Because they weren't hung after covid, here we are....

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Gates came out last week that been doing “ research “ ( Gain of Function ? ) on strains of bird flu. They being GAVI. Vaccines are already being stockpiled. How would they know which particular human form of H5N1 would be the one to emerge? My guess is they know which one cause they produced it themselves. Of course it’s a mRNA vax.

Just like the COVID pandemic.



LOTS of profit to be made 💰💰💰

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Indeed, and one of the most overlooked aspects of 'research' since Convid has been the increase in mRNA technology, and the every decreasing ethics and timing around clinical trials associated with getting this rubbish to 'market'. Not so long ago, getting a pharmacological product to market would take 5-10 years...

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Feb 2022: "The world-wide sale of mRNA technology injections for SARS-CoV-2 was supposed to be the life-line to halt the precipitous decline of BigPharma, with further applications of "miracle mRNA treatments" to follow for every possible human "condition" that could be designated as something that needed to be cured, prevented, eliminated, or even promoted. It was only through such a business strategy that BigPharma could avoid meltdown, collapse of market value, with probable financial repercussions throughout stock markets worldwide."


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well, as Kary Mullis (the pcr inventor/discoverer) said, pcr should never be used for diagnostics because it'll find whatever you want it to find. and we know what they want it to find...

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yes, and so with stats, which I note the numbers coming out from pharma & gov are now incredibly rubbery to say the least...

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Also after stating the same in an interview Kary was found dead about a week later. Obviously the Pharma and CCP folks didn’t want the reality of their hocus pocus COVID tests to be found useless. The PCR tests were really handy in China for rooting out any Party dissidents and non believers.

“ Oh rook!!! You have paw ziv test for COVID …. must ruck you up !! “

Of course the actual tests results were never shown to the actual person of interest.

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The fact that they're using those false positive generating PCR tells you this is another plandemic. Just start with 40 cycles and get the hysteria going ... Farmers should refuse PCR at all costs.

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Yes, I wish people would wake up to how fraudulent mass pcr testing is.

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Crime against humanity

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I call BS on this whole lot! No, not going to work again. Not buying expensive “kits” and yes, this is a hill I’m willing to die on.

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I am going to keep saying this until I turn blue. Flu A and B have historically NEVER infected cattle. From a veterinary standpoint this is so suspicious. Farms throughout history housed cattle and chicken adjacent and in all that time....no cattle managed to catch A and B flu and only RARELY got D strains. It's unheard of to have flu in cattle....and now, we are supposed to believe that, COINCIDENTALLY to needing a new pandemic and needing a reason to scare people away from dairy and meat, we suddenly have it infecting cattle. I do not believe it was natural in any way.

I believe there are only two possible ways to read this scenario.

1-PCR testing is being used to create a fake pandemic in cattle. The mere presence of nuclear material in these cattle does NOT PROVE infection. These so called infections break all rules of virology in that, typically when a wild virus invades a new species it wreaks havoc and then gradually become less virulent and more contagious--see West Nile Virus in horses.


2-The virus was manipulated in the lab to be able to infect cattle, then a testing protocol was proposed to make SURE they found it so they could cause a panic. Unfortunately, the frankensteining doesn't seemed to have worked that well this time. Cattle are barely ill and people even less ill.

Those are the only two possibilities in my mind, given the recent 'success' of COVID to these monsters, I think either is possible. They made so much money and gained so much power from COVID, the NEED another virus to live off of. In addition to all the COVID 'benefit's I think they are going after beef and dairy as well in this round. It's only a matter of time, in my opinion, until they propose to get rid of the dairies and beef operations because they are somehow a dangerous reservoir for disease and ALSO not 'green.'

God help me, I think I'm beginning to think like them.

I put nothing past them.

I went to UGA and their poultry research is extensive. They also have a quite large cattle operation as part of the school of Ag and Vet Med. This is a place where this could ALL be accomplished. If it was....shame on my DAWGS.

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They lie about everything.. every emergency is a product/policy launch..

Fun flashback 2005 - Rummyflu named for DoD/Giliad's own Donald Rumsfeld

Bird Flu: A Corporate Bonanza for the Biotech Industry

Tamiflu, Vistide and the Pentagon Agenda

By F. William Engdahl - Global Research, November 06, 2005


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“ It's only a matter of time, in my opinion, until they propose to get rid of the dairies and beef operations because they are somehow a dangerous reservoir for disease and ALSO not 'green.“ 👆👆I think the ‘not green’ issue is at the forefront driving this BS….

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When do the hangings begin for the bio-weapon psychopaths?

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Sounds like this is why the ‘next pandemic’ is inevitable.

Because they’ve already had the ‘lab leak’ that released a supercharge variant they made in that lab.

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We're being governed by lab leak nazis. The de facto foot soldiers of the new world order.

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Whatever supercharged variant they create has its power limited to the vial or vat of pure clones they grow. They do NOT get to rewrite the rules Mother Nature makes & there is NO biology that exists that gives RNA molecules replication fidelity to pandemic. They can CRISPR changes to put wings on pigs but can never make them fly because mutants do not define natural science just make unique deformities.

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Thanks for sending this to us. I forward your emails to medical specialists I know and to anyone else whom I think will appreciate it.

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I think we all expected a pandemic to occur (be released) leading up to the November Election. Time to move to mail in ballots or computer balloting so the democrats can cheat their way to having Biden or his successor elected.

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You got it!

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Have you ever noticed that everything that comes from China is trying to kill us?

or is it just me?

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Well, not quite everything. The "Chinese Guidance" on COVID-19, 7th Edition, was provided to WHO and then available in fluent English translation on the web starting March 4, 2020. The treatment protocol set out in that document was good. If U.S. doctors and hospitals had followed that protocol instead of Fauci's deadly Remdesivir protocol, the U.S. would have had almost no deaths from COVID-19. But WHO stuffed that helpful document in its back pocket instead of publicizing and distributing it.

I immediately downloaded and printed out the "Chinese Guidance" (that's not its official title, by the way, just its convenient nickname) in case it was "disappeared." Periodically during the plandemic, I looked to see if it was still available, and it was, in at least two different places (although one version omitted the section on treatment according to Traditional Chinese Medicine). I haven't checked in quite a while so I don't know if it's still find-able online. It still astonishes me how few people appear to know about this document.

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I didn't know about it, and I'm very "in the know," relatively speaking. Is this it, by chance? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7177117/ .

Oh ... just found this as well: http://kjfy.meetingchina.org/msite/news/show/cn/3337.html

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Sorry to be do late replying! The second link is it, though the section on Traditional Chinese medicine appears to have been partially deleted.

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This sounds like plandemic 2.0. Perform PCR “tests” with jacked up number of cycles and declare everything a positive result.

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Australia has had 2 bird flu outbreaks in totally different states. If it’s here, then it’s likely to be everywhere. WA was apparently H9N2. Victoria was H7N3. I think Covid is doing more than we realise under the surface. RSV is at least double what we normally would expect, and so is the flu.

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Indeed. This is what happens when nefarious and arrogant people/groups start playing with their toy science kits and think they know more about science than they actually do. They clearly do not give a $hit about the consequences of their actions. Looking ahead, there's potential for these criminals to affect the entire human race with this petri dish they are playing with...

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uuuuh, they know exactly what they are doing and are very purposefully doing it while watching the piles of gold grow.

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It's the COVID spikeshots that have seriously impaired people's immune systems and left them much more vulnerable to RSV and influenzas.

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It's not a gain of function. It's directed evolution of proteins which received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2018. The US government turned Wuhan's outbreak as an opportunity to study the directed protein evolution. The "Covid variants" are lab manipulations with the spike. It seems to be strange that we haven't had Covid variants for 8 months of "pandemic" of highly mutable virus. Trump stated on April 28, 2020 ( CNN source)that we will have a new variant in the fall. How did he know that?

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Because he was expecting more election interference from the left; an opportunity to require mail in voting.

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They are Disgusting Psychopaths!

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Thank you for sharing this information.

The culling of the birds along with the vaccines already in production was a clue. It will likely happen as we get closer to elections.

Please, when do we get the protocol?

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