
Those of us who have used these substances with patients for decades include many who are convinced that piperine adds nothing valuable to curcumin's effect, and it is often irritating to the GI tract. Also better turmeric than its extracted phytochemical curcumin generally.

The other recommendations make sense due to their proteolytic effects on spike protein. I've seen the most improvement with ivermectin and nattokinase in these cases.

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Good to know about the piperine. I wondered about it myself.

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Since the proteolytic enzymes (nattokinase, serapeptase, & lumbrokinase) are fibrinolytics, they have blood-thinning properties & probably should not be taken by those who are on blood-thinners. It's also probably best to taper off of them & not stop them abruptly. I also agree about the piperine being a GI irritant & may cause blood in the stool.

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Drop the eliquis and take nanno. I did 2 yrs ago against my integrative cardiologist MD. advice so i dumped her too. She big pharma all the way

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Where is there a reference to Eliquis?

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

>"...some of whom were unfortunately vaccinated even after being sick."

Yeah, that was a mistake, Our news agency up here (CBC) was pushing people to get the shots, even after infection, stating that it would give you "hybrid immunity." Such nonsense...

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We've seen the needle and the damage Done.

They tried to push this JAB in everyone.

But every junkie's like the stetting Sun.

(pHARMAS medical addiction remedy for all dis-eases)

Safe and effective my ass. #NOTABOUTYOURHEALTH Is it? Was it?

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My Bro-in-law has been waiting for a long time to get into the long cov clinic at McGill U in Montreal. Finally in and after assessment (incapacitating bad tinnitus) that had started 2 years ago - I wonder why, do you?- ( and discovered he had blocked carotid and a previous heart problem...) the condition got worse when he got Omicron in October 2022.. They (the doctors) recommended NAC, enzymes and another good dose of the vaccine, because they say if he catches another omicron, things will get worse. So my sister and him have cancelled any already few public and family gatherings (they already wear masks when they go out grocery shopping) and will live in fear for an unkwon period of time. I can't believe this, and frankly, I'm very worried about my bro-in-law. So that's the report on the protocol in our long-cov McGill clinic. Keep injecting the thing!!!!!!

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Thanks for telling us.

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Nattokinase is great, but why not get the whole deal?

Anyone with an Instant Pot can make really good, economical Natto, and get the abundant Vitamin K2 and the probiotic benefits as well.

Thanks to this website, I learned about Natto, started making it at home, and cured 50 years of digestive issues, almost overnight!

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Are you making the same Nattokinase in capsules?

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Okay, I just found a few recipes. Based on what I read, I'm a bit skeered making it from scratch will put me off the stuff. But then I'd really like to cure SIXTY years of digestive issues overnight, so ... what to do, what to do?

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If you have an Instant Pot, it's simple.

Along the way, with each step, make sure to clean the Instant Pot well, using only sterile implements to handle the beans at each step.

1) Find some commercially made Natto (any local Asian grocery). Usually comes frozen in Styrofoam packets.

2) Find some dry Organic Soybeans.

3) Measure out a quantity of dry beans, about 1/3 quart.

4) Rinse the beans well, removing any foreign particles.

5) Soak beans overnight, and rinse well afterward.

6) Place beans in a quart size, heat proof container and lower into the Instant Pot using the trivet that came with the pot, with gasket in place to seal, and Pressure Cook for 1 hour, allowing pressure to release on it's own. Don't forget to put a cup of water in the bottom of pot before starting.

7) Remove beans from pot and rinse with sterile water (previously boiled or distilled).

8) After rinsing, cover and allow beans to cool to room temperature.

9) Using a sterile teaspoon, mix in a heaping spoonful or two of store bought Natto to the beans, stirring so as to spread throughout the beans.

10) Remove gasket from Instant Pot lid, and lower the container w/beans into the pot using the trivet. Put the lid on the pot, and select Yogurt, and 36 hours.

When the Yogurt cycle is complete, you should have about 1 quart full of slimy, sticky, gooey, smelly soybeans. The slimier, stickier the better! Cover container and place beans in the fridge. Natto is usually better after a few days in the fridge, but you can have some right away.

Serving size is about 46 grams (1.6 Oz). Tastes great with a little soy sauce!

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Thanks, George!! I'm saving your instructions and may give it a go if I feel brave enough to face a quart of "slimy, sticky, gooey, smelly soybeans" (and actually put some in my mouth)! YIKES!!!!!

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If you don't like the taste of Natto, try adding a heaping tablespoon or two to a vegetable/fruit smoothie. I do this every day, in order to get my wife to consume some. She knows it's there, but doesn't object, because the taste is masked.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

Dr. McCullough, have you seen the AP article 4 days ago regarding heart problems as a result of "long covid". No mention whatsoever of if the person they are referencing here was vaccinated, no mention of the fact that the vaccine instigates the spread of spike proteins, which in turn causes the consequential heart conditions-only that it was covid that is causing these things. Absolutely disgusting to see the manipulation going on in people's minds.

And of course, they closed the comments section of that article.


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Thank you.

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If it’s been 3 yrs since my 2nd Pfizer vax, would detox still be helpful?

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I'd like to know as well.

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One more thing about Natto. It has an enzyme that affords the bacteria protection against the harsh environment of the stomach, enabling it to reach the intestines alive. This same enzyme will add its protective shield to other delicate probiotics, so have some yogurt/kefir/kimchi, etc. along with your Natto, and your Nattobacillus will have some friends!

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I am interested to see if there is any research supporting the spike protein decomposition with the above mentioned proteolytics? Also folks who have a phase one SNP problem may not want to take curcumin for longer a few weeks. Curcumin’s anti inflammatory effects require a fully function CYP1A1.

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I was taking Dr McCullough's recommended regimen and after about two weeks got constipation. No longer taking it. . .

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That does not prove the regimen caused constipation; there are many causes of constipation. In fact, if it did, it would not take 2 weeks to notice it.

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Whole Natto cured 50 years of the unmentionable (constipation), almost overnight.

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any details on what whole natto means as to regimen? Assume taking with NO other thing? right?

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That's right. I don't take anything else with it, but you should understand that I don't take it because of spike protein, because I never had the shots (there is concern about shedding, though). I started eating it after I was inspired to do so by an article I read here. I started it more as a conversation piece, a tool for segueing into discussions with vaxxed friends. But then I saw what it could do with my digestive problems, and now I'm #1 Fanboy!

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

any place special to buy?


how much per meal?


SO, George, is this the sort of thing you would consider? or do you ONLY eat the plain fermented soybeans with no added ingredients? thanks!

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Mary, I am recovering from SIBO. Had been WEEKS having daily BM's, started taking half the regimen for 3 days and things slowed; took full regimen(2pills 2x/day) and stopped up the drain. SLOW reduction until the end, then. . . NADA.

It may not stop up most people either. I may be particularly susceptible due to SIBO. However, NO pill works for everyone, at all times. This may be anecdotal but it was real for me.

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Constipation can come about when you are detoxifying.

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Good to know Janine. But, I don't believe that was quite what happened.

I believe during the time I was doing that(grapefruit seed extract 2x/day for two weeks) I mostly took no other supplements-- maybe some probiotics, can't recall; but was not in this mode while doing the Spike support . . .

However, I am NOW subsequently again taking the Spike support after hearing from a commenter (on a substack?) that it is meant to be taken on empty stomach. So, for about 3 weeks I have had no problems taking it. All is "good" now from all I can tell.

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Based on my experience, the COVID vaxxes can literally cause any problem - works at the genetic level and every human being has a different genetic make over time. If you have a new symptom, and have had the vaxxes, assume the symptom comes from the vaxx. In my circle of friends and acquaintances I have seen death, myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, severe headaches, rashes and recurrences of autoimmune disease and cancer. All of these cases involved at least one shot.

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And what serum test are they using to measure Spike proteins? The antibody test?

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Question I hope someone can answer or point me to an article that's relevant. My mother has has 4 vaccines

She has had vertigo in the past, here and there. She now gets attacks regularly and violently. Could this be neurological damage, microclots, related to vaccine injury? Are Dr's seeing an increase in similar cases?

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Most any Asian grocery will have Natto. It's usually kept frozen, packed in small Styrofoam containers, in multi-packs of 3 or 4.

Serving size is about 46 grams (1.6 Oz), and they usually come with small flavor packs of hot mustard and soy sauce.

I make my own at home using an Instant Pot for the whole process, and I have a little (teaspoon full) with every meal. I add generous tablespoons of Natto to smoothies (so my wife won't object to the taste). I also make a yogurt, using an Organic Greek yogurt from Aldi as a starter, and adding 1/2 teaspoon of Natto beans to it. Overnight on Yogurt setting, and the Nattobacillus ferments along with the bacteria from the Greek yogurt. The finished product is creamy, like the original Greek Yogurt, but "stringy" like Natto. Tastes great!

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Curcumin is derived from the turmeric plant and lends the characteristic color to turmeric. Recurring headaches may or may not be secondary to Omnicron. It would be wise to schedule with either Dr. McCullough or Dr. Kory to go into detail about all the symptoms of the headache so they can determine whether it is from this or another cause. If you did not finish a prescription, it’s not going to help now to just take the remaining few. You need to really discuss this in detail with one of them. Dr. M’s website is: https://www.twc.health/

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Is Turmeric with curcumin the same thing? I did not finish my rx of Ivermectin. Was that a mistake? Should I finish taking it now? I was never vaccinated but did have Omnicron and now have recurring headaches.

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I was just seen by Dr. Peter McCullough last week for this situation. Thank you for your wisdom and concern for my conditions.

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Are you the Mary Beth who wrote the article with Dr. Kory? If so, thanks for that very nice, strategically placed article.

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I don’t think so❤️ I’ve written a few over the months but I’m not sure which article with so many.

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Glad you're writing them. He and she cleverly wrote it from the viewpoint of,

"Look at all these very young boys having heart problems. Here's several situations of athletes falling down suddenly while running. What could it be?"

They don't mention the vaccines at all, which is their clavero tack. That way, it got published mainstream. I think it's a brilliant strategy. Please consider doing that, too.

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