Challenging the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex
Protesting the WEF's January 17 "Disease X" Seminar
In one of his early standup routines, Eddie Murphy joked about sexually transmitted diseases. Regarding herpes, he said:
“Then they came out with herpes. You keep that s—t forever, like luggage.”
I was reminded of this joke this morning while contemplating the WEF’s seminar, Preparing for Disease X, scheduled to take place at the annual meeting in Davos on January 17.
After four years of being tormented by the psychopathic clowns who created SARS-CoV-2 and either lost control of it or deliberately released it from a lab, we seem to be stuck with the same Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. This public-private partnership of stakeholders—that is, international foundations, state agencies, and pharmaceutical companies—retains its power and influence and continues to play with potentially dangerous pathogens in labs. At the same time, this Complex has already begun a global PSYOP to condition us for the arrival of a new infectious disease.
Our critics will doubtless characterize this proposition as “conspiracy theory,” but readers of this Substack are aware that the difference between a conspiracy theory and a detectable conspiracy is now about six months.
Like herpes simplex II, it would seem the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex is ineradicable. Note that the word “herpes” derives from the Greek herpein, which means “to creep.” Like the herpes virus creeping around the trigeminal ganglia of the peripheral nervous system, the Complex has its multitude of loyal and well-paid servants creeping around every major institution.
Here I would like to emphasize that I disagree with some of our esteemed colleagues in the Medical Freedom Movement who propose that pathogenic viruses (natural or lab-manipulated chimeric) do not pose a real threat to human health.
Dr. McCullough and I believe there is a mountain of evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is a real virus that escaped from a lab. Though it causes a mild syndrome in the vast majority of people, this is to be expected of an extremely contagious respiratory virus. For certain high risk groups, SARS-CoV-2 produced a terrible disease—albeit a terrible disease that was amplified by nihilistic or injurious hospital protocols such as intubation, ventilation, and Remdesivir.
Drs. McCullough and Paul Marik personally treated patients in this category and witnessed their suffering. I interviewed the surviving family members of several people who died of the illness, as well as people who fell extremely ill but lived to tell the tale. Though such victims comprised a tiny percentage of the overall population, their numbers (in a population of 330 million) added up to a terribly large sum of people.
Many of our readers have urged us to consider that something else (apart from SARS-CoV-2) caused these people to fall gravely ill and die. We do NOT see any explanatory utility in this proposition.
This brings me back to my theme. I would not be surprised if another pathogenic virus escapes from a lab and assumes the mantle of Disease X. In our communications, we are trying to get ahead of this possibility so that as many people as possible will not be surprised if it happens.
Ideally, substantial numbers of concerned citizens will join together and demand the closure of the infernal bio-labs that are deliberating creating or enhancing pathogenic viruses that could ultimately leak out and assume the mantle of Disease X.
Dr. McCullough and I are drafting an open letter to the media about the WEF’s January 17 panel discussion that we will publish at 6:00 a.m. Central European Time on the day of the discussion. Please keep an eye out for it and share it with your networks.
Well done, John! The world needs to know the incredible danger of playing around with pathogens, trying to increase both their infectiousness and lethality. These "mad scientists" are playing with fire, and it is all of us, the entire human race, who will suffer the consequences. We were lucky with Covid-19 that only had a lethality of 0.2%. But I am certain that the mad scientists can "cook up" something much deadlier than that.
"Thanks" to you and Dr. McCullough for sounding the alarm.
The Covid virus was definitely real. It was not the flu. I got it, pretty bad. O2 in the high 80's. For a week my doctor would not treat me and told me to go to the hospital. I eventually told him I would rather die at home than give up my right to refuse treatment. The next day he prescribed Methylprednisolone, Azithromycin, and Albuterol. In addition I sourced Ivermectin from a online physician. I was in rough shape for 3 weeks and missed 4 weeks of work. Never been that sick in my life. This was in NY, where the hospital treatment was a death sentence.
Had I gotten immediate care instead of waiting 7 days I'm sure it wouldn't have been that bad. A coworker 20 years my junior went through the same thing at the same time.