President Biden infamously stating “just get vaccinated", is in fact misfeasance in public office, because it lacks a duty of care under the legal " neighbourhood principle", amounting to reckless indifference. Biden in his official capacity as USA President should be subjected to a legal action.

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Unfortunately, Biden is not any more culpable than the thousands of doctors who jumped into the vax pool with him. Does anyone have a response to doctors who are foolishly confident that covid the disease has caused all the mayhem and not the shots?

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Continuing to allow government bureaucrats to profiteer from patents, is an open invitation to corruption, and conflict of interest. Judge them on what they are this very second…ROTTEN WITH CORRUPTION.

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I have yet to read an analysis of the J&J vaccine which, though removed early on, was used by many - including me. Did it have the same level of risk?

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Is there a way to test for pericarditis or myocarditis in the doctors office? A dear friend of mine, the grandmother, is concerned about her 5 year old grandson. He’s been jabbed and boosted. 😢 The mom has slight concerns but still pro jabs (all of them).

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Any suggestions for a 24 yr old uninsured and unemployed male, vaccinated with myocarditis symptoms and the doctors can’t figure out why he is short of breath with chest pain? He needs a doctor who can help him.in the Wisconsin area. Is there anything other than dr McCoullough’s spike formula that can do to treat?

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