The Uk has been taken over by the WEF. Say farewell to all freedoms Brits. Your lives are being destroyed one parliament bill at a time. I know, I live here.

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And it deeply saddens me. I spent time there in the 70s and absolutely adored the country, the people, the culture, everything.

The WEF has infiltrated everywhere. Charles and family don't even hide it so when I hear "long live the king" I want to throw up. He's just vile. We haven't got it much better over here.

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I was for Brexit, but knew at the same time that Britain would still be stuck in the Globalist system. I'm just wondering how much of a ruse Brexit was.

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It has been abundantly clear since Brexit, that the UK policies remain aligned with the EU and the globalists. Ie. Mass immigration, suppression of UK energy resources and unprecedented govt spending. The latter two policies drove high inflation. All Western countries are following the exact same policies, including the unconstitutional Covid lockdowns. “Build back better”. Censorship. Leadership lies to the little people daily assuming we are stupid. Digital ID and banking is the infrastructure for a Chinese communist style Social Credit system coming to all. It’s a new global oligarchy - Fascism. The only answer is to rise up. There are more of us than them. From Canada. Honk! Honk!

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im also in canada - yes there are more of us - the documentary "Unlawful Killing" is the inquest into the former Princes of Wales' death - the ruling from the jury of the inquest is that it was an unlawful killing meaning it was intentional - the royal press stated it was paparazzi that was the cause of the car crash - the documentary clearly demonstrates that the palace was involved in a cover up - King Charles needs to be held to account - this will put a 'stick' in the spokes of the present momentum under discussion https://abolishkingcharles.ca has the full documentary

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The mistake most seem to have made is believe that Brexit was the end. It's just the beginning.


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I'm not a financial wiz. But I remember Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, former WHO expert, last seen getting a graphene oxide talking to from Ryan Cole, saying that a conference she attended was funded by WEF. I can't vouch for that.

Kind of have to wonder how far one would have to go up the various Medical Freedom movement funding orgs before you can find some WEFFIE/Oligarch $$ making its way into the equation.

Again, I don't know. It only seems natural that those who rule the world would try to put a finger on every scale.

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It will get even worse under Labour as Starmer is a massive WEF disciple, when asked if he preferred working with people in Parliament or WEF, he enthusiastically replied WEF. He is a puppet for them and will do even more irreparable damage to the our Country.

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Indeed it is, and the only real funny outcome is it will cause more harm in the long run to those who have helped implement it than the rest.

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I don't think it's any one event or tactic. Once you convince people they've been treated unkindly, then unfairly, it's a slippery slope. Years ago I remember a big deal made out of bullying in school. There was a lot of fear "for the children". Not to minimize something that should never be allowed, it was but a stepping stone to allowing $1000 shoplifting sprees to go unpunished as some kind of reparation for unfairness? Discrimination? A reason doesn't even matter any more.

It's time to see it for what it is - war against western values. Free speech. Free thought. Liberty. And property rights, including for one's own body. Piece by piece has been put into place over decades. I'm reminded of the game Go and am feeling increasingly encircled.

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Well said! When the RESTRICT Act Bill gets passed we are going to go into the near final stages of a totalitarian regime. As I write these words now I see the future. In that future, I will write them and quickly delete them. Eventually I will not have these thoughts or time to share them. I will be too busy surviving. I will no longer be an individual. My story will not count. My ideas will not be heard. I will not create.

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As far as reparations, why doesn't anybody point out the obvious? Which is, if anybody deserves reparations it's the American Indians, native Americans, or whatever they're called lately. We stole the whole damn country from them, and should give it all back. Seems to me that would be only fair.

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By this reasoning you would have each and every "civilized" country since the beginning of TIME make reparations to the previous occupiers!

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You took this insane idea seriously? Seriously?

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You could always start with giving them your own home and money, when you have I will.

Then the Danes could give the British all their money because they invaded violently.

Then the Arabs should compensate the Africans for rounding them up for slavery which they now do to Sri Lankans.

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Jesus, I thought people could spot sarcasm. Some can't, obviously. Give the country back to the Indians a serious idea? Really?

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I know people who actually believe what you wrote initially.

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Not surprised. I would be surprised to find any of them reading this substack.

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Aah, it should have been obvious, please accept my apologies, I do find it strange that I believe that leftists might believe what you wrote.

Have a great weekend.

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Accepted! Maybe I should have been more clear, but I thought that would have ruined my post. I agree, leftists are too dumb to even wonder where all the government cash would come from if we gave everything back to the Washington Redskins. I could say bye-bye to my social security. The idea is crazy. I do think it's obvious that if we were ever so self-destructive and clueless as to start distributing reparations, the Indians should be first in line. Your point about EVERYBODY's ancestors have been screwed needs to be hammered on relentlessly.

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Who is we ? No one alive did any such thing. Why should anyone who had no involvement with stealing anything be held responsible for those who lived a few hundred years ago?

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Wow, you thought I was serious? Now that's funny.

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It's not like I can SEE your face or "hear" your sarcastic voice.

NOTE that 12 folks "Liked" my comment but only 7 "liked" yours. To me, that represents that 12 of 19 people or about 63% UNDERSTOOD your statement to be a serious comment. This may guide you a bit. Perceptions are everything. They apply to Steelhead Fisherman as well as Musky Fishermen!!

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Unlike leftists I try to be open-minded and fair. So, I should also point out maybe some of the 7 who liked my post didn't even think it was sarcasm and like the idea. Might be more like 12 to 5? I dunno, turns out I'm not the best judge of what others will think!

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I have to admit that's a good point. The last 3 years probably should have taught me there's no telling what people will think about what might seem obvious. I figured Substack readers are a cut above, but oh well. Good luck if you're chasing muskies, they can be tough to find!

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Wow, I never imagined anybody would consider giving the country back to the Indians a serious idea. That's hilarious. Every damn race or nationality has been conquered, pillaged, enslaved, and ruthlessly abused at some time in history. My point is this shit never ends. I thought substack commenters could spot obvious sarcasm. Thankfully, most can.

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Read history is you can find it now with all of the censorship. Indian tribes conquered and enslaved each other throughout the USA and Canada and indeed, South America. Wars and slavery were the norm throughout the world in history. Ie Arab slave traders (read about the Barbary Slave Trade) went up and down the coast of Europe and took many Irish as slaves. The remainder were afraid to fish and so many starved. The Arabs also took blacks from Africa. Black tribes enslaved other tribes and sold them to all takers. The Arabs castrated the black slaves, many bled to death, so that they would not reproduce which is why there are no blacks Arabian countries. The West did not invent slavery. But we were the first to ban it. The UK spent its treasure hunting slave ships and releasing slaves. The USA fought a civil war over it. And Canada never had slavery except that which the natives previously did to each other. See the Haida. Read history.

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Yes, it's obvious. But when do you stop? Might has always made right. Land has always been taken from anyone unable to hang onto it. We're probably lined up right now for our own Trail of Tears and don't even see it. Yet.

My problem is the framing of slavery being only a race issue. Slavery has always been carried out across races and is still to this day being carried out. Reparations is just one more tactic to take down the country. Not only is it infallibly divisive, it's bottomless. Remember when Russia got over extended in the cold war? How'd that turn out for them? I'm sure they're saying, "Turnabout is fair play" and China is just sitting back, calmly moving pieces in place.

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And where are the freedom loving British politicians? I constantly ask the same question about the Republicans in this country. Do they not realize the war for our freedom has already started even though a bullet has not been fired yet ?

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Trump does.

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1984 was apparently an instruction manual.

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But so was V for Vendetta. The PTB created both the virus and the cure to install a fascist government, but the main point was how to take back the government from the people who turned it fascist. Watch it with today’s timeline in mind. Or listen to it from audible.

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Insane, absolutely insane! When will people simply realize the power resides with them; they can take it back from the pols they gave it to, and say no, we will not put up with your bullshit anymore. Throw them out, physically if necessary. No elections, they are corrupted anyway. Take it back, or live forever under the heel of tyranny.

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Thank you! 👍

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For heaven’s sake John…WHY would you get anyone focused on censorship in the UK???

I thought you were an American?

How about focus on censorship in America?America has the worst military led psychological censorship operation on the planet because we have the worst government that is causing MASSIVE pain for the rest of the world!

Because of OUR taxpayer money…the UN, WEF, NATO, etc is allowed to exist. Why do you think Trump wanted to STOP that flow of money?

Does everyone on our side have ADHD, not being able to focus on anything that matters for 3 min to win this dangerous, destructive war?

Why is everyone reacting to yesterday instead of acting to get ahead of the FAST moving train heading straight towards all of us?

Is it because we are being attacked on so many fronts EVERYDAY that people are behind the train instead of acting to get ahead of the train?

If you are AWAKE and ready to help with viable solutions with real strategic war planning Leaders, volunteer at…

Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com is the ONLY group with any wins the past 3 years because of their strategic planning skills!

Contact them if you have questions!

Again, God Bless those willing to help in this serious war that will take serious efforts and/or money!


Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

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The UK doesn't have a strong constitution in the way the US does. However it plays as a preamble and training ground for what can happen here. Everything UK is a wake up call for the US. Remember they kicked off the vaccines there well before they started up in the US.

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Nobody's stopping you from writing a substack which focuses strictly on America. I found this column interesting and instructive. Also relevant to America, as the bad guys try out and hone their machinations in one place, then spread them around the world.

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Thank you for you comment!

Yes…your right!

As an American, my focus is on this country with the worst globalist government, causing great harms to the rest of humanity!

How embarrassing and sad as too many sit silently doing nothing that matters at this late date in a VERY destructive war!

We ARE the prize of the ALL totalitarians, the global psychopaths that have been after this country before the ink was dry on our Constitution! WHY? Because totalitarians NEVER want The People to have power! NEVER!

I hope you and other great awake Americans who want to help, contact this group of strategic planners I have worked with for 15 years. This is the only group that has had serious wins the past 3 years!

Contact for any questions…



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it was quite refreshing to read for me, as I'm in the UK and lthough I do follow many UK writers, the vast majority of stuff I've read over the last 3 years has been US based.

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Why? It brings enlightenment to some. Which is why I study what the Chinese Communist Party is doing in China. One learns from seeing the ends that the enslavers will go to. Do you know that Xi Jinping has sent the armed military into the country side to ensure that farmers are not growing unapproved plants like flowers? Watch Jennifer Zeng's YT channel for more.

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Thank you for your comment!

You are right!

Study of Communist history is enlightening and very horrifying to see what humans are capable of doing to other humans!

Unfortunately, I do not think history has not been properly taught here in America for at least 3 generations…and history is repeating in a manner never seen in the history of the world!

I have 70 years of Communist history in my library that I have been studying for 20 years, many books you cannot find today…unfortunately!

See how I answered the other commenter…perhaps you will want to help!


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Thank you. You are also right on the topic of education. Our wonderful future generations were not guided with sanity and skill . . . . and history and civics, well, I can't even say it . "For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been!'"

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The odd thing about Konstantin Kisin is that he keeps telling the world that the people of Ukraine really want to continue this difficult, damaging, deadly fight against Russia. And yet, Zelensky has all but eliminated freedom of the press and free speech within Ukraine. As outsiders, we cannot really know the true opinions of the Ukrainian people about this war because of this speech suppression. But we do know that something like 10 million people have left Ukraine. Does that not tell us something about the desire of the people to stay and fight Russia? I don't know if I want to take any advice about free speech from Konstantin Kisin.

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Coming to a United States near you.

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Almost funny!

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More sad, than funny.

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Hooray for Konstantin Kisin! I highly recommend his debate speech on woke culture at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJdqJu-6ZPo .

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The people have spoken, not only in UK but throughout the Western World. The voters have soundly rejected freedom, responsibility, and decency for whatever you want to call what today's sick politicians are selling. To bad for those of us who know what we're losing. The rest will get exactly what they deserve. I hope the downward spiral can be turned around, but how?

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So many elections have been corrupted, stolen. So we didn't elect most of those in power. Our government is being ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED and how many others? I like what Toobguy47 above has to say, he's right.

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Griping about stolen elections is a cop-out. Sure they cheated. Sure, Trump probably would have won if it had been fair. Make that beyond probably. Sure Kerri Lake was robbed. But a couple of things. Why are they cheating like crazy and getting away with it? We need to either stop them or cheat more and better, not just complain. If they can cheat like crazy in Maricopa County, Detroit, Atlanta, and Philly to win those swing states, WTF are we not either stopping it or cheating even more in Republican districts? Are we just friggin' pussies? If we can't do that we don't deserve to win. Secondly, enough people are voting for them they're able to pull across the finish line with their cheating. The morons in the big cities vote 90% Democrat. That's without cheating. They deserve the Shiite holes they've become.

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Canada is no longer strong and free.

Trudeau is a WEF puppet.

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We need to stop focusing so much on the nuances of what the CDC or FDA or DoD or WHO did and more on defending key freedoms, and the rest will take care of itself. Key freedoms are the simple concepts that all people can understand.

Freedom of speech, freedom of association, bodily autonomy.

Totalitarianism begins with censorship and surveillance.

Totalitarianism does not begin with mechanistic thinking, and I fear that that ideology is doing a great deal of harm and taking the focus off the true beginnings of totalitarianism.

Totalitarianism begins with censorship and surveillance. Full stop. Why were we led to believe that it begins with the nebulous concept of "mechanistic thinking"? And why has this nonsense been promoted when any one of us knows better, with just a little thought?

We're seeing the beginnings of totalitarianism and it isn't coming in the form of "mechanistic thinking," is it?

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And King Charles III and even William are all worried about global warming. I would love to love the Monarchy but can't do it any more.

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He's the King of The Great Reset.

He should swear an oath to the WEF instead of the Church.

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Damn if you aren't right!! Well put!

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Also Charles was an active member of the WEF. And vaccines mandates.

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And population control like Prince Philip.

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Oh no! In 1965 there was a lot of talk about "overpopulation." Who knew they meant it literally.

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Charles has been head of The Wilderness Trust ☹️for years.

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They're WEF GLOBALISTS. You and everybody else there should be very concerned.

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They both know it's a farce.

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Charles is a corporate employee with a fancy title and excellent benefits. His hypocrisy and treachery are blatant. Also, there hasn’t been a sovereign King or Queen since King James II (forced to abdicate 1688 in my view.) He is King of the benefit scroungers, maybe.

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Thanks for posting this, I look forward to listening.

By the way, if you haven't already, you might take a look at what the UK Freespeech Union has been combatting , it will raise your eyebrows, your hair, sombrero, oh, and any wigs about 57 feet into the air. https://freespeechunion.org/

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Well you seem to have a lot of criticism but no answers. Do you know what percentage of dead ppl voted for dems? Why they are cheating is most obvious. No one deserves this shit.

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