President Biden infamously stating “just get vaccinated", is in fact misfeasance in public office, because it lacks a duty of care under the legal " neighbourhood principle", amounting to reckless indifference. Biden in his official capacity as USA President should be subjected to a legal action.

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Unfortunately, Biden is not any more culpable than the thousands of doctors who jumped into the vax pool with him. Does anyone have a response to doctors who are foolishly confident that covid the disease has caused all the mayhem and not the shots?

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There are physicians in the office where I work ( I am MD) who talk to patients as if the illness causes thr problem. And take ALL the boosters. Very sad. Denial at its worst

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I suppose there's no way to have a civil discussion with them? My peds cancer doc relative reports there's lots of kids with virulent cancers lately but probably recommends they get vaccinated if they haven't been lately. What will it take?!!

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There are well respected pediatric cardiologists where I work that will tell families any cardiac injury is from the covid virus, not the vaccine.There are some docs who have just put a wall up, with a refusal to acknowledge what harm they have allowed to occur in those who rely on us to do no harm.

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True, but he's not any less either, nor is Trump, on this one! Sill the doctors and nurses who KNEW better... NO excuses there at all.

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Continuing to allow government bureaucrats to profiteer from patents, is an open invitation to corruption, and conflict of interest. Judge them on what they are this very second…ROTTEN WITH CORRUPTION.

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I have yet to read an analysis of the J&J vaccine which, though removed early on, was used by many - including me. Did it have the same level of risk?

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I did read an analysis of the J & J vaccine, and the conclusion was that it's not safe either. Sorry, don't have the link, but have the clear memory.

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Is there a way to test for pericarditis or myocarditis in the doctors office? A dear friend of mine, the grandmother, is concerned about her 5 year old grandson. He’s been jabbed and boosted. 😢 The mom has slight concerns but still pro jabs (all of them).

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I recently read about a test called PULS, that apparently shows the risk of heart disease. (Protein Unstable Lesion Signature Cardiac Test) There is also another for those who have been injected (sorry, refuse to refer to them as vaccines) called AVISE (apparently very inexpensive) to test for anti-phospholipid syndrome (having antibodies that would make your blood more likely to clot)

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Any suggestions for a 24 yr old uninsured and unemployed male, vaccinated with myocarditis symptoms and the doctors can’t figure out why he is short of breath with chest pain? He needs a doctor who can help him.in the Wisconsin area. Is there anything other than dr McCoullough’s spike formula that can do to treat?

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He can obtain medical assistance and needs to apply asap at the county office. Consult with Vivify Integrated Health (Hudson, WI) re doctors in his area. He should do Dr. McCullough's formula--there are men who have gotten pacemakers to control afib/blood pressure spikes and this is not working. Better to take the supplements and see if it helps.

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Suggest he try the county health department where he lives, or get in touch with Medi-share.

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Totally incredible! The young man lives in Hudson. Do you know this DO? Does he have experience in diagnosing and treating myocarditis?

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Try FLCCC (Peter kory, MD organization) recommends doctors

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