All the more reason to support your local farmer. Know where your food comes from and what's in it.

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I hear they have to comply with FDA in order to have their meat slaughtered.

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FDA: Fraud and Death Administrators

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Funny how the FDA shows up to “regulate” when it’s convenient for them. ( Not when it would be beneficial to citizens.) 💉🙈

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I’m south of Seattle and Tac 30 yrs in a rural town near Ft Lewis, originally from TX. It’s hard enough to look at the national scene, but being in a totally blue state has been hard. The people are so unaware of what is really happening.

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Yep, you’re right. There are a few more conservatives outside Seattle. I know where you are. I’m in Des Moines but have lived all over the area. I’m still seeing masks all over & outside too. People driving alone? I thought this was one of the smartest states. I’ve noticed my most (book) smart friends , are the most stubborn.

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FDA is another (3) letter corrupt organization. Unfortunately, we cannot trust them either

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Geez. This is the stuff of horror films. But it’s true. Ugh.

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My thought exactly. However, there was an article about some US researchers who were considering using mosquitoes to carry a vaccine...that might be even worse.

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I appreciate being informed through your investigations and solid research however your writings make me long for past years of innocent uninformed bliss.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

That's genuinely scary. I wish there was some kind of litmus paper to test for mRNA in food.

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Mike Adams od www.brighteon.com could answer that.

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I don’t have a dark field microscope and I don’t know that graphene oxide or anything (nano or smaller) is visible with normal spectrometry. Dr Anna Mihalcia’s office is very near me, but she has gone a direction to examine formations in blood

that is making me having questions that she may have left out studies of nonvaccinated people prior to covid. Her dark field microscope is new. She uses 2 chelation treatments to test for blood changes afterward. My dad had 36 treatments in the early 70’s for his heart, and a friend had 30 treatments to remove heavy metals. Dr Elmer Cranton wrote the 1st chelation bk and lived in my small community. My dad’s Osteopathic Dr in TX had his license removed for giving chelation treatments in the late 70’s, so the FDA has been sinister and chelation works for heavy metals, but you must infuse the vitamins and minerals etc back into the blood via IV treatment, since everything gets washed out during EDTA chelation.

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Incredible. Insidious. Food as a bio-weapon. There's no end to it. Already vax injured, I'm going to change my screen name to Scared Shitless. Nah. But maybe I should be glad I'm 72. Thanks,

Doc. It's better to know than not. Without you, we can't.

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Do you I-RECOVER? See FLCCC.net/protocols .

Can you try (DIY ultrasound mixing by cleaner and small thin-walled glass) liposomally solve short chained hyalurone, and also Progesterone (human form via yams) eg., as de-scarring agents for endothelial damage? I use DMSO (Dr. Morton Walker) as well.

I also added the MCAS protocol of anti-allergics and anti-IL6, I want to come down from it, not yet possible.

Now I search for epigenetic regulation, by phytotherapy. Hildegard von Bingen's lore translated to traditional chinese medicine can be found there: http://www.florianploberger.com/publications/books/

I do some soft CDS cure, I use 25ml in 1L water which yields 75ppm I am ok with to gargle and drink whenever stomach is empty.

(Anti-oxidative interventions I do take on meals.)

(Have to find timing and procedures for mor intensive cures, both, the oxidative path, and the anti-oxidative path.)

Try also to dig into Russian Information Therapy.

Soon I'll do a H2O2 inhalaiton therapy (10mins every hour while awake) against the autoantibodies. See Dr. Thomas Levy


And his free book: https://rvr.medfoxpub.com/

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Dooms day milk! Oh the horror. They will put it in everything. Next step: not pretend to help vaccinate people, term used loosely but use to inoculate with diseases of known lethal variety. More than ever I wish I had my own milk cow for the milk products I actually use. Never drink milk even as a child, to allergic but I do cook with it and eat cheese just fine.

One has to ask why people in any country appear to have no moral compass. It’s no secret this MRNA vaccine has been terrible for humanity.

Get prayed up now. As my Grandmother would say. It going to be a rocky ride from here on out.

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The only way for this kind of stuff not to happen is for people to self-regulate. That era is long gone. Emile Durkheim said "When the mores are strong, the laws are unnecessary. When the mores are weak, the laws are ineffective". Bada bing.

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I love that! Where did your grandma live? It sounds like a southern phrase.

God IS with us.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, ESV).

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Amen + Amen🙏🏻🙏🏻 The Lord is our Salvation💜

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To Charlene Albertson:

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You could try raising a few goats for milk, if you are so inclined? We all should become more self-sufficient.

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How much would be too much mRNA in the cereal? It's not unusual for a hungry young person to snack on an entire box. Would opening the cereal box constitute giving informed consent?

Recent court challenges regarding constitutionality of federal vaccine mandates, suggest the government wants to preserve these Covid-19 precedents. Hinted in this article, an ability to apply a medical treatment without public awareness, framed in an emergency override of constitutional preservation.

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Definitely an end-run. So many are possible. Next thing ya know, Tony the Tiger will be wearing an mRNA bandana on the cereal box.

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Oatmeal is better for them than that sugary cereal, anyway.

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I love the article voiceover Dr McCullough! Allows me to “read” and stay informed while multitasking.

I hate to hear that they keep manipulating and playing science gods. Smh....it’s like the want to force our hand and leave us with no control or personal sovereignty.

Started my garden this year. I encourage you all to do the same.

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Obviously the dose could not be controlled. Other examples of mass medication via food include putting fluoride in the water supply (allegedly reduces dental caries) and putting iodine in salt (which does reduce the incidence of goitre in areas where there is insufficient iodine in normal food). Iodised salt is normal where I live in Australia.

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The dose was never controlled.

By kicking away of cGMP. (ranging droplet sizes from 7 to 50nm, factor 2,500 by volume!

By individuality of immune systems either allowing mRNA or fighting it off, so many factors till mRNA enters cell. Then production rate.

By co-expressing mRNA via the Expression Vectors (Plasmids) found 15-35% I think in all vaccines, even jannsen now. Getting part of the cell, getting copied upon cell division, inheritable. See anandamide.

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FYI, I just tried to forward this substack email to a few friends -- and the email was bounced back with similar messages from three smaller email providers:


Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:

Server "xxx.xx.xxx" returned an error

* Message blocked due to spam content in the message.


During the past three years, the only issues I’ve had with my email provider and those of friends all pertained to emails from Dr. McCullough.

TPTB must consider him to be highly dangerous. This only encourages my support of the good doctor. ❤️

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last resort is to do a small password in a URL shortener allowing this.

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Instead of forwarding, I create a new email and copy and paste the contents of Dr. McCullough's email.

That removes the offending metadata, apparently, and has worked every time. 👍🏼

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This reminds me of Soylent Green!

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This is a VERY BAD development, but not unexpected. Bill Gates, Klaus the Nazi, and the rest of the eugenicist psychopaths must be orgasmic.

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Not so related to your article, but I just had a customer of mine get back from a vacation in Cuba, and she ended up in the hospital with a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs). I'm not sure if she is going to survive. Also, I'm sure she has been vaccinated, but I wonder if she got the recent bivalent booster, just before her trip? Other details: she's in her early 70's, I think, and is a thin woman in good shape...not the kind of person you would expect to get sudden blood clots.

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My sister, a vegetarian marathon runner, also fit at 70, died from inability to breathe one morning. Lungs completely filled with white plastic-like filaments. Sadly, she was a proudly compliant vax endorser...

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Ugh. I had to read this twice. When I first read it, I thought that Zhang had created something that would rid the body of the spike protein that the vax installed in the body. Not so. This is just another way of providing the covid vax, but this time, through milk. There are also experiments going on with self spreading vaccines, where you take this vax, and its effect will spread to the unvaccinated around you, thus vaccinating them, as well. The ‘moral’ question is whether these vaccines should be overt or covert, where proponents of the self spreading vax actually believe that covert is the most morally acceptable. You really can’t make this stuff up.

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To some extend, they all are.

Probably small doses are sufficient, and skin, and reproductive glands concentrate PEG2k and mRNA up. The test is always to search for antibodies to the spike vs to the nucleocapsid.

Unvaccinated shall never have antibodies against the spike and none against nucleocapside, as spike has only a few % of the epitope of the virus.

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Tom Renz has been talking about all the pushback to a Missouri bill that would require labeling for anything like this. And they will soon be giving MRNA injections to livestock. Has there been any long term studies to ensure pseudouridinated MRNA is not transferred from food to humans? Could you trust the studies even if they were done? I agree with Peter, the road ahead is perilous.

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Nope, the thrill is gone, as B B King would say. If pharma was my cook, I would never trust them to cook me a cheese sandwich again. I wouldn't let them walk my son's dog-and I hate that damn trash digging, food snatching mutt.

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This is downright diabolical! There seems to be no bottom to the depravity of the oligarchy.

If we are going to do anything to the food supply in regards to Covid and other infections, we should fortify with Vitamin D. The USA does that for milk, but we should also do what Australia, Canada and the Nordic countries do, and fortify flour and bread with D as well. And guess what? All Nordic countries (including Sweden) and Canada and Australia had lower cumulative all-cause excess death rates than most peer countries did.

Vitamin D seems to be the real secret sauce, along with Vitamin C and Zinc.

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I don’t think our U.S. government loves us as much as the others. I’m pretty sure, if it did, they wouldn’t call “ vaccines”; bioweapons & countermeasures. If we can redesign the agencies to have our best interests & are transparent? Maybe. But, it’ll be a long time for them to re-establish the trust factor.

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