"When someone declares 'people will die' as a justification for curtailing liberty, the correct response is, 'what are you suggesting - that liberty isn't worth dying for? That those who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms made the wrong choice?" —OldMugwump

The following was originally written during the era of 9/11 boogie-man terrorism. For the purposes of modernization, please replace any instance of the word 'security' with 'bio-security', and any instance of the word 'terror' with 'virus'. None of this theater has ever been about safety. It has only ever been about control:

We no longer know the meaning of freedom. We have traded away everything to a false prophet. We refuse to see that belonging to a government is a fate far worse than any terrorist can reap; than any madman can sow.

The word of a terrorist has no power over us. The government's word is law.

In the name of security we will lose our security. In addition to the terrorist we will have the relentless uncompromising gaze of the government.

The power of the people is born from its freedom, and it is the people who must be the guardians of that power. It is from our freedom that we draw the authority to force our government to abide its boundaries. Through the guise of security we are slowly allowing our government to relinquish that authority, and ultimately, the government will know no boundaries.

Once we allow our freedoms to categorically run dry, we, as a people, will no longer have the authority to stand up to our government.

"Those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither and will lose both." —Thomas Jefferson

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This is one of the most important articles written on the subject of bio-terror and the contrived bio-security apparatus derived from it. It was penned near the beginning of the pandemic:


What is striking in the reactions to the exceptional means and apparatuses that have been put in place in our country (and not only in this one) is the inability to observe them beyond the immediate context in which they seem to operate. Rare are those who try instead, as a serious political analysis would require, to interpret them as symptoms and signs of a broader experiment, in which a new paradigm of government of human beings and things is at stake.

In a book published seven years ago, which is now worth rereading carefully (Tempêtes microbiennes, Gallimard 2013), Patrick Zylberman has already described the process by which health security, which until then had remained on the margins of political calculations, was becoming an essential part of state and international political strategies. At issue is nothing less than the creation of a sort of “health terror” as a tool to govern what was called theworst case scenario. It is according to this logic of the worst that in 2005 the World Health Organization had already announced from “two to 150 million deaths from the coming avian flu”, suggesting a political strategy that states were not yet ready to accept at the time.

Zylberman shows that the proposed new politics was articulated around three points: 1) the construction, on the basis of a possible risk, of a fictitious scenario, in which data are presented in such a way as to encourage behaviours that allow to govern an extreme situation; 2) adoption of the logic of the worst as a regime of political rationality; 3) the integral organisation of the citizen body so as to strengthen adherence to government institutions as much as possible, producing a sort of superlative good citizenship in which the obligations imposed are presented as proof of altruism and the citizen no longer has a right to health (health safety), but becomes legally obliged to health (biosecurity).

What Zylberman described in 2013 has now duly verified. It is evident that, beyond the emergency situation linked to a certain virus which may in the future make room for another, what is in question is the design of a paradigm of government whose effectiveness far exceeds that of all forms of government that the political history of the West has so far known. If already, in the progressive decline of ideologies and political beliefs, security reasons made it possible for citizens to accept limitations on freedoms that they were not willing to accept before, biosecurity has proven capable of presenting the absolute cessation of all political activities and of all social relationship as the maximum form of civic participation.

Thus it was possible to witness the paradox of leftist organisations, traditionally accustomed to claiming rights and denouncing violations of the constitution, accepting without any reservation limitations of the freedoms decided by ministerial decrees devoid of any legality and which even fascism had never dreamed of being able to impose.

It is evident – and the government authorities themselves do not cease to remind us – that so-called “social distancing” will become the model of politics that awaits us and that (as the representatives of a so-called task force, whose members are in a clear conflict of interest with the function that they should exercise, announced) advantage will be taken of this distancing to replace human relationships in their physicality, relations which have become suspect as sources of contagion (meaning political contagion, of course) with digital technological devices everywhere. University lectures, as the MIUR [the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research] has already recommended, will be stably online from next year on, we will no longer recognise each other by looking at each other’s face, which can be covered by a health mask, but through digital apparatuses that will recognize biological data that is compulsorily collected and any “gathering”, whether for political reasons or simply for reasons of friendship, will continue to be prohibited.

An entire conception of the destinies of human society is under question, in a perspective that in many respects seems to have taken the apocalyptic idea of an end of the world from waning religions. After politics had been replaced by the economy, now the latter to be able to govern will have to be integrated with the new biosecurity paradigm, to which all other needs will have to be sacrificed. It is legitimate to ask whether such a society can still be defined as human or whether the loss of sensitive relationships, those of the face, of friendship, of love can be truly compensated by an abstract and presumably entirely fictitious health security. —Giorgio Agamben, May 11, 2020 (Quodlibet) https://serendipity.li/agamben-biosecurity-and-politics.htm

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.I am terrified because one of our key Medical Freedom people (unbelievably, it's Dr. Meryl Nass) appears to be supporting RFK, Jr., who has said in a zoom podcast and again in a video interview that if he becomes President, rather than Exiting the WHO, he will NEGOTIATE "FROM WITHIN THE WHO." I'm not sure what the WHO would be willing to negotiate, if anything. The time for voting against the WHO, and negotiating with the WHO, for all practical purposes, has passed, as J. Roguski has been telling us. Our only option is to Exit the WHO.


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Didn’t Trump take the US out of the WHO?

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Yes, in Spring of 2020 he sent a legal notice to the WHO that he was withdrawing the U.S. After that, all that was left was the payment of one more year of dues. A country could pay it immediately, and have it done with. Either way, for all practical intents and purposes, the withdrawal is effective upon the legal notice, because the US would merely not participate any longer. The legal notice essentially tells the WHO, "Don't count on us to do anything that you announce, because we're not going to be doing it." Obviously, the WHO cannot MAKE a country do anything. WHO "people" can't just fly over here and force everybody to mask, take vaccines, etc. It all hinges upon what the President wants to do. If he or she gives legal notice to withdraw, then he or she doesn't have an interest in the WHO telling the US what to do.

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As I thought about it, simply, is that my health is my concern. Not the government’s nor any other person. The only legitimate rationale for government is the protect my Liberty, as was so eloquently written by Thomas Jefferson and others.

When I espoused these ideas to family and friends, you’d have thought I’d grown a third eye.

We have grown too soft and complacent to exist as free people. Shame for our descendants.

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Absolutely! "health is my concern" where the government's role is to protect my liberty.

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I agree so very much. I think the broader experiment, for us, would be whether our country will comply with the WHO'S powers under it's new Treaty and Amended IHRs. We give a lot of money to the WHO, and I acknowledge that in the past, it has gone to support vaccinating the poor in Africa, which sounded good. However, if we don't EXIT the WHO just as quickly as possible, we will be supporting more evil acts on our people, as well as those of other WHI Member States.

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Three cheers for Tritorch👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😎

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You're too kind ^_^

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Your the best commenter and solution seeking person in this demonic psyops

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Where's the blush emoticon??? Thank you BB, that is _beyond_ kind

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Simply, there's more to the scheme than the PREP Act. There was virtually 100 yrs of incremental and hidden tyranny stealing away INALIENABLE RIGHTS from 'The People' of the U.S. which exponentially increased following the instalment of The City of London's U.N., the second attempt with a Global Gank of 'Power From the People'.

Katherine Watt has meticulously outlined all the escalating Acts, Regulations, Codes hidden within Budgets, and all forms of Laws passed by our own Congress and Senate DESIGNED to STEAL POWER FOR THE TOTALITARIANS, NEUTRALIZE THE CONSTITUTION AND STEAL ACTUAL LIFE IN THE NAME OF PROFIT; TO COMMIT MURDER KNOWINGLY WITHOUT REPERCUSIONS.

This documentation requires hours to consume and more hours to actually comprehend the significance.

It's vitally important for all citizens to comprehend the enormity of this current phase of the attack of The Committee of 300 from The City of London through their Techno-Treasonous Agents installed into positions of power in the U.S. Executive Branch of Govt. known as 'The Deep State'. Those loyal to The Committee of 300 Includes, the UNIPARTY, includes those allegedly elected in the now 'False Flag Operations' which are the current Fraud/Cheat Elections.

Here are two of Katherine Watt's 'Bailiwick News' Substacks also containing links for the extensive Law Research she's undertaken as a Paralegal/Legal Researcher in the recent two-three years in conjunction with Sasha Latypova, Attorney Todd Callender and others.



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Yes, Katherine Watt has done detailed, excellent work on this. James Roguski has also been greatly urging us to Exit the WHO. He, also, has written volumes on the WHO Treaty and the IHR Amendments, which are both being enacted by the WHO, despite at least 11 WHO Members States' protests and "No votes" in a sham appearance of a WHO Democratic vote.

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INDEED, you're correct.

James Roguski ROCKS.

How diligent he is...

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According to Ben Franklin, those who give away their liberty for temporary "security" deserve neither liberty, nor security; I'm inclined to agree. The bad part is the cowards who make that trade drag the rest of us along whether it's what we want or not.

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That's right, it was Franklin, thank you for the correction.

We can still win this. Victory does not require all of us to prevail just a determined minority. As Samuel Adams said:

"It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men."

They do not stand a chance against the united, undivided resolve of even a small percentage of us—and they know it. This is the reason why they frantically fight tooth and nail and spare no expense to keep us depressed, oppressed, divided, demoralized, and traumatized. And so we will unite at critical mass - which is far smaller than most would guess - and take back what is ours.

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You're welcome, although that wasn't my intention, it more that I agree with his premise. It only took approximately 1/3 of Colonials to foment and carry out our Revolution, and about 1/3 to remain neutral, while the last 1/3 opposed the Revolution. Unfortunately, today we have about 1/2 the population opposing, and probably 1/3 who are cowering behind non-committal "neutrality", so they don't have to stand up and be counted, and those votes outweigh us enough that our brushfires get doused, before they're even noticed, in most cases. We have a very different reality today than in the 1760s and 1770s. In colonial times, people were more Godly-minded, with all that entails, than they are today, and the necessities of building the colonies out of a wilderness required more interdependence, with it's need to compromise to support and help one's neighbors, so all could survive the hazards. Today those qualities are simply gone, to our hurt as a nation. That makes for a very different situation than the Founders were facing in trying to win people over to seek Independence as a nation.

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Yes. We also have the following two problems:

(1) Our states and people are geographically spread out much more than in Colonial times. It is much harder for people from states in the Midwest, Southwest, and West to attend protests, or in-person meetings, for example,that are in the Washington D.C. area; and

(2) Communication and Organization amongst We the People, who are so spread out in our country, is more difficult than first appears. We cannot rely on anonymity in our Communication on Social Media, so another Communication solution must be found.

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True, we couldn't gather at the local tavern ot town square. Even towns with such squares have populations far too large to assemble at them. Phone and internet communication are monitored and cut off routinely. Then there's the problem of spies and interlopers at gatherings, or hacking on line,by enemy agents.

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Yes. There is a solution, but I don't know what it is.

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"The U.S. Constitution was not written for children and the mentally incompetent, but for prudent adult citizens.”

We have arrived…it’s time for "prudent adult citizens" to STAND where they stand.

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Good you joined the 5% now take action with the 3%.


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It’s way past time! Where are we?!?

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Sep 30, 2023
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I have 1 that says "When injuries becomes law, resistance becomes duty"; amazing how few get it.

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Injustice, not "injuries" ; I purely hate spell checkers, some days.

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The modern Golden Idol is this idea of "safety."

Americans have grown up obeying signs posted everywhere: Safety First! A pastor named Scott Dudley noted in a sermon how, over the last thirty years, we have created the most risk-averse society in history.

"We are the most seat-belted, bike-helmeted, air-bagged, kneepad-wearing, private-schooled, gluten-freed, hand-sanitized, peanut-avoiding, sunscreen-slathering, hyper-insured, massively medicated, password-protected, valet-parked, security-systemed, inoculated generation in history—and all it has done is make everyone more afraid of everything."

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A while back I started using the term “pussification of America” while observing the eradication of anything deemed unsafe. The pussification is pretty much complete.

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No kidding. It's a wonder we boomers survived at all: no seatbelts, even in kiddie seats; no bike helmets; no knee pads for roller skating, pogo sticks, or stilts; only ankle and lower shin guards for field hockey; no helmets for skiing or ice skating; and then there was tree climbing... About the only "safe" thing we did back ten as walk or ride our bikes facing into traffic rather than having it come up behind us, allowing us to see, and maybe avoid, unsafe drivers more easily.

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“Willful Misconduct”…….I’d say that from the beginning of the covid plandemic it was ALL ‘Willful Misconduct” especially by the CDC, FDA, FRAUDCI, Birx, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and all the others including the criminal and corrupt Governors (and their so called Public Health Departments) who lockdown our states, killed the elderly nursing homes, harmed children and then started the attacks to cause all the injuries and deaths from the toxic jabs where the side effects were intentionally hidden from the public.

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For the record, on 9/11/2001, there were NO airliners used as weapons.

No airliner ever flown could have done as was alleged by the media on that day.

The laws of physics prove beyond any doubt that the "airliners" were FAKE,

Regardless of HOW it was done, the fraud is obvious.

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Agreed. I've been reading or watching airliner crash reports since the '50s, and aware of safety changes made, stemming from them, many of which preclude what allegedly happened on 9/11, most notably the fire temperatures due to fuel loads. I don't know what we actually saw hitting the buildings, except WTC 7, that wasn't hit at all, yet came down units footprint too, but it was not airliners, not even in PA.

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Please explain....honest question... thank you

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Please see: logicalthoughtsite.wordpress.com

and: logicalanalysis101.wordpress.com

and then if you still have questions - 911planeshoax.com

feel free to ping me with any further questions . . .

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They used Covid to scare the crap out of people, so yes, unfortunately, most of the public accepted the restrictive measures.

The Patriot Act was essentially a package made up of things that law enforcement, the intelligence agencies and Congress wanted to pass for years and years. They used 9/11 as an excuse. But I'm not sure that a majority of Americans felt that it was really necessary but nobody asked the public. Sending troops into Afghanistan was much more popular, at least that's the way I remember it. And most of the public (including me) was not aware of the PREP act.

On the economic front, most Americans were against TARP but after initially declining to approve it, Congress went ahead and passed it without caring what Americans thought about it.

Representative democracy, my ass.

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Stopped being that in February of 1871.

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You're right--no one ever asked us if we wanted to be ruled by Masonic filth or the New World Order. They just kept going.

"The Infiltration of Terran Governments by Extraterrestrials"


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We were being governed by members of the Freemasons from the start.

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It plots on the bell curve. on the left are 12 to 15 % are too stupid to join the military; on the right 16.25 % are smart enough to figure it out and don't take action; 62.5 % will not speak truth to the de facto they have family, business, job, life consumes their time, TV, internet, drugs, cognitive dissonance, Stockholm Syndrome. that leave 3 to 5 % on the left the Khazarian mafia, industrial-military-legislative - judiciary - executive - UN - Nazi - Communist- Satanist etc etc complex that controls the stupid BLM, antifa incorporated governance on the left side- 3 to 5% on the right to take back our Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023. www.orsja.org

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There must be NO exceptions to the Constitution at any time, and most especially not for a "state of emergency".

If the criminals in government can simply override the Constitution by declaring a state of emergency, they will do it, over and over again.

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I see the demand for masking akin to the Heil Hitler salute expected of each German citizen in the 1930s.

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As a way to resolve your issue let’s revise the FDA. Their mandate is to make sure the drug is safe and effective. The industry fudges both. Let’s determine safety by measuring life expectancy in rats, rabbits, and even apes if there is any question. This is done by contracting out of the industry. If it’s safe let the Medical industry determine efficacy. Ivermectin soothe be allowed. So would xylitol.

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767s didn't fly into the Twin Towers; it was CGI.

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There as also the point that it was the unvaxxed who needed protection from the shedding vaxxed, rather than the reverse, unless we were actually sick from that virus, a point pretty much everyone just ignores, still.

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911 was an inside job that paved the way towards today’s tyranny. It’s designed from the get-go, not an accidental extension of human sins.

It’s still possible to confront he tyranny and defeat it. But we have to act asap.

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The mistake many make is assuming DC is occupied by individuals who are concerned about well being of the American people and our society. DC is now controlled by profoundly self centered authoritarians; criminal sociopaths who installed themselves via systemic election fraud (Joe is obviously just a pitiful puppet/facade). Absent valid elections those sick individuals, whoever they are, will continually tighten their grip on power until Americans are subjugated and utterly subservient; as with every tyrannical regime through human history. Tragically, given that blatant election fraud was perpetrated without consequence, there is no reason to believe the American people will have any opportunity to end expanding tyranny in DC by casting meaningful votes.

Those who can would be well advised to consider exiting this disaster, that being the only peaceful option for those who value their liberty, and my personal choice although I certainly regret being forced to leave our once remarkably free and prosperous nation.

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Except no planes hit the rowers. Are you serious? That's like covid logic. No planes hit anything.

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Whatever actually may have happened on 9/11, it scared people and it was used by Congress as an excuse to pass stuff. I don't see how there is much debate about that.

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Please spend an hour with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth https://youtu.be/Ddz2mw2vaEg

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Spend an hour? I knew about them 20 years ago.i gave money to James to get thr building 7 investigation on the ballot. I know more about 911 than most authors. I've spent over 10k hours on it.

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I salute you.

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Good and you do so in your own name. www.orsja.org

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Good now find you Jural Assembly and take action in your own name and stand up.

www.orsja.org the solution is in your Jural Assembly.

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You got an army? War planes and war ships? Good luck otherwise. No amount of legislation or govt can stop what's coming.

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What is coming? Change is coming. Now, we can influence change by action to return to a Constitutional republican form of government. Or comport yourself as an anon and tell us all the reasons why not.

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How on Gods green earth is that going to happen??? There is literally a war against this that you can't see that has seeped into everything everywhere. the Tree of Liberty Must Be Refreshed With the Blood of Patriots and Tyrants

That's your only way back. BLOOD. they won't allow you to stop at anything else. And this bufoon Diana thinks it's coming, just wait. I cannot get over people like her still exist. Hope springs eternal.

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NCSWIC -- Now that sounds familiar; where have I heard that?

"What Storm, Mr. President?"


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STILL? Please tell us when you'll finally say that's a psyc opp? In a year? In 5? in 10? Or will you die beleive this total BS?

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Or read/ watch some crash reports, also available on YT, Mayday channel, Smithsonian channel, Flight Channel, etc.

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No, it's not. Whatever did hit the Towers, Pentagon and PA field, were NOT commercial airliners. Where were the wings, engines, and tail assemblies, all f which would tear off as they met resistance and fallen to the streets below.. Even the PA crash should've had some recognizable parts left, yet there were none...

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It only takes someone with a pair of eyes who doesn't take what their told at face value to see the obvious.

Four planes disintegrated that day???!! YEAH OK.

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The physical system by which our federal government is supposed to protect us from harm is an example of a "complex" system. A system of this type exhibits one or more "emergent properities" each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system.

In his his historical research, the professor of clinical psychology Matias Desmet has discovered that a "mass formation" of people who mistake a "complex" physical system for a "non-complex" physical system welcomes totalitarian rule over themselves out of the mistaken undersanding that the totalitarian rulers (aka Adolf Hitler) are "technical experts" who will protect them from harm though in reality these "experfs" are charlatans. See Desmet's book entitled "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" for details on his reseaarch

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"Early Stage" ???

Early state is when you don't notice.

Late stage is when the masks come off, which is where we are now.

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