Thank you Joe for this. It is so insidious to confuse a country of people who are mostly good folks that want to live thread lives in peace. The ignoring of the southern border by this evil administration is another example of what imo is purposeful confusion-it’s open, Joe Biden, how can you not acknowledge this fact? Why do they come in with no Covid shot for a pandemic that’s over while visitors flying in must be vaccinated with a vaccine that publicly doesn’t work? The devil is having a heyday with us. We must find a power greater than ourselves, God, and seek refuge in His promises or we are lost. I appreciated your message in Mary and Martha, btw. Please keep writing ✍️ ❤️!

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Just like we need to stop calling the COVID vaccine a vaccine we must also stop calling these people that are so full of self loathe they think if they could just change who they are they will be happy only to find out life is even worse, the drugs they take and the recreational drugs they use and the mutilation of their body send them into deeper depression, anger and at times violence. We need to stop calling these people transgenders because they are not transgenders. They are just flat out mentally ill and if they do not address what makes them hate themselves so much taking hormones, drugs and mutilating their body will not fix anything but it sure has created some really lucrative jobs for medical professionals (who IMO have mental issues themselves) and big pharma. It is like the morbidly obese that get their stomachs reduce, lose weight, only to gain it all back and generally they gain back more than they lost finding themselves once again morbidly obese but with a lot of issue because of the bypass. They never address the mental illness that caused them to stuff whole pizzas down their throat to begin with. I refuse to call them transgenders. I refuse to call a she a he or a he a she. Until more of us stand up and do the same these people will control every law in the future. Talk about them negatively and you will end up unemployed and possibly could result in jail time. Stop it now before it is too late. We were all warned if we ever accepted same sex marriage it would not stop there and they were right. Sadly, most people cave thinking this will be the end but it was just the beginning. And as I always do I highly recommend doing whatever it takes to educate YOUR children at the kitchen table. The rewards are well worth the sacrifice.

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This ties in well with Dr. Malone's most recent essay on 'Turnings.'

One of the things Yuri Bezmenov spoke about was starting with the children. Once you've changed the way an entire generation of school aged children rationalize and think, you now have control of the minds of the voting aged adults they will soon be.

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The Mad Emperor of Ice Cream! There Was such a character? I passed this mini intelligence test by immediately thinking of sleepy Joe the prez of the parlour.

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"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

- Voltaire

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...ideologically possessed lunatics is through satire. Trying to reason with them is futile. Through humor and caricature, their absurdity is laid bare so that even the most confused member of our society can see it...."

The only part I disagree with is the "even the most confused can see it."

Fact is, the somnolent wokester idiots have drunk so much of the KoolAid (actually, it was FlavourAid, but who's counting) they will even race to sign their own death warrants. Think trans-gender, trans-humanism; think castrating your 6 yr old boy - the same one who can't go to bed when he wants, cross the street alone, or of course can't drink or drive; think voting for socialism which has NEVER worked, anywhere, ever, and cannot, by definition ever work; think of these hypocrite H8TERS with their "Hate has no home here" yard signs, yet are the biggest haters on the planet.

The only thing these fasco-Marxist wokesters (see https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/introducing-fasco-marxism) can see is about the same as what the Heavens Gate cult saw... some nirvana lurking behind an asteroid.

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Absolutely and without a doubt John, there ought be no question at this point, even among the most cognitively dissonant among us (and there are still waaay too many :o ), that confusion is indeed the message. Knowing that brings none of us any solace either, it's been frighteningly effective particularly among a dumbed down populace of mouth breathers weaned on MSM :(

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Great post thanks. Long time admirer of Yuri Bezmenov's words on the dangers from within in the United States. He and Thomas Jefferson and the other founding ancestors!

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

Excellent essay! Thank you! I think one key to *not* getting confused is to *not* have a TV. Another is to deliberately read (or listen to) and consider "contrary" points of view. I make a particular point of listening to interviews of people whose opinions contradict those of "well-educated" "progressive" "white" people (even though I could be put in that category myself).

I have certain sources of news that I trust but even then, I don't trust every source to be 100% correct about 100% of topics 100% of the time. I "hold new knowledge lightly" until I've seen it satisfactorily corroborated by at least three sources that I trust.

It's been useful to me, also, to know how cult leaders indoctrinate and control their followers . . . COVID lockdowns and propaganda were skillfully used to create a COVID spikeshot cult in the U.S.

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So who is behind the misinformation? Its obvious its not an accident, just like the Covid misinformation. Who?

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Yes, the Emperor of ice cream is mad and he has a large following. Leading us to war.


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Confusion and chaos IS indeed the goal. Regrettably, it appears to be working...

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The military has used it a long time-'shock and awe'.

What breaks the confusion and disorientation is relatedness, attachment, not just ideas.

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Confusion is what Bergoglio, the supposed pope, has been promulgating since he was placed on the chair of Peter. Confusion is from the dark, it has nothing to do w/ clarity or transparency. In the prophecies of the Blessed Virgin at Fatima, Portugal she told Lucia these times would be filled with “Diabolical disorientation.” Another term for diabolical disorientation is gaslighting, imo. One has to have a strong base on which to stand to survive these times intact.

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