This is WONDERFUL news. And while I know this will be the House and not the Senate, I will always be grateful to Senator Ron Johnson for his courageous, pioneering hearings that put testimony on injuries from the Covid vaccines into the record and strove to bring much-needed attention to this subject in the midst of massive censorship and hostility. Godspeed to Marjorie Taylor Greene and all brave people in our government who are stepping up to address this matter. Keep the pressure on!!

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It took 60 years for “science” to understand the mechanism of harm engaged by Thalidomide. The mechanism of harm was altering production of proteins inside human cells which lead to the malformations suffered by babies impacted with Thalidomide. https://www.dana-farber.org/newsroom/news-releases/2018/after-60-years--scientists-uncover-how-thalidomide-produced-birth-defects/

All mRNA shots alter protein production in cells. So.

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No need for these hearings, after all:


It's super safe the doctor said

Even if you end up dead

For the antidote cannot kill you since

It's the leading cause of coincidence


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It would be great if some whistleblowers could speak at this hearing too - especially ones who could speak about and expose the deadly hospital protocols.

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Of course it's great that this terrible still unfolding tragedy will be further exposed to Congress,but I can't help wondering how many of them will show up. And of course we all know the media will be as silent as the tomb on the horrifying testimony from these courageous physicians. We have in our country right now, inJanuary 2024 a press that's about as independent as the media in Stalin's Russia.

There are plenty of villains in this appalling episode, including tragically, countless physicians who wittingly or not, played their essential parts. But it's the media that bears the brunt of the responsibility at this point. They can't tell the truth now even they wanted to, as they are complicit.

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It needs to be on Every network. Stop all vaccines! Including childrens

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To those that have persisted against all odds to expose the fraud waged against society, let’s hope Churchill’s quote “never was so much owed by so many to so few" applies again.

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Where is the “voice of truth” in all of this/where are the debates-you have to question anyone who refuses....similar to the green deal-they just want you to believe what the say-the must really think we are stupid...you ever notice that is a select few with biggest mouths-put the corrupt bastards in jail.

How Fauci is not in jail for criminal activity is beyond belief.

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Thank you Dr McCullough for your unrelenting research and speaking out amidst all the misinformation and false narratives that continue to be propagated. Your courage is integrity are impeccable! You are a true hero! The truth is now coming out thanks to you and others like you!

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but does anything ever come from any of these hearings on The Hill? I may have missed it. I don’t listen or read anything they say anymore.

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"Many are really wondering if they are at future risk from vaccination". I don't have to wait. Three years ago my life was destroyed by the covid vaccine. I have been living in hell with intolerable symptoms too numerous to list. I'm not me any more. My doctor, who told me to get vaccinated, had no idea what to do for me. When I reported these symptoms as they developed, he asked "have you gotten the booster?" I said "you have a better chance of seeing God". I did intensive research to find help. I don't want to know what I learned. I did not need, nor should I have gotten vaccinated. Doc said "it's an added layer of protection." He had drank the Kool-Aid and recited the western medicine mantra. Sadly, I listened to him. I looked up my vaccine batch # in VAERS. My shot came from a toxic batch. There was no effective quality control on the production line. There are many thousands of victims. Bringing the pathological liar and morally bankrupt Anthony Fauci before Congress is a waste of time. Rand Paul filed 2 counts of perjury against him with DOJ for lying to Congress under oath. What happened? Nothing. Now he is before Congress again. What's the point? None. More process with no output. Murderers get capital punishment. Fauci should be first in line. Read "The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy. Keep a bucket next to you, for you will surely vomit.

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Hey, I can sign off on proposals without reviewing them too... think I'll put that on my resume! ;)

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

Praying you all will be ready and focused on getting as much evidence out as is possible rather than getting caught up in their allegations and defending yourselves. The American people, though some are blinded, are experiencing the results of vaccine injury playing out every day, and many of us are already trusting your knowledge, wisdom, and teaching! They need to hear the evidence and truth above everything else (the 3,400 peer reviewed papers on vaccine injury, military data, your autopsy study, adverse events they knew about in advance, that they proceeded with something (“v”) they knew would cause harm (like with Remdesivir), undisclosed DNA fragments, presence of mRNA and spike protein in all body organs indefinitely due to lipid nanoparticles, the method of autoimmunity (someone close to me has developed five autoimmune conditions since the “v”), development of IgG4, ribosomal shapeshifting, mRNA’s past trial history and about the damage it does on its own in anything, why using countermeasures where they will not disclose and give informed consent has harmed us, the state of those left without any recourse, the lack of being able to give detailed account of injury on adverse event reporting systems and how they did not allow people to report the scope of their injury and how compensation programs, doctors, insurance companies are refusing to help, etc. Expose how they planned and practiced for it. Maybe even call them out on the next pandemic they are announcing already and put people at ease. In addition, if Covid contributed to blood clots in those I know, they would not have been better off being exposed to more and greater mechanisms for clotting continually (I personally know of several). There is the story of the patient you helped who had heart damage and heart surgery after the “v”, and how they were trying to give him another “v” right away again while still in the hospital. Praying your minds will be sharp and that God will provide great courage and clarity as every second counts! There is so much that needs to come out! It is way past time for this!!!

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I am slowly reading "The Real Anthony Fauci". That man lies more than he tells the truth, human life means nothing to him, he is in it for the money, and he is as evil as a man can be.

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Interesting about Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green......since she owns stock in the killer shot company called Pfizer. She should disclose that info since she’ll be hosting the hearing.

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