Joe Biden was behind it all. Covering up the biolabs in Ukraine is important to Joe. So the US taxpayer keeps paying billions in blackmail to keep what Joe was up to, covered up. A war to save Joe Biden's reputation. Billions and billions just for Joe Biden. He must be a very special guy. I would have a hard time dealing with being responsible for the death of just one person. But millions? Who could bear that kind of guilt? I guess Joe Biden can. He's keeps telling us how great things are but we know it's lies whenever we visit the grocery store or get gas.

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Yes, I can tell you that I tried and gave up so I'm betting lots of people do the same - especially when dealing with the aftermath of a vaccine injury. It's tragic and pathetic that these doctors KNOW what's happening and still comply. They rounded up physicians, took them out of traditional private practice and herded them into these huge groups where they've become nothing more than employees working a 9 to 5 job - as a result they fear the ramifications of sounding the alarm but amongst themselves - they KNOW and it's interesting that they no longer require these deadly shots for hospital privileges. Without admitting anything for fear of liability issues they've let it go. For me and my personal journey, I was astounded to hear that pediatricians receive thousands from the vaccine manufacturers for administering their crap to our babies. Besides all of the other huge problems in the world, autism will become a tremendous burden on society because these poor children will most likely outlive their parents and so far there are no plans in place to house and care for them as adults. It's MASSIVE.

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The deaths due to Covid 19 vaccination were a success of the manufacturer's plan, not a failure. We are dealing with genocide and like all genocides it takes a long time to bring those committing the genocide to justice, if ever. Sure glad my wife and her BFF uncovered this plan back in the spring of 2021 so we didn't take the Jab.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

Try all those involved with crimes against humanity starting with that sorry excuse for an Italian American - Fauci - his long history of killing people goes way back - which is why he never sued RFK Jr. for his book, The Real Anthony Fauci. For me, even harming. a lab rat is murder - Scientists seem to have an emptiness in their souls that they can harm innocent life at all. Same for the media who were complicit. I've know of three men who dropped dead one being my brother in law - others with myocarditis and one young girl with a huge blood clot in her liver - she was fine before the shot yet they are telling the parents it's liver disease.

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Thank you Peter McCullough. Your analyses and testimony have been quite correct.

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Nuremberg 2.0

What is the mass murder threshold…are we there yet?

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You are so right about doctors being herded into huge groups. I hate being in “the system.” You can’t escape it, and it’s terrifying. It’s become so impersonal. I feel like I should be assigned a number. We’re at their mercy.

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All of this is caused by corruption in our systems.

Help us build a LEADERLESS society. We don't need leaders anymore. They are the source point of most of our corruption.

Like this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/help-lets-build-a-new-system-that

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There is nothing faulty about these "vaccines". They are well crafted war-craft. I read several analyses by Mr Rancourt last month, and found no issues with his assessment. Drive through a city with a population of approximately 600,000 citizens. Now imagine a completely deserted landscape... Now imagine 17 million missing...

Quantitative evaluation of whether the Nobel[1]Prize-winning COVID-19 vaccine actually saved millions of lives >>> Denis G. Rancourt, PhD, and Joseph Hickey, PhD

October 8, 2023 >>> https://correlation-canada.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/2023-10-08-Correlation-Whether-Nobel-vaccine-saved-millions-of-lives.pdf

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What is the solid evidence Peter for your cited “factor of 30” that comes conveniently sliding into the story at just the right point to multiply the hell out of a smaller number of the presumed number of DCDTV (dead claimed due to vaccination)? Let’s stipulate that any iatrogenic death is bad. But let’s also stipulate that there are plenty of linked assumptions in your argument as stated here in the current “Casualties Mount” piece. One of the weakest of those (on par with the mysterious “30 factor”) would seem to be the simple citing by you of opinions from healthcare workers who recall that some number of Mr. Xs died soon after the COVID vaccine was received. You have often used the verbiage “adjudicated deaths” in other presentations and articles and testimony — a powerful term signaling that some independent pathologist (for example) has found the “smoking gun” for a given dead patient — but we never see that term used in the Casualties Mount article here. What gives?

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Contact Report 874

Date of contact: Monday, 1st January 2024

Billy Meier and the Plejaren extraterrestrial Ptaah


The almost 18 million people who have died as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, mainly from the vaccine poisons that have made the vaccine manufacturers rich, will not reduce overpopulation.


That number is no longer true because our records at midnight gave a number of 22 million, 341 thousand 203 persons who have died regarding the pandemic and the vaccines.


How many were there regarding the vaccinations alone?



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Unfortunately all told, I feel the death toll is MUCH higher namely those listed as covid deaths after the vaccine roll-out. How many were associated with vaccine immune enhancement, pathogenic priming, and/or vaccine-associated enhanced disease or VAED. COVID-19 was and still is the least of our worries. We all collectively need to get our heads around the likelihood of this as an act of population control. there is really no other explanation. How many more facts need to be revealed for this assault to end? And the continuation of viral releases which can only explain IMO the existence of Omicron and other strains that don't fit into the phylogenic tree in a way that makes natural sense.

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If you ask me it certainly doesn't look good for the vaccinated, there are so many illnesses and diseases associated from these jabs just in the short term alone. The virus and the COVID-19 jab are unquestionably biologics, so don't expect the all-cause mortality and illnesses to just dissipate into nothingness anytime soon. The question is what do you do when the people that are supposedly looking after us are the ones that are causing all the problems?

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Those With Natural Immunity

Are Made Of So Much More

Than The Lost Souls

Who Remain With Us

In Their Self-Inflicted Suffering.


Knowing How This Ends For Them

Is Now A Secret Worth Keeping.


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Catastrophic, yes, but not nearly enough to satisfy the PTB! their goal is 7.5 billion now.

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Peter and all,

All the grim COVID19 statistics do not matter for 2 reasons…

1. It is obvious from several substacks of physicians, doctors and whistleblowers that they are unable to complete the job of ending this massive extermination operation…shameful!

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