Whether consciously or unconsciously evil, I really don't care when they directly threaten my personal well-being. What people like that young lady do not understand is that even if these vaccines were safe and effective, and even if mandating them was the right choice, harmless, and helpful, given that they think we are dumbasses, would they want to be on the receiving end of a future vaccine mandate when the dumbasses elect a dumbassed administration in the future? That's where the idea of fundamental rights and freedoms comes in. I think these people crave the power and the control that they do not have, and get reflected glory in their minds when the government forces on people the mandates that they would have themselves wanted to force if they had the power to do so. Their thirst for power, even if indirectly reflected, outweighs their prudence and ability to think ahead in terms of future unintended consequences of their present actions.

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"I think these people crave the power and the control that they do not have, and get reflected glory in their minds when the government forces on people the mandates that they would have themselves wanted to force if they had the power to do so." Yes, they imagine themselves part of the power structure, aren't bright enough to know that they aren't, and fail to anticipate that the state's power will someday be exacted on them.

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I remember this fictional show about nazi germany urban life where some old lady who was a nobody became a block warden to squeal on anyone who didn't follow the nazi dictates.

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That may not have been quite as fictional as it was purported to be.

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The wrong people are enabling her to be someone.

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And her lack of character speaks to how she, in her twisted mind, defines "somebody". Accountability. Choice. It matters.

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All the Jewish kapos in the Nazi (and Ukrainian!) concentration camps…

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In other words. we're on our own.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 7

What's wrong with that? With being on our own? It's called personal responsibility and accountability. Our Creator equipped His creation with a brain (and discernment) for a reason. And every individual has that gray matter, for a reason... to use it and to make decisions that are in personal best interest. (Self reliance.) You can't help anyone else if you're paralyzed by external BS and living in some matrix that's in place to destroy you. You start with truth and knowledge and ignore the noise. And when in doubt, there's prayer, and using DISCERNMENT when seeking out objective information to make a decision. The g0vt and the TV aren't sources to be counted upon. It's always so strange to see that the people who neither trust nor believe their government, and who neither trust nor believe the media, use those vehicles as "resources". Are. You. Kidding. Me. Makes absolutely zero sense, and shows zero discernment. 🤦‍♀️

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Spot on.

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Very well stated sir.

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"Whether consciously or unconsciously evil, I really don't care when they directly threaten my personal well-being."

But it certainly matters if you want to deal with them effectively, and ethically.

"What people like that young lady do not understand..."

Correct. They *do. not. understand.* Start there.

"... [W]ould they want to be on the receiving end of a future vaccine mandate when the dumbasses elect a dumbassed administration in the future?"

Agreed. But they're likely not going to pay attention to some nebulous future. So the question still is, *how* do you get this category of people to change? Treating them like assholes and idiots doesn't seem to work, does it? "Geee! Thanks for shaming me as an idiot and and asshole (even though I'm consciously not the latter) -- I'm changing my ways to your prescription, pronto!"

"That's where the idea of fundamental rights and freedoms comes in."

They don't care about that, even if you tell them, point blank, and in detail. They care about *safety*.

"I think these people crave the power and the control that they do not have, and get reflected glory in their minds when the government forces on people the mandates that they would have themselves wanted to force if they had the power to do so.

Nope. You're confusing the rank-and-file Democrat with the power-hungry monsters who scratch and claw their way to the top, and put on s[l]ick smile in public. *Most* Democrat voters and generic leftists instead crave the (apparent) *safety* of following the demands of the powerful.

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It's not exactly about safety. It's about collectivism and functioning as a hive. Inability to engage in abstract thinking. Thinking emotionally instead of rationally. They have to snap out of it. If you speak the truth, many will, some will never get it. By now I think this process is pretty much done.

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"It's not exactly about safety. It's about collectivism and functioning as a hive. Inability to engage in abstract thinking."

I agree that hive thinking also drives this. But the hive, as well as bowing to authority that I mentioned earlier, *is* one of the routes to safety.

"Thinking emotionally instead of rationally."

There is no either/or here. One uses values to choose which goals are rational, and values are associated with emotions. The rationality of the thought from the perspective of an outside observer may be (or merely appear to be) low or may be high, but that is irrelevant from the perspective of the actor engaged in it at a point in time. Thus, the flight to safety can still be one (likely the main one) rationale behind joining the hive and following the powerful, whatever you and I may think about it with our different values and logic.

"They have to snap out of it."

That can't be done by yelling at them. It requires education from a source they trust, and it takes time, and it is realized in different ways in different minds. That's why our opponents spent years corrupting the schools. But now, we've got quite a mess, and little time.

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Interesting post. When everyone has their own truth (post-mordernism), you will lose functional society, citizenry, and community within a generation, axiomatically. The saddest section in the Bible is the end of the book of Judges. Everyone does what is right in their own eyes, and the results are appalling, catastrophic and tragic.

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All so good in this….in everything I’m finding now, the sharing is so pithy and poignant and thoughtful …and frustrated….like the PrettyPlease personality …no research, no humility, no intellectual curiosity, self righteous…..just pleasure in bullying others, who knew much more than she did… mental snobbery that ended her life…when she could have asked her followers “What do you know, that I don’t?” Apparently, lots!!

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

What was worse was someone who posted that EVEN IF the clot-shots turned out to be fatal she was still glad she made the “right” choice! I can only imagine her elbowing and fighting others to get to the head of the line in Jonestown for the magic Kool-Aid!

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Well said.

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“And every man did what was right in his own eyes . . . For in those days there was no king in the land.”

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Judges 21: 25 In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

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Very interesting thought piece. I believe one can inspect the premise even further. Many who "bought the propaganda" re COVID did so willingly, with malice. When confronted with someone who expressed a different point of view, someone who brought reasoning and data to the issue, they did not respond with open minds and a willingness to discuss. Rather, they furthered the overall evil with their own personal evil. They were wedded to exerting malicious and dictatorial power over others. When I directed the fundraising film for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C. I interviewed many survivors. One story that reduced me to sobbing in the sound studio (I had to call a break) had to do with the mundane nature of evil. The survivor had just turned sixteen and had received her first pair of high heels as a gift from her dad. As she was escorted to a waiting truck by Nazis her neighbor said, "I'll take those shoes. You will not need them where you are going." The lesson: do not underestimate the evil that resides in the heart of that "harmless" next door neighbor.

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to make your point John, am I the only one who has gone to bed wishing Fauci, Collins, Walensky, Cohen, et al world wide, were all publicly drawn and quartered, quilotined in order to expiate the horrow we have all witnessed that they instigatied, not the least of which is how they knowingly duped good people, now dead or destroyed, by the millions, and continuing (FDA approving next round of the jab, Novavax, on children.) Something tells me thousands would join me in this retribution. The question is, by what knowing right do we have the right to inflict such hell on earth?

What we did to the NAZI perpetrators, institutional verison of the same.

Is this why we claim retribution is God's and God's alone!

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We punished the Nazis sufficiently eh? For every one of the ten whom we hanged at Nuremberg how many tens of thousands of actual Nazis with blood stained hands did we let walk not to mention those German Gestapo and rocket scientists did we actually rescue from punishment in order to win the Cold War?

I actually wish you were right!

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

And the Ukrainian Banderista Nazis who were brought to Canada and the US to be used against the Soviets in the 1950's and against Russia after the breakup of the USSR, most notably to be the muscle behind the 2014 Maidan coup and the 'philosophical' inspiration for the Poroshenko and Zelenskii governments and the UAF, as the political entities Svoboda and Pravy Sektor and the paramilitary (latterly incorporated into the UAF) Azov Battalion and their co-'ultranationalists'.

The evil which supported bioweapons labs throughout Ukraine and currently press-gangs unwilling citizens into assured death in a war which was clearly unwinnable from the start. Indeed, also unnecessary and solely due to the West's refusal to live up to the terms of the Minsk Accords and to accept the rather generous terms initialed in the Istanbul agreement in April 2022. The latter would have enabled the Donbas to remain in Ukraine upon guarantees of the rights of its citizens to their language and cultural traditions and to a commitment on the part of Kyiv to neutrality, a la Austria.

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Oh yes! I forgot about all those “brave democrats” of Ukraine!

And the U.S. State Dept report on world religious freedom had the gall to chat up supposed religious repression in Russia while totally ignoring the Banderistas’ own holy war upon Orthodox Christian clergy and laity!

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Correct. Much better to deliver them to a gulag located in an icy wilderness where they can enjoy one another's company as they contemplate their successes.

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He's the only One who can read hearts and minds, ergo the only One properly equipped to exact vengeance, because He alone knows where it's properly due.

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Oh yes, and given a bath in iodine!

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Can I assume you're aware of The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet, published June 2022? He clearly showed how mass formation and obedience to orthodoxy is possible in any population. And, like the Milgram experiments, thankfully only about 67% will comply. That leaves 33% who Just Say No!

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Exactly 🎯. Just say no. One little word that everyone seems to have an aversion to because they lack courage, integrity, and a moral compass, while preferring to get sucked into some cockamamie game of mental gymnastics and fear psy0ps. There was a point where pure hatred, rage, and disgust was all that could be felt toward the perpetrators of this heinous evil. Now? One really has to look at those who went along with it as the ones who ENABLED this despicable,vile, incomprehensible evil. Imagine if 10% of the weak-minded, mentally-deficient had gone along with this psy0p instead of 70%... and many who went along did so begrudgingly, too weak and too cowardly to stand for themselves and for what's right. The pathetic excuses they gave about WHY they went along were.. frankly, stupid. Two little letters. One word. "No" is all it would've taken. So... who's REALLY the culprit? 🤔

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No. A complete sentence requiring no further amplification or explanation.

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Brainwashing is highly effective.

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Unfortunately, some people only need a light rinse.

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the stupidity is winning (via "science") - for now

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That is the name of the game through all their poisons we can consent to or deny… we need to get out of our victimhood and start grabbing the bull by the horns!

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So interesting to have watched the hurricane of low brow character assasination used to motivate the people. Says a lot about our society. As a CDN watching late night TV, I thought something was up. I was fortunate enough to quarantine myself until the stats started rolling in about injuries,VD3 efficacy,and families that went to court to compell hospitals to administer IVM to failing family members. I see now,we must be well educated on health care matters,from here on innovation we know our docs,hospitals have been compromised. Question all.

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Bernays wrote a century ago about the manipulation of the public perception. We are clearly herd animals and men like Stanley Milgram and Solomon Asch demonstrated through clinical experiments that humans are herd animals.

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Yet we have free will. Choice is an option. And many people refuse "choice" OR accountability because they have zero morality and even less brains. Herd mentality is laziness and obedience to evil while ignoring one's own moral compass and humanity -- because it's "easy". All it is is a complete lack of character and integrity.

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All humans are NOT equal when it comes to various skills and abilities. IQ tests quantify what everyone knows, that some people are smarter than others. We have free will in different amounts in all humans, some are more free than others when it comes to following the herd, and of course wealth effects freedom or options.

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Nah. We are clearly NOT herd animals. But we live among those, like Milgram, who work overtime to reduce us to such beasts. The entire focus of psychology and psychiatry has been to reduce man to a herd animal, which justifies their destructive and evil control. We have seen the fruit of turning loose the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry on our children and our society. We are reaping the fruit of their destructive and evil work.

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There’s nothing wrong with studying human behavior. It has been a hobby of mine for decades. The psychologists are not making us herd animals, they are merely observing our behavior and demonstrating that we are in clinical settings. One need not be a psychologist (but must be an honest observer) to see the herd behavior on display during the early days of the scamdemic.

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Huh? So. you, personally, are not part of the MKULTRA project? That's good. As to what the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have been doing to the society and culture, I believe you have been horribly naive. The damage they have been exacting is astounding. They are not sitting around observing human behavior. The herd behavior you witnessed at the beginning of the pandemic was not natural or accidental. It was planned and orchestrated and driven by the mental health profession working at the behest of the DOD.

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I believe that there are good men and bad men in any given profession or group. What really matters is which group prevails at any given time. Yes the psychologist Jensen or Jansen down at Gitmo was disgusting. He and others enabled torture and laughed about it. Does good and evil exist? I think so.

But for every sadist in the profession, there are multiple good practitioners trying to help people as best he can. Am I naive in that view?

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Yes. Naive. In this case one has a profession that is inherently evil. Psychology and psychiatry advance deception, lies, and falsehoods for the purpose of controlling people, usually on behalf of a totalitarian state. These professions are based on the false premise that man is solely a biological entity, a herd animal. This negation of the soul, man's true essence, has destroyed individuals, communities, states, and nations. This false view of man is driving is driving us headlong into a worldwide communist nightmare. And that is in broad strokes and does not begin to recount the horrific specifics. The mental health professions, unfortunately, are demonic to the core.

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Inherently evil? Because they are human? What about the good that humans are capable of?

It's hard to take you seriously. Many humans want to discuss their personal problems with a person who might be able to help solve those problems, and there is nothing wrong with that, another facet of the human condition.

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Conformity Waiting Room: https://youtu.be/X6kWygqR0L8

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Thanks for the link. Very interesting, and fun

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I knew in March ‘20 this whole thing reminded me of something I’d read about and low and behold I found this perfect illustration of mass spinelessness. Ugh!

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Not so sure I agree with this. Decades ago, there was a time when information was scarce and much of the population was sheltered or even somewhat cut off from society at large. Many were illiterate and "backwards", easily swayed by those who were seemingly smarter or more "powerful". That's no longer the case. With the "internet" and an inconceivably vast number of books, documents, websites, documentaries, etc there's really no excuse for "ignorance" or for "going along to get along" unless a person is so deranged, or so lazy, they're obsessed with herd mentality. And many of these "influencers" were well paid for their jab stance (and so many other insane narratives and agendas -- be it trans, paid politicial opinions, etc). That said, it's naive and a dangerous illusion to think these people are unaware of the "evil". Not true. They are active participants and eager to push whatever the "cause du jour" is, whether it's for money, "clicks", status among the evil pushers, or because they themselves ARE consumed by the evil they promote. Nope. Not buying it. By saying some may just be unwilling or unknowing participants is a massive cop out and just another form of indoctrination which coerces people into giving the pushers of agendas "a pass" on their evil participation. You can feel bad for the evil doers that their choices and desire to participate in evil didn't work out well for them; but the damage they did by their participation on evil is inexcusable. Just like, "I was just following orders" doesn't exonerate the crime or harm committed, neither does participating in evil - knowingly or with the excuse of "unknowingly". It's called responsibility and accountability for your actions and decisions. As it relates to the jabs -- doesn't much matter what the "excuse" is. THE INFORMATION WAS OUT THERE, EVEN BEFORE THE JABS ROLLED OUT. Anyone with half a brain and a couple of hours (with nothing to do during "lockdowns") could have and should have looked into it. My God. Moderna's own website plain as day, said the jab was "an operating system". And when the jab rolled out, no one had a gun to their head to take it. (That may change going forward, but it wasn't the case then.) No. People made a conscious CHOICE to go along with the evil, and gave a multitude of EXCUSES for doing so, despite many warnings. It's ALWAYS a choice; but it's much more convenient and seemingly "compassionate" to pretend people were "unwitting" accomplices in their own demise and harm to others. Accountability. Period.

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You couldn’t be more wrong when you say these people made a choice to go along with evil because they got the vaccine. I know plenty of them that were clearly uninformed and actually trusted the government that they believed were in good faith providing them a vaccine to keep them protected from getting c19. And I know quite a few of those same people are sorry they believed and trusted them now. As far as I can tell you sound like you actually think anyone that is vaccinated is somehow evil. I know plenty of people and some I don’t know personally that I think are evil and I can tell you whether or not they are vaccinated. One thing is for sure if they were paid in any way to push the vaccine I could call that evil.

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Liz' point is their ignorance itself was a choice; the information was out there, and could be accessed, if one chose to do so, before the shots were rolled out. Some of us had a bit of a head start having encountered the lies from our medical professionals before that round of them, so were suspicious to start with the whole covid scam, but anyone who cared to look could have found the truth.

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Fortunately on this platform I am aloud to disagree. Not everyone had any other information. Those that did and did nothing about it or chose to get the Vaccine were just not very smart. They were deceived by evil from those pushing the vaccine. Doctors, nursing homes etc…. I actually had a doctor question me why we were not getting it and after I explained to him he said I guess we will have to wait and see in the next couple years what happens. Even the educated were not smart. I’m sure you and all of us have made a bad choice whether informed or uninformed before but I would not call that evil.

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Jimmy Kimmel AND Don Lemon of CCN said the same thing!!! It was sooo scary when not only a comedian, but a newscaster could purport that idea without any reprimands from his bosses!!! If I hadn't known it before, I surely knew then that we were in dangerous territory!! I was terrified!

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"What I find impossible to understand is how so many ordinary people have, in recent years, embraced “gender affirming” hormonal treatments for minors as young as 13 and sex change surgery for minors as young as 15."

100% agree!

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I'd like to kn ow the answer to that too, without speculating. Otherwise I fear the worst - that it's ingrained and the child is already in pain about something else. The only other excuse is that the parent, because of evil laws, can force a reluctan child to go through the procedure because there's no protection for the child, no on else to constul when everyone's on board - parent, teach, doctor, gay exposure, etc.

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Instead of invoking the monster hiding in the closet a new threat for naughty children: “Behave yourself or else you get gender reassignment surgery!”

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Because it goes back to evil. People are willing participants in it, or it wouldn't be so pervasive. There's no "unwittingness" about it. It's a conscious choice, regardless of the "motivation". Like it or not, it is.

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And at some point a few years from now? Exhibited in some sort of medical human zoo? “What we didn’t know, back then….and these are the results”

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Horrid thought, I had never even considered a "zoo."

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Before the mandates,( the 3 year anniversary tomorrow), I took an online class from Yad Vashem, which was embroiled in a controversy over leadership, and though I have probably read more about WWII over my lifetime (if one includes many novels)fthan anything else, part of the course material was interviews with Germans who participated in the Holocaust machinery. What was striking was not so much that they denied the suffering of the Jews, and Roma, and dissidents etc. but that it actually was not part of their reality, didn't exist, didn't matter, wasn't significant, as if there was a Stanford Prison Experiment institutional reality, across huge numbers of people, which disappeared what was happening, like Fauci torturing beagles and cutting their voiceboxes so they could be disappeared as living beings. It is as if the evil does not exist. Most of these people, beyond the psychopaths and dark triads, and spineless sadists, were attuned to a reality that not only did not admit to the suffering and death, but which wiped it out, stopped it from being true or real in any meaningful sense. All these men remembered the war fondly, their adventures and official jobs and their participation in a larger movement. Milgram was response to authority, but this is different in that obliterates the most significant aspect of what was occurring in human terms. This was not shock or trauma or dissociation or just staying blind to what was happening to survive, or obeying authority, this was participating and reclassifying the prisoners as not existing, like invisible microbes, or like immaterial things.

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And yet Netanyahu bragged that Israelis would serve as Pfizer's lab animals for vaccine development. Evil and group-think isn't limited to Germans or any other group.

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Quite so, and that affected more of the population in Germany of the '30s and early '40s than most even suspect today.

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Of course. The Milgram experiment was repeatedly successful. My remembering of it is that it tried to understand why the German people followed in the steps of Hitler's folly. That said, after Hitler ended the Weimar Republic, Germany entered wars it couldn't win. Hitler's and Goebbles' psyop madness came abruptly to an end in April-May 1945 when Hitler shot himself in the ass. So, it might be interesting to note that Milgram makes sense up to a point. It might be helpful to factor in that the CCP model might not be compatible with our 2,500-year Western civilization. We are culturally not Asian submissive-minded. 



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“We are culturally not Asian submissive-minded.”

I wish your statement were true.

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True. And the Russians continued to worship Stalin even after he was dead.

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Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C. S. Lewis

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I think that most people who are doing evil things believe that they are fighting evil when doing it. For instance, the large percentage of Israelis who support shoving things up the butts' of Palestinian poisoners. I suspect that in their minds they think these people whom are being tortured are evil, and thus deserve the torture.

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The Biden Administration has a catastrophic climate change policy that it is wheeling out through the EPA. It will likely shut down all coal plants and most natural gas power plants in the next ten years or so.

I watched a video on it when the policy came out. The speakers were four young women. I hopped on early, so I heard them talking amongst themselves before the session started. Two of the four were young moms. All four were so excited about what they were doing for their children, for the future.

What they did not understand was that this policy will crash the electric grid, quite possibly for years or even decades. Which will crash our society. So, rather than their kids being grateful for their tender and loving care of the environment, they will be scratching out a 19th century existence, wondering how we could have wrecked what we had intentionally.

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Not just Biden and Harris, however. They are puppets, and there are similar puppets, controlled by the WEF and whoever controls the WEF, enacting the same policies in all Western countries. Some power, whether Earthly or off world, truly hates humanity and seemingly life itself.

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Indeed, and that "power" is a person with a name, who has hated humanity from our earliest beginnings: Satan!

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Many doing evil may think they are doing "good", but committing torture is never " good", no matter how evil you believe the one being tortured might be, or how "deserving"!

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But, Oct. 7th. and beheaded babies, and rapes.. would be the typical staunch Israel supporter's response. and, they may throw in a few "teewowists". LOL

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I like how Jason Christoff explains mind control… that when propaganda targets people to act from their limbic system (reptilian brain) there no longer are morals, ethics and it has a low IQ! So when you have people in fight or flight the action of self preservation/survival outweighs any morals or logic!

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Survival usually hones one's skills. Fear, on the other hand, which comes from satan, is what destroys one's ability to think clearly. And fear IS something a person CAN control if they know who/what's behind it. Far too many with too little faith in themselves and their Creator, caught up in the noise put out there for their distraction. Any action/reaction taken out of fear will end badly. That's why the psycopaths use it for control. And the ignorant sheople get in the mud with the psycopaths and wonder how things ended up so badly for them. Don't play their game.

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