What would have happened if law enforcement came up the ladder or by helicopter and confronted Crooks?
Perhaps the same thing that would have happened if Lee Harvey Oswald had been confronted before the assassination of JFK?? Patsies are meant to be visible. There is now much ‘speculation’ that there was another gunman, potentially INSIDE the building that Crooks was on. If you recall, there was a big discussion early on indicated police or secret service were inside that building….and then it was indicated that ‘no one’ was in the building. There are many questions, and to assume that Crooks was a lone gunman is similar to assuming that Oswald was.
Someone needs to investigate whether MK Ultra was used - which could explain why suicide is prevalent regardless of prior psychological factors. What is true is that MK Ultra is a real thing, and it has been proven to be an effective mind control technique. With that said, should we really believe this weapon/tool was ever abandoned?
Of course not. It is widely suspected that Sirhan Sirhan was the victim of brainwashing and served as a useful patsy in the RFK assassination. I think Crook also fills that role here while the trained second shooter took the most accurate shots.
William Walsh (PhD) studied 50 school shooters and concluded that 42 were depressed "overmethylators" who were prescribed SSRI drugs - which would worsen their condition. Typically, a doctor would prescribe an SSRI and when the patient and/or parent would report no improvement in depression, the doctor would raise the dose. And then the patient would "go off the deep end" and shoot up a school.
For decades, Walsh has researched metabolic problems that cause psychiatric disorders, and has worked with doctors to successfully treat tens of thousands of patients. He says SSRI drugs have some benefit for patients with *undermethylation* though many patients treated with his protocols no longer need psychiatric drugs when their metabolic issues are under control.
Walsh says doctors could distinguish overmethylators from undermethylators using simple blood testing. His research suggests that about 84% of school shootings (and associated suicides) could be prevented if doctors stopped inappropriately prescribing SSRI drugs.
Walsh's book "Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain" is an excellent explanation of Walsh's work written for both doctors and patients.
Dr McCullough, with me very own eyes I saw you go, during Covid, from Innocent American to Top Bloke on the Matter of the Deliberateness of the Harm-Doing (such as myocarditis). I watched your Mises speech in New Hampshire. Fab. Now, Friend, go up higher. Learn that almost all the crap in the News is subtle propaganda to turn the world bad, according to a century-long plan. "Mass shooters" don't exist in nature, nor by "neurological ailment." They are planted, having been first trained via MK-Ultra. (Compared to MK-ULtra, myocarditis is almost civilised.) Here's a pdf of my 2018 book "Deliverance". Note: Kane, who wrote the Foreword, at age 28, is no longer with us.
As someone with a masters degree involving communication analysis I’d like to point out that the repeated use of an outdated picture of Crooks — obscuring his older age — in the media is intentional. I saw a Tik Tok photo of this person which (if actual) was quite revealing and much less sympathetic.
If he in fact through the gun away and was trying to get off the roof, it would seem he had no intention or even ability to kill himself, so not sure how this observation about other cases applies. In addition, one might point out Crooks was not a “mass shooter” but rather an assassin who didn’t care about “collateral damage.” He was trying to kill Trump, not just firing randomly into the crowd.
My GenX nerd son has an interesting take on this. He thinks they were all serial killers, but the internet changed this by making is so much easier to discover their identities. They cannot get the "long haul" psychic reward because they are caught after a couple of killings, so they act out en mass once time.
Your associate John Leake showed photos showing the body was not at the crest of the roof, and he thinks Crooks threw away the gun and started crawling backwards before he was shot. There are many unanswered questions about this assassination attempt, and there seems to be an ongoing coverup of what happened. As Dan Bongino (ex secret service) pointed out, there have to be logs of where security people were supposed to be. Will we ever see those?
He couldn't be allowed to live and testify to who helped him!
What would have happened if law enforcement came up the ladder or by helicopter and confronted Crooks?
Perhaps the same thing that would have happened if Lee Harvey Oswald had been confronted before the assassination of JFK?? Patsies are meant to be visible. There is now much ‘speculation’ that there was another gunman, potentially INSIDE the building that Crooks was on. If you recall, there was a big discussion early on indicated police or secret service were inside that building….and then it was indicated that ‘no one’ was in the building. There are many questions, and to assume that Crooks was a lone gunman is similar to assuming that Oswald was.
Someone needs to investigate whether MK Ultra was used - which could explain why suicide is prevalent regardless of prior psychological factors. What is true is that MK Ultra is a real thing, and it has been proven to be an effective mind control technique. With that said, should we really believe this weapon/tool was ever abandoned?
Of course not. It is widely suspected that Sirhan Sirhan was the victim of brainwashing and served as a useful patsy in the RFK assassination. I think Crook also fills that role here while the trained second shooter took the most accurate shots.
Definitely a theory worth pursuing, imo.
William Walsh (PhD) studied 50 school shooters and concluded that 42 were depressed "overmethylators" who were prescribed SSRI drugs - which would worsen their condition. Typically, a doctor would prescribe an SSRI and when the patient and/or parent would report no improvement in depression, the doctor would raise the dose. And then the patient would "go off the deep end" and shoot up a school.
For decades, Walsh has researched metabolic problems that cause psychiatric disorders, and has worked with doctors to successfully treat tens of thousands of patients. He says SSRI drugs have some benefit for patients with *undermethylation* though many patients treated with his protocols no longer need psychiatric drugs when their metabolic issues are under control.
Walsh says doctors could distinguish overmethylators from undermethylators using simple blood testing. His research suggests that about 84% of school shootings (and associated suicides) could be prevented if doctors stopped inappropriately prescribing SSRI drugs.
Walsh's book "Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain" is an excellent explanation of Walsh's work written for both doctors and patients.
I immediately thought this young man was likely on an ssri
Dr McCullough, with me very own eyes I saw you go, during Covid, from Innocent American to Top Bloke on the Matter of the Deliberateness of the Harm-Doing (such as myocarditis). I watched your Mises speech in New Hampshire. Fab. Now, Friend, go up higher. Learn that almost all the crap in the News is subtle propaganda to turn the world bad, according to a century-long plan. "Mass shooters" don't exist in nature, nor by "neurological ailment." They are planted, having been first trained via MK-Ultra. (Compared to MK-ULtra, myocarditis is almost civilised.) Here's a pdf of my 2018 book "Deliverance". Note: Kane, who wrote the Foreword, at age 28, is no longer with us.
As someone with a masters degree involving communication analysis I’d like to point out that the repeated use of an outdated picture of Crooks — obscuring his older age — in the media is intentional. I saw a Tik Tok photo of this person which (if actual) was quite revealing and much less sympathetic.
If he in fact through the gun away and was trying to get off the roof, it would seem he had no intention or even ability to kill himself, so not sure how this observation about other cases applies. In addition, one might point out Crooks was not a “mass shooter” but rather an assassin who didn’t care about “collateral damage.” He was trying to kill Trump, not just firing randomly into the crowd.
My GenX nerd son has an interesting take on this. He thinks they were all serial killers, but the internet changed this by making is so much easier to discover their identities. They cannot get the "long haul" psychic reward because they are caught after a couple of killings, so they act out en mass once time.
Need to add "suicide by cop" to the total. That's difficult to do without a psychological autopsy.
Your associate John Leake showed photos showing the body was not at the crest of the roof, and he thinks Crooks threw away the gun and started crawling backwards before he was shot. There are many unanswered questions about this assassination attempt, and there seems to be an ongoing coverup of what happened. As Dan Bongino (ex secret service) pointed out, there have to be logs of where security people were supposed to be. Will we ever see those?