Thank you so. much fro speaking to this issue.

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You'd have to be crazy to get this done, I mean, isn't that what the data says? ...

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Nailed it!

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Confucius lived before AI!!

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I remember a headline many years ago now: "Digital Retouching: The end of photography as evidence of anything." Now with AI the situation is even worse...the end of audio recordings, video, etc. as evidence of anything!

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Goes back to these people are suffering from mental illness, that should have been addressed in the first place. Notice the latest "mass shooting" involved a mentally ill transgender.

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The parents of these kids fascinate me. Where are their critical thinking skills? Where is their natural instinct to protect their children from medical massacre? I’m 67, and when I was 16 and wanted my ears pierced, my mom objected to even THAT procedure. I waited till I was 18. We have lost our way in this world, and it has happened in my lifetime.

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The parents are being "cornered." Kids are coached online to tell their parents, "If you don't let me transition, I'll kill myself!" Kids under 18 are also coached to threaten to run away from home, or actually run away; or if they are 18 or over, to threaten to move out and cut off all contact with their parents or to actually do this. Therapists are asking parents things like "Would you rather have a live ["transitioned"] son or a dead [from suicide] daughter?"

In my state, there are "shelters" for kids who run away from home because of physical or emotional abuse. It used to be required for these shelters to report to parents that their children were safe in a shelter (location of shelter would not be given to parents unless shelter staff thought it was safe, and child agreed to having parents know location). Now there's a law that allows shelters to "hide" children who want to "transition" from parents who aren't cooperating with their kids' desires for puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and "gender reassignment surgeries." Some schools help kids "socially transition" at school (change to opposite gender clothing and name when they get to school in the morning, change back before going home) without parents' knowledge or permission. And kids can go to Planned Parenthood clinics and get hormonal "treatment" free without their parents being asked or notified.

I think that there are some genuinely evil people behind all this, and then there are many well-intentioned but ignorant people who are cooperating. And then there are people who go along and don't look too closely at the issues, because they are raking in big bucks by providing transgender "medical care" -- so-called gender therapists; endocrinologists and surgeons; hospital administrators; and of course Big Pharma (making money off puberty blockers, "hormones for life", and all the drugs required for surgery).

There are a few un-coerced parents who are happy (sometimes "exploitively" happy) to have a transgender kid, but I think these parents are rare.

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Wow. Every time I think of transgender males I recall the male in "Silence of the Lambs" dancing about, a mirror before him. Transgender is the natural outcome of godless self adulation, coupled with self loathing.

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I suspect the person in that photo didn't go on TicTok to proudly show their scars. A sad reflection on society where a person's 15 seconds of fame involves a scar.

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This is a symptom of a larger problem. The larger problem is that Biblical truths are not being taught from the earliest ages like it formerly was. Our society is like a huge ship in a stormy ocean with no rudder at all. It doesn't help to rail against this evil without attacking the larger problem.

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John, this would mean that the churches of our day have no power or influence to stay the tide of evil. The church's power is not of the state, but of God, by His Spirit. Christians are to be "the salt of the earth." It doesn't take much salt to preserve food from spoiling, so if there is very little preservation, then the "salt has lost its savor." The proper place for Christians to begin would be to search their own lives (with God's assistance), and then their own churches.

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As George Dennison wrote:

"The Biblical question in all its severity:

If the salt hath lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted?"

I'm afraid the inventors of the evil COVID-19 "vaccines" found a way to cut people off from the energetic "umbilicals" that normally connect people to the soul-nourishing Spirit That Moves in All Things.

I know someone who is strongly attuned to the world of Spirit, who says "People who've been vaccinated no longer have the normal spiritual 'presence.' Their behavior generally hasn't changed, but Interacting with them is like talking to cardboard cut-outs instead of real people."

I think we need to pray for COVID-vaccinated people to be forgiven for subjecting themselves to this separation from our Creator. From the depths of our hearts, we need to beg Father God for mercy and redemption for the vaccinated.

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I believe the primary underlying diagnosis in the majority of these young people is incorrect. Eating disorders, depression particularly for the female adolescent. This is criminal and malpractice.

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Gender dysphoria is NOT the correct diagnosis.

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Huge numbers of these kids are undiagnosed ("high functioning") autistic teen girls. Yes, they are depressed. Some would "qualify" for other diagnoses like bipolar or schizophrenia. They're often caught up in other "social contagion" disorders (besides the transgender mess) including anorexia, bulimia, tic disorders (e.g. Tourette's Syndrome), cutting and other forms of self-injury. Abigail Shrier's presentations and interviews (which you can find on youtube) are good if you want to understand the social contagion aspect of transgenderism among girls.

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Very ill and sad times!

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