county is 33% vaccinated.) Marie Lasater, F-ABMDI

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Is this in the United States?

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Yes, In Missouri - population center of the United States.

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Thanks for this. Others must speak out. All who know and see the crimes and remain silent are complicit in murder.

The criminals can only get away with this if we remain cowed and too intimated to speak out.

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Ultimately the only answer to this is that immunity from prosecution must be denied to Pharma. The public must be able to recover damages for harms caused by pharmaceutical products.

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Yes, because they KNEW they were hired to kill us .... and they didn't care.

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Heiko Schöning on the false covid narrative FOUR YEARS AGO!!!


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How to make a population malleable? Get them good and sick so that they can’t fight back.

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When can this paper be peer reviewed? and how long does this take? I am not a scientist or researcher but the author's credentials are immaculate, the paper has 200 plus citations, so how can this not reach every signer of the Barrington Declaration today? The jab generates an inflammatory response shutting your immune function down ,reducing or eliminating cancer fighting cells, and is the catalyst for an all body autoimmune response. The trifecta to eliminate human life at scale.

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In short...this was a depopulation injection "created to kill, maim and disable"--Dr. Mike Yeadon's(former vp of Pfizer) exact words to describe this "vaccine"

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I have never heard this quote of a Pfizer exec before. Where is it from?

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Thanks for the link. I just can't believe Truth is getting so little traction.

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https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com › p › breaking-publication-oncogenesis › comments

Comments - Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

5 days agoYour government wants you dead" says scientists and truth speaker Dr. Mike Yeadon. I think he is in hiding somewhere....I hope he is safe.... Indeed--it was so. Expand full comment. Reply (3) Share. ... doctor Mike Yeadon: we are in the midst in a the biggest crime against humanity ever.....it will end with the loss of your liberty and possibly ...

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If the Medical / Biopharmaceutical Industrial complex had an ounce of integrity this news would be widespread and MRNA would be immediately shut down.

Dr McCullough and Dr Malone were correct about this concern about autoimmunity/ cancer from the beginning.

How is it that everyone else missed this? We all know it was always about the money.

All of mankind will need to demand tribunals and public executions to set the record straight, otherwise this will continue.

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Well...they were "concerned" a tad too late, weren't they?

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Sucharit Bhakdi et al pointed out the drastic health threat of autoimmunity from the mrna injections at the very fore front of this "vaccination"(i.e. genocide) campaign and published this. His work was suppressed and at one point he was threatened with arrest. Other honest medical professionals such as Heiko Schoning actually were jailed....and then eventually released. Honest scientists and doctors were well aware of this threat. They were silenced....some murdered. Remember Andrew Wakefield? Medical murder has a long tradition in our culture....using doctors as an arm of the murderous state policies and threatening the "dissident" truth tellers. ....."Your government wants you dead" says scientists and truth speaker Dr. Mike Yeadon. I think he is in hiding somewhere....I hope he is safe....

Indeed--it was so.

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eminent Canadian scientist and statistician Denis Rancourt has a substack: https://denisrancourt.substack.com



This false "pandemic" was a deliberate depopulation crime against humanity. The perps must face a tribunal and finally undergo punishment. Reiner Fuellmich must be freed -- he was imprisoned for the terrible "crime" of exposing this unprecedented MASS MURDER which occurred under the Biden administration-- and before--Trump is implicated as well.....Indeed it was a world wide genocide under the W.H.O.....

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Two excellent references in a landscape of vipers, bravo! Since you mentioned Mike Yeadon this is one of my favorites where he explains how these were deadly by design and uses all his drug development experience to describe this as a crime scene where the disaster was well understood before mRNA transfection experiment began its population wide clinical trial.


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I now know two people with rheumatoid arthritis post vaxx, another with a god awful flat red rash on his entire body post vaxx, and many with cancers post vaxx.

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It’s why Malone and others abandoned mRNA to treat cancer in the late 1980s and early 1990s because it worsened cancer.

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SUCHARIT BHAKDI AND ARNE BURKHARDT PUBLISHED THIS REPORT .....Burkhardt has since passed on....some suspect foul play.

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Dr. McCullough, I'd like to share with you a brief "treatise" I posted to twitter recently on immune cell behavior & the thymus, as a classic signal detection problem of distinguishing "self" from "other". It contains no medical/biological detail because I lack that knowledge. But it captures perfectly the point you have made in this article. I hope you enjoy the read.


Dr. William Makis is tracking vax-related cancers and reports that "old age" cancers like colon & breast are increasingly striking young people in their 20s. But NOT children under the age of 12. Reason for that still unknown. Here's my conjecture:

The thymus is a fascinating little organ with a set of behaviors reminiscent of human cognition. It "learns". What does it learn? The difference between "self" and "other" in the proteins found all over the human body. "Self" versus "other" is a classic who-dunnit because the variety of proteins is huge and the signals they carry can have noise in them. So it's not all black and white, so to speak.

Finding a signal in noise is studied in the discipline called Signal Detection Theory which can be equally applied to technical instruments (e.g., radar & sonar), human perception (rods & cones in the retina), and the thymus! Very difficult, very subtle, and the thymus takes 12 years to come up with a result. A result that works quite well for most of us.

There is an immune system component to cancer risk, because the immune system participates in finding and killing cancerous cells. Also it's the immune system that gets totally f'd up by mRNA which mixes "self" and "other" in a single deadly product: the spike protein.

The poor immune cells are thinking "Well shit, this spike looks like other but it seems to be carrying signals that I learned long ago are actually me. What am I to do?"

Some immune systems say "Fuck it I'm taking them all out" and err on the aggressive side, killing healthy cells and thus producing auto-immune disorders, a known side effect of the covid vax. Other immune systems say "Better to be cautious" and err on the weak side by NOT taking out unhealthy cells that are cancerous.

Maybe the thymus in young children is actually capable of learning how to get that right?

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So your point is....that these mrna "vaccines" should be given to CHILDREN?...

What are you trying to say here? The truth is these bioweapons need to be totally stopped....and NOT given to anyone.

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Speaking of bioweapons, not sure if you saw this news from yesterday (4/29/24)...https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/breaking-arizona-republican-party

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Excellent information. I’m not Vaxxed but after having Covid I immediately began a Thymus supplement that is helps with my Immune System.

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what was the name of this supplement...I am always looking around to boost my immunity.....as "they" have warned us....MORE SHI*T IS ON THE WAY....I guess "they" have a "moral code"...."they" always broadcast what their intentions are ahead if time....and we never believe anyone could be so evil....well "they" certainly are living up to their god....Satan himself. So yeah...I am trying to plan ahead.

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Dr. McCullough recommends NAC, Natto and or Bromelain to treat the Spike Protein. Azithromycin and Ivermectin.? He has a full list on his site. Bird Flu is listed on his site as well. Other issues are listed in pics on Anna M. Substack that involve finding ways to get the mesogens out of our bodies. EDTA is recommended which is part of their Med Five Program.

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doctor Mike Yeadon: we are in the midst in a the biggest crime against humanity ever.....it will end with the loss of your liberty and possibly your life....They are smashing the means of manufacturing our food supply......mass murder"

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It won't be long before parliaments and courts of law remove Bibles and replace them with 'the book of Satan'.

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

Good Day Dr. McCullough and Commentariat,

It should be noted that the mRNA genetherapy injectables are at base GMOs, Dr Julian Fidge v. Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd & Moderna Pty Ltd documents the fact with John Campbell PhD RN retired Link:


Please note that Pfizer and Moderna bamboozled the Public with Operation Warp Speed. They skipped the GMO protocol when testing these products. If all the safety protocols were followed especially the GMO protocols, bringing these to market would have taken at least 12 years.

We the taxpayer and our health are paying for Pfizer, Moderna etals' greed. China refused mRNA gene therapy injectables and only inoculated against the Spike Protein.

Here are several more links to John Campbell's PhD interview with Dr Julian Fidge Esq:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwXt_eEtYp0 Why RNA?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZrBRnKfuUs Indemnity questioned?

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As long as we say “ may cause” and the lack of any real in their face civil action nothing will be done to those who LIED and DECEIVED this Nation and its people causing death and disability….The ONLY way to punish ALL who fall into this category and those who forced folks to be mandated to received this “death vaccine” is by the upcoming election!!…they must all be voted out ….one way or the other…or they will do it again which will have the new Biden support of WHO mandates on all the States. Election voting must be the only approach in this corrupted judicial system who are not protecting this Nation.

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