If the studio pressured him to take the clot shot then the studio has a nice bright bullseye on its back.

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oops folks. mistakes were made. oh, never mind. That's Obama's line. After the disastrous repercussions of the 2008 banking housing bubble, Obama got into office and absolved the brood of vipers. No indictments, investigations or jail sentences, but millions (some estimate up to 10 million) of Americans lost their homes. These criminals dispense more forgiveness than Jesus for their powerful friends. With the Covid debacle, none of these people are liable for a thing according to the Prep Act which was enacted on December 30, 2005, a gift during the Bush Jr. Admin. The agency has added 11 Declarations and Amendments since March of 2020, just to tighten up any possible loopholes of liability. https://aspr.hhs.gov/legal/PREPact/Pages/default.aspx Criminals writing laws to protect their immoral, unethical, and criminal enterprises.

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People at the highest levels will walk for sure. As they always do. But their underlings are more vulnerable. The farther one goes down the food chain the weaker they get. They don’t have the clout of their masters. And, generally speaking, their masters could give shit less what happens to them as long as it can’t backwash onto them. So concentrating all efforts on bringing top dogs to justice is a fool’s errand. Set sights lower. There’s no honor amongst thieves.

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Hopefully they turn on each other and attack ferociously.

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It’s a good hope. Actually I think it’s going to come down to a fight to the death. Us against the Hydra.

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Dear Lord, I hope so!

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The other question to answer is WHO was behind keeping this information under wraps since early April when his daughter reportedly said , "Oh he's fine and out playing pickle ball."

Everything is clearly NOT okay, and there are players involved both in and outside the movie studios to keep this quiet.

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I can't believe they require this thing for movie sets, this is absurd. It always was, but there are levels, and *still*?

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It's basically a hazing ritual at this point.

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I pray for Jamie Foxx and I pray someone like him, with an audience, breaks the silencing of what this vaccine has done to so many. He discerned for himself, he worried about it, he heard what to do (say no) and was thrown an ultimatum to his career. As my husband said, "this will keep happening to people because of the silencing & the fear and it's f'ng unbelievable."

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Jamie Foxx reported BLINDED and partially PARALYZED after coerced into taking covid vaccine jab https://citizens.news731117.html?fbclid=IwAR0iVGx91QwJA5HPmjUn5nZTKDVPpFMoE7mHdrbT3wHLbfsqd2s0CxWME1. Love this super gifted human being!

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Sounds awfully fishy that they would still be requiring it - I'm not sure I believe that.

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Agree. There are a number of stories floating around.

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Another crime against humanity by the medical industrial complex.

Foxx was one of the best.

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Really sad - hope Foxx recovers. He is one of the greats and Collateral is an underrated movie with an Indie feel. Besides the carpe diem cab scene clip, if you don’t have time to watch the entire movie, be sure to check out the jazz club scene.

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So sad.

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Best wishes to Jamie, his family, and friends. I’ve seen so many of his movies. Two of my most favorite movies of his were White House Down and The Kingdom!

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Absolutely awful. Can he sue the studio since he can’t sue the criminals who developed it?

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