Why promoting it now? I can only surmise that nobody is having the dangerous covid jab any more so they want to attack this important age group another way. Why 'important age group'? Because of their fitness for work, for procreation, for holding up the economy and for fighting when they recognise the enemy.

How are they allowed to violate the advertising rules? Well, I am in the UK and can only say that advertising medicines is forbidden here too. Most of all I am still aghast at the advertising of the Covid jab because it was a medicine under trial, and the rules for conducting medical experiments or trials or research strictly forbid advertising the substance or whatever is under research.

I shall never get over the terrible and spooky song compiled using many famous Actors telling us to have the 'vaccine'. It distressed me immensely. I knew then just how many people were against us.

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There should be trials all right... The kind that end with rope.

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I'm old enough to remember when prescription drugs, obviously including vaccines, could not be advertised to the general public. Such ads were reserved to ONLY professional journals, and that was a wise and principled policy.

That changed when Bill Clinton complied with the wishes of Pharma in 1996, and things have steadily gone downhill since. Taking advantage of the human tendency to hypochondria, dangerous drugs are advertised 24/7 on the boob tube and everywhere else. Needless to say, profits have risen steadily.

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"The White House, Senate, and Congress should be asking why is the CDC promoting the JYNNEOS vaccine now?"

That's like asking the wolf to explain why he ate little red ridinghood and expecting to get a good answer.

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We all know the answer to the questions of how can they continue to ignore rules and regs.

The Fox, the Wolf, the Weasel, all own the keys to the .GOV marketing Hen House.

We have become the plucking poultry ! Stop thinking that these agencies have integrity. They don't

Like the virus that sneaks into all your personal computing devices over time. They are corrupted.

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If I wanted to commit the perfect crime, I'd slither in the misdeed seamlessly so it looks completely normal, hijack people's assumptions over it's legitimacy ("it couldn't be bad if it was this big as it must have been filtered through loads of people and processes") and do it over and over to keep people transfixed on the action and away from their own minds. Hell I would even get the worst victims in on it too: "your sacrifice is our sacrifice" and "it was for the good".

If the criminal gets it right, he could even attach The Devil onto God. His real trick though would be to fool the victim into doing that work for him.

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The CDC has destroyed all public trust in their role. The Walensky mushroom cloud is a clue. Disestablish and recharter once a legitimate administration is restored.

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Somehow CDC personnel are being financially compensated to produce this propaganda.

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I pray that a higher power can intervene. I don’t know how we can withstand another year and a half of this corrupt administration! If the Holocaust was possible, then of course, anything is possible. What it proves is that the United States can be overtaken if the wrong person is allowed to be in power. I am afraid the “beacon on the hill” does not have much light left!

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A pox on them.

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Looks like they're only marketing to gay men (#pride...). Maybe they've decided blanket support for all the sick, angry and unstable among the alphabet people is more than they can handle and so instead of addressing issues humanely and admitting mistakes, easier to cull the herd. Talk about hate crimes!

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War on U.S. citizens hiding behind corporate profits and promotion of health.


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Please note that using "orange" print in your posts is almost illegible. Blue might read better or simply stick with black italics.

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cc: Peter

Words Malone ? Or Deeds ?

You Have Toiled Your Life In A Murderous Enterprise.

- Intellectually Captured.

And You Have Come To Realize That.

- Only Breggin Beat You To It.

Your "Guilt" Is Defined As Much By What You Did Not Do - Knowing What You Knew - - As By What You "Did".

The Same Hold's True For Your Suit Against Breggin.

Not Dropping The Suit Only Prolonges Your Capture.

"The Shock" Is That Your Words Require Deeds.

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Besides the main point (CDC advertising), I wonder what these two oft repeated phrases mean? 1) “were reported” (by whom, to whom, in what manner, and the obvious negative- the NON reported? And 2) “were considered” - same questions.

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DTC advertising has changed the trajectory of medicine and did so years ago. Many physicians are now pressured by patients to write a script (Rx) and over the years, the physicians don’t even question “does the med get to the root cause of the condition”?). Get rid of it. A final note: state governments departments of health get paid big bucks for promoting vaccines...

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