My ‘tin foil hat’: just like politicians (like Boris Johnson) were unafraid of covid and had parties while we were locked down, knowing that the fear was unfounded, I wonder why CEO’s like Mandy Cohen confidently take the booster, potentially knowing that they will not be harmed by it. Have you seen anyone in ‘power’ that has had any life changing side effect from these shots? And if not, why not? Or perhaps the question is, what shot are they taking that is different from the shots that are harming people???

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I'll answer your questions. Why is she so confident? Because she knows her CEO colleague giving the shot is being paid enough to shut his mouth about giving her a saline shot.

Re: people in power & lack of side effects.

No. Including shit for brains Obiden who's taken multiples of shots.

Not surprising to me that this subversion would be going on. I'm old enough to remember members of Congress being treated with Ivermectin and Hydroxycloriquine covertly by Dr. Pierre Cory while American Pravda was shiting all over those two effective and safe medications, which BTW needed to be discredited in order to pave the way for the poison poke.

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Fauci, Gates, Schwab they all take salines.

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Without a shadow of doubt.

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Oct 26, 2023
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hmmm. Gates has been divorced a while now. . . not sure he has a use for it. Likely a eunuch anyhow. . . thank G-d he has no children.

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Sorry to disappoint you pretty-red ( and me ) but he has 3 kids.


The evil could live on!

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Can you imagine if Gate’s son married Fauci’s daughter? The possibilities are endless 😉!

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And he’s on Epstein flight log

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She could have simply told the LA doctor in the photo, "I already got this back in Washington, just give me saline for the picture." It could even be more posed than that, like the guy is an actor.

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They're going to keep doubling down Peter until forced not to. Not until a state grand jury forces those vials to SEIZED AND TESTED.

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Unfortunately it will NEVER happen.

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She is a INSANE and a IDIOT. Learn about what evidence (NONE) she used during the Covid Plandemic to Lock Down Businesses and LOCK IN People, and she merrily laughed about it. This is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY! Instead of being tried and jailed she is promoted to the Top Spot in the country. What does this tell you?

I agree with you Inisfad "they" are likely getting saline.

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The law is strange. If someone murders another then they go to jail for a long time. If someone

else commits genocide then they are not prosecuted, are given a promotion and a government contract.

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You all should take a look at this: https://drdavidnixon.com//1/en/topic/cutting-the-head-off-the-snake-in-geneva It will give you some hope.

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Cohen is the Kamala Harris of public health apparatchiks.

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How is it possible that this woman charged with the running of the cdc has no idea these vaxxes are causing serious adverse events and deaths? A good friend asked her doctor if she thought her heart attack was caused by the covid vaccine. Without hesitation the doctor said “yes”. My friend who is 73 years old, was told she has the arteries of a thirty year old, post angiogram.

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Even if the shots were safe as saline it’s obvious they don’t work. Everything they told us about covid from it melting everyone’s lungs to living on surfaces to masks will protect you to “If you get vaccinated you won’t catch covid” has been a lie. Why would anyone continue believing them?

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actually, yes, people DO believe them.

THAT is the amazing thing.

Propaganda WORKS!

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In Chinada (formerly known as Canada), the government funds the propaganda to the tune of $750 million last year. How do we compete with that? Also the Canadian military admitted to using propaganda on it's own citizens during the "pandemic" and claim they didn't get permission from government. https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/military-leaders-saw-pandemic-as-unique-opportunity-to-test-propaganda-techniques-on-canadians-forces-report-says Soooo, the military goes rogue and nobody investigates??? Welcome to Chinada.

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Propaganda WORKS! For sure. It was renamed and perfected by Edward Bernays who made it more acceptable when he renamed it Public Relations.

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Living on surfaces?

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Indeed. “Up to 2wks on surfaces” was part of the waffling early-on. Walensky got into trouble because she countermanded the statement then 24hrs later was forced to “clarify” stating that they really didn’t know, which the media ran with as meaning it lives for 2wks on surfaces! That’s why you couldn’t buy hand sanitizer anywhere and people (like my in-laws) were wiping down everything. I saw it as bullshit, but I was in the minority at the time.

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Oct 26, 2023
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My now ex-wife got triple vaxxed, caught covid in Germany, then came home and gave it to myself and her son. So much for "preventing the spread to loved ones." My marriage ended because I got sick from the shedding...before I knew that she was jabbed. I thought she was on the same page, but she got it without telling me. My experience, over 4 months, was a lump in my throat like I wanted to throw up. Initially the feeling subsided after waking up about 3 hours later, but as the months went on this nausea extended until around 10pm. Somehow it came out in a conversation that she got jabbed twice. I started sleeping in another bedroom and about a week and a half later the nausea went away. I tried sleeping with her again after 2 months and after the 1st morning I got a headache. After 3 days the same nausea reappeared. She decided that she couldn't live with a "conspiracy theorist" and sadly, the best thing that has ever happened to me decided to end the marriage. Her previous husband is a top respirologist and her son is a new ER doc...they know best I guess. Her son told me that I was living in an alternate reality. Ya, I guess alternate to his reality.

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LOL, yes, it is reality. Sadly, many DRs are brainwashed and not objective thinkers; hence, do what the CDC says. Thank God I found out early on that Vitamin D3 alone was nearly 100% effective in saving lives, but they were small studies that BigPharma of course discredited.

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Masks won’t work. Masks work. Only sterile N95 worn properly works. Or maybe it doesn’t help that much. It won’t hurt though after all surgeons wear them. Yeah, but not all day non-stop like kindergarteners with developing lungs, immune systems and social cues are being forced to. Fauci said to mask at home, alone. Seems odd, no? Shut up, peasant! Wear them because we say so!

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Yeah, wearing a mask to stop a virus is like keeping mosquitoes out using a chain-link fence.

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In the case of mass compliance over covid masks were purely symbolic. Kabuki theatre to signal your virtue. No different than wearing those “I Voted Today!” stickers.

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Trump had a quicky non-scientific test done by a scientist to verify if Covid could live on surfaces. He found sunlight killed the virus quickly but it could live on different surfaces from minutes to days if no sunlight. I am not sure how it got refutted later.

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Viruses live very briefly on surfaces. Again, they can’t live any length of time without a biological host. Black lights, alcohol, peroxide, and, yes, bleach! will disinfect surfaces but who gives a shit? I didn’t do squat, caught covid three years ago from my kid’s middle school. Got over it. Unvaxxed. Never caught it again.

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My understanding is the virus can only survive outside of the body when it has its mucous cocoon to protect it.

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It isn’t the mucus as much as humidity playing a role. Still, without the host cell, a virus cannot survive; however, it does have a short window of time during which it can function in hopes of attaching to (infecting) a new host. 1-3 days is a very loose rule but even if you grab something teeming with pathogens they can only enter through epithelial cells that make up the lining of our nasal passages, tear ducts, etc. This is the way it’s always been. That’s a big reason why 10 years ago when I had influenza A, nobody else living in my house caught it.

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Why would anyone continue believing them? They spend their time watching and relying on TV/elite-controlled Mass Media instead of doing research themselves. Trusting the media is moronic. BigPharma is the MSMs numero uno advertiser by a wide margin.

The 24/7 relentless fearmongering turned people into sheeple. It's the old "Tell a Big Lie over and over; the people will believe it."

The ability to control people's minds using the media has been well-honed over the decades.

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The Biden admin knows their "useful idiots" continue to watch main stream media and are completely brainwashed and therefore won't question anything. How convenient and evil that our own govt is in the process of murdering millions of Americans in order to completely destroy this country and set in place the new electorate of illegal aliens. I see no reason to mince words any longer.

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Erasing America is the ultimate goal of the Leftist/Marxist/Maoists, NOT Democrats any longer. And the benighted masses don't have a clue.

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We're already living in a fascists state with the political party in power going after its political opponents. I believe Obama is pulling the strings. It all smells like him.

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100% agree, they knew Biden could be managed, an empty vessel. Same people same destroy America policies. Textbook Alinsky/Marx/Mao, just crazy that people can't see it.

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Where do they find these people??? Great big beaming innocent smile. She looks like a beeswax candle-maker with 7 home-schooled kids....up at the crack of dawn collecting eggs from the henhouse. Remember Ms. Walensky?? Isn't there a video compilation archived somewhere featuring every lie that came out of her grinning maw??

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Just a yes-man type person who embedded themselves in a career that offered security. Probably thinks that constantly smiling is the most important quality she possesses for keeping her job.

At least, I have faith that others in politics took the real shot: people like Feinstein, Wexton, Fetterman, come to mind. I am absolutely unconvinced she took the real shot.

Did her children take the shot? And, I hope they didn’t, and won’t. Too many died from that garbage, and I don’t want to see anyone else getting fooled into getting killed.

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Well, you must be a pretty nice guy Steve. Me, not so much.

I really believe it is good for those "in charge" to be dying off and SHOWN to be. Not only for the Darwinian goodness of it all but as some retribution for their sins.

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Rest assured they will face the JUDGE, and the penalty will be worse than death.

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Mandy almost certainly got the placebo, not the real injection. If she were to have a serious adverse effect, or die after the vaccine, it would be a P.R. disaster the public health community would never recover from. I'm sure the same was true for Fauci, Redfield, and Walinsky when they got their shots.

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Great point.

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"...how widely divergent our views are on the same realities. " LOL, that's putting it rather diplomatically.

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Little Mandy didn't really get a jab with this experimental, very dangerous and toxic concoction! She's just pretending. Doesn't she know that many of us are onto this scam? We know she's getting the saline. She's not about to risk her life -- but she's willing to risk YOURS! She's a criminal like all the rest of them.

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I don’t trust that she’s had the shot at all. It’s a placebo. M

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"Americans I talk to have... washed themselves of any more COVID-19 drama."

"Washed themselves" or are sticking their heads in the sand, not wanting to acknowledge they were fooled into having something potentially fatal injected into themselves?

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I was sad to see her go to the CDC. She did enough damage in NC during COVID. She is a Fauci follower - at least by actions she seems to go that way.

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As a repeat theatrical performance, I too will repeat the following.....

"Stayed tuned, don't touch that dial, we'll be right back, and now an important message from our sponsors"! How's that paid for hypnotic programming going for you today"? Nice isn't it?

But before we do that....Let's check in with the forecast....brought to you by (pick one) !

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