This video is about USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development), how they've *REALLY* been spending taxpayer dollars on "foreign aid", and how we're witnessing the dissolution of this government agency through shock and scandal
Remember when they assured you repeatedly that the mRNA injections were "safe and effective", even though no long term safety data even existed to back up that assertion?
This report cover the battle over RFK Jr's confirmation, as well as the deeper battle taking shape between free humanity and monpolistic people who support depopulation. The video also delves into a study finding microplastics are on the rise in human brains. 13:10 YouTube Video
Not only our food Tara, the air the water and of course the Covid “Bioweapon!” The behemoth of them all!
I posted the entire article on my Substack page. This transcript piece explains everything about the Covid-scam and why this was done. IMO, it’s quite damning!
Of course! They were meant to maim, murder and turn people into sheeple with no Rights or ability to think for themselves! The Next Plandemic will be even worse under the Vaxx- Daddy!
Negative efficacy for COVID vaccine-products became apparent in the UK data, due to age stratified rollouts, in July of 2021. (ADE, antibody dependent enhancement of viral pathogenicity)
The negative VE could be even higher since they excluded the first 10 days after jabbing, which effectively hides any immune system weakening effects of the jab.
Let's cut to the chase and remove ALL vaccines of any kind from the market until they are proven by independent sources to be deemed worthy of use. This means that they will be tested and studied thoroughly for the long term to determine if they have any value verses never using them.
Hospitalizations and deaths in the first 10 days after injection were excluded in the study. Therefore, a lot of the big adverse events including death from injection were "missed". How convenient.
Another study confirming these are ‘vaccines’ in name only. A gross distortion of the truth…. A GDA would be a more appropriate title - a Gene Dystherapeutic Agent🧐
USAID's Shadow Operations: Exposed
This video is about USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development), how they've *REALLY* been spending taxpayer dollars on "foreign aid", and how we're witnessing the dissolution of this government agency through shock and scandal
Meryl Nass Substack › @merylnass
You didn't think Soros was spending his OWN money to foment color revolutions, did you? He was of course spending YOUR money, via USAID grants.
Meryl Nass Substack 2025 Feb 4 Tuesday
BREAKING! USAID Created and Funded COVID-19 Virus and Bioweapons, RFK and Tulsi pass major hurdle
Anthony Fauci injected AIDS + SV40 in HepB vax into Gay men 1984 SF LA CA NYC NY USA
Killing 330,000 w AZT
origins of AIDS.
all have 1 thing in common ANTHONY FAUCI worked w both illnesses Wuhan lab USAID funding
Project MKnaomi Anthony Fauci 1984 cheers with Glee his plan to spread AIDS to gay men he says
You take an infectious agent and you introduce it into the population then it’s just epidemiology
Target Blacks Hispanics Homosexuals
Remember when they assured you repeatedly that the mRNA injections were "safe and effective", even though no long term safety data even existed to back up that assertion?
Let’s ask RATSAYS for the skinny on USaid :
Ratsays.substack Rat Says
Cheese Aid
In which Rat fact-checks Cousin 2025.02.04
Feb 4 Luke Rudkowski @LukeWeAreChange
USAID + covered in YouTube, video 13:10
Study Finds RECORD MICROPLASTICS In Human Brains! RADICAL Change Needed NOW
This report cover the battle over RFK Jr's confirmation, as well as the deeper battle taking shape between free humanity and monpolistic people who support depopulation. The video also delves into a study finding microplastics are on the rise in human brains. 13:10 YouTube Video
Feb 4 Luke Rudkowski @LukeWeAreChange AnCap AnarchoCapitalist
AnarchaPulco 2025
Record levels of microplastics have been discovered in the human brain which means now more than ever we need...
These “Bioweapon Injections” are serving a purpose. Yes, more than one purpose, many, many purposes.
Then”DoD-CIA-OWS” military operation perpetrated against humanity is part of a much broader strategy of their
“New World Order!”
I posted a very detailed analysis / summary, transcripts titled and I urge everyone to forward this massively important piece to everyone!
The “Shot-To-The-Heart” mRNA Bioweapon will be thoroughly explained as will the “OWS-Covid-Inject.”
Attorney Todd Callender, Open Secrets
Corona Committee Session 97, 25 Mar 2022
Not only our food Tara, the air the water and of course the Covid “Bioweapon!” The behemoth of them all!
I posted the entire article on my Substack page. This transcript piece explains everything about the Covid-scam and why this was done. IMO, it’s quite damning!
Attorney Todd Callender,
Open Secrets
Corona Committee Session 97, 25 Mar 2022
Of course! They were meant to maim, murder and turn people into sheeple with no Rights or ability to think for themselves! The Next Plandemic will be even worse under the Vaxx- Daddy!
In the beginning the CDC said the spike protein stayed at the point of injection. Not so. It travels thru out the body and wreeks havoc in all organs.
Negative efficacy for COVID vaccine-products became apparent in the UK data, due to age stratified rollouts, in July of 2021. (ADE, antibody dependent enhancement of viral pathogenicity)
The fake jab was as useless as a broken shoe horn.
The negative VE could be even higher since they excluded the first 10 days after jabbing, which effectively hides any immune system weakening effects of the jab.
Maybe when Dave Weldon is confirmed as CDC Directorhe can help stop the madness
Let's cut to the chase and remove ALL vaccines of any kind from the market until they are proven by independent sources to be deemed worthy of use. This means that they will be tested and studied thoroughly for the long term to determine if they have any value verses never using them.
The bribery money has been so infectious to a multitude of CDC or .GOV positions.
It has become the most hostage taking profitable stranglehold never before seen.
A New Frontier of Medicine must rise from the ashes of such demonic controled systems.
Hospitalizations and deaths in the first 10 days after injection were excluded in the study. Therefore, a lot of the big adverse events including death from injection were "missed". How convenient.
…..more data , and they are still on the market. 🥲
Another study confirming these are ‘vaccines’ in name only. A gross distortion of the truth…. A GDA would be a more appropriate title - a Gene Dystherapeutic Agent🧐
Vigilance is the drum beat and constant reminder,
that our own taxpayer funded .Gov and 3 letter Crews are not very good at listening!
I hope all your work is being sent to Trump and RFK, Jr. sonehow.
Amen! It’s time!!!!!’ 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🙏🏻