Peter, have you seen this: https://twitter.com/SabinehazanMD/status/1639852682008727553?s=19

(Censored by TikTok - wonder why?)

Might be worth talking with the good Dr.

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I may be misinterpreting what’s happening, but I’m seeing subtle moves all around in the direction of positioning the FDA as an innocent party in the COVID catastrophe. This cannot happen. The FDA is bought, corrupt, and essentially just another big pharma operator.

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I get nervous when people start splitting hairs with stats suggesting maybe one or two shots is okay, but I suppose anyone who is injected would appreciate knowing, if they've passed on the boosters, they are better off than someone who didn't. Someone should do a study of the vaccinated who have suffered no side effects so far and see if there are any indications in their blood, organs, etc. of problems brewing and if not, why? We might have a group of people who are biologically resistant to vaccination, like certain populations who have virtually no heart disease. They may be in possession of some process that is naturally impervious to the toxins delivered by the vaccines. I often feel a strange sort of frustration about those who are vaxxed who have essentially done everything wrong and yet suffer not. I don't wish them ill, but I do recognize my own wish that I be right, and that they suffer for being wrong, at least a little bit lol. It's probably not much different than the way the vaxxed felt toward the unvaxxed, esp. when it was a hot topic politically before the mandates were partially struck down. I suppose now the unvaxxed are resented by the vaxxed for having been right, esp. if the vaxxed have at least recognized personally that the shots were a mistake.

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Thank you for your continuing work!

You want to make sure the global psychopaths are properly prosecuted right? This is it…

It is time for EVERYONE to have UNITY in a serious Freedom Movement to get behind, support and spread the message about these 2 critical issues necessary for America’s survival….





Serious patriotic Americans must learn about these 2 issues ASAP and…Unify behind these 2 critical issues!

Pass these 2 pieces EVERYWHERE ASAP!

Future generations are depending on We the People to guard our Constitution and restore America!

Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!

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First, thank you Dr. McCullough for everything you’re doing! I am so grateful.

I’m curious if the diagnosis of wild-type ATTR (amyloidosis) (ATTRwt) has increased among the vaccinated? My dad never had any issues or problems with his heart until his diagnosis of ATTRwt earlier this year. Even more disturbing is the only option he was given for this supposed rare disease, is a medication Pfizer developed in 2019 (shocker 😒). My husband, my children and myself are the only people in our families who didn’t receive the vaccine. It’s extremely difficult to watch our parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc., all of the sudden have rare or strange medical issues. Again, thank you for all the hard work you have done and continue to do to get the truth out.

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