If these people are miserable I can tell you, they will be 100% worse off if they go through trans surgery. Chronic pain, inability to have sex, chronic urological difficulties to name a few problems post op. What surgeon in their right mind would agree to perform such surgeries. It is Frankenstein medicine.

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Mengele school of medical thought....

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Body dysmorphia or gender dysphoria (self hatred b/c no one nurtured you with words of affirmation).....sex change, it's body mutilation just like abortion is murder not 'womens reproduction healthcare'... so ready for the pendulum of lies and deceit to swing back into the truth range. God will not be mocked....you delude yourself enough and lie and deceive others and you will be given over to your own self-created nightmares. I was raised with great verbal/physical/mental/sexual abuse and I understand self hatred and being alone with your thoughts and no where to find safety...it is literal hell, I bought into the lie of homosexuality for many years...gave up hope and gave into sexual acting out from around 25 to 35 and finally the pain was greater than the fear of facing the truth and being honest and getting help! Even my christian counselor made sexual moves on me but I never gave up and can now assure you that if you keep moving forward and learn to be brutally honest you can get through anything. I'm now a lover of truth and God has 100% redeemed me from the 'victim' that I saw myself as. I'm now victorious and easily see truth and wisdom. Life does get better after 50, b/c you quit worrying about what ppl think about you.

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I can relate. My "side trip" was into clinical depression and suicidal behaviors, but otherwise pretty much the same! And I agree about not caring what others think about you once you get past all that and a certain stage in life.

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Kudos! It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinions than our own.

Marcus Aurelius

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I try to follow. Jesus' rule on that, but it's real hard to love others as yourself, when you hate yourself; so that had to be remedied 1st. That self hate almost always results from listening to others' opinions of you.

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Thank you for sharing your story! I'm glad you found the Way, the Truth and the Life.

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thank you...one of my favorite phrases! for a while I said Humility is the way to God, humility is the the way to truth, humility is the way to find life. Jesus is our guide out of arrogance....back to our right minds. For the virtue signaling crowd it's the only way back.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Glad you made it back. I almost ended up there myself. A lot that slide down the 'other' path never recover. Only the strong ones do ;-). We are almost over the hill now, not much longer left and it will be soon our time to smile :-)

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What do you call a society that feeds its children to monsters?

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“Medical Mutilation Industrial Complex “….. AFLD … Monsters ….

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It would be safer to change one's mind than to attempt to alter their body surgically. After all, the mind is an insatiable thing...it's never going to be 'happy' or "satisfied'.

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just like with the poison jabbs and all the propaganda....could just wait and everything will be just fine. No matter the storm, it passes and the Sun comes back out.

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I think that is cruel advice to someone who is a female in their mind since early childhood but wakes up in a male body. Gender dysmorphia gives the wrong impression, as though it was a mental issue when for many it is a physiological issue. Easy to say these things, but unless I can do it I can't offer that as a solution. I would have to walk in their shoes first to truly know.

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Believing since childhood is one thing. Deciding when a teenager after being bombarded by "influencers" is completely different. My hunch is that there are no trans influencers allowed on China's version of Tik Tok.

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That is a different ballgame, I think most are being 'influenced' but I feel for those who really have the biological issue which are not many.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

False. In a tiny fraction of the population, a fraction that was remarkably stable until vampires began pretending that dismorphia can be fixed with surgery and that it is pervasive, it is an interactible condition in a few males per one thousand people. It is in no way a physiological condition for the rest. Nor is anorexia nor limb dysphoria. This is why psychiatry is so dangerous in the hands of aggressively incautious practitioners. As soon as something is determined to be a physiological condition rather that the far more obvious psychological problem, psychiatry gains power and money. Three words - cognitive behavioral therapy. It sounds boring but is a lot safer than cutting healthy organs out of a functioning body because "I feel like a girl".

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I agree with you on the fact that it was and still is a tiny fraction of the population, and the social justice movement is creating a problem for teens where none existed on the level of gender at least.

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I would agree that for the fraction of a percent who suffer from long term sexual dismorphia, the answers are complicated and dynamic.

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We don't have answers yet.

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True, but how many of those being 'encouraged' to do this fall into that category?

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

wish I could upload a picture from today! Just having breakfast off UTA campus today in downtown Arlington TX....there is a building with a sign ''H' HELP Center for LGBT Health and Wellness'. I'mma gonna guess there is some WOKE victimization going on in there to unsuspecting young ppl doing normal self questioning and searching for meaning in life....especially the lost abandoned and abused. It's probably the first step toward being told you are a 'woman in a mans body' and you need body mutilation care.....another corruption moneymaker for referrals I'm sure, and I wonder how much of our tax dollars go to fund this shady place?

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Just about ALL of the worlds problems can be traced back to just ONE thing.........


If so-called 'parents' RAISED THEIR KIDS in the proper way, this planet would measure almost ZERO on the 'INSANE METER'.

Having HEALTHY (physically & mentally) children starts BEFORE one gets pregnant. Which consists of not polluting ones body with all of the toxins out there. And this, of course, is carried on throughout the pregnancy. And then, THE MINUTE that kid is born.....you START TEACHING. And the MANY things that it takes to raise that child TO ADULTHOOD, goes on from there. I could keep going, but it would end up being A BOOK. And I am not going to do that (write a book) here!

But what we DO have, is a planet filled with Mentally Stunted (to that of 3 year olds), Mentally Ill, Toxic, Lazy, Entitled, Uneducated Zombies! And I am referring to BOTH so-called 'adults' AND their off-spring. Generation after generation after generation.......'parents' are producing SHIT!

'Garbage In, Garbage Out'! And, HERE WE ARE!!

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Pregnant women are assaulted with toxins, most have glyphosate in their blood, many are on SSRI's, many were on hormonal birth control for years, the clot shot crosses the placenta, so having children with a mismatch of body and brain is not unexpected.

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Let's not forget the DNA from animals, insects and both male and female human fetuses that are in many of the jabs...

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You're making excuses. This is how I am hearing what you've said.

It's obvious that the majority, on this planet, does NOT know the meaning of what is means to be an (ACTUAL) ADULT! An ADULT would avoid, within ones power to do so, all of these toxins. A very large part of our lives, WE have CONTROL over. An example: 98% of the shit in any given grocery store is NOT FOOD; it's highly toxic chemicals, GMOs, ect. Yet, supposed 'ADULTS' will put that shit into their grocery carts, and THEN.....feed it to their kids! NO ONE puts a gun to these people heads, FORCING them to buy/eat POISONS, yet THEY DO IT. This is where the BEING AN ADULT, come in. Being RESPONSIBLE for oneself, and their family, almost doesn't exist any longer.

I've always said that, 'People are Suicidal'. All one has to do is look into people's grocery carts, for PROOF!

Oh!.....and we've known, for DECADES, that birth control pills fuck you up! If one behaved like an ADULT, instead of a 'horny teenager', one does not need birth control pills!

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Glyphosate is in the soil and air, we breathe it. Even buying organic although it is the best bet is no guarantee of 'clean' food. Most people trust their doctors who believe SSRI's actually work, although recently some peer reviewed papers show the effect is placebo. People depend on 'experts' to translate information into layman's terms, but Pharma has taken over the medical system, so the information has become propagandized. We have some leeway with choice, but not that much. Even the 5G towers are just erected in neighborhoods without consensus from the community. What choice does a family have regarding schooling when 73 shots are mandated for attendance, in states without exemptions, the medical are no longer obtainable 99.9% of the time. The mistake was that parents allowed this to happen early on, and in 1986 Pharma was indemnified from vaccine harms to kids, just as they had EUA protection when schools demanded clot shots two years ago. Most parents caved, and we now know many of those kids have subclinical damage to their hearts that can show up at any time in real pathology.

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You're completely missing THE POINT. And that IS.......being an ADULT requires one to RESEARCH EVERYTHING! If one IS an ADULT, they would NOT subject themselves, or their children, to ANY of this! Because they WOULD HAVE DONE THE RESEARCH.

Yes; I know Glyphosate is 'everywhere'. But when it's ORGANIC foods, it is rarely in the soil. Organic is VERY LOW in that toxin, and, therefore, that toxin CAN be eliminated from the body. There are many ways to DETOX ones body of this toxin. Glyphosate, Heavy Metals, ect can be detoxed from ones body......but this requires RESEARCH, like an adult would do.

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My point is despite taking control of health, we breathe 'roundup' without choice. Detox isn't perfect and we should not be in a position where we need to try and detox because of air quality and 5G radio waves. I believe even the most responsible adult is at the mercy of regulators. However, we must research as much as possible, it is the first step.

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Here Here!! Bravo to your assessment of which I have written Extensively on many sites.

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"Gender affirming care" is basically butchering at this point

Has anybody *seen* the results of some of these genital surgeries? https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/gender-affirming-surgery-is-an-attack?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

I'm certain they realize the minute they wake up afterward that it was a mistake. When all of the virtue signaling attention that you get wears off, where is your next 'fix' for attention going to come from? Attempted suicide?

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Not all of them. That's sibling of mine is very active in encouraging others to go through with it!

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well, given how many ppl go on social media to talk about their 'depression' and 'anxiety'... you might not be far off!

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I have a sibling over 30 yrs post surgery.. You think it's bad now...

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Oh, that sounds bad. I hope your sib is reachable.

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So far, no.

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What do you mean, do the problems continue/worsen over decades?

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Chris asked if my sibling is reachable; while we are in contact and even talk about those issues, there remains, as yet, a "certainty" on his/"her" part that it was the correct thing to do, despite the ongoing medical issues, and yes those are worsening.

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I cannot imagine a caring, humane doctor performing these gruesome surgeries on anyone, particularly children. To remove perfectly healthy parts of a body to assist a conflicted individual to feel they have changed their sex seems to me to refute what the role of a physician is in society. “First do no harm,” is what should be followed. How do these physicians live with themselves?

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I have no idea what it means to be male or female in my mind. I am me I am within a biological body and my mind has all sorts of ideas about it but I cannot possibly be born in the wrong body anymore than I could be born in the wrong time, for I am not the arbiter creator of my being. The human mind is capable of all sorts of machinations of identity which can be very uncomfortable but to mutilate your body to placate the mind won't resolve the issue. It isn't cruel to point out that the mind is not always your friend.

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The truth can be very difficult to deal with. It can be a real struggle to be who we are.

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John and all,

INSANITY…doing the same thing over and over and NO solutions!

Where are the substacks promoting SOLUTIONS to reclaim America?

NOTHING else matters in America in 2024 unless SOLUTIONS start here…

1. STOPPING THE VACCINES…This issue MUST be solved at 50 state levels…STATE’s RIGHTS!!!


For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



No 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY = No More America!

P.S. Are you part of the doable SOLUTIONS or part of America’s problems?

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Always appreciate your knowledge, understanding and sharings.

For me, You are a street light on a dark road 😉



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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

Gee . . . a tiny glimmer of sanity in an ocean of Mengele-Medicine delusion! What those desperately unhappy and confused people need is therapy, NOT MUTILATION! When are the extremely confused-themselves, sorry-excuses-for-doctors, going to remember middle school biology? ALL complete (nuclei-containg) cells have gender-defining chromosomes: in mammals they are designated X and Y. Female = XX and male = XY. EVERY CELL! And nothing on Earth can change that! It is IMPOSSIBLE to "change" gender. All one can do is live a lie— be delusional— and PRETEND reality is otherwise. One cannot magically change their chromosomes or their gonads. After puberty, the "die is cast" for bone structure changes, muscular development, and, of course, secondary sex characteristics. The ONLY THING those delusional people can do is to destroy/mutilate what their biological gender has expressed itself as. MUTILATE, NOT CHANGE/REPLACE. Criminal, psychosis-enabling surgeons can pander to those mentally ill people, but mental illness and refusal to face reality typically does not end well. Can a man produce eggs and female hormones? Of course not! Can he grow a uterus? Of course not! Can a woman grow testicles and a penis and prostate? Of course not! Can insane surgeons think they can MAKE such things? If they are THAT delusional they belong in mental institutions, and if they commit such mutilations, they belong in institutions for the criminally insane. And IF they commited such mutilations on CHILDREN, I maintain that they should be EXECUTED! Mutilation of children should NEVER be tolerated in a moral society, and this kind of heinous practice is right up there with the crimes committed by the NAZI doctors that they were HUNG FOR after Nuremberg!!!!! Sounds harsh, yes! But it is time we started calling it what it is and STOP this train wreck of Globalist DEPOPULATION and STERILIZATION propaganda targeting brainwashed and thoroughly confused children! AND shut down much of the source of that brainwashing from the mentally ill "Trans Community". If adults want to so mutilate themselves, get them help. But NOT by the medical community who obviously have completely abandoned their Hippocratic Oaths to Do No Harm. Since when is surgically mutilating people to cater to their confusion "doing no harm"? A hundred years ago, this current Trans obsession would have been instantly recognized as something utterly abberant and antithetical to health. But in our Woke, Upside Down, Alice In Wonderland world ANYTHING goes, but only if sane people fail to call it what it is and put up with men pretending to be women who then easily beat real women in sporting competitions, and even MURDER THEM in martial arts contests!

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I spoke to several long-time educators. I have a friend in her 90s who was a teacher her whole adult life. She taught elementary through high school. I have another friend in her 60s who worked as a crisis counselor and in early intervention. And another in their 40s who was a high school teacher. They are all people who describe themselves as on the "left" side of politics. I asked each of them if in their days as teachers, counselors and educators, they had heard of children who described being born in a body of the wrong gender. Not one of them could tell me one case where any child had ever complained of such a thing. I am not saying it is impossible. I'm sure it does happen. I knew a young adult who was trans in the 1990s. I worked with her. (She was an adult.) To me, the fact that all my educator friends have no experience of any child complaining about this indicates that "being born in the wrong body" is something that has been recently promoted.

It is promoted as a solution to a wide array of emotional problems. One of those might be that the individual truly feels they should be the opposite gender. However, I think a lot of suffering is not due to their gender but our culture, which is very dehumanizing. Our culture often encourages sadistic behavior and bullying. These things are not unusual. They are integrated into aspects of the American identity. What is viewed as the American role of "male" is especially constricting. It does not surprise me that a sensitive young man might conclude that the only option is a change of gender identity to female. But I have to ask - how much is this the result of years of psychological suffering inflicted by sadistic peers, bullies and a generally dehumanizing culture that sets people against each other? I do not know what kind of solution a change of gender provides to someone who has experienced years of this. Maybe it provides comfort and a refuge for the person. It is also possible that gender identity could be used to exploit someone's trauma and manipulate them.

To me, the solution is to accept a wider range of "roles" related to gender without encouraging operations. I don't feel that it is a very good idea to expose oneself to surgery if it can be avoided. However, of course that is just my feeling about this. I do know someone who wants to have this surgery as an adult.

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My son's friends had the surgery last week. He felt he was a girl from the age of three, it had nothing to do with culture, he would come to my house and beg me to try on my clothes. HIs parents divorced over this. There was no explanation from the environment, he was far too young to know anything about gender except he didn't feel like a boy. Zero interest in boys' toys, only girls' toys. Decades ago, we lived in cleaner environments with no cell towers, and SSRI's given out like candy. I believe that even though gender dysmorphia is being used to cover other problems, despite that in a small population there really is a biological problem.

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friend not friends

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I don't really agree about the idea that a three year old could understand anything about their gender role. In saying this, I'm not trying to deny that trans people exist. I think adults should have the freedom (in an informed way) to do what they choose peacefully.

It's a different thing for adults to impose a fantasy of immutable gender roles on their children. Any parent who thinks a toddler knows what it means to change gender is not a responsible adult. There is not one small child who could state they are the wrong gender. They do not understand what is going on.

I just wonder this -- why not allow the boy to try on women's clothes and play with dolls if that is what he likes? Give him a supportive environment to be whoever he wants to be. We are supposed to be a free society. Perhaps we could stress our right to freedom over paranoid conformity to abstract gender roles? If you look underneath the desire to encourage a child to "change gender" I think there is a lot of fear on the parents' side. The parent is afraid their boy who likes girls' things will be rejected, ostracized and bullied. Should we even live in a society where this is the so-called "norm"? I think that is part of the problem.

As a girl, instead of playing with dolls, I rode a dirt bike and played the drums in every band in town, heavy metal, punk, hard rock. No one suggested I needed to be a boy. Small children do not understand adult gender roles. Maybe allowing a wider range of identities would create a more positive environment. Children who are actually allowed to express themselves without drastic "corrective" procedures, might even grow up to become the right mate for another person who does not fit social stereotypes.

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He is now an 18-year-old trans-she. His mother allowed 'her' to express her femaleness freely. She was more feminine than most girls. I think even at three a child can differentiate between male and female, this kid from what I observed was a girl born in a boy's body. It is tragic though, because of what is required in order to change. Nature makes lots of errors, I think the mismatch between brain and body is one of them. I do understand that it has also become an ideology and used as a solution for teen angst, that is a whole other story, that should not cloud the very real problem that does exist for a minority in society though, and the effort doctors and scientists need to invest to solve it before birth.

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deletedFeb 19·edited Feb 19
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Around age two: Children become conscious of the physical differences between boys and girls.

Before their third birthday: Most children can easily label themselves as either a boy or a girl.

By age four: Most children have a stable sense of their gender identity.

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Title: Transsexuality Among Twins: Identity Concordance, Transition, Rearing, and Orientation

Author: Milton Diamond Ph.D. Published in: International Journal of Transgenderism, 14:1, May 2013, pp 24-38-Transsexuals have also been found to have auditory (Govier, Diamond, Wolowiec, & Slade, 2010) and olfactory (Berglund, Lindström, Dhejne-Helmy, & Savic, 2008) abilities that correlate with their desired gender more than their birth sex. These findings offer additional evidence to indicate that transsexualism has a biologic, nervous-system component strong enough to say that gender identity may be less a matter of choice and more a matter of biology.' Lots of info from Harvard and other science papers that suggest this to be true.

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I am not stating there is no such thing as a person who is trans. I am saying that it is not the role of parents to put their children through dangerous and experimental procedures based on projected fantasies about the child's future. Any "scientist" who advocates this is putting children at risk. It is nonsense to say that a child who learns he is a boy or a girl has a "stable idea of gender identity" in relation to the adult notion. This child can have no idea of the consequences of making a decision related to "gender identity." It is abusive nonsense to project awareness of adult gender roles on a small child regardless of studies. A small child can't read or understand the results of a study.

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"It’s hard for me to believe that any sane doctor actually believes this claim."

That's because they are evil.

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It’s sad that someone could feel as if the sex they are born with doesn’t match what their mind tells them they should be. It’s tragic. But the problem with the surgery is that the likelihood of making a bad situation much worse is probably in the neighborhood of 50:50. I’m sure the doctors that perform the surgeries would disagree mightily.

Decades ago, lobotomies were considered a treatment for severe mental illness. It “ solved “ one problem but gave the psych patient a new, worse problem. Same with psych meds, although a few psych meds at lower doses give a benefit if used carefully, for a limited duration.

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