Do no harm.

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Hippocrates 👍

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The link in your article leads to the U.K. It is the UK that is partially restricting pinery blockers not Canada. I'm Canadian and I'm not aware of any changes to our " gender affrirming care". We are full on board with destroying kids' lives here. The drag queen all ages shows are metastasizing like a cancer here in B.C.

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and Ontario :( .. local small town family restaurant is suddenly hosting a drag show in June.. and one wonders who is the instigator , we are a small community and now we have alcohol before noon , sex and kiddies invited.I, nor my family Will ever STEP foot in that establishment ever again or recommend it to anyone. When they posted it they threatened anyone who tried to bash it on social media . SO you already had a feeling it would get back lash so why ?? I hate when business fails but in this case , good riddance.

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My heart breaks for Canada.

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I see gender ‘reassignment’ surgeons and their teams as spiritual heirs to Dr. Josef Mengele.

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that's not Canada ☹️ (I am Canadian) - it's the UK. Still glad to see it....

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What a shame… I felt a tiny glimmer of hope for Canada for a moment

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Definitely agree its time another sensible item come from the Kings country [sic]. Uncle J Castro sure isnt one to likit Pharma and ideologies by any means.

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Not Canada, sadly. There are no limits on the depravity of Canada’s globalist puppet government.

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your link was a Gov.UK not Canada

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As a 'not real doctor(vet),' the whole gender thing is utterly dismaying.

Gender is NOT something any living being 'chooses.'

How did we get to be such gawdawful wimps that we ALLOWED the medical establishment to go down this path? And when I say 'we,' I mean trained medical professionals. CLEARLY the gender stuff is pure fantasy dreamed up by some very disturbed people who needed psychological help, NOT surgery and medicine.....

But a bunch of docs got together and thought....'Chaching!!! A new profit center.' That's what they call this kind of stuff at medical conventions--veterinary included--'profit centers.'

They 'teach' us all about these 'profit centers.'

Here's a good one I remember from way back when the medical industry was first becoming the greedy ass it has become. I went to a talk that said 'If you charge a $5 biohazard fee every time you do an injection, you can gross $50,000 more per year on a certain number of patients.' Now, go back through your veterinary receipts.....I rest my case. Never mind that you might only spend fractions of pennies to properly dispose of that one syringe, but hey, client ain't gonna complain and here were are......

Now the 'profit centers' are much more dangerous to the patient. I can't help but thinking what the hospital admins think about gender surgery....it's the financial grift that keeps on grifting....you tell the patient they need something to 'feel better,' and you give them something that ENSURES they will always feel worse, so you keep suggesting more 'solutions.' It's absolutely diabolical.

I can almost forgive the greedy bean counters for doing their job...they likely don't understand the medicine or ramifications....but to the doctors that participate in this and make bank doing it.....your licenses should all be suspended. Your ethics are gone. You know it's garbage and not based on anything medically sound...but you do it ANYWAY...and you don't do it for free now, do ya?

It's absolutely disgusting.

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During Convid I fired two family doctors… they did no research - they like robots kept saying “safe and effective.” When I gave them alternative data they were offended. But they could not defend their position - they simply got visibly mad. They were all incentivized to push that shit and make more bucks while doing harm. Disgusting!

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Yup, corrections needed. The UK is where these restrictions have been put in place.

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"Stupid Canadian government" ....no one will argue with that one!!

As Tucker Carlson said about WEF Board Director, Deputy Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Liberal MP Chrystia Freeland: "I've met her, she's too stupid to tell you, me or anyone else what to do, think or say"

That sums up the entire Trudeau penetrated cabinet quite well.

Traitors committing treason also is an accurate description.

Unfortunately, there is 1 socialist sellout from Burnaby BC. (the one with the towel on his head) Jagmeet Singh is holding the country to ranson. He is in it to get his gold plated pension and will continue to do whatever the Klaus Kids Klub tells him to do...all part of the Stupid Canadian WEF led penetrated cabinet calling themselves the Canadian Government. They're too scared to have an election. Watch out for the cheating seen south of the 49th.

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Yup. They are pushing to lower the voting age and have non citizens vote. Since Libs and NDP are in the majority, it will pass. And they are bringing in 5000 families from the region that voted in Hamas. A man can have four wives in that region, so, extended family will be what it actually is. No country surrounding them will take them in. The Libs will try anything to stay in power in order to globalize and get rid of Canada as it once was.

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Still no accountability for the millions fired for refusing to bend to mandates.

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Canada is a lost cause- USA might be too- euthanasia law is rather disturbing too:(

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3 French drag queens are running with the Olympic torch, not sure the message is getting through!

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The destruction of youth is still full steam ahead in Canada - at least in British Columbia. A friend’s daughter is claiming to be male and is transitioning. Mother is not allowed to take her out of school or stop the procedures. If she does the child will be taken away from her. Doctor is supporting the daughter and providing hormone blockers. Mother is not allowed to know who the doctor is despite repeated requests. Daughter’s friends and teachers all support her and encourage her. Mother has no legal rights .. and she’s a lawyer. … Evil is an understatement. … The world has gone mad!!!

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Very well written. Veterinarians are doctors who work on our beloved pets and are just like children with no voice. The med schools share the same ideals and health professionals all know how hormones work on all systems. I am appalled that any medical professional from doctors to nurses to medical assistants to anesthesiologists would all be involved in gender “affirming” care. How is that “care” of a patient when you know better?

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Indeed. That's the word to describe this government: Stupid.

They're very stupid people.

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I'm confused. Your article says the CANADIAN govt has restricted puberty blockers. It's the UK govt that has, and that is what your link points to.

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