Cardiac findings in a phase II double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial of combination therapy (Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc) to treat COVID-19 patients
My functional regenerative alternative medicine doctor used it on my husband and myself in 2021 after a bout with Covid. In conjunction a ivermectin and spike support and high dose Vit C we were healed in 3 days.
I took various chloroquine products as a malaria prophylaxis for years. How about gathering testimonials from the 100's of millions that have taken the stuff and dispense with the useless studies. BTW have a look at the dashboards for any number of African countries during then 2020 'pandemic'. Notice anything strange? Yup... almost no infections nor deaths all year long until... the vaccine came out. Then a hockey stick appears on the graph showing an astounding spike in deaths. Things that make ya go 'hmmm'.
Tom Hanks and wife got covid in Australia and were treated with either HCQ or chloroquine. Later his wife issued a statement saying people should be careful with such strong drugs. Gratitude and honesty are virtues unknown to the Hollywood crowd.
Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin was my first treatment for COVID using the Zelenko protocol for my outpatients, initially I did not do any EKG monitoring (no problems, small sample size). When Falsie, I mean Fauci et al started screaming about QT, torsades, and sudden death (?with no evidence), I started using Cardia 6L to get a rhythm strip— no problems. Then I remembered that rhematologists had been using HCQ for decades without problems & no monitoring, & realized that this was all part of the psyop to keep people from using it. We experienced great evil from our health care leaders (and stystem).
Cut to the chase - Hydroxychloroquine administration for most treatment of covid IS BEST DONE VIA NEBULIZATION for exceptionally rapid effect bringing high levels of HCQ to the target areas with very little systemic absorption hence with very little to no systemic side effects. HCQ pills can also be taken if systemic distribution is also sought.
Dr. Zelenko's last HCQ gift to us, shortly before his passing, was clinically demonstrated nebulization of HCQ for the treatment of people sick with covid.
David E. Scheim, PhD did the gumshoe work working out the details showing doses , amount absorbed , lung tissue concentrations which show that 1 or 2 or so many HCQ pills can be simply converted to HCQ nebulization solution, at home, then nebulized to rapidly achieve the the same lung tissue concentrations as many more pills taken over numbers of days. .
"Nebulized Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Treatment: 80x Improvement in Breathing" Vladimir Zelenko M.D
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine as 150 mg HCQ (amount of hcq in one 200 mg pill) in 6 ml (25 mg/ml) of isotonic sterile solution within the first five (5) days of COVID-19 symptoms (" Nebu HCQ ") has resulted in immediate improvement (<1 hour after use) in breathing in COVID-19 infected patients. Nebu HCQ served as a rescue medication with an 80x improvement in time and efficiency when compared to HCQ tablet (400-600 mg per day) combination therapy or Ivermectin combination therapy. No adverse events were reported outside of a bitter taste that quickly subsided. Average time of clinical improvement of pulmonary compromise precipitated by Covid 19 Covid-19 is primarily spread through the respiratory system and may result in significant pulmonary complications. Left untreated, a subset of patients will progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and/or pulmonary infarcts. Oral HCQ and Ivermectin combination therapies have proven to be effective prehospital treatments of Covid-19 and its associated complications. However, treatment with oral HCQ may take an average of 80 hours to achieve significant clinical improvement as well as 3-7 days to achieve optimal alveolar concentration of medication. [3] Nebu HCQ administered as microdroplets directly to the lungs achieves optimal alveolar concentration in approximately one (1) hour and is associated with faster clinical improvement, reduction in pulmonary complications and a reduction in medical costs. The clinical data presented in this paper was generated through the routine practice of medicine and is considered "Real World Evidence" according to the 21st Century Cures Act. [4] Innovation Dr. Zelenko notes that ACE2 Technology LLC ("ACE2") developed Nebu HCQ and that Dr.... ... ...
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine plus oral azithromycin for COVID-19 treatment: from days to hours for optimal lung tissue concentrations and viral immobilization
David E. Scheim, PhD
Background. More than 3,300 COVID-19 patients treated at southeast France’s main COVID-19 treatment hospital with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZ) had a death rate one-sixth the world average. But the unusual pharmacology of HCQ presents a key limitation. Optimal tissue levels can only be accrued with 5-10 days of oral dosage. Thus, HCQ has performed well for early and mixed-stage COVID-19 patients but has exhibited marginal utility in advanced stage cases.
Proposed combination treatment of nebulized HCQ and oral azithromycin. Drug delivery of HCQ through inhalation of nebulized microdroplets will achieve, in hours, lung tissue concentrations equivalent to those accrued over days of oral dosage. Nebulizers are simple, inexpensive and widely available drug delivery devices, and minimal risks of local lung toxicities are indicated for such HCQ drug delivery. Furthermore, HCQ is effective in blunting the damaging effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs. The combination treatment of nebulized HCQ along with oral AZ and possibly also ivermectin and zinc could provide a rapid reversal of the progression of COVID-19 both in the respiratory tract and in other body tissues."
my note:I expect nebulization of such small amounts of HCQ, as is needed in this application, overcomes virtually all the adverse event considerations concerning HCQ - even the concerns of HCQ use by those with G6PD and without incurring long QT risk in the vulnerable subset of people with HCQ associated risk for long QT. . G6PD link note: Professor Didier Raoult was screening for G6PD and all wore wrist positioned monitors for long QT in his oral HCQ trials with thousands of patients.
Note: I bought the Philips Respironics InnoSpire Elegance compressor nebulizer system which is the 100% duty cycle version of the 50% duty cycle jet nebulizer system that Scheim used.
Thank You. I had not seen , nor was aware of it. IIRC I first heard of him and the protocols in an interview by Rudy Guilani on SubStack or YouTube, & reference s to some French study.
You are welcome. Thank You for being one of the Real Doctors who treated people sick with covid. I first saw Dr Zelenko when he posted his first youtube video. His son helped him figure out how to do that.
As covid spread around the world Real Doctors who actually treated people sick with covid rapidly figured out working treatment protocols to treat all stages of covid and protocols to prevent all stages of covid.
In his letter Dr Zelenko states "I combined the data available from China and South Korea with the recent study published from France" Doctors in China and South Korea were combining HCQ and zinc. Professor Didier Raoult in France was treating with HCQ and azithromycin. Dr Zelenko combined these - thus working treatment protocols for covid rapidly evolved around the world.
No amnesty for DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDER (which was, in fact, premeditated)
ALL THE PROOF NEEDED for 1) the early outpatient treatment for covid, for 2) the asap covid treatment in the ER (or doctors. office outpatient "ER") which either stabilizes the the covid patient and sends them home with prescriptions or begins proper treatment prior to hospital admission and for 3) the best in hospital covid treatment, - all using combinations of safe and effective, low cost, available drugs etc HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED, from early in the pandemic, noised abroad to "people" in the cdc and niaid and all, and continually improved WITH THE PANDEMIC "GOLD STANDARD EVIDENCE" – THE RESULTS FROM REAL DOCTORS WHO TREATED REAL COVID PATIENTS.
Dr. Didier Raoult, Dr Zelenko, Dr George Fareed and Dr Brian Tyson, Dr. Ben Marble and the doctors of “My Free Doctor”, Dr Darrell DeMello (who introduced early treatment, ER level treatment for the outpatient and long covid treatment to India), Dr Shankara Chetty with his outpatient "emergency room" 8th day protocol - teaching many Doctors and saving 10,000+ Africans and many others at a covid stage where they would be admitted to hospital then mis, dis and mal treated to either prolonged injury or death in most all US hospitals, Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik, Dr. Joseph Varon, Dr. Syed Haider and other doctors using the FLCCC protocols, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Richard Urso, to name a few and many other REAL DOCTORS who treated REAL COVID PATIENTS across the world. These named Doctors treated 100’s of Thousands of high risk covid patients with near elimination of hospitalization and death with early treatment and with proper, asap, "ER" type treatment and these doctors demonstrated a great reduction of in hospital death with the best known practices.
These REAL DOCTORS TOLD THE TRUTHS, about covid treatments, with actually safe and effective, low cost generic drugs etc, TO THE POWERS THAT CHOOSE TO SUPPRESS AND SABOTAGE REAL TREATMENT FOR COVID. Powers that choose to push big pharma, not safe and not effective as used, high priced remdesivir etc and to push and compel a neither safe nor effective "vaccine" only path as a big pharma money maker and opportunity to force regulatory pre-approval status for the mRNA "platform" as a "vaccine" and genetic manipulation platform, not requiring further human testing. Which they accomplished with the mRNA bi-valent covid "vaccine" shots not tested in humans, based on the purportedly "safe and effective" mRNA platform use in the initial, forced mass covid "vaccinations".
EVERY ONE OF THESE DOCTORS DEMONSTRATED AN END TO THE “PANDEMIC”. 100% EASY for fda, cdc, nih, who, niaid and fauci et al. TO SEE AND KNOW the way to end the “pandemic”as THEY WERE INFORMED about working treatments, which they, et al, willfully, with treatment knowledge presented to them, CHOOSE NOT TO HEED while “they” SABOTAGED effective treatment protocols and REAL DOCTORS using these life saving protocols and thereby DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDERED MILLIONS. (DEPRAVED-HEART (indifference) MURDER see definition from "wickedpedia" below)
From "wickedpedia" – “In United States law, depraved-heart murder, also known as depraved-indifference murder, is a type of murder where an individual acts with a “depraved indifference” to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill. In a depraved-heart murder, defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person. If the risk of death or bodily harm is great enough, ignoring it demonstrates a “depraved indifference” to human life and the resulting death is considered to have been committed with malice aforethought.[1][2] In some states, depraved-heart killings constitute second-degree murder,[3] while in others, the act would be charged with “wanton murder,”[4][5] varying degrees of manslaughter,[6] or third-degree murder. If no death results, such an act would generally constitute reckless endangerment (sometimes known as “culpable negligence”) and possibly other crimes, such as assault.”
Common law background
It ["depraved heart" murder] is the form [of murder] that establishes that the wilful doing of a dangerous and reckless act (my note: sabotaging and suppressing REAL COVID TREATMENT and REAL DOCTORS TREATING COVID) with wanton indifference to the consequences and perils involved is just as blameworthy, and just as worthy of punishment, when the harmful result ensues as is the express intent to kill itself. This highly blameworthy state of mind is not one of mere negligence... It is not merely one even of gross criminal negligence... It involves rather the deliberate perpetration of a knowingly dangerous act with reckless and wanton unconcern and indifference as to whether anyone is harmed or not. The common law treats such a state of mind as just as blameworthy, just as anti-social and, therefore, just as truly murderous as the specific intents to kill and to harm.[7]
Denial of treatment for covid was preplanned prior to covid. "their" plan to deny treatment for covid was then set in motion at the w.h.o. meeting referenced below.
Please remember this about the W.H.O. ("world "health" organization"). The fix was in from before "covid". Nothing was going to stop the mRNA "vaccine" program. FEAR MUST BE MAINTAINED! Effective treatment for covid must be suppressed and not be "officially" acknowledged to insure the FDA "criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives" thus allowing for the Emergency Use Authorization of the genetic manipulation mRNA and viral vector injections.
WHO R&D Blueprint Informal consultation on prioritization of candidate therapeutic agents for use in novel coronavirus 2019 infection Geneva, Switzerland, 24 January 2020 - Coronavirus Outline of designs for experimental vaccines and therapeutics Draft version Jan 27, 2020
They dismissed HCQ outright "insufficient evidence to support its further investigation". They "KILLED" steroids while the document acknowledges "although there is evidence of efficacy in the setting of severe illness".
The US representative at this Jan 2020 meeting was, fauci stand-in, Hilary Marston - Medical Officer and Policy Advisor National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" with a big pharma "fixer" "McKinsey & Company and .. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" employment background.
The document lists a number of "the guilty parties
Go figure right? On my Substack Homepage is a document titled
“Well Well Well.” Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine both are “Potent inhibitors of SARS CoV infection and spread!”
So posted the “Virology Journal” Fauci’s own NIH agency. A report dated August 2005! Nearly 20 years ago!
As the saying goes:
“Oh the Humanity?”
Well in the case against every single “Fauci-Like Monster” responsible for lockdowns, forced Bioweapon Injection Mandates, etc. they should all be prosecuted for
“Crimes Against Humanity!”
They knew “Chloroquine” and “Hydroxychloroquine” worked against SARS-CoV! They knew it and they deliberately perpetrated this Covid-Scam! Killing millions of people worldwide! Injuring millions more knowing damn well these shots were not designed to help people. They were designed to “KILL!”
They knew it and they did nothing about it! How many needlessly, unsuspecting victims have there been? How many more people will die prematurely because of the “Spike-Protein?” Or how many people will be diagnosed with cancer or blood clots or any other condition these shots are, at minimum, responsible for?
Worldwide estimates are 17 million deaths, which I believe is much higher. But what’s a few million here or there right? WRONG! The mindset of the “Globalist” most likely is “Who Cares!” Otherwise this wouldn’t have happened.
This is so unbelievably wrong! I pray to God these people are rounded up like the “Animals” they are and brought before an international tribunal! Then tired and if found guilty, they must pay for their crimes!
james, thank you again for. In my Substack Homepage is a document titled “Well Well Well” a one page document from Fauci’s own NIH Virology Journal. I also have the 10 page study paper which concludes: “Chloroquine is a potent Inhibitor of SARS-CoV infection and Spread!”
I wrote about this three years ago and I must have handed out more than 100 copies to people I met in my travels.
What these people did was “Murder!” Premeditated Murder IMO! They knew exactly what they were doing and why they were doing it! To kill and maim people!
It infuriates me to know end how one study nearly 20 years ago would have saved millions of lives, if in fact covid was covid! I’m not sure it was. I believe as Dr Alexander stated numerous times “this was an over cycled PCR Pandemic!”
Your welcome I will check out your doc. On chloroquine. FYI it is also the Permanent Cure to Cancer and almost every other disease, as you will soon learn....
They are NOT PEOPLE...... Try Reptilians ..............>>>>Welcome to Disclosure......>>>> Agent Midnight Rider
Thank you james. You gotta love For now anyway. There’s a huge push to scrub anything and everything pertaining to Covid, and the Covid Frauds perpetrated on the American people and the world.
I am interested to know. This study was about cardiac side effects. All good.
However, I recall reading a tweet by Dr. Hazan that implied HCQ did not do as well treating CoVid-19 because it had a deleterious effect on bifidobacteria. Apparently, ivermectin was much more effective than HCQ.
Cut to the chase - Hydroxychloroquine administration for most treatment of covid IS BEST DONE VIA NEBULIZATION for exceptionally rapid effect bringing high levels of HCQ to the target areas with very little systemic absorption hence with very little to no systemic side effects. HCQ pills can also be taken if systemic distribution is also sought.
Dr. Zelenko, shortly before his passing, clinically demonstrated nebulization of HCQ for the treatment of people sick with covid.
David E. Scheim, PhD did the gumshoe work working out the details showing doses , amount absorbed , lung tissue concentrations which show that 1 or 2 or so many HCQ pills can be simply converted to HCQ nebulization solution, at home, then nebulized to rapidly achieve the the same lung tissue concentrations as many more pills taken over numbers of days. .
"Nebulized Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Treatment: 80x Improvement in Breathing" Vladimir Zelenko M.D
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine as 150 mg HCQ (amount of hcq in one 200 mg pill) in 6 ml (25 mg/ml) of isotonic sterile solution within the first five (5) days of COVID-19 symptoms (" Nebu HCQ ") has resulted in immediate improvement (<1 hour after use) in breathing in COVID-19 infected patients. Nebu HCQ served as a rescue medication with an 80x improvement in time and efficiency when compared to HCQ tablet (400-600 mg per day) combination therapy or Ivermectin combination therapy. No adverse events were reported outside of a bitter taste that quickly subsided. Average time of clinical improvement of pulmonary compromise precipitated by Covid 19 Covid-19 is primarily spread through the respiratory system and may result in significant pulmonary complications. Left untreated, a subset of patients will progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and/or pulmonary infarcts. Oral HCQ and Ivermectin combination therapies have proven to be effective prehospital treatments of Covid-19 and its associated complications. However, treatment with oral HCQ may take an average of 80 hours to achieve significant clinical improvement as well as 3-7 days to achieve optimal alveolar concentration of medication. [3] Nebu HCQ administered as microdroplets directly to the lungs achieves optimal alveolar concentration in approximately one (1) hour and is associated with faster clinical improvement, reduction in pulmonary complications and a reduction in medical costs. The clinical data presented in this paper was generated through the routine practice of medicine and is considered "Real World Evidence" according to the 21st Century Cures Act. [4] Innovation Dr. Zelenko notes that ACE2 Technology LLC ("ACE2") developed Nebu HCQ and that Dr.... ... ...
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine plus oral azithromycin for COVID-19 treatment: from days to hours for optimal lung tissue concentrations and viral immobilization
David E. Scheim, PhD
Background. More than 3,300 COVID-19 patients treated at southeast France’s main COVID-19 treatment hospital with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZ) had a death rate one-sixth the world average. But the unusual pharmacology of HCQ presents a key limitation. Optimal tissue levels can only be accrued with 5-10 days of oral dosage. Thus, HCQ has performed well for early and mixed-stage COVID-19 patients but has exhibited marginal utility in advanced stage cases.
Proposed combination treatment of nebulized HCQ and oral azithromycin. Drug delivery of HCQ through inhalation of nebulized microdroplets will achieve, in hours, lung tissue concentrations equivalent to those accrued over days of oral dosage. Nebulizers are simple, inexpensive and widely available drug delivery devices, and minimal risks of local lung toxicities are indicated for such HCQ drug delivery. Furthermore, HCQ is effective in blunting the damaging effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs. The combination treatment of nebulized HCQ along with oral AZ and possibly also ivermectin and zinc could provide a rapid reversal of the progression of COVID-19 both in the respiratory tract and in other body tissues."
my note:I expect nebulization of such small amounts of HCQ, as is needed in this application, overcomes virtually all the adverse event considerations concerning HCQ - even the concerns of HCQ use by those with G6PD and without incurring long QT risk in the vulnerable subset of people with HCQ associated risk for long QT. . G6PD link note: Professor Didier Raoult was screening for G6PD and all wore wrist positioned monitors for long QT in his oral HCQ trials with thousands of patients.
Note: I bought the Philips Respironics InnoSpire Elegance compressor nebulizer system which is the 100% duty cycle version of the 50% duty cycle jet nebulizer system that Scheim used.
It seems a bit sad that such things need proving? Perhaps they do.
My cousin has been taking HCQ for rheumatoid arthritis for 30 years. I asked him, has anyone ever brought up heart complications? Nope, never mentioned.
Seems this was necessary not because a signal of harm was found but rather to counteract active medical misinformation from our own authorities. No signal of harm was detected prior decades it seems.
HCQ was safe enough to use with Air Force pilots going into malaria areas so why was it ever declared to be un-safe???…politics only. In my many yrs of prescribing hcq I never saw a mild or bad effect from it. When Faucci and the FDA and Dems went after HCQ I knew right then this entire covid scheme was a SCAM…and did not trust one word coming out of the CDC then or now…What was totally despicable was 99.9% of the physicians remained quiet…cowed and possibly paid off via numerous covert methods …and many still are quiet and receive kick-backs from big pharma types in pushing this farce.
I personally think that hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and azithromycin, should be OTC. And also birth control pills! Put it all on the $4 Walmart prescription list
Remember what Zelenko said: "Zinc is the magic bullet, but it has a difficult time getting into our cells. Hydroxychloroquine opens the door to let it in".
Hydroxychloroquine is a powerful zinc ionophore-- that is its role against Covid.
Yes as you said Zelenko said. HCQ alone also has other long known roles against sars-cov's. see "Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread" it is here and elsewhere on the web
Zelenko's final HCQ gift to us was the administration of HCQ via nebulization
Cut to the chase - Hydroxychloroquine administration for most treatment of covid IS BEST DONE VIA NEBULIZATION for exceptionally rapid effect bringing high levels of HCQ to the target areas with very little systemic absorption hence with very little to no systemic side effects. HCQ pills can also be taken if systemic distribution is also sought.
Dr. Zelenko, shortly before his passing, clinically demonstrated nebulization of HCQ for the treatment of people sick with covid.
David E. Scheim, PhD did the gumshoe work working out the details showing doses , amount absorbed , lung tissue concentrations which show that 1 or 2 or so many HCQ pills can be simply converted to HCQ nebulization solution, at home, then nebulized to rapidly achieve the the same lung tissue concentrations as many more pills taken over numbers of days. .
"Nebulized Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Treatment: 80x Improvement in Breathing" Vladimir Zelenko M.D
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine as 150 mg HCQ (amount of hcq in one 200 mg pill) in 6 ml (25 mg/ml) of isotonic sterile solution within the first five (5) days of COVID-19 symptoms (" Nebu HCQ ") has resulted in immediate improvement (<1 hour after use) in breathing in COVID-19 infected patients. Nebu HCQ served as a rescue medication with an 80x improvement in time and efficiency when compared to HCQ tablet (400-600 mg per day) combination therapy or Ivermectin combination therapy. No adverse events were reported outside of a bitter taste that quickly subsided. Average time of clinical improvement of pulmonary compromise precipitated by Covid 19 Covid-19 is primarily spread through the respiratory system and may result in significant pulmonary complications. Left untreated, a subset of patients will progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and/or pulmonary infarcts. Oral HCQ and Ivermectin combination therapies have proven to be effective prehospital treatments of Covid-19 and its associated complications. However, treatment with oral HCQ may take an average of 80 hours to achieve significant clinical improvement as well as 3-7 days to achieve optimal alveolar concentration of medication. [3] Nebu HCQ administered as microdroplets directly to the lungs achieves optimal alveolar concentration in approximately one (1) hour and is associated with faster clinical improvement, reduction in pulmonary complications and a reduction in medical costs. The clinical data presented in this paper was generated through the routine practice of medicine and is considered "Real World Evidence" according to the 21st Century Cures Act. [4] Innovation Dr. Zelenko notes that ACE2 Technology LLC ("ACE2") developed Nebu HCQ and that Dr.... ... ...
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine plus oral azithromycin for COVID-19 treatment: from days to hours for optimal lung tissue concentrations and viral immobilization
David E. Scheim, PhD
Background. More than 3,300 COVID-19 patients treated at southeast France’s main COVID-19 treatment hospital with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZ) had a death rate one-sixth the world average. But the unusual pharmacology of HCQ presents a key limitation. Optimal tissue levels can only be accrued with 5-10 days of oral dosage. Thus, HCQ has performed well for early and mixed-stage COVID-19 patients but has exhibited marginal utility in advanced stage cases.
Proposed combination treatment of nebulized HCQ and oral azithromycin. Drug delivery of HCQ through inhalation of nebulized microdroplets will achieve, in hours, lung tissue concentrations equivalent to those accrued over days of oral dosage. Nebulizers are simple, inexpensive and widely available drug delivery devices, and minimal risks of local lung toxicities are indicated for such HCQ drug delivery. Furthermore, HCQ is effective in blunting the damaging effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs. The combination treatment of nebulized HCQ along with oral AZ and possibly also ivermectin and zinc could provide a rapid reversal of the progression of COVID-19 both in the respiratory tract and in other body tissues."
my note:I expect nebulization of such small amounts of HCQ, as is needed in this application, overcomes virtually all the adverse event considerations concerning HCQ - even the concerns of HCQ use by those with G6PD and without incurring long QT risk in the vulnerable subset of people with HCQ associated risk for long QT. . G6PD link note: Professor Didier Raoult was screening for G6PD and all wore wrist positioned monitors for long QT in his oral HCQ trials with thousands of patients.
Note: I bought the Philips Respironics InnoSpire Elegance compressor nebulizer system which is the 100% duty cycle version of the 50% duty cycle jet nebulizer system that Scheim used.
One anecdote. In March 2020 a Chinese-American man in a health profession attended an international conference in the Hudson Valley, soon developed a threatening respiratory disease, i.e. covid, was admitted to hospital in NJ, soon near death, finally consulted with family in China. The family contacted Chinese doctors and relayed their advice to take HCQ. He did. He survived. His name was James Cai, and the story was in the NY Post in April 2020. One patient does not a research study make. . . but still.
It is good to see this study today, as apparently the medical-research-pharmaceutical complex is defending itself and its unethical use of EUA, which we hope will be revoked soon.
The first sally in this revived war came today from Headline Health, which reports Elsevier's retraction of a study and claiming that patients taking HCQ were 11% more likely to die of covid. Which patients? Those already past the point where HCQ could be of benefit? Dr. Zelenko's autobiography recounts that he treated 500 covid patients with HCQ, AZM and lost only one patient, who had cancer. So whom shall we believe?
I look forward to commentary by those physicians on whose integrity we can rely.
I'm sure all previously existing anti-viral medicine is safer than the DEADLY mRNA injections. Strangely, FDA and CDC lies about Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc, have now been retracted.
Well, we thought we had avoided 'death by vax', but it seems that being in the proximity of a jabbed 'sub-human' we can inherit the deadly mRNA from their 'shedding' of the mRNA poison, rendering us all non-participating recipients of their unwanted Death Shot!
The same case is true if one has the misfortune to require a BLOOD TRANSFUSION from a blood bank. They don't segregate contaminated Vax Blood from clean unvaxxed blood!
Everything about the FDA is 'inadequate' because they need the 85% of their revenue which comes from Big Pharma for certification practices. They don't want to bite the hand that feeds them. So ZERO LIABILITY will continue until Schwab's dehumanising deadline of 2030!
I wish the New World Order and Big Pharma Marketing Division & their associates would stop trying to create the next Scamdemic. They will likely take a step too far and then we're all toast!
'Zero LIABILITY' tells you all you need to know about "Safety and Efficacy" of their mRNA jabs!
Either way - we're Pfu*ked!
Unjabbed Mick (UK). Avoid corrupt medics with mRNA-loaded syringes which carry NO LIABILITY!
Quite hard to read when the findings were, essentially, known years ago. (Ask the beloved Dr. Fauci, but don’t expect an honest answer. He’s known since, at least, SARS-CoV- 1.) People had “the right to try” even if safety was unknown - but it was known!
All in the “medical” community who participated in the countless lies regarding C19, its treatments and management, and its toxic injections - lies that were told out of greed, or fear of job loss - should be removed from medicine permanently. Millions of lives were lost due to the lies put out by government health agencies, the DoD, medical associations and journals, individual doctors, nurses, and others in “the system.”
All of the research I have done over the past four years indicates that Ivermectin, combined with the proper supplements and Doxycycline for potential secondary bacterial infection is more effective than HCQ. Thoughts?
Personally I don't have an opinion to offer on this question, but one of the testimonies I transcribed has stayed bright in my mind, and I believe it may be relevant to your question.
Dr. Richard Urso on the Big Toolbox for Early Treatment of Covid
"respiratory distress, blood clotting, and inflammation...those are easy conditions to treat... you can take any two drugs away, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and still save almost all the lives. And that's the end message. We have so many tools in the toolbox. That's the message I want everybody to hear. We can beat this disease."
Cut to the chase - Hydroxychloroquine administration for most treatment of covid IS BEST DONE VIA NEBULIZATION for exceptionally rapid effect bringing high levels of HCQ to the target areas with very little systemic absorption hence with very little to no systemic side effects. HCQ pills can also be taken if systemic distribution is also sought.
Dr. Zelenko, shortly before his passing, clinically demonstrated nebulization of HCQ for the treatment of people sick with covid.
David E. Scheim, PhD did the gumshoe work working out the details showing doses , amount absorbed , lung tissue concentrations which show that 1 or 2 or so many HCQ pills can be simply converted to HCQ nebulization solution, at home, then nebulized to rapidly achieve the the same lung tissue concentrations as many more pills taken over numbers of days. .
"Nebulized Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Treatment: 80x Improvement in Breathing" Vladimir Zelenko M.D
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine as 150 mg HCQ (amount of hcq in one 200 mg pill) in 6 ml (25 mg/ml) of isotonic sterile solution within the first five (5) days of COVID-19 symptoms (" Nebu HCQ ") has resulted in immediate improvement (<1 hour after use) in breathing in COVID-19 infected patients. Nebu HCQ served as a rescue medication with an 80x improvement in time and efficiency when compared to HCQ tablet (400-600 mg per day) combination therapy or Ivermectin combination therapy. No adverse events were reported outside of a bitter taste that quickly subsided. Average time of clinical improvement of pulmonary compromise precipitated by Covid 19 Covid-19 is primarily spread through the respiratory system and may result in significant pulmonary complications. Left untreated, a subset of patients will progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and/or pulmonary infarcts. Oral HCQ and Ivermectin combination therapies have proven to be effective prehospital treatments of Covid-19 and its associated complications. However, treatment with oral HCQ may take an average of 80 hours to achieve significant clinical improvement as well as 3-7 days to achieve optimal alveolar concentration of medication. [3] Nebu HCQ administered as microdroplets directly to the lungs achieves optimal alveolar concentration in approximately one (1) hour and is associated with faster clinical improvement, reduction in pulmonary complications and a reduction in medical costs. The clinical data presented in this paper was generated through the routine practice of medicine and is considered "Real World Evidence" according to the 21st Century Cures Act. [4] Innovation Dr. Zelenko notes that ACE2 Technology LLC ("ACE2") developed Nebu HCQ and that Dr.... ... ...
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine plus oral azithromycin for COVID-19 treatment: from days to hours for optimal lung tissue concentrations and viral immobilization
David E. Scheim, PhD
Background. More than 3,300 COVID-19 patients treated at southeast France’s main COVID-19 treatment hospital with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZ) had a death rate one-sixth the world average. But the unusual pharmacology of HCQ presents a key limitation. Optimal tissue levels can only be accrued with 5-10 days of oral dosage. Thus, HCQ has performed well for early and mixed-stage COVID-19 patients but has exhibited marginal utility in advanced stage cases.
Proposed combination treatment of nebulized HCQ and oral azithromycin. Drug delivery of HCQ through inhalation of nebulized microdroplets will achieve, in hours, lung tissue concentrations equivalent to those accrued over days of oral dosage. Nebulizers are simple, inexpensive and widely available drug delivery devices, and minimal risks of local lung toxicities are indicated for such HCQ drug delivery. Furthermore, HCQ is effective in blunting the damaging effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs. The combination treatment of nebulized HCQ along with oral AZ and possibly also ivermectin and zinc could provide a rapid reversal of the progression of COVID-19 both in the respiratory tract and in other body tissues."
my note:I expect nebulization of such small amounts of HCQ, as is needed in this application, overcomes virtually all the adverse event considerations concerning HCQ - even the concerns of HCQ use by those with G6PD and without incurring long QT risk in the vulnerable subset of people with HCQ associated risk for long QT. . G6PD link note: Professor Didier Raoult was screening for G6PD and all wore wrist positioned monitors for long QT in his oral HCQ trials with thousands of patients.
Note: I bought the Philips Respironics InnoSpire Elegance compressor nebulizer system which is the 100% duty cycle version of the 50% duty cycle jet nebulizer system that Scheim used.
Thank you for taking the time to include all these useful details. Early in the covid period I tried to nebulize hydrogen peroxide and found continuing for more than 1 -2 min. was very uncomfortable. Thoughts?
I have never tried to nebulize hydrogen peroxide though I often dilute the common 3% solution with 2 parts water to use a 1% solution for mouthwash. For nebulization of hydrogen peroxide Dr Mercola now recommends using a 0.1% concentration of hydrogen peroxide IN Hypertonic Saline to inhibit viral replication inside the cell or IN normal saline. I have nebulized regular vodka (40%) using the nebulizer clear plastic face mask to breath in through both nose and mouth after a possible larger exposure as the final step in the BASIC PREVENTION protocol I have used from 2020. 1/2 breaths are needed at the start to deal with the alcohol bite. This to kill any "escapees" from the other 3 levels of basic prevention measures.
Basic Real Prevention can stop pandemics within a willing, informed population
Starting in the trades I have now been using N95's for nearly 50 years along with a full kit of respiratory protection. I was blessed from day one to be able to choose the basic Real Prevention of N95 and then learn about more basic real prevention and add early treatment backup.
Basic Real Prevention requires combinations of good practice - now including D3 and first "salting the battlefield", the viral entry route, with the right home mixed antiviral sprays for eyes, nose and mouth to inhibit viral binding and kill what does leak through or around the N95 and the basic eye protection of eyeglasses thus greatly reducing potential viral load from "shared air". Then when back home, depending on perceived level of potential acquired exposure, home mixed antiviral nasal flush / eye wash / mouthwash as a matter of course as washing of hands. Then perhaps a few antiviral sprays inhaled, a few mL of vodka nebulized - again depending on perceived potential exposure levels
A great failing has been the uninformed population and failure to establish the Actually Best Basic Real Prevention Best Practices using the scientific method. Then to simply and clearly make these best practices readily available on a population wide basis for those who choose to use them. I and others have had to try and pick and choose among measures that do work as best we can. "Research" a lot - go with what you got.
A great evil has been the premeditated plan to insure the suppression of Real Prevention of covid and Real Treatment for covid for the purpose of and to enable the forcing of "their" "vaccine" only plan for prevention.
My functional regenerative alternative medicine doctor used it on my husband and myself in 2021 after a bout with Covid. In conjunction a ivermectin and spike support and high dose Vit C we were healed in 3 days.
I took various chloroquine products as a malaria prophylaxis for years. How about gathering testimonials from the 100's of millions that have taken the stuff and dispense with the useless studies. BTW have a look at the dashboards for any number of African countries during then 2020 'pandemic'. Notice anything strange? Yup... almost no infections nor deaths all year long until... the vaccine came out. Then a hockey stick appears on the graph showing an astounding spike in deaths. Things that make ya go 'hmmm'.
Tom Hanks and wife got covid in Australia and were treated with either HCQ or chloroquine. Later his wife issued a statement saying people should be careful with such strong drugs. Gratitude and honesty are virtues unknown to the Hollywood crowd.
Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin was my first treatment for COVID using the Zelenko protocol for my outpatients, initially I did not do any EKG monitoring (no problems, small sample size). When Falsie, I mean Fauci et al started screaming about QT, torsades, and sudden death (?with no evidence), I started using Cardia 6L to get a rhythm strip— no problems. Then I remembered that rhematologists had been using HCQ for decades without problems & no monitoring, & realized that this was all part of the psyop to keep people from using it. We experienced great evil from our health care leaders (and stystem).
First the historic Zelenko letter "March 23, 2020" "To all medical professionals around the world:" - then
Cut to the chase - Hydroxychloroquine administration for most treatment of covid IS BEST DONE VIA NEBULIZATION for exceptionally rapid effect bringing high levels of HCQ to the target areas with very little systemic absorption hence with very little to no systemic side effects. HCQ pills can also be taken if systemic distribution is also sought.
Dr. Zelenko's last HCQ gift to us, shortly before his passing, was clinically demonstrated nebulization of HCQ for the treatment of people sick with covid.
David E. Scheim, PhD did the gumshoe work working out the details showing doses , amount absorbed , lung tissue concentrations which show that 1 or 2 or so many HCQ pills can be simply converted to HCQ nebulization solution, at home, then nebulized to rapidly achieve the the same lung tissue concentrations as many more pills taken over numbers of days. .
Zelenko's "Nebu HCQ"
"Nebulized Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Treatment: 80x Improvement in Breathing" Vladimir Zelenko M.D
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine as 150 mg HCQ (amount of hcq in one 200 mg pill) in 6 ml (25 mg/ml) of isotonic sterile solution within the first five (5) days of COVID-19 symptoms (" Nebu HCQ ") has resulted in immediate improvement (<1 hour after use) in breathing in COVID-19 infected patients. Nebu HCQ served as a rescue medication with an 80x improvement in time and efficiency when compared to HCQ tablet (400-600 mg per day) combination therapy or Ivermectin combination therapy. No adverse events were reported outside of a bitter taste that quickly subsided. Average time of clinical improvement of pulmonary compromise precipitated by Covid 19 Covid-19 is primarily spread through the respiratory system and may result in significant pulmonary complications. Left untreated, a subset of patients will progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and/or pulmonary infarcts. Oral HCQ and Ivermectin combination therapies have proven to be effective prehospital treatments of Covid-19 and its associated complications. However, treatment with oral HCQ may take an average of 80 hours to achieve significant clinical improvement as well as 3-7 days to achieve optimal alveolar concentration of medication. [3] Nebu HCQ administered as microdroplets directly to the lungs achieves optimal alveolar concentration in approximately one (1) hour and is associated with faster clinical improvement, reduction in pulmonary complications and a reduction in medical costs. The clinical data presented in this paper was generated through the routine practice of medicine and is considered "Real World Evidence" according to the 21st Century Cures Act. [4] Innovation Dr. Zelenko notes that ACE2 Technology LLC ("ACE2") developed Nebu HCQ and that Dr.... ... ...
Nebu HCQ Whitepaper_Scheim.docx
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine plus oral azithromycin for COVID-19 treatment: from days to hours for optimal lung tissue concentrations and viral immobilization
David E. Scheim, PhD
Background. More than 3,300 COVID-19 patients treated at southeast France’s main COVID-19 treatment hospital with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZ) had a death rate one-sixth the world average. But the unusual pharmacology of HCQ presents a key limitation. Optimal tissue levels can only be accrued with 5-10 days of oral dosage. Thus, HCQ has performed well for early and mixed-stage COVID-19 patients but has exhibited marginal utility in advanced stage cases.
Proposed combination treatment of nebulized HCQ and oral azithromycin. Drug delivery of HCQ through inhalation of nebulized microdroplets will achieve, in hours, lung tissue concentrations equivalent to those accrued over days of oral dosage. Nebulizers are simple, inexpensive and widely available drug delivery devices, and minimal risks of local lung toxicities are indicated for such HCQ drug delivery. Furthermore, HCQ is effective in blunting the damaging effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs. The combination treatment of nebulized HCQ along with oral AZ and possibly also ivermectin and zinc could provide a rapid reversal of the progression of COVID-19 both in the respiratory tract and in other body tissues."
This paper has blood plasma HCQ levels from nebulized HCQ "Nebulised Isotonic Hydroxychloroquine Aerosols for Potential Treatment of COVID-19"
my note:I expect nebulization of such small amounts of HCQ, as is needed in this application, overcomes virtually all the adverse event considerations concerning HCQ - even the concerns of HCQ use by those with G6PD and without incurring long QT risk in the vulnerable subset of people with HCQ associated risk for long QT. . G6PD link note: Professor Didier Raoult was screening for G6PD and all wore wrist positioned monitors for long QT in his oral HCQ trials with thousands of patients.
Note: I bought the Philips Respironics InnoSpire Elegance compressor nebulizer system which is the 100% duty cycle version of the 50% duty cycle jet nebulizer system that Scheim used.
What Is G6PD Deficiency?
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Dr. Zelenko was an amazing physician and man. What a shame he died so young.
Thank You. I had not seen , nor was aware of it. IIRC I first heard of him and the protocols in an interview by Rudy Guilani on SubStack or YouTube, & reference s to some French study.
I am saving this!
You are welcome. Thank You for being one of the Real Doctors who treated people sick with covid. I first saw Dr Zelenko when he posted his first youtube video. His son helped him figure out how to do that.
As covid spread around the world Real Doctors who actually treated people sick with covid rapidly figured out working treatment protocols to treat all stages of covid and protocols to prevent all stages of covid.
In his letter Dr Zelenko states "I combined the data available from China and South Korea with the recent study published from France" Doctors in China and South Korea were combining HCQ and zinc. Professor Didier Raoult in France was treating with HCQ and azithromycin. Dr Zelenko combined these - thus working treatment protocols for covid rapidly evolved around the world.
No amnesty for DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDER (which was, in fact, premeditated)
ALL THE PROOF NEEDED for 1) the early outpatient treatment for covid, for 2) the asap covid treatment in the ER (or doctors. office outpatient "ER") which either stabilizes the the covid patient and sends them home with prescriptions or begins proper treatment prior to hospital admission and for 3) the best in hospital covid treatment, - all using combinations of safe and effective, low cost, available drugs etc HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED, from early in the pandemic, noised abroad to "people" in the cdc and niaid and all, and continually improved WITH THE PANDEMIC "GOLD STANDARD EVIDENCE" – THE RESULTS FROM REAL DOCTORS WHO TREATED REAL COVID PATIENTS.
Dr. Didier Raoult, Dr Zelenko, Dr George Fareed and Dr Brian Tyson, Dr. Ben Marble and the doctors of “My Free Doctor”, Dr Darrell DeMello (who introduced early treatment, ER level treatment for the outpatient and long covid treatment to India), Dr Shankara Chetty with his outpatient "emergency room" 8th day protocol - teaching many Doctors and saving 10,000+ Africans and many others at a covid stage where they would be admitted to hospital then mis, dis and mal treated to either prolonged injury or death in most all US hospitals, Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik, Dr. Joseph Varon, Dr. Syed Haider and other doctors using the FLCCC protocols, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Richard Urso, to name a few and many other REAL DOCTORS who treated REAL COVID PATIENTS across the world. These named Doctors treated 100’s of Thousands of high risk covid patients with near elimination of hospitalization and death with early treatment and with proper, asap, "ER" type treatment and these doctors demonstrated a great reduction of in hospital death with the best known practices.
These REAL DOCTORS TOLD THE TRUTHS, about covid treatments, with actually safe and effective, low cost generic drugs etc, TO THE POWERS THAT CHOOSE TO SUPPRESS AND SABOTAGE REAL TREATMENT FOR COVID. Powers that choose to push big pharma, not safe and not effective as used, high priced remdesivir etc and to push and compel a neither safe nor effective "vaccine" only path as a big pharma money maker and opportunity to force regulatory pre-approval status for the mRNA "platform" as a "vaccine" and genetic manipulation platform, not requiring further human testing. Which they accomplished with the mRNA bi-valent covid "vaccine" shots not tested in humans, based on the purportedly "safe and effective" mRNA platform use in the initial, forced mass covid "vaccinations".
EVERY ONE OF THESE DOCTORS DEMONSTRATED AN END TO THE “PANDEMIC”. 100% EASY for fda, cdc, nih, who, niaid and fauci et al. TO SEE AND KNOW the way to end the “pandemic”as THEY WERE INFORMED about working treatments, which they, et al, willfully, with treatment knowledge presented to them, CHOOSE NOT TO HEED while “they” SABOTAGED effective treatment protocols and REAL DOCTORS using these life saving protocols and thereby DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDERED MILLIONS. (DEPRAVED-HEART (indifference) MURDER see definition from "wickedpedia" below)
From "wickedpedia" – “In United States law, depraved-heart murder, also known as depraved-indifference murder, is a type of murder where an individual acts with a “depraved indifference” to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill. In a depraved-heart murder, defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person. If the risk of death or bodily harm is great enough, ignoring it demonstrates a “depraved indifference” to human life and the resulting death is considered to have been committed with malice aforethought.[1][2] In some states, depraved-heart killings constitute second-degree murder,[3] while in others, the act would be charged with “wanton murder,”[4][5] varying degrees of manslaughter,[6] or third-degree murder. If no death results, such an act would generally constitute reckless endangerment (sometimes known as “culpable negligence”) and possibly other crimes, such as assault.”
Common law background
It ["depraved heart" murder] is the form [of murder] that establishes that the wilful doing of a dangerous and reckless act (my note: sabotaging and suppressing REAL COVID TREATMENT and REAL DOCTORS TREATING COVID) with wanton indifference to the consequences and perils involved is just as blameworthy, and just as worthy of punishment, when the harmful result ensues as is the express intent to kill itself. This highly blameworthy state of mind is not one of mere negligence... It is not merely one even of gross criminal negligence... It involves rather the deliberate perpetration of a knowingly dangerous act with reckless and wanton unconcern and indifference as to whether anyone is harmed or not. The common law treats such a state of mind as just as blameworthy, just as anti-social and, therefore, just as truly murderous as the specific intents to kill and to harm.[7]
Denial of treatment for covid was preplanned prior to covid. "their" plan to deny treatment for covid was then set in motion at the w.h.o. meeting referenced below.
Please remember this about the W.H.O. ("world "health" organization"). The fix was in from before "covid". Nothing was going to stop the mRNA "vaccine" program. FEAR MUST BE MAINTAINED! Effective treatment for covid must be suppressed and not be "officially" acknowledged to insure the FDA "criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives" thus allowing for the Emergency Use Authorization of the genetic manipulation mRNA and viral vector injections.
The beginning of the implementation of "their" plan to KILL HCQ AND STEROIDS etc, to kill all REAL early covid treatment and effective REAL emergency room and REAL hospital covid treatment, to push remdesivir and the vaccine only path is documented here
WHO R&D Blueprint Informal consultation on prioritization of candidate therapeutic agents for use in novel coronavirus 2019 infection Geneva, Switzerland, 24 January 2020 - Coronavirus Outline of designs for experimental vaccines and therapeutics Draft version Jan 27, 2020
They dismissed HCQ outright "insufficient evidence to support its further investigation". They "KILLED" steroids while the document acknowledges "although there is evidence of efficacy in the setting of severe illness".
The US representative at this Jan 2020 meeting was, fauci stand-in, Hilary Marston - Medical Officer and Policy Advisor National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" with a big pharma "fixer" "McKinsey & Company and .. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" employment background.
The document lists a number of "the guilty parties
Go figure right? On my Substack Homepage is a document titled
“Well Well Well.” Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine both are “Potent inhibitors of SARS CoV infection and spread!”
So posted the “Virology Journal” Fauci’s own NIH agency. A report dated August 2005! Nearly 20 years ago!
As the saying goes:
“Oh the Humanity?”
Well in the case against every single “Fauci-Like Monster” responsible for lockdowns, forced Bioweapon Injection Mandates, etc. they should all be prosecuted for
“Crimes Against Humanity!”
They knew “Chloroquine” and “Hydroxychloroquine” worked against SARS-CoV! They knew it and they deliberately perpetrated this Covid-Scam! Killing millions of people worldwide! Injuring millions more knowing damn well these shots were not designed to help people. They were designed to “KILL!”
They knew it and they did nothing about it! How many needlessly, unsuspecting victims have there been? How many more people will die prematurely because of the “Spike-Protein?” Or how many people will be diagnosed with cancer or blood clots or any other condition these shots are, at minimum, responsible for?
Worldwide estimates are 17 million deaths, which I believe is much higher. But what’s a few million here or there right? WRONG! The mindset of the “Globalist” most likely is “Who Cares!” Otherwise this wouldn’t have happened.
This is so unbelievably wrong! I pray to God these people are rounded up like the “Animals” they are and brought before an international tribunal! Then tired and if found guilty, they must pay for their crimes!
Pay in a big, big way!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Here is the LINK proving that Fraudci Knew in 2005 HCQ was not only the CURE but the VACCINE, Why do you think Trump Tweeted the exact ANTIDOTE in 2020, Bonus, it is also the PERMANENT CURE for CANCER and most other diseases as you will soon learn.
james, thank you again for. In my Substack Homepage is a document titled “Well Well Well” a one page document from Fauci’s own NIH Virology Journal. I also have the 10 page study paper which concludes: “Chloroquine is a potent Inhibitor of SARS-CoV infection and Spread!”
I wrote about this three years ago and I must have handed out more than 100 copies to people I met in my travels.
What these people did was “Murder!” Premeditated Murder IMO! They knew exactly what they were doing and why they were doing it! To kill and maim people!
It infuriates me to know end how one study nearly 20 years ago would have saved millions of lives, if in fact covid was covid! I’m not sure it was. I believe as Dr Alexander stated numerous times “this was an over cycled PCR Pandemic!”
Thanks again james.
Your welcome I will check out your doc. On chloroquine. FYI it is also the Permanent Cure to Cancer and almost every other disease, as you will soon learn....
They are NOT PEOPLE...... Try Reptilians ..............>>>>Welcome to Disclosure......>>>> Agent Midnight Rider
Thank you james. You gotta love For now anyway. There’s a huge push to scrub anything and everything pertaining to Covid, and the Covid Frauds perpetrated on the American people and the world.
Thank you again james for sharing this.
I am interested to know. This study was about cardiac side effects. All good.
However, I recall reading a tweet by Dr. Hazan that implied HCQ did not do as well treating CoVid-19 because it had a deleterious effect on bifidobacteria. Apparently, ivermectin was much more effective than HCQ.
Am I right about that?
First the historic Zelenko letter "March 23, 2020" "To all medical professionals around the world:" - then
Cut to the chase - Hydroxychloroquine administration for most treatment of covid IS BEST DONE VIA NEBULIZATION for exceptionally rapid effect bringing high levels of HCQ to the target areas with very little systemic absorption hence with very little to no systemic side effects. HCQ pills can also be taken if systemic distribution is also sought.
Dr. Zelenko, shortly before his passing, clinically demonstrated nebulization of HCQ for the treatment of people sick with covid.
David E. Scheim, PhD did the gumshoe work working out the details showing doses , amount absorbed , lung tissue concentrations which show that 1 or 2 or so many HCQ pills can be simply converted to HCQ nebulization solution, at home, then nebulized to rapidly achieve the the same lung tissue concentrations as many more pills taken over numbers of days. .
Zelenko's "Nebu HCQ"
"Nebulized Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Treatment: 80x Improvement in Breathing" Vladimir Zelenko M.D
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine as 150 mg HCQ (amount of hcq in one 200 mg pill) in 6 ml (25 mg/ml) of isotonic sterile solution within the first five (5) days of COVID-19 symptoms (" Nebu HCQ ") has resulted in immediate improvement (<1 hour after use) in breathing in COVID-19 infected patients. Nebu HCQ served as a rescue medication with an 80x improvement in time and efficiency when compared to HCQ tablet (400-600 mg per day) combination therapy or Ivermectin combination therapy. No adverse events were reported outside of a bitter taste that quickly subsided. Average time of clinical improvement of pulmonary compromise precipitated by Covid 19 Covid-19 is primarily spread through the respiratory system and may result in significant pulmonary complications. Left untreated, a subset of patients will progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and/or pulmonary infarcts. Oral HCQ and Ivermectin combination therapies have proven to be effective prehospital treatments of Covid-19 and its associated complications. However, treatment with oral HCQ may take an average of 80 hours to achieve significant clinical improvement as well as 3-7 days to achieve optimal alveolar concentration of medication. [3] Nebu HCQ administered as microdroplets directly to the lungs achieves optimal alveolar concentration in approximately one (1) hour and is associated with faster clinical improvement, reduction in pulmonary complications and a reduction in medical costs. The clinical data presented in this paper was generated through the routine practice of medicine and is considered "Real World Evidence" according to the 21st Century Cures Act. [4] Innovation Dr. Zelenko notes that ACE2 Technology LLC ("ACE2") developed Nebu HCQ and that Dr.... ... ...
Nebu HCQ Whitepaper_Scheim.docx
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine plus oral azithromycin for COVID-19 treatment: from days to hours for optimal lung tissue concentrations and viral immobilization
David E. Scheim, PhD
Background. More than 3,300 COVID-19 patients treated at southeast France’s main COVID-19 treatment hospital with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZ) had a death rate one-sixth the world average. But the unusual pharmacology of HCQ presents a key limitation. Optimal tissue levels can only be accrued with 5-10 days of oral dosage. Thus, HCQ has performed well for early and mixed-stage COVID-19 patients but has exhibited marginal utility in advanced stage cases.
Proposed combination treatment of nebulized HCQ and oral azithromycin. Drug delivery of HCQ through inhalation of nebulized microdroplets will achieve, in hours, lung tissue concentrations equivalent to those accrued over days of oral dosage. Nebulizers are simple, inexpensive and widely available drug delivery devices, and minimal risks of local lung toxicities are indicated for such HCQ drug delivery. Furthermore, HCQ is effective in blunting the damaging effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs. The combination treatment of nebulized HCQ along with oral AZ and possibly also ivermectin and zinc could provide a rapid reversal of the progression of COVID-19 both in the respiratory tract and in other body tissues."
This paper has blood plasma HCQ levels from nebulized HCQ "Nebulised Isotonic Hydroxychloroquine Aerosols for Potential Treatment of COVID-19"
my note:I expect nebulization of such small amounts of HCQ, as is needed in this application, overcomes virtually all the adverse event considerations concerning HCQ - even the concerns of HCQ use by those with G6PD and without incurring long QT risk in the vulnerable subset of people with HCQ associated risk for long QT. . G6PD link note: Professor Didier Raoult was screening for G6PD and all wore wrist positioned monitors for long QT in his oral HCQ trials with thousands of patients.
Note: I bought the Philips Respironics InnoSpire Elegance compressor nebulizer system which is the 100% duty cycle version of the 50% duty cycle jet nebulizer system that Scheim used.
What Is G6PD Deficiency?
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I believe so!
It seems a bit sad that such things need proving? Perhaps they do.
My cousin has been taking HCQ for rheumatoid arthritis for 30 years. I asked him, has anyone ever brought up heart complications? Nope, never mentioned.
Seems this was necessary not because a signal of harm was found but rather to counteract active medical misinformation from our own authorities. No signal of harm was detected prior decades it seems.
HCQ was safe enough to use with Air Force pilots going into malaria areas so why was it ever declared to be un-safe???…politics only. In my many yrs of prescribing hcq I never saw a mild or bad effect from it. When Faucci and the FDA and Dems went after HCQ I knew right then this entire covid scheme was a SCAM…and did not trust one word coming out of the CDC then or now…What was totally despicable was 99.9% of the physicians remained quiet…cowed and possibly paid off via numerous covert methods …and many still are quiet and receive kick-backs from big pharma types in pushing this farce.
The covid scam in a nutshell.
Thank you, Dr. Marsh.
I personally think that hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and azithromycin, should be OTC. And also birth control pills! Put it all on the $4 Walmart prescription list
Remember what Zelenko said: "Zinc is the magic bullet, but it has a difficult time getting into our cells. Hydroxychloroquine opens the door to let it in".
Hydroxychloroquine is a powerful zinc ionophore-- that is its role against Covid.
Yes as you said Zelenko said. HCQ alone also has other long known roles against sars-cov's. see "Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread" it is here and elsewhere on the web
Zelenko's final HCQ gift to us was the administration of HCQ via nebulization
First the historic Zelenko letter "March 23, 2020" "To all medical professionals around the world:" - then
Cut to the chase - Hydroxychloroquine administration for most treatment of covid IS BEST DONE VIA NEBULIZATION for exceptionally rapid effect bringing high levels of HCQ to the target areas with very little systemic absorption hence with very little to no systemic side effects. HCQ pills can also be taken if systemic distribution is also sought.
Dr. Zelenko, shortly before his passing, clinically demonstrated nebulization of HCQ for the treatment of people sick with covid.
David E. Scheim, PhD did the gumshoe work working out the details showing doses , amount absorbed , lung tissue concentrations which show that 1 or 2 or so many HCQ pills can be simply converted to HCQ nebulization solution, at home, then nebulized to rapidly achieve the the same lung tissue concentrations as many more pills taken over numbers of days. .
Zelenko's "Nebu HCQ"
"Nebulized Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Treatment: 80x Improvement in Breathing" Vladimir Zelenko M.D
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine as 150 mg HCQ (amount of hcq in one 200 mg pill) in 6 ml (25 mg/ml) of isotonic sterile solution within the first five (5) days of COVID-19 symptoms (" Nebu HCQ ") has resulted in immediate improvement (<1 hour after use) in breathing in COVID-19 infected patients. Nebu HCQ served as a rescue medication with an 80x improvement in time and efficiency when compared to HCQ tablet (400-600 mg per day) combination therapy or Ivermectin combination therapy. No adverse events were reported outside of a bitter taste that quickly subsided. Average time of clinical improvement of pulmonary compromise precipitated by Covid 19 Covid-19 is primarily spread through the respiratory system and may result in significant pulmonary complications. Left untreated, a subset of patients will progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and/or pulmonary infarcts. Oral HCQ and Ivermectin combination therapies have proven to be effective prehospital treatments of Covid-19 and its associated complications. However, treatment with oral HCQ may take an average of 80 hours to achieve significant clinical improvement as well as 3-7 days to achieve optimal alveolar concentration of medication. [3] Nebu HCQ administered as microdroplets directly to the lungs achieves optimal alveolar concentration in approximately one (1) hour and is associated with faster clinical improvement, reduction in pulmonary complications and a reduction in medical costs. The clinical data presented in this paper was generated through the routine practice of medicine and is considered "Real World Evidence" according to the 21st Century Cures Act. [4] Innovation Dr. Zelenko notes that ACE2 Technology LLC ("ACE2") developed Nebu HCQ and that Dr.... ... ...
Nebu HCQ Whitepaper_Scheim.docx
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine plus oral azithromycin for COVID-19 treatment: from days to hours for optimal lung tissue concentrations and viral immobilization
David E. Scheim, PhD
Background. More than 3,300 COVID-19 patients treated at southeast France’s main COVID-19 treatment hospital with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZ) had a death rate one-sixth the world average. But the unusual pharmacology of HCQ presents a key limitation. Optimal tissue levels can only be accrued with 5-10 days of oral dosage. Thus, HCQ has performed well for early and mixed-stage COVID-19 patients but has exhibited marginal utility in advanced stage cases.
Proposed combination treatment of nebulized HCQ and oral azithromycin. Drug delivery of HCQ through inhalation of nebulized microdroplets will achieve, in hours, lung tissue concentrations equivalent to those accrued over days of oral dosage. Nebulizers are simple, inexpensive and widely available drug delivery devices, and minimal risks of local lung toxicities are indicated for such HCQ drug delivery. Furthermore, HCQ is effective in blunting the damaging effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs. The combination treatment of nebulized HCQ along with oral AZ and possibly also ivermectin and zinc could provide a rapid reversal of the progression of COVID-19 both in the respiratory tract and in other body tissues."
This paper has blood plasma HCQ levels from nebulized HCQ "Nebulised Isotonic Hydroxychloroquine Aerosols for Potential Treatment of COVID-19"
my note:I expect nebulization of such small amounts of HCQ, as is needed in this application, overcomes virtually all the adverse event considerations concerning HCQ - even the concerns of HCQ use by those with G6PD and without incurring long QT risk in the vulnerable subset of people with HCQ associated risk for long QT. . G6PD link note: Professor Didier Raoult was screening for G6PD and all wore wrist positioned monitors for long QT in his oral HCQ trials with thousands of patients.
Note: I bought the Philips Respironics InnoSpire Elegance compressor nebulizer system which is the 100% duty cycle version of the 50% duty cycle jet nebulizer system that Scheim used.
What Is G6PD Deficiency?
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One anecdote. In March 2020 a Chinese-American man in a health profession attended an international conference in the Hudson Valley, soon developed a threatening respiratory disease, i.e. covid, was admitted to hospital in NJ, soon near death, finally consulted with family in China. The family contacted Chinese doctors and relayed their advice to take HCQ. He did. He survived. His name was James Cai, and the story was in the NY Post in April 2020. One patient does not a research study make. . . but still.
It is good to see this study today, as apparently the medical-research-pharmaceutical complex is defending itself and its unethical use of EUA, which we hope will be revoked soon.
The first sally in this revived war came today from Headline Health, which reports Elsevier's retraction of a study and claiming that patients taking HCQ were 11% more likely to die of covid. Which patients? Those already past the point where HCQ could be of benefit? Dr. Zelenko's autobiography recounts that he treated 500 covid patients with HCQ, AZM and lost only one patient, who had cancer. So whom shall we believe?
I look forward to commentary by those physicians on whose integrity we can rely.
I'm sure all previously existing anti-viral medicine is safer than the DEADLY mRNA injections. Strangely, FDA and CDC lies about Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc, have now been retracted.
Well, we thought we had avoided 'death by vax', but it seems that being in the proximity of a jabbed 'sub-human' we can inherit the deadly mRNA from their 'shedding' of the mRNA poison, rendering us all non-participating recipients of their unwanted Death Shot!
The same case is true if one has the misfortune to require a BLOOD TRANSFUSION from a blood bank. They don't segregate contaminated Vax Blood from clean unvaxxed blood!
Everything about the FDA is 'inadequate' because they need the 85% of their revenue which comes from Big Pharma for certification practices. They don't want to bite the hand that feeds them. So ZERO LIABILITY will continue until Schwab's dehumanising deadline of 2030!
I wish the New World Order and Big Pharma Marketing Division & their associates would stop trying to create the next Scamdemic. They will likely take a step too far and then we're all toast!
'Zero LIABILITY' tells you all you need to know about "Safety and Efficacy" of their mRNA jabs!
Either way - we're Pfu*ked!
Unjabbed Mick (UK). Avoid corrupt medics with mRNA-loaded syringes which carry NO LIABILITY!
People are getting Shedding on by close contact and sex. Parasites are transmitted during Sex. That's how the unvaccinated are catching cases of Turbo Cancer .
The RICH KIDS in Florida got a WARNING thats why they fired all their teachers who were vaccinated and blocked their windows from 5 G..... >>>>>
As suspected! We're all doomed! Mick (UK).
Quite hard to read when the findings were, essentially, known years ago. (Ask the beloved Dr. Fauci, but don’t expect an honest answer. He’s known since, at least, SARS-CoV- 1.) People had “the right to try” even if safety was unknown - but it was known!
All in the “medical” community who participated in the countless lies regarding C19, its treatments and management, and its toxic injections - lies that were told out of greed, or fear of job loss - should be removed from medicine permanently. Millions of lives were lost due to the lies put out by government health agencies, the DoD, medical associations and journals, individual doctors, nurses, and others in “the system.”
All of the research I have done over the past four years indicates that Ivermectin, combined with the proper supplements and Doxycycline for potential secondary bacterial infection is more effective than HCQ. Thoughts?
Personally I don't have an opinion to offer on this question, but one of the testimonies I transcribed has stayed bright in my mind, and I believe it may be relevant to your question.
Dr. Richard Urso on the Big Toolbox for Early Treatment of Covid
"respiratory distress, blood clotting, and inflammation...those are easy conditions to treat... you can take any two drugs away, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and still save almost all the lives. And that's the end message. We have so many tools in the toolbox. That's the message I want everybody to hear. We can beat this disease."
Source video:
COVID-19: A Second Opinion
Senator Ron Johnson
Streamed on January 24, 2022
"COVID-19: A Second Opinion" Roundtable
[1:18:06 - 1:26:31]
First the historic Zelenko letter "March 23, 2020" "To all medical professionals around the world:" - then
Cut to the chase - Hydroxychloroquine administration for most treatment of covid IS BEST DONE VIA NEBULIZATION for exceptionally rapid effect bringing high levels of HCQ to the target areas with very little systemic absorption hence with very little to no systemic side effects. HCQ pills can also be taken if systemic distribution is also sought.
Dr. Zelenko, shortly before his passing, clinically demonstrated nebulization of HCQ for the treatment of people sick with covid.
David E. Scheim, PhD did the gumshoe work working out the details showing doses , amount absorbed , lung tissue concentrations which show that 1 or 2 or so many HCQ pills can be simply converted to HCQ nebulization solution, at home, then nebulized to rapidly achieve the the same lung tissue concentrations as many more pills taken over numbers of days. .
Zelenko's "Nebu HCQ"
"Nebulized Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Treatment: 80x Improvement in Breathing" Vladimir Zelenko M.D
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine as 150 mg HCQ (amount of hcq in one 200 mg pill) in 6 ml (25 mg/ml) of isotonic sterile solution within the first five (5) days of COVID-19 symptoms (" Nebu HCQ ") has resulted in immediate improvement (<1 hour after use) in breathing in COVID-19 infected patients. Nebu HCQ served as a rescue medication with an 80x improvement in time and efficiency when compared to HCQ tablet (400-600 mg per day) combination therapy or Ivermectin combination therapy. No adverse events were reported outside of a bitter taste that quickly subsided. Average time of clinical improvement of pulmonary compromise precipitated by Covid 19 Covid-19 is primarily spread through the respiratory system and may result in significant pulmonary complications. Left untreated, a subset of patients will progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and/or pulmonary infarcts. Oral HCQ and Ivermectin combination therapies have proven to be effective prehospital treatments of Covid-19 and its associated complications. However, treatment with oral HCQ may take an average of 80 hours to achieve significant clinical improvement as well as 3-7 days to achieve optimal alveolar concentration of medication. [3] Nebu HCQ administered as microdroplets directly to the lungs achieves optimal alveolar concentration in approximately one (1) hour and is associated with faster clinical improvement, reduction in pulmonary complications and a reduction in medical costs. The clinical data presented in this paper was generated through the routine practice of medicine and is considered "Real World Evidence" according to the 21st Century Cures Act. [4] Innovation Dr. Zelenko notes that ACE2 Technology LLC ("ACE2") developed Nebu HCQ and that Dr.... ... ...
Nebu HCQ Whitepaper_Scheim.docx
Nebulized hydroxychloroquine plus oral azithromycin for COVID-19 treatment: from days to hours for optimal lung tissue concentrations and viral immobilization
David E. Scheim, PhD
Background. More than 3,300 COVID-19 patients treated at southeast France’s main COVID-19 treatment hospital with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZ) had a death rate one-sixth the world average. But the unusual pharmacology of HCQ presents a key limitation. Optimal tissue levels can only be accrued with 5-10 days of oral dosage. Thus, HCQ has performed well for early and mixed-stage COVID-19 patients but has exhibited marginal utility in advanced stage cases.
Proposed combination treatment of nebulized HCQ and oral azithromycin. Drug delivery of HCQ through inhalation of nebulized microdroplets will achieve, in hours, lung tissue concentrations equivalent to those accrued over days of oral dosage. Nebulizers are simple, inexpensive and widely available drug delivery devices, and minimal risks of local lung toxicities are indicated for such HCQ drug delivery. Furthermore, HCQ is effective in blunting the damaging effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs. The combination treatment of nebulized HCQ along with oral AZ and possibly also ivermectin and zinc could provide a rapid reversal of the progression of COVID-19 both in the respiratory tract and in other body tissues."
This paper has blood plasma HCQ levels from nebulized HCQ "Nebulised Isotonic Hydroxychloroquine Aerosols for Potential Treatment of COVID-19"
my note:I expect nebulization of such small amounts of HCQ, as is needed in this application, overcomes virtually all the adverse event considerations concerning HCQ - even the concerns of HCQ use by those with G6PD and without incurring long QT risk in the vulnerable subset of people with HCQ associated risk for long QT. . G6PD link note: Professor Didier Raoult was screening for G6PD and all wore wrist positioned monitors for long QT in his oral HCQ trials with thousands of patients.
Note: I bought the Philips Respironics InnoSpire Elegance compressor nebulizer system which is the 100% duty cycle version of the 50% duty cycle jet nebulizer system that Scheim used.
What Is G6PD Deficiency?
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Thank you for taking the time to include all these useful details. Early in the covid period I tried to nebulize hydrogen peroxide and found continuing for more than 1 -2 min. was very uncomfortable. Thoughts?
I have never tried to nebulize hydrogen peroxide though I often dilute the common 3% solution with 2 parts water to use a 1% solution for mouthwash. For nebulization of hydrogen peroxide Dr Mercola now recommends using a 0.1% concentration of hydrogen peroxide IN Hypertonic Saline to inhibit viral replication inside the cell or IN normal saline. I have nebulized regular vodka (40%) using the nebulizer clear plastic face mask to breath in through both nose and mouth after a possible larger exposure as the final step in the BASIC PREVENTION protocol I have used from 2020. 1/2 breaths are needed at the start to deal with the alcohol bite. This to kill any "escapees" from the other 3 levels of basic prevention measures.
Recent Dr Mercola recommendations can be found here I posted 1 of the 7 comments to this repost. (my comment is to consider using saline alkalized with baking soda to also raise PH to stop viral binding) the original post is here "A Change to the Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide Protocol for Bird Flu" Modified: Dec 20, 2024 · Published: Apr 26, 2024
Basic Real Prevention can stop pandemics within a willing, informed population
Starting in the trades I have now been using N95's for nearly 50 years along with a full kit of respiratory protection. I was blessed from day one to be able to choose the basic Real Prevention of N95 and then learn about more basic real prevention and add early treatment backup.
Basic Real Prevention requires combinations of good practice - now including D3 and first "salting the battlefield", the viral entry route, with the right home mixed antiviral sprays for eyes, nose and mouth to inhibit viral binding and kill what does leak through or around the N95 and the basic eye protection of eyeglasses thus greatly reducing potential viral load from "shared air". Then when back home, depending on perceived level of potential acquired exposure, home mixed antiviral nasal flush / eye wash / mouthwash as a matter of course as washing of hands. Then perhaps a few antiviral sprays inhaled, a few mL of vodka nebulized - again depending on perceived potential exposure levels
A great failing has been the uninformed population and failure to establish the Actually Best Basic Real Prevention Best Practices using the scientific method. Then to simply and clearly make these best practices readily available on a population wide basis for those who choose to use them. I and others have had to try and pick and choose among measures that do work as best we can. "Research" a lot - go with what you got.
A great evil has been the premeditated plan to insure the suppression of Real Prevention of covid and Real Treatment for covid for the purpose of and to enable the forcing of "their" "vaccine" only plan for prevention.
some "how to" details upon request
Thank you for this.
Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale University Epidemiologist, Calls Out the FDA's HCQ Fraud
"The biggest fraud of all times...the FDA has to be held accountable"
Source video:
Senator Ron Johnson's Roundtable, COVID-19: A Second Opinion
Streamed on January 24, 2022
[1:00:44 - 1:07:23]