I admire and respect RFK, Jr., and agree with him on most issues. He has high courage, intelligence and integrity, and can't be corrupted.

The Democrat party doesn't want him or anyone like him in office. They want corrupt puppets like Biden, Harris, Newsom, etc. They're doing everything possible to falsely discredit and censor him.

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Corrupt is one thing.

Admitting it as recorded for the Evening News by saying, "The most diverse and inclusive fraud was developed for an Election." was astonishing. But, declaring to have had and sold secrets of the United States to foreign countries when in a a foreign country, like India, has to be the single most outragious hilarity in its ludicrousness ever witnessed on T.V. at any time.

There is simply NOTHING the D.C. Sewer can do to distract from this idiocy, folly; whatever!

Still, the fact of NOBODY DEFINING THIS CORRUPTION TO BE THE TREASON IT IS, INDICTING, TRYING THE WHOLE CRIME FAMILY AND PUNISHING IS THE LEGAL CRIME OF TREASON IN ITSELF. It's treason they now define legal by re-defining it 'Pay-to-Play' as they re-define 'Conspiracy' as 'Collusion'.

Impossible to imagine an organization of any kind placing such as the OBidens, and Fettermans above JFK Jr. AND they do. 😲😂🤣😭 Demonic Clown World, certainly.🤡😈🤡


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No fan of Biden, but he was clearly making a (lame) joke.

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No joke...Did you see the faces of everybody around him? They couldn't believe what they were hearing, either. WHEN THE TREASONOUS CLAIM TO HAVE DONE SOMETHING OR PLAN TO DO SOMETHING...Like, Obama claiming to be "CHANGE"; BETTER BELEIVE THEM AS THEY ARE SADISTS AND LIKE TO SPEAK IN CODE TO WATCH THEIR VICTIMS SQUIRM AS WORMS ON A HOOK.

The evil is so absurd and pathetic that people like you really, honestly believe it's all a joke when it's really happened and there's proof of it really happening and continues to happen in actual life. Are people that naive? REALLY?

Not certain about the biggest fools...Those perpetrating the SEDITION/TREASON or those providing covering/shielding by justifying it comedy/joke.

Then, to top all off...The naivete is so deeply entrenched within those rationalizing CRIME AS COMEDY...They have no courage to admit they've been bamboozled. THAT IS THE REAL JOKE. 😲😂🤣😭🤣😭🎯

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And if that is not enough ,they will assassinate him like his uncle and father .The deep state ,together with big pharma has ,maimed and killed a large number of the population here and around the world .Killing one more especially a Kennedy who is disturbing their extermination program is most likely already planed .

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If so, do you think the great masses of the American public will then believe that it is all a wicked conspiracy? Or will they rejoice?

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I don't know what they will believe .So far millions did and still believe that the venom they got sprayed with is a medicine .

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RFK Jr gets high marks for speaking authoritatively about important lessons from recent history as well as aspirationally about the future of our country and the world. Is there a presidential candidate out there who can do the same?

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Yes, Donald Trump.

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Trump had his chance, and was easily rolled by Fauci, Birx, Pompeo, Kushner and others. He was the best president in my long lifetime, but that's because the others were all so lacking. RFK Jr is more likely to handle the swamp. He sucks on climate and isn't exactly pro-2nd amendment, so he's far from perfect. But Trump's fail on the COVID response, where he trashed everything for lies, is unforgivable. He hasn't changed his positions on any of it, still pro-jab and pro-lockdowns.

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Best comment by the length of the straight. Greetings from Australia, we need a strong, honest America because the crap from above is hitting our door step.

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Sorry for what you've gone through down there. It can work the other way too, your gun confiscations and COVID policies are trotted out as models here by "progressives". There hasn't been an honest America in my lifetime. I remember the reported body counts of NVA we were supposedly killing as they came down the Ho Chi Minh trail, in the 60s. Virtually everybody is mathematically illiterate, which is a huge part of the problem. As a teenager, I could immediately see these numbers were grossly inflated, since they were obviously unsustainable for the North. Just one example, that still sticks out in my mind because those lies killed people I know. We can only hope to return to a MORE honest America, at best.

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Thanks for your kind thoughts. The set up of Martin Bryant @ the Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania was the catalyst for gun control in our country. An eyewitness & the first on the scene was a brave woman named Wendy Scurr, no longer with us, who was treated with utter contempt & was never called forward as a witness. The poor bugger Bryant, IQ of 66 @ best, is still rotting in gaol without ever receiving a trial. The background story tells a sad take about our country & our lauded former leaders. Satan is amongst us.

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Sorry, I’m not for “dynasties”, particularly the Kennedy one. You don’t seem to get what the leftist press, media, politicians, military (Milley? I’m a Vietnam veteran; Milley is a traitor with a CIB medal on his chest) and others have tried to do to Trump and failed. Trump is one tough SOB and that is exactly, faults and all, America needs right now. And I want him to exact revenge on his leftist enemies.

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Trump did his best handling the plandemic. He made the jabs freedom of choice. Blame big pharma for them being deadly. He was the one wanting to open up the country but Fauci and Birx advised him not to. Trump is the best fighter for America. No one could take all the crap shoved in his face and still remain standing. 2024 belongs to Trump. They stole 2020 from him and he's proven to keep his word and will go up against the deep state and obliterate them. He has this one last chance and I put total trust in Trump. The Constitution Article X on pandemics gives governors the power to mandate protocol so I don't know why you are saying he didn't handle covid well. Covid hasn't even killed 0.5% of the world in 3 years. I think it was totally hyped up and used against Trump by the left so people could blame him for the deaths when most of the deaths were from people's existing morbidities.

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You don't know why I say Trump didn't handle COVID well? Because he shut down the country, except for selected, favored exceptions. Like, Amazon, Walmart, Target, all the enemies of good citizens. I could see before the 2 weeks to flatten the curve was up that this was a transfer of wealth to powerful, special interests. I knew pharma is run by the worst scoundrels there are, and have no concern for the public health, whatsoever. And the same can be said for the CDC, FDA, and NIH. I could see COVID was not threat to me, and I was 69 then, my wife was 64. We made no effort whatsoever to avoid it. Nor did we get the jab. Millions of others saw everything we did. Why couldn't Trump? He could have listened to Scott Atlas. He could have endorsed the Great Barington Declaration. But no, he threw in with Fauci, Birx, the CDC, NIH, and pharma. He chastized Kemp, Noem, and DeSantis for opening. He was a total fail on the most important issue that he had to deal with. To this day, he is still on the side of Pharma and the lockdowners. Trump-lovers are cultists, same as the brainless democrats who just follow their leaders without question. Trump did a lot right, except for COVID, he's easily the best president in my lifetime. His utter failure on COVID is a dealbreaker. I hate RFK jr on guns and climate, and probably plenty else. I'd still vote for him over Trump.

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Are you joking?! FDR got us illegally and under false pretenses into W.W.2, where the U.S. government and military mass-murdered civilians in the millions, just so FDR could reverse his flagging standing with the People!! He, among all U.S. Presidents, was a war criminal of the highest order, as all of them have become since, and some of them were before. All of them who are still alive should be in prison for life, and FDR among others should be prosecuted and convicted in absentia for their many crimes against humanity, war crimes and great deal of genocide, not to mention for deceiving the People and the entire world, as well as for their many other crimes. It never ceases to amaze me that these mass-murderers are lauded and praised, AT ALL; but it doesn't surprise me whatsoever because that's what Godless people do, defend and praise evil, and honor the worst "perpetra(i)tors" of such mass-murder.

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I quoted a single nice turn off phrase uttered by FDR, not because of his presidency or character, but solely for the content of that single statement. Regards, JSL

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Yes, and I realize that it is common practice, but it insidiously, whether one means to or not, leads to causing many people to regard such mass-murderers and war criminals with some fondness; and, even if that fondness is only partial, it encourages them to let their evils slide.

Regards, SWB :o)

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I’m not religious, and I despise FDR.

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FDR was evil incarnate.

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The path we are on started with Woodrow Wilson, the first Progressive president, was continued by FDR, who, by the way, was an enemy of freedom and free markets, and has continued to the present.

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💯 percent correct. Benedict Arnold couldn't hold a candle to these traitor's & I'm an Aussie. Wake-up America, we need you.

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Georgists should be ashamed of supporting these "Progressives". Didn't work out as they hoped at all!

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I believe RFK, Jr (I wish we could drop Jr because I always thought once the father has passed the namesake dropped the Jr) is a man of integrity and conviction. I love his stand on ending these endless wars and vaccines. Not so much his views on climate change and abortion. However, my understanding is that the healthcare in the US is managed by the military and, of course, the war machine. I fear for Kennedy’s safety going up against this corrupt power. Neither his uncle nor father survived to realize their dreams for our country. He is of their ilk. God protect him.

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I don’t want to debate whether RFK, Jr is a good candidate or not. I agree he is a good guy. (But his stand on climate change is hopelessly lunatic.)

The most important and serious problem about his campaign is the fact that the whole Democratic Party after 2016 has turned itself into a treason party, ALL DEMOCRATS IN CONGRESS are TRAITORS. The RINOs are no better, but we still can trust a number of remnant good Republicans.

This is a fact nobody can deny. In other words, if RFK does not abandon the Democratic Party, nobody should support him. In fact, he will be thrown out by massive frauds in the primaries.

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Love the speech. Hate that it was at St Anselm College one of two remaining colleges in NH that retains a COVID vaccine mandate.

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I listened to RFK today speak of the Wagner Group and the history of Russia. I come to the conclusion that he is a far more intelligent and educated a candidate than America has been presented with in decades. Unfortunately, he is known by most as being an anti-vaxxer, a Johnny One Note (this info is garnered from Twitter.) I fear we will let this chance to reverse the ship of State pass us by because we are not recognizing that he was made for this Office of POTUS.

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I highly recommend watching the in-depth analysis of RFK Jr.'s June 20th speech by Robert Barns. He dissects JFK's "Peace speech" at American University of June 20, 1963 which provides invaluable context for RFK's speech. https://rumble.com/v2vqdgk-rfk-jr.-the-speech-of-a-generation-viva-and-barnes-analysis.html

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Love Robert Barnes. Wish he’d have thrown his hat in the ring.

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Another 'TRUTH' from RFK (Jr) - a Proud Conspiracy Theorist = Ivermectin works and Covid injections (called vax) don’t work – but can kill, maim or shorten life expectancy!

In order to blag an Emergency Use Authorisation, big Pharma had to convince their ‘partners in crime’ that “No pre-existing, safe, effective treatments existed.

The FDA (CDC and NIAD) were easily persuaded to deny volumes of proof that decades-old SAFE anti-viral treatments such as IVERMECTIN, etc. either did not exist, were (suddenly) deemed unsafe, or are simply now not suitable for human use! Hey presto - Here's your EUA with NO LIABILITY for health (INJURIES or/and DEATHS) consequences!

Whilst the poisonous jab has now proven to have deadly potential soon after being delivered, the most concerning aspect, as not yet established, investigated or evidenced is that after each poisonous jab, one’s immune system is more exponentially compromised. This renders each recipient to a growing likelihood that damage has already been administered and life expectancy can be assumed to have already been curtailed.


A significant percentage of 'DEATH SHOT' recipients’ health quickly deteriorates as mRNA composition destroys ‘NATURAL IMMUNITY’, which will have been compromised by around 8% per jab. This long-term Vax Impact and damage will only come to light as the years roll by and jabbee’s realise an inevitably shorter life span!

Is 'COVID VAX' a DEPOPULATION EXERCISE? Apparently, there is a marked increase in INFERTILITY as well as serious birth defects!

All this evidence of the Scam and Vax CULL with BIG PHARMA enjoying total immunity from LIABILITY. How can this be SANE?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Nice speech!

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Perhaps the author could explain why John F Kennedy put Green Berets in Vietnam to fight communist, which years later had me and my fellow baby boomers in Vietnam, fighting the Vietcong and the NVA? Kennedy, Jr now seems to avoid adding that in his praise of his uncle, JFK.

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I watched his interview with Rogan, and I believe that RFK Jr does talk about this. I don't want to get the facts wrong, but I think he said that when his uncle found out that 75 soldiers (Green Berets?) died, he immediately said he wanted everyone out. I can't remember the month/year, but his uncle was killed, and his orders were not followed.

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Your answers are in RFK,Jr’s autobiography. American Values. Excellent history lessons.

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Another 'TRUTH' from RFK (Jr) - a Proud Conspiracy Theorist = Ivermectin works and Covid injections (called vax) don’t work – but can kill, maim or shorten life expectancy!

In order to blag an Emergency Use Authorisation, big Pharma had to convince their ‘partners in crime’ that “No pre-existing, safe, effective treatments existed.

The FDA (CDC and NIAD) were easily persuaded to deny volumes of proof that decades-old SAFE anti-viral treatments such as IVERMECTIN, etc. either did not exist, were (suddenly) deemed unsafe, or are simply now not suitable for human use! Hey presto - Here's your EUA with NO LIABILITY for health (INJURIES or/and DEATHS) consequences!

Whilst the poisonous jab has now proven to have deadly potential soon after being delivered, the most concerning aspect, as not yet established, investigated or evidenced is that after each poisonous jab, one’s immune system is more exponentially compromised. This renders each recipient to a growing likelihood that damage has already been administered and life expectancy can be assumed to have already been curtailed.


A significant percentage of 'DEATH SHOT' recipients’ health quickly deteriorates as mRNA composition destroys ‘NATURAL IMMUNITY’, which will have been compromised by around 8% per jab. This long-term Vax Impact and damage will only come to light as the years roll by and jabbee’s realise an inevitably shorter life span!

Is 'COVID VAX' a DEPOPULATION EXERCISE? Apparently, there is a marked increase in INFERTILITY as well as serious birth defects!

All this evidence of the Scam and Vax CULL with BIG PHARMA enjoying total immunity from LIABILITY. How can this be SANE?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Yes official EU, USA should aspire to Peace for the sake of preserving the lives of all Europeans, Americans, plus other nationalities, and trying to keep the Talons of the American Eagle turned inward. Unfortunately the reality is such that War has existed for thousands of years, most notably in the Tigris and Euphrates cradle.

The question is; does War emanate from Criminals, criminal behaviour, and criminality?

Just look at the American Revolution in the 1700s' where people were trying to be not subjected to the brutality of the British Crown, just look at the so called Holy Land with the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent Palestinian farmers by Israeli Defense Forces, by the thugs who call themselves "Settlers", just look at the aggressor criminals who make up the Wagner Group in Ukraine and now Russia, and just look to the fact that Man and mankind will always be subjected to aggressors, and adversaries whether in its daily environs, or in the Court room adversarial contests within the Courthouse.

What is needed to avoid armed battlefield conflict, and courtroom battles, is a balance brought to bear upon the equation(war-vs- peace) within the equilibrium in the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial organs of governments world wide is adoption of the "VERICATIVE" which is quite simply the WATCHDOG Council of We, the people to overseer, and put a check upon the other three organs of government, when they attempt to exceed our Fundamental Human and Constitutional Rights, by their misuse, and abuse of power, be it in lawmaking, law enforcement, or interpretation of law, which affects our daily lives.

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I love this talk and remembering how great the USA was in the past!!!

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