This is a great essay and I like Boenhoffer. However, I disagree that the government response to covid-19 was "stupid". It wasn't. It was a very intelligently and carefully planned mass murder, consolidation of central power and transfer of assets. The response from targeted victims was stupid, especially targeted victims with advanced medical/science degrees and credentials, those were monumentally stupid. The perps acted very intelligently and with malice aforethought.

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I don’t know. Read Carlo Cipolla’s treatise “The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity”. A stupid person is something who hurts someone else through their actions but also hurts themselves as well. The long run isn’t looking good for those rich men north of Richmond or their friends. All that money printing and debt will catch up with them too - and they want the masses to “own nothing”. Do you know what the most dangerous thing in the world is? A man that has nothing...

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He has nothing to lose???

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My immediate thoughts exactly. Along with the ones that think they have nothing to lose. The WEF/WHO/CDC/AMA/NIH/CIA/FBI/ABC/CBS/NBC/Etc...Etc!

This is what's wrong in the world today. This 3 letter list has no accountability at all

And possibly NEVER will. We could change it. But not with stupid ideas or wishes. We allow it all to operate under the assumptions of correctness.

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They will be held to account, just like every other humans who have ever lived. And "just following orders" will not b an accepted excuse.

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The book you cite is a long way from the precise definition. Peace.

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...to lose

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I don't think the medical/science communities were being stupid. They turned a blind eye to the genocidal actions they were facilitating to avoid losing their medical licenses by speaking out or failing to get their scientific papers published and grants renewed if they spoke out. ie they put money income ahead of ethics.

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A bunch of them also fell for the lies and their own hubris, and injected themselves and their children

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True, my wife's doctor was one of the earliest to take the jab as a trial in Ontario. Later he called her up one day and implored her to take the jab. He told her stories of patients on ventilators in hospital. My wife refused and after 2 and a half years the final score is 3 bouts of Covid for the doctor and none for my wife.

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On life's scorecard column I'd post the biggest "WIN" in that game.

And right on my fridge as a reminder. Be prepared! (the Scouts Motto)

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Another somewhat humerous anecdote happened at a club event last year. I got talking to a fellow member and he was bemoaning that he had taken three Covid vax shots and had had Covid 3 times. I replied "I am unvaxed and have never had Covid. The vax impairs the immune system".

I think the vitamines and suppliments I take helped.

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Absolutely Vita nutrient supps help on an every day level. Particularly as we age.

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GEEZ. Your wife should call up her doc and remind him of HIS call to her and point out the score! Love to be a fly on the wall. . .

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I left some of the drama out to keep the tale short. They both went to the same church hence why he made the personal phone call. He is a nice guy but follows his genocidal licensing board's requirements religiously without question, assuming they know what they are doing. He even loaned his apartment to my wife's best friend (also went to the church) for several months last winter so they could come back to visit family and friends. He admitted he didn't do any research on the jab personally and he is coming around but that doesn't help anyone now as he retired this year.

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I’m still confused as to whether the PCR tests are still being used like previous last 2-3 years when they were set at such high calibrations that anything abnormal would show up and then be called covid?? The blood tests from what I understand were-are more reliable. Please clear this up for me (and others I am sure feel the same confusion)!

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PCR is complete, 100% fraud. It was used during the AIDS years to inject asymptomatic people with the deadly drug AZT.

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The inventor of the PCR test died a few months before the rollout of Covid 19. I would like to know if foul play was involved.

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Agreed. Total, unadulterated hype -- designed to deflect attention away from the relentless brainwashing bombarding us from the gaslighters. I see Antony Fauci as the Charles Boyer (Gregory Anton) of this script.

Deborah Birx as Madame De Farge, knitting away as the heads roll. (Some people mix metaphors, I mix film references.)

You get the idea.

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Bravo! Well said!

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Similar to DWI/DUI system to measure BAC at the scene.

The courts needed a number recorded before they can prosecute you.

And while not everyone carries alcohol to the brain exactly the same,

The number has been set against you. Without that number, no actions can proceed against you personally. The same applied to the PCR game.

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My understanding is the CDC issued the guidance for cycling PCR tests 40 times in 2020 when they came out and after the vaccine was released they reissued guidance for 25 times (25 times being the threshold for expected transmission of Covid and the accepted number of cycles for the test). Hence false positives fell once the vaccine was available.

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And so the numbers game was effectively etched in stone.

Good enough for the halls of Medical justice to grow tentacles.

Was it not? What was once old BS becomes new BS! Why is that ?

The above essay explained much of it nicely. CONTROLED BEHAVIORS

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Sep 9, 2023
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No, that's just plain evil; lying isn't stupid, it's sin.

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The PCR tests are fraudulent and designed to collect DNA samples from a clueless many. Blood tests for what exactly? The entire plandemic is one huge fraud. There were sick peeps. A better question is what exactly made them sick?

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Look up SMON in Japan. Not that long ago- a supposed virus killing people, it was even “sequenced” - but there was no virus at all. It was an OTC drug causing the deaths.

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I think they must be terrified of what they’ve done to themselves and their children - if they are able to ponder things at all...

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Catch 22...damned if you do...damned if you don't. But not all fell in line. Thank God.

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Leslie Manookian made a very fine presentation to Reiner Fuellmich's Grand Jury hearings in which she made the case that the initiation of the pandemic and the response to it were motivated by the looming collapse of the financial system. The purpose was to insure that the current masters of the system could stay in place, rather than face the consequences of an unmediated collapse. Manookian is a former investment banker, so she had seen the problems from inside the financial system and was able to cite evidence to support her thesis.

In response to questions, she also addressed the possibility of the perpetrators also having a depopulation agenda. She thought it worthy of discussion, but claimed no expertise in that particular area.

You can see her particular presentation excerpted on my Substack channel here:


The whole Day 5 proceeding of those hearings can be found here:


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By locking down much of the economy, and having a large debt owed to China, the solution was clear; the government needed to start printing money to meet these debts. Especially since the govt. was sending checks to millions of people, what else could it do.?

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Do not forget that a major point of the lockdowns & economic collapse was to rig the election & keep Trump from a 2nd term. These A-holes are actually trying to now make it a crime to disagree w/a USA election. They are scared & dangerous using lawfare & lies.

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I basically agree. I believe the rejection of HCQ as a treatment by the U.S. medical bureaucracies for COVID-19 was largely an attempt to discredit DJT. China's CDC was using it against COVID-19, but President Trump never mentioned this as a rebuttal to Dr. Fauci, who said the evidence was only "anecdotal" during the first televised COVID press conference. This was not an accurate statement. China had conducted a double blind placebo controlled trial and had found HCQ to be helpful. China's head of CDC held a virtual meeting with the health authorities of Costa Rica and recommended aggressive use of HCQ in all outpatients at the first sign of infection and they had a much lower COVID mortality rate than the U.S. had. This was in April 2020.

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And to keep us from talking to each other, in person.

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Easily one of the Box cars filed to the brim and headed straight at the world banks to avoid with the great deceptions used before in history. FEAR is a bad ass intoxicant.

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I watched it an found it illuminating

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Leslie is great!

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I interpreted what I read in this post to be saying that a majority of society reacted stupidly, not that Big Pharma, Big Government, and Big (Media) Tech were acting stupidly.

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Very good! Thanks for sharing....love Bonhoeffer!

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Me too

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The definition of stupidity in Bonhoeffers essay is very detailed. It is not a simple calling out someone as "stupid" in the casual sense of the word. The context in which he wrote the essay was 1930's Germany. His definition clearly describes every action of a "good German", then as well as in 2020 America. It's the same pattern. It's the same people and the same special stupidity. See "The Great Unpunishment" and the documentary "Getting Away With Murder(s)" - now on Amazon. Note, to stop the perpetrators back in WWII, the allies were the external force that Bonhoeffer referred to - he knew, from direct experience, that the solution was NOT from within, but must come from outside the stupid masses. See the CHD 5-part series "Never Again Is Now Global" for more details. Sasha, you and Katherine Watt are the tip of the spear - thank you for always telling the truth and for never backing down. Thank you. Peace.

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If you go way back to Martin Luther ca. 1530, you can read his warning comments to the German people. Essentially, they had overplayed their hand in their rejection of God and in their grossly immoral lives. He saw immense misery in their future. When I first read about this, 2-3 decades ago, I instantly thought of Hitler's Reich; but I see now that the conditions he wrote of then have been repeated throughout the intervening 500+ years, and now are rampant on a global scale.

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Excellent. Thank you. The pattern keeps repeating. Peace.

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Yes, “Never Again is Now Global” freely available series from CHD 💯

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My definition of stupid is simple: arrogance + ignorance (in the true sense of the word, not knowing). The result is an unwillingness to hear contrary facts or thinking. But when you add fear to the mix, the result is what we got. People who actually think their intellect is the same as intelligence which it is not. When you frighten them with loss of prestige and income or fear of some invisible enemy such as foreigners (xenophobia) or invisible things like germs it is quite easy to manipulate them. The medical/science people who knew this was all a lie a the most egregious as they should have the knowledge, financial base and ability to organize and great a strong push back Recall the attempt to push small pox vaccines on people after 9-11, a very toxic drug in which the big Bush backer Rumfeld had a big $$$ interest? The hysteria was palpable from that administration. At least 30% of medical people just plain refused calling it a toxic and unnecessary thing to do. It was dropped asap. It is only the amount of $$$$$ given to hospitals and care facilities that put such pressure on doctors who had no idea what was going on. The few who actually looked at conditions and spoke out were made invisible via censorship, firing or being put into positions where they could do nothing of value. I do hold the professionals heavily responsible for so much of harm done. But do agree this event was carefully planned years in advance, even the drugs as the nRNA technology was not knew and they knew it would cause much of the harm that it does. They had to know there was no virus at all and they had to know to call for autopsies from the beginning to investigate the actual mechanism of deaths. The profiteering was enormous and still is.

Now we have a public where the majority have been primed to conform even when many disagree.

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Tossing around labels is certainly popular. To some degree the phenomenon of brain washing seems more in play than we acknowledge.

In my extended family certain facts often left me feeling inferior. Being a sober high school dropout very adverse to debt and skeptical of uppity folk I certain felt inferior to my 2 PhD laden sisters and a half brother, who has made a fortune calibrating and repairing PCR equipment. Another PhD

But to label them? They seem inexorably tied up in an evil cult. Way past stupid or addicted. Irretrievable damaged in a fundamental way.

So yeah call them what you will. They have certainly made decisions that will help the eugenicists achieve their goals and it would amaze me if they did not feel the same about me.

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'Cultist' describes the followers of the "global" religion precisely.

They seem to be living in a perpetual brain-freeze.

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Sep 9, 2023
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Mattias Desmet has put forth the mass formation idea that also answers some questions for me. He gives an example of the burning of 'witches'. I pray it doesn't take over a century to end the current phase. The scary part is how many of these folks are certain they are doing the right thing.

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You are over the target. I erroneous thought for over 3 decades that intelligence was the same a knowledge. Whomever had the most was therefore the most intelligent. I now know that this is a piece of the puzzle but only a piece. I now equate intelligence more akin to resourcefulness. Have not found a better definition. Am not leapfrogging over knowledge, some of which becomes wisdom through some unknown mechanism.

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Here is my distinction between what you call knowledge and intelligence. Knowledge is more like intellect-the ability to learn details, facts, etc. Intelligence is how you think about these facts, details, names, dates, etc. Intelligence is how you create understanding of the dynamics between these details or facts and how you relate that to understanding the world around us which can include motivations, manipulations, seeing the trajectory of power and where it is pushing people, etc. I see them as 2 distinct aspect of human functioning. Knowledge is more like intellect with its ability to spout details but often cannot put them together into a coherent and dynamic system to explain how things work, particularly on political and scientific levels.

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So agree...The only STUPIDITY involves those assigning STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE, or INCOMPETENCE to the Criminals Against Humanity and those accepting such gullible insanity repeated again and again and again by the same arrogant psycho/sociopathic Parasites.

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The hoax is built on the brick that Covid-19 is a real mortal danger ...while it has never been: https://zenodo.org/record/8312871

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I thought John said the non-government people were the stupid ones for buying into/believing/acquiesing to

the government.

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Overall I agree with your comment. Not sure what you meant by

this...”The response from targeted victims was stupid, especially targeted victims with advanced medical/science degrees and credentials, those were monumentally stupid.”

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The “doctors” got, oh, I think I read somewhere in the neighborhood of $370,000 in kickbacks from the pharmaceutical and insurance companies for vaccinating their patients. In accounting we call that moral hazard and unethical and adverse interest. In medicine they call it legal. What the general public doesn’t realize is that your doctor gives you drugs that the pharmaceutical rep told him to give in exchange for kickbacks. This has been going on for decades.

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That is most certainly true; and I have wondered in the past why it is that so many docs give away their integrity in this manner.

Having worked decades ago in a hospital, I came to understand that the white-coated men were not paragons of virtue. In this recent "event" I ruminated on the factors that might lead the white coats to abandon all pretense of honor in their medical practice. I think it was the lure of the Pharma all-expense-paid trips to the Caymans, and the like. After so many years of putting their wives and their marriages (and children) on the back burner, they needed some damage control -- at least a part payment on the years of neglect they'd inflicted on the Mrs.:

Buys time and soothes the nagging conscience all in one swoop -- besides which, the philosophers argue that there really is no soul to fret about.

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Doctors used to be the sort who had a calling to help humanity. Now mostly they are lovers of money, no better than a politician, and no more useful either.

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Excellent observation and conclusion. Thank you.

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I presume that Sasha meant that a majority of doctors in the "civilized" world just went along with the scams, perhaps even playing an active role in propagating those scams.

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As Dr. Peter McCullough has pointed out, the doctors were among the first to buy into this; they were on board from the beginning. (Even Pierre Kory has acknowledged that had he been employed at the time, he would have gotten the shot without thinking twice about it, and would have wasted no time blaming the "anti-vaxxers" for taking up hospital space if they came down with Covid.)

(I'm not letting them off the hook, btw; but look at the number of young dead doctors in the Toronto area. These people really believed in the product they were pitching.)

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I've sometimes light-heartedly remarked that "Most computer scientists aren't scientists, and most software engineers are not engineers". These observations were the result of seeing colleagues lack rigor or methodology when problem-solving.

The same can be said, perhaps even more emphatically, that "Most doctors aren't scientists". For example, a successful multi-year effort to optimize my blood pressure without medication had the serendipitous side-effects of eliminating two chronic conditions for which I had been treated for years/decades. While I am elated to be rid of these chronic conditions, I am perplexed that the specialist doctors who had been treating me lacked all curiosity about the rare cases of chronic conditions disappearing rather than worsening.

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I took myself off my BP medicine after more than 20 years of annual visits to get the prescription and doses just right -- without success. Then they told me the numbers changed; what had been 135/75 was now 140/over 80 -- irrespective of my age.

Taking matters into my own hands, I FINALLY did my own research, in depth. And quit cold-turkey -- a huge no-no, I was told.

A year later when I was talking to a nurse at my ophthalmologist's office, I told her. Other staff were in the small examining room, and I'm sure, by their frowns, they disapproved. But that one nurse, leaned over and spoke quietly: good for you.

In many instances we can treat ourselves by making lifestyle and dietary changes. I'm doing great, 5 years on.

To the topic at hand: I would say I was stupid for a good many years for being naive and overly trusting of Doctors.

In short, I was cured of my medical stupidity just in time for 2020.

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Went along with the lies, fell for the lies, enabled the lies, perpetuated the lies, pushed the lies onto others, especially those in their care, and thus became the instrument of evil. Despite having professional knowledge and skills to either know how wrong and evil this was or find out with very simple inquiries. Moral cowardice is not an excuse, especially when ongoing for years. They are more responsible for the mass murder than the Faucis of the world, as they actually commit the murder. Fauci has not injected a single person for example.

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True -- but he did give them "permission."

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My way or the highway, eh Sasha?

Why did you block me?

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I don't think it is that black and white. Existence is way more complex than single causality and motivation. I think you are too influenced by your religious background and too obsessed by your ideas of "good and evil" to see the full picture.

The full picture is: A perfect storm. A very small group might have had deliberate mass murder in mind - that can't be excluded - but there are many other interests and motivations that all benefited, that can explain what happened. Maybe someone describes the whole perfect storm one day - until then, have a laugh and some deeper insights and stats about "Stupid People" here.


Warning: It is not kind on stupid religious people either.

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I am not surprised that an atheist sees morality as something relative and flexible. You call it "complexity", I call it absence of moral compass. Going half way between a lie and the truth makes one a liar. It does not matter what storm one goes through. None of the storms, small or large, imperfect or perfect are excuses for moral cowardice and knowingly exterminating fellow human beings, pregnant women and children, which those in "educated classes" have done by the thousands.

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What makes you think I am an atheist?

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

— Genesis 2:16–17

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atheists think it's not black and white and also think that all people are good. That's a believe contrary to religious belief, especially Christian, although it was purposeful reform of the church to make sure that people are taught that everyone is good and evil is just an allegory. It does not matter that a small group planned a deliberate murder, millions of people who did not plan it committed it and continue committing it to this day, which makes them murderers. Committed it out of cowardice, greed, stupidity and evil that they fell prey to and did not resist.

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I sent you the quote of the original sin for a reason. To distinguish between good and evil IS the original sin that got us kicked out of paradise.

Good and evil is a very flawed base for spirituality. You probably agree that the world is in a terrible state - always has been - people are as egocentric, greedy, and cold-hearted as ever. Worldwide - independent of the dominant religous systems. Christianity had more than 2000 years to create better people and societies. Did it succeed?

It failed miserably, as did all the other religons. Why? Because they talk about god and teach morality. Truly spiritual people talk to God and God answers. Spirituality, union with god, can't be taught. There are no rules. It either happens or it doesn't. When it happens, true morality is passed down. True spirituality is a private audience with god and nothing true can be said about it, because it is beyond words and images.

And then there are the powerful laws of cause and effect. There is no way of saying that something we "judge" as "bad" is "bad" in the long run. It might turn "good" only to turn bad again and then good again. It's incredibly complex. God is inredibly complex. And we are incredibly stupid and ignorant. We are egocentric opinionated little bugs crawling the earth feeling important.

Of course there are people destroying lifes with their actions. And they will be destroyed in turn. An endless cycle. Life feeds on life. Some, like you, are fated to fight others with all your energy. The enemies are always "evil". You are their enemy and to them you are "evil".

Others, like me, are fated to be "peacemakers" and balancers. We all have to play our roles and the roles don't matter. The only thing that matters is that we know about how pointless and meaningless it is - and don't get all emotional about our roles. That's were the suffering begins. It is meaningless because eventually everything will turn into the opposite. It is just a matter of time. Suffering can't be erased - it can only be moved around between different groups. And suffering is in the mind only.

Fight, Sasha, fight. It seem to be your destiny.

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"Good and evil is a very flawed base for spirituality. " nuff said. Not a Christian belief, your "interpretation" of the quote from the Bible is a "reformed" opinion designed specifically to enable relative morality, everything permissible yadayada liberal ideology to enable global communism. This is part of the "one religion" religion, major part.

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Stupid or foolish? There’s a saying “you can’t fix stupid.” Stupid people lack sufficient intelligence to acquire knowledge. Foolish people are intelligent. They have the ability to acquire knowledge, but act without wise implementation of their acquired knowledge.

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Foolish -- for sure: "The fool says in his heart there is no God," . . . Psalm 14:3.

"Foolish" gets to the nub of the matter: Denying to oneself the truth that God exists frees one up to follow only oneself as the supreme authority on moral issues, especially.

Like Eve in the garden. She believed Lucifer's lie that God was depriving her of something beautiful to the eye and good to eat. In essence she decided to be her own God. She preferred the serpent's lie to the command of her loving God, who was providing her with all she needed for body and life.

So, yes, Mr. Bergeron, the characters at the helm of this atrocity against all mankind are fools, first -- then they are what Paul describes of them in Romans 1:28-32:

28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. 29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.



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I think I've learned more about how the Holocaust happened just by being alive during the past three years than I have from every history book I've read for almost a half century prior.

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Same here. I used to wonder how the other German citizens could stand idly by as others were persecuted and murdered. TERRIFYINGLY I have now witnessed Americans do the same. 😫

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See "Getting Away With Murder(s)" on Amazon. They were not standing idly by... the vast majority were never prosecuted for their crimes. Peace.

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THANK YOU, Lord Jesus, for providing The Way for us to be transformed more like you if we choose to be obedient.

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That's a theological fine point I'd like to address, but not here.


In short: It's the "choose" word.

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"I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith."

The Third Article (part 3) of Luther's Small Catechism

In Evangelical circles Decision Theology predominates. That is, that we sinners can decide for Jesus. Lutheran theology, in contrast, acknowledges that it is God who does the calling through the gospel, that He chose us from eternity to be his own.

Is that helpful, or no?

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Totally agree! Im in my 70s, my dad enlisted in the Navy for WW2... but I never have had a clue what the fight was, nor what facism was, nor what psychopathic genocide was like. Now I know

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100%. Same exact pattern. Peace.

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The important thing is how do you counter the mass stupidity?

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That is THE question. No allies coming to liberate the camps like WW2. It's up to We The People. Peace.

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It is always a small number that is at the tip of the spear. Sometimes just one...

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Too late! Dumbing Of America reached 88% intended target zone for DOD Deploy.

And these same folks are still in Hypno-trust Authority mode.

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Well, according to Ron White and Carlo Cipolla, you can’t fix stupid, the only solution is to get the hell away from it and have nothing to do with it.

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Fixing stupid happens one person at a time with firstly fixing oneself.

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And the manual for that is the Bible.

It is God's love letter to us.


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Sep 9, 2023
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This discussion brings to my mind the play "Good" which is set in Frankfurt in the 30s/early 40s. It depicts how a liberal professor (whose very best friend is Jewish ) morphs from a decent, devoted and "good" family man to a member of the SS. He is seduced by political rationalisations, misrepresentations and the attraction of a simple life with clear cut rules where he felt valued and accepted. But to do so he had to disengage from his conscience and turn his back on any impulse /desire to question or really look at what was happening. His motivation was to be "good", but good in whose eyes? Not his Jewish friend's. But rather in the collective eyes of the political machine. It happened slowly, like the frog in the cool water pot set to boil. I see so many parallels to the events of the last 3 years.

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There are so many kids/adults on the Autism spectrum & they tend to have a black & white view of the world. They are all over Twitter talking about how fabulous it is to be neuro-divergent. Many of them are trolling for vaccine cos & have no empathy at all for the dead & disabled. This cohort of Nazee types also brought to you by Pharma. Dr Mengele would be proud of Pharma's work.

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That is very interesting. I am very aware of the cohort of young people who got injured in the 1990s and early 2000s from the mercury in the vaccine schedule and who are entering adulthood. I think this has a lot to do with the batshit quality of society right now. The less toxic of this crowd only have anxiety disorder mostly and don't think of themselves as "neurodivergant." But the "neurodivergant" crowd are certainly a big PIA. They go after our support groups and try to shut them down for trying to recover autistic kids. They consider it genocide or something like that. It is interesting to hear that they troll for pharma. That makes a whole lot of sense.

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Great comment. Like the book “Ordinary Men”. What makes it so frightening is that 80% of these those policemen, with permission not to participate, did so anyway for the craziest reasons. They became beasts.

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As a biblical Christian, and as a thinking human being, I stand with the explanation provided by the Bible. Words are important, and the word is not "stupid."

The first chapter of Romans describes those who once knew the truth, but ignored it. They "became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened." The passage continues to warn us, that they "became fools." God then abandons them to their lusts, for which they will be judged. This is a categorically different type of indictment than is associated with the word "stupidity." The German church was compromised. Although the Confessing Church did better, it was not without its own faults. The context in Romans 1 is different, but the idea of "stupidity," with its normal connotation, is not found anywhere in the Bible. In the Word of God, all states of mind are evaluated in the context of morality, not in terms of intellectual failure, even as part of the mix. Failure to see the truth is the result of moral turpitude, not of being "stupid," nor is "stupidity" part of the judgment of God. When people are under the delusion of evil, propaganda does not have to be sophisticated in order to do its job.

2 Thessalonians chapter 2 also describes those who don't love the truth, who succumb to the deception of wickedness. Verse 2:11 says God will send a deluding influence so they will believe what is false "in order that they all may be judged, who did not believe the truth." Again, the strongest indictment is made against those who fail to see the truth, and God does not judge men and women for having a low IQ. It is not a failure of being able to understand the nature of propaganda, it is a shutting off of the understanding that is given by the indwelling Spirit of God.

In both Romans and 2 Thessalonians, God Himself engages in active judgment against those who do not love the truth. He sends an irresistible, deluding influence, just as He hardened Pharoah's heart. Consider the implications of being subject to that form of judgment, by God.

Failure to love the truth will ultimately result in eternal destruction. Speaking for myself, I will not whitewash the nature of deception. It is an object lesson for our own generation. I will not go down the road that glorifies "We the People" as some sort of heroic force against evil, albeit subject to bouts of stupidity. Humanity, to its core, is evil. Without the love of the truth, which is found in unrestrained commitment to Jesus Christ, through a living faith, human beings are inherently unable to resist deception, even in its basest forms.

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I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL to my Savior that my future rests in and with the PERFECT, ETERNAL Prince of Peace.

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