Well done, John! The world needs to know the incredible danger of playing around with pathogens, trying to increase both their infectiousness and lethality. These "mad scientists" are playing with fire, and it is all of us, the entire human race, who will suffer the consequences. We were lucky with Covid-19 that only had a lethality of 0.2%. But I am certain that the mad scientists can "cook up" something much deadlier than that.

"Thanks" to you and Dr. McCullough for sounding the alarm.

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Covid was the evil doers experiment to see how humanity would handle it. Well, they failed and bowed down to six ft apart, masks, lockdowns and untested bio weapons. Unless people learn DO NOT COMPLY, we’re sunk. I see masks popping up all over again(central eastern PA)!

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All of us need to strongly consider telling these people the truth to their face and mocking them if necessary, if you aren't doing it already. Otherwise, they will drag all of us sane people down with them into their dark world of fear and slavery. Be bold! Speak truth!

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Have lost “friends” over the boldness I display over these issues.-political and scientific. Thrown out of more places than I was allowed in during the Plandemic over the rediculous masks!

Don’t understand and never will, people who follow and never research anything!

FDA passed that this garbage will now be in cattle. Pork has had it for years.

If you’re lucky enough to have a farmers market near, if it’s Amish all their products are safe. (and delicious)

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Attorney Tom Renz has been sounding the alarm about mRNA in our food pointing out the “vaccination” of pork with a modRNA “vaccine” that is not designed to prevent them from getting any infection, but just to make them fatter for butchering. He worked with legislators in, I think, Minnesota, on HB1169 that would have required labeling any products that contain these gene therapy products, but the bill never made it out of committee. Please follow Renz on his Substack to learn of his efforts. He, too, has testified before the US Senate and House.

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I think Renz is terrific!!! Impressed every time I hear him. Thx.

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I will Second that one.

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Especially in an election year. The masks and social distancing gave the democrats a huge gift with all the accompanying chaos and throw out election laws and protocol.

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un-Constitutionally, illegally, and immorally at that. But that's what communists do over and over again. Yet so few see the now well-established pattern.

"Never let a crisis go to waste" especially if you created it to begin with!

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McCullough didn't sound any alarms. Alarms were sounded decades ago. Last 4 plus years with the physical evidence to back the conspiracy theorists. Many working hard behind the scenes a long damn time. These paid actors were not the first to speak out either rotfl

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Didn’t someone say “The next one will be worse”?

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The Covid virus was definitely real. It was not the flu. I got it, pretty bad. O2 in the high 80's. For a week my doctor would not treat me and told me to go to the hospital. I eventually told him I would rather die at home than give up my right to refuse treatment. The next day he prescribed Methylprednisolone, Azithromycin, and Albuterol. In addition I sourced Ivermectin from a online physician. I was in rough shape for 3 weeks and missed 4 weeks of work. Never been that sick in my life. This was in NY, where the hospital treatment was a death sentence.

Had I gotten immediate care instead of waiting 7 days I'm sure it wouldn't have been that bad. A coworker 20 years my junior went through the same thing at the same time.

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My husband and I finally got Covid in July 22. We had Ivermectin on hand. I was running a 102.4 fever as soon as I got sick. I thought I had the flu. I went to urgent care and was diagnosed with Covid. Came home and started Ivermectin within 12 hours of onset. Took a 3 hour nap and woke up to body aches gone, headache gone, and fever dropped to 99 where it stayed for 4 days. The ivermectin was amazing! Early treatment stopped the bug in its tracks.

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I had a similar situation with Delta. My oxygen in the low 80’s and I figured I would die if I didn’t go. So I went. That’s a whole other story. But I agree with you that 1) this was so manageable if we could have gotten treatment in the first 5 days and 2) this was not the flu. I seriously asked myself if this would be the last time I would see my family and my house as the ambulance pulled out of the driveway. As painful as it was, I am one of the LUCKY ones. So much pain, so much death. People must be held accountable. President Trump must acknowledge the toxicity of these bio weapons. I appreciate all folks who continue to write about it. This cannot be covered up or it will happen again.

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im happy your well now ,its good you stood your ground , courage

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Your comparing these ogres to the herpes virus is very appropriate and well-put. I have been saying to my network they are like tapeworms who inhabit the digestive track of the host and drain away nutrients and weaken them, but I think yours is more accurate.

On the new virus "X" coming, I've wondered if, rather than a new or novel one, it is a smokescreen for the growing tsunami of heart-related deaths from the original injections. Instead of focusing on the surge of deaths from those injections and their actual cause, the same organs of the state/pharma instead blame the new virus. I think it would work on the low information populace, not so much on all of us who read your posts, as well as the others in our community.

Danny Huckabee

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I expect they will just blame all of those adverse effects on long-COVID and will not need to blame it on a new virus. They will certainly make a lot of money off the new, expensive treatments for these adverse effects.

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I am very happy to see you posting today since you have a direct line to Peter McCullough, right?

I posted this serious message at Peter McCullough’s substack early today which he needs to directly respond to me and other concerned supporters!

Take great note of this John…


This time I am directing this message directly to you…

What are you thinking telling us to support a far left group of criminals who have directly destroyed the MICHIGAN REPUBLICAN PARTY?

“Dr. Peter McCullough Supports Stand Up Michigan & Encourages You To As Well!” is what this criminal group posted of your interview with them?

I am in Michigan and have direct knowledge of this group destroying entire counties in my state…

This STAND UP AMERICA group stands with Governor Gretchen Whitmer in their agenda. She is the #2 most powerful skunk democrat in the Democrat Party!

My beloved state has been destroyed because of her and STAND UP AMERICA!

We need answers directly from you Peter???

From a VERY concerned Constitutional Conservative Michigan citizen activist!

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P.S. Some have to learn the hard way!

Peter decided to do an interview with the STAND UP MICHIGAN group of LEFTIST criminals because he did NOT do his homework!

I have direct communications with top Michigan activists who all said the same thing about STAND UP MICHIGAN people…troublemaking leftist criminals!


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I highly suggest you get Peter McCullough to Lex Greene’s doorstep at the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER for serious damage control!

Paul Alexander should have Lex Greene’s phone number…

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Thank you, John! I appreciate all that you and Dr. McCullough are doing. His presentation and command of the literature at the Congressional hearing on the 12th, by the way, was beyond astounding. Does he have all these studies and their authors memorized? Thank you both for all the work that went into preparing for that most important event.

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I have an issue. Maybe you can solve my dilemma.

Over the years I have had trouble reconciling the many gaps I had found within the current epidemiological and viral/bacterial paradigm, which claim to understand how contagion and infection work.

I began to notice a very bizarre phenomenon.

On one hand I’ve noticed that the current viral theory is defined as:

Viruses (despite having no means of locomotion) somehow enter the bloodstream and (despite having no sense organs) are able to detect and recognize living cells. They then force their way in through the cell membrane (even though they have no means of generating the energy to do so), navigate to the nucleus (even though they have no means of detecting it) and then (even though they have no method of communication) persuade the cell to disassemble its internal organs and reassemble them into exact copies of the virus.

These replica viruses then again use their energy-less, limbless, senseless powers of movement and navigation to burst out of the cell and go off to carry out further weaponless attacks on other living cells.

On the other had, I noticed a habitual repetition of anthropomorphized explanations, used time and time again by experts on the subject, such as:

“Viruses jump between person to person…”

“If we can kill the virus before it enters the cell we’re gonna conquer this thing…”

“We’ve been in competition with a viruses for thousands of years”

Thirdly, I’ve also noticed that scientists, in a different context, in which they examine transitions and mutations that led to development of species, all of the sudden deem viruses as “essential integrative pieces of a large (w)holistic puzzle”.

So my dilemma is as follows:

1. Why do scientists anthropomorphize constantly about something to describe its functions, if science is all about patterns that have clear, logical formulas that underlie them?

2. How come something that is not sentient knows that it's actually doing something harmful in one instance, while on another, beneficial?

3. How come a senseless microscopic particle switches between discriminate to indiscriminate capacity to infect?

4. Does science, therefore, actually know how things really work on the foundation level or is it just a byproduct of anthropomorphized abstract explanations repeated over and over again throughout the years that have become irrefutable scientific truths?

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I've been thinking along the same theme. Like Schrodinger's cat, viruses alternate between living and not-living. It is a miracle that needs explaining how this alleged pathogen with no internal metabolism suddenly springs to life upon encountering the proper host.

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Well, I believe the answer lies in asking the right questions.

Since we know that viruses are part of the evolutionary engine, perhaps they are merely markers for evolutionary changes. Rather than the belief they are alien and exogenous, maybe they are endogenous, - the byproduct of genetic transformation and the body’s response to deal with elevated toxicity, as a result. That is, they are manufactured by the cell when the particular conditions and circumstances are called for it.

It’s also essential to understand that the Germ Theory - despite the fact that years prior, its founder, Luis Pasteur, admitted to its folly on its deathbed - was resurrected because it was the only theory that could underlie an economic model for profit. Years of repetition mantra that viruses and bacteria have discriminate/indiscriminate capacity to infect, are exogenous and therefore are to be feared about, have become truths. Even when you show the fallacy and inconsistencies in such a paradigm, they rarely make a difference because that incessant repetition over a hundred years has cemented itself within, as cellular memory.

It’s the cellular fear that allows these to be sustained.

Then, perhaps, something interesting is revealed to you: that people, unconsciously hold onto fear, which in turn unconsciously sustain their self oppressions whom they learned to see as coming from without, just like germ theory “viruses”. It’s exquisite when you can see it for what it is, and at the same time, remarkably sad.

The only detrimental virus is the mind.

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So far you are the only winner of common sense and logic on this post, which excludes Dr. McCollough and the other simpletons who say stupid things like “well if you see it under a microscope, then it’s a virus and they exist.” No proof using Koch’s postulates have ever been used. On convid either! This whole thing is so unscientific it reeks. And if viruses can’t live outside a cell then how can they spread in the air or on surfaces? Maybe viruses are byproduct debris of bacterial fungal emf and parasitic damage that’s found in all people? But i’m just an idiot what do I know.

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I’ve been researching and contemplating a lot on the subject matter. So far, Antoine Bechamp’s work on the ‘third anatomical element of the blood’, which then led to the Terrain Theory, saying that viruses/bacteria/fungi are pleomorphic, is the only theory that can reconcile all these gaps.

Additionally, if one goes back in time and investigate the history of institutional medicine they begin to see why the Germ Theory was resurrected, despite the fact that years prior, on its deathbed, its founder, Luis Pasteur, admitted to its folly.

It was resurrected because only through such a paradigm, insisting that there are indiscriminately microscopic particles that infect and cause dis-ease, as a linear cause and effect, was possible to transform the art of medicine into a profitable system, by capitalists.

Until the 20th century, the allopathic system of medicine was on the lowest rung in the hierarchy of the medicinal ”ladder of approaches" to treat dis-ease. Osteopathy and naturopathy were the leading two.

But before I even go further down the rabbit hole, or try to judge the past as to the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ the Germ Theory was chosen, what troubles me more is the present reality in which we have those who identify themselves a "beacon for freedom and truth", cannot recognize the damage they're potentially doing by continuing to hold onto these explanations.

For each step forward they take in their pursuit for “truth”, they inadvertently fall two steps backward, not knowing that their entire crusade becomes futile, raging into the wind.

By continuing to use the Germ Theory verbiage, they inadvertently maintain the very thing they preach against. It’s the language, rehashed over and over that sustains all these inhumane measures to exist.

The above is a great example that reflects just that. Continuously rehashing the spike protein / lab leak paradigm, while not reexamining the foundations, only solidifies the menace they complain about (“disease x"). And if they truly see themselves as courageous fighters, they should aim at the heart of the dragon not at its tail.

That’s why we have many people who wear white hats who, unbeknownst to them, do black work. They either do not have the necessary discipline and self restraint, or are too scared to go “full retard” in times where everyone is “woke” (i.e. be willing to capitulate for the truth when there is no guarantee for success, while everyone is playing safe out of fear).

The answers are not important. Today, everyone has an answer because we’ve reached an age where all of us have access to the collective cloud, by which anyone can succeed in spite of ignorance. It’s the questions that are.

If one wants to make any valuable contribution, the energy has to be invested in reconciling the gaps; by asking the right questions, and by exercising critical thinking in the way one articulates their rhetoric.

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I challenged a braggadocio woman “scientist” on this post two days ago about this very topic of Beauchamp. There are too many questions I’ve had for years about declarations of disease that never sat well with me. Then there’s the “Genetics” of cancer and heart disease that is still shoved down peoples throats and they take it as gospel because their MD gods said so. I constantly hear, as recently as yesterday “Well my husband had a heart attack just like his father and uncle.” Yeah, so? What did he eat all his life? Handle stress? Exposure to the same toxins growing up and even in utero? How is his terrain? Then there were the chicken pox parties of the 50s and 60s. Was it really bacterial all along because viruses Cannot exit and leave the living cell?

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Rather than writing about very complex chemistry, scientists use anthropomorphisms as analogies. Many things are anthropomorphised. It seems simpler that way.

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I’m not sure you understand the double edge sword and the potential damage the incessant habit of anthropomorphisms in science bring.

It’s ok to anthropomorphize when we want to explain things to others. It’s ok to anthropomorphize when we want to illustrate how things work. But when it comes to science - finding the underlying mechanism for observable phenomena - we can’t rely on that.

Just like in mathematics, a formula is a formula. It’s not a quasi written equation supported by anthropomorphism. A computer language code is not complemented with an anthropomorphized explanation, expected to compile the same result. And until one finds the right, conclusive formula, one can never compensate for it by anthropomorphism.

When you don’t have a clear definition, you can’t have accurate methodologies. When you don’t have accurate methodologies, all the derivatives that come out of them cannot be specific, and therefore of value.

If there is no clear and specific formula that underlies how infection really works; if we anthropomorphize constantly to compensate for that, it prevents us from finding the real mechanism: A solid foundation from which specific measures can be derived.

Then, perhaps, one begins to understand why our measures to combat contagion and illness, at best, are merely placebo-effect measures that deal predominantly with the crippling anxiety and overwhelming uncertainty, giving us the illusion of control, rather than with the actual phenomenon.

And so, rather than go back to the foundation, we all stuck on the upper layers of a paradigm whose become so saturated with anthropomorphism, as crutches to the so many gaps and inconsistencies.

We then deviate to imaginative explanations, just because they’re more “interesting” to the lazy mind, instead of just going back to basics to find the real true answers and for once, bring clarity to an over confused society.

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I was just suggesting why scientists anthropromorphise so much. It’s easier to do than to try to understand and explain things. People do this all of the time. Often it is because they really do not fully understand what they are talking about. My comment was not a justification for this practice. It often leads to a mischaracterization of the phenomen one is trying to explain.

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It’s clear that this was a virus. It exists. It seems almost certain it was a man-made virus. It seems reasonable that the release was unintentional, but nevertheless exploited to create chaos. It seems reasonable that Omicron was a result of a previous unintentional release. I have no idea if our public health officials are incompetent and arrogant and just trying to cover up their failure or if they are malicious and clever. In either case they aren’t to be trusted. I have no doubt that the WEFs, the Bill Gates, John Kerrys and Al Gores, etc. are malicious. That’s my vote, FWIW

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Calling people conspiracy theorists has become in my mind the mark of the psychopath/globalist or the mark of being brainwashed by the psychopath/globalist. It says more about the name caller than the person being gaslit. Disease X sounds like grooming to me. They are planting the seeds of another plant-demic that they think familiarity will open the door to. They've broadcast it time and time again.

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Excellent! Exactly what we need! Close the labs and compel them to publish records of their activities.

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We win this thing with words. Check out my new word, coincidist, describing people who blame medical harm on coincidence. Coincidism is a filthy thing that goes right along with fascism and communism. We counter coincidism with creativity, humor and love.


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Why do people say it “escaped” from a lab as opposed to deliberately let loose from a lab?

I remember journalist Maria Bartoromo in early 2020 astonished that China was sending essentially human vectors (its infected population) to travel the world - vacations, trade shows etc etc. Seems deliberate to me....

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I have no patience for the virus deniers. They obviously never had a whopping case of Covid. They also can never explain why antivirals work if there’s no such thing as a virus!

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They also can never explain why viruses are visible under the microscope.

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Or can have their own DNA or RNA and their genetic code identified.

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Thoughts on disease “x” just being a cover for the inevitability of increased virulence for the vaccinated that Vanden Bosche has maintained would follow mass vaccination? As far as he’s concerned we’re already on this path. Maybe pharma is starting to think GVB is right and they are hedging their bets and giving themselves a way out should their mRNA experiment goes sideways.

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I am a keen follower of Vanden Bossche and agree absolutely his hypothesis that a much more virulent immune escape variant is possible, that an internal process of gain-of-function is under way and that this could well be Disease X - though in this case the vaccinated in highly vaccinated countries will be most at risk. Dr. McCullough and John Leake must reference this along with the risks of proliferating leaky labs. Here's the most recent Vanden Bossche update discussion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAblCGtVzVo

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I've never smelled so much red herring in one bucket of priestly pyramid people. All trust in academics is gone when over 50% of the population realise the vaccines (experimental bio-weapons masquerading as vaccines) are deadly. The de-institutionalized iconoclast survivors - those without mycarditis -will never trust peer-reviewed obedient-minded self-important nerds in white coats to ever reach any trustworthy conclusions/judgments ever again. Look over there not over here - will not bring us justice... and that's the game you all will attempt to play.

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https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/10/171001225317.htm 2017 study, 'Meet the hominin species that gave us genital herpes'.....either this is bunk, or we have been getting genital herpes for centuries. Is the paper fake?

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Could be BOTH. The paper could be mostly bunk, AND herpes has been around for millions of years. Maybe. If viruses are truly exosomes, then....?

A deeper, longer conversation is needed here, to get to TRUTH. Thank-you for the link!

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Yes, I’d like the exozome theories to be examined extensively to prove that viruses don’t behave or cause disease as propagandized.

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Few items are more attractive than forbidden subjects, or fruit if you will. You need only ask Adam and Eve about the seductiveness of the forbidden. Ban it; their ears perk up. Alas, the United States has a history of funding both sides of an issue. When the Russians were in Afghanistan, the U,S. supplied the Taliban. When the Russians left, the U.S. funded the Taliban's opponents. The U.S. again supplied the Taliban when it left a large cache of arms behind. When we bounce from one administration to another, we seldom seem to learn because we repeat mistakes. By the way, will the Davos crew be showing the world how to eat by dining on insects? Anyone seen the menu?

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