Children’s Health Defense has been banned on Facebook since 2019 at least. He’s been right all along. Hence, the conspiracy theory label. RFK JR will be vindicated.

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RFK Jr could't have picked better people to lead CA's chapter. Congrats to you and Dr McCullough, John!

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Yeah, that too. I feel very good about Dr M & John leading the way in CA.

I didn't know squat about John Leake until I started reading SOME (now all) of his and Dr M's substack. John is an absolute pit-bull. Smart to boot. And, objective. We really need more people such as this.

And we need these same spine/fact filled rebuttals against all vaccines; not just flu and "Covid" vaccines.

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RFK JR rebuts Sanjay Gupta (CNN unexpert on .. most everything) point by point re: why flu vaccines don't work, never did work and won't ever work.


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The silver lining to the dark cloud of Pharma Mafia and its Covidian scheme.. go kick ass!!

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Wonderful news.

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May ALMIGHTY GOD continue to BLESS the efforts of CHD, Dr. McCullough and Mr. Leake!

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Dr. McCullough and John Leake will be fabulous in CA! They’ve been constant and consistent voices against the Covid 19 vaccine and a voice for the patients who’ve been harmed by the vaccine.

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Vaccines from demonic people who love money and don't mind injuring and destroying children's healthy bodies for $$$$$$!

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The Real Anthony Fauci was a phenomenal book, sometimes hard to digest, but full of necessary information!

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Yes, I would constantly end up having to put the book down. Not because it was junk or boring but because it mad me so mad I'd have to stop and go take a walk (or something).

Stop Start Stop Start t/o the whole book

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Can we please see criminal cases against these criminals promoting the new world order and ‘great’ reset cabal???

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HERE you are:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature



As a CRIMINAL PROFILER - you have to look for a "motivation" - the current US-motivation is very similar to the German NAZI-motivation, but excellent Hollywood-CAMOUFLAGE of the global crimes is far better!

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May 9, 2023
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Look at HOW formerly "great" Britain treats Australia's most famous Journalist - JULIAN ASSANGE - on behalf of American WAR-CRIMINALS:


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The evidence against them is being amassed. Did you see the (mock) "Grand Jury" proceedings in Europe with the expert testamony from dozens of witnesses? They are gearing up for the "real thing".

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Thanks for all you (McCullough and Leake) do and for making sure your subscribers are familiar with Children's Health Defense. I appreciate your civility even under the duress of all the heartless cruelty foisted on us by con artists in Pharma and government agencies and their bought media.

They won't prevail because the truth eventually is revealed. But at such a high cost for all the families who lost loved ones or now must care for disabled family members who will need to receive a lot of support to find a way forward. The CDC-FDA-Pharma industrial complex were ungracious to us who were "hesitant" but we can show our empathy by being patient and kind as they face the reality that our government is culpable and never gave a darn about anyone.

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I always viewed RFK Jr. as a clueless curmudgeon. I was wrong!

The first thing I would have to do if I ever met him is apologize.

The second thing I would have to do is thank him for his tireless work on behalf of the children.

If there is one good thing to come out of the Covid insanity, it’s that my eyes and the eyes of millions of others have been opened widely. We now see the evil that has been hiding in plain sight.

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Send real information to the CaliforniaIdiots about COVID.

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Hope for Today ...

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Wow! Congratulations indeed! I hope you’ll keep the Substack going of all that’s happening in the zoo! Would hate to lose you both here!! 💕

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Interesting choice of fellow council member— Pastor Rob McCoy —to include in the statement ". . . develop the most prudent, truth-based policies . . . ".

Here is some "politically incorrect" truth: My research into Christian beliefs leads me to conclude that people heavily invested in religion, including Christianity, are not well positioned to comprehend "truth-based" anything. Christians in general, and Pastors in particular, do not seek truth in any objective, evidence-based manner, but rather exclusively accept as reality "belief", which can be exclusively made-up and have no bearing on reality at all. They claim that the Bible is the infalable "Word of God", which it certainly is not because it is riddled with contradictions and errors, and the Bible itself implies that it is NOT, by the clear statement of what the Word IS (John 1:1). And THEN adherents get trapped in the Circular Reasoning that what they believe is correct because the Bible says so! The Bible is just a compilation (from the fourth century) of ancient Jewish mythology and questionable and prejudiced Jewish oral and some written "history", and the "marketing materials" for a new religion derived from that Jewish mythology and tradition. Consider that the Gospels were written decades after Jesus's departure, that human memory is highly unreliable, and the promoters of the Christian religion and church were motivated to present their religion in the most favorable and convincing manner to gain converts. Nobody really knows what actually transpired back then.

So please don't gaslight us that a Pastor is in any position to correctly discern "truth"! He might be a great guy, but his discernment obviously leaves much to be desired. "Belief" is NOT the same as "Truth"!

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Pastor McCoy’s resistance of tyranny especially in CA was and is profound. I don’t think we have the luxury of waiting on perfect people or perfectly aligned values. He’s fighting for freedom.

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As did many pastors during the American Revolution!

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Hummmmm. 4th century? Your time line is a bit off. Do you know what set the timeline? BC; the year of our LORD before Christ. And AD; the year of our LORD after death. But the grave could not hold him. He is risen!! I shall pray for you dear Faith. 🙏🏻 HE IS RISEN INDEED. https://youtu.be/6QvX4CwSmwY

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The Bible was compiled in the fourth century and the included books were cherry-picked from a larger group of candidates. Before then, the Bible as a bound book of the individual books and in their current arrangement didn't exist.

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BC and AD are archaic designations. And AD doesn't stand for "after death" or our calendar system would have 33 years unaccounted for. AD stands for Anno Domini, Latin for “in the year of the Lord”, or, more commonly, "in the year of our Lord". BC is now BCE, Before Christian Era.

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Comes off as a pretty bigoted opinion, especially from someone named “Faith”

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Ooooh, but I got you thinking about it, didn't I? Lol! That's the point.

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Jesus said there would be false Christs

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How do you know? Were you there?

Nobody recorded Jesus. Nobody tried to write his story until decades after he left. Unfortunately, it is all heresay. And please don't say we know because it is written in the Bible. The Bible is riddled with inaccuracies and blatant historical mistakes. And of course the five books of the Old Testament adopted from the Torah are nothing but ancient Jewish mythology from their oral traditions.

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Almost invariably, from what I've read, those that held deontological principles, meaning acting out of adherence to rules, have been the ones to look into the abyss and take a stand. Judeo-Christianity is indeed a mythos, and I have no idea whether parts of it are literally true, but as a metaphorical truth, it certainly seems to stand, and the WEF is after it, Klaus the Hideous said, drooling, gleefully, arrogantly, that Judeo-Christian values would be profoundly tested, by which he meant love itself in part. Humanity has some very old knowledge that is in its poetry and scriptures and legends and tales and myths, a kind of truth not perceivable by the left hemisphere of the brain, but truth nonetheless. Once, when I was in high school, and I was ranting about how dumb religion was, my very secular scientist father pulled out an issue of Scientific American (which long ago before Nazis got it and it became a fallen disinfo rag) and showed me an article on Lourdes, and how things happened there that scientists couldn't explain. Religion is replete with all sorts of horrors and power and sex psychoses, but so are secular governmental systems that harness our innate adaptive selves and control and enslave us. Anything the WEF wants to destroy, I am for, and what the hell do any of us know really? “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy” sayeth Hamlet

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Two points to clarify here—

". . . deontological principles, meaning acting out of adherence to rules . . . ".

There are two kinds of "rules": one is for the purpose of exerting control and leads to domination and subversion or subjugation of humanity (as in by tyrants), and a second type are those that describe a series of steps or actions that have been determined to be the best way of achieving a specific outcome, sort of like a recipe. The first has a deleterious purpose and the second strives to improve an outcome.

Regarding Lourdes, it sounds like you, as do so many others, are confusing religion with actual phenomena that can be characterized as spiritual events. Religion is nothing but ideas or beliefs ABOUT subjects relating to non-physical matters, but religions themselves encompass no "spirituality". Beliefs are made up and have no intrinsic basis in reality, and although they may be about real things, they aren't necessarily.

Spiritual phenomena on the other hand, deal with the energy of consciousness or spirit, something real.

What happens at special locations like Lourdes are not fantasy but real energy of a high-vibrational healing nature being manifested. Whether it is manifesting there because of so many people believing in it who then open up to the possibility of healing and therefore bring it "in" to our physical world through their intention creating an energy channel, or whether it is being directed there by Intelligences from the Other Side, who knows? It is energy, and it can be focused and "concentrated" or intensified either by us living humans OR through the conscious intentions of those in the non-physical. There might also be other things going on at that particular location that makes it more conducive to amplifying healing energies, such as alignment with energy channels of the Earth, or underground flowing water, etc.

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