Good! Mutilation of minors is abhorrent.

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I think even most Texans would agree that there is a limit to parental rights. Would they be good with the parents of a child saying cut my child’s leg off at the knee for a peg leg and his hand for a hook because he believes he is a pirate? I think not. Children have to be allowed to play, explore, develop, but within limits that protect them until they have reached adulthood and that frontal lobe has developed a bit more. Then if he wants to off his leg and hand, go for it.

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Viva Texas Supreme Court!

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Next stop: SCOTUS.

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Bravo. My home state.

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See also: the excellent Jordan Peterson interview with the TX Children’s Hospital whistleblower TX doctor.

Sorry for being off topic — but do any CD readers have a good link regarding the research patent on the furin cleavage site? It would be much appreciated.

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I hope if the person that lives next door ever reads this, that he will know it is with compassion and my own uncomfortable confusion that I write.

The person is a man, maybe 55+ who had breasts put on decades ago and I don't know whatever else he did to try to make himself a she. He is a long time chronic alcoholic. He rented out the house and left Texas to live with an alcoholic partner in North Carolina for 5 years. At some point he got in a wreck that resulted in some pretty serious crippling that left him with a walker, canes and such. He returned from NC a few months ago and within a week was stopped by the police while walking up the road in a stupor, topless, bare breasted in shorts and slippers. I am not being mean, but he has a thin, graying, scraggly beard and collapsing body that is a pathetic, saddening thing to see, a horrific display. He was taken to the hospital a few days later incapacitated. I don't have all the details, but the renters had told me of her and her collapsing life.

When he was sent home. He had no electricity so I never could tell if there was any life over there or not. Then when A UPS delivery sat on the porch for a week, I wondered if he died so I went over to peer in the window. What I saw disturbed me awfully. He was filthy, wearing a t-shirt and boxers, flat on his back on a bare floor in the unfurnished living room. The top of his head was facing me. I tapped the glass and called his name.

He began to move, very weak limp wrist-ed fiddling with his shorts and T-shirt while trying to lift his head, but he couldn't do much of anything, couldn't even turn, roll over or get his head up off the floor. I called the police for a wellness check. Awhile later EMS took him to the hospital again.

Now, a couple weeks later, I see he's home, there is a light on, Door Dash seems to be stopping by, but nobody else. Perhaps he would have been alcoholic anyway. Maybe his surgeries have nothing to do with creating this abandoned, ostracized being. I might be just assumptive and totally off the mark, but I think he had a great time with it all when he was young, vibrant and beautiful, but now is a sad sad sad thing to see. They shoot horses, right?

Kids and their parents should visit him to find out about real life before they start romancing the ideas that their peers and those decrepit advertisers surround them with.

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Very sad. Your compassion clearly shows in this comment. 😔

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