As someone who fought in Vietnam, I can resonate with this post. I was 17 when I joined the USMC in 1968. One year later I was sent to Vietnam to fight in the role of a grunt and commanded to kill people who had done nothing to me. War is hell! And I’m absolutely aghast that we are purposely provoking a nuclear-armed Russia. I’m not a Putin lover. In fact, I’ve become a Voluntarist . Hence, I dislike all politicians.

But one observation I would make is that the politicians who talk bravely about taking military action know precisely that they will never serve in the front lines to see the cruelty and absurdity of their actions.

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How many rich kids to you meet during your time in the marine Corps? The system was rigged then, and it would be that on steroids where it to be instituted now. No way sons of the so-called elite are going to get drafted, unless for some amazing reason they want to.

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Unable to like posts, so I must comment LIKE! Never met a one! The "elites" choose not to pay "The Blood Tax".

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Yeah, I can’t like posts, either, what’s up with that?

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Beyond me! I've contacted substack.com/support, a few times they respond promptly and are friendly, but ZERO positive results, I've tried all their suggestions. A substack commentor suggested I install and try Firefox, when it comes to computer things, I'm still a Boatswain Mate so I haven't done that YET. My guess substack did and upgrade and this happened!!!

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“Like” :)

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Politicians start all wars, yet the public always falls for their propaganda. The war you were in turned out to be a civil war, not a communist plot. McNamara even admitted so at the end of his life, he acknowledged they blundered.

It reminds me of a Bible account of the Israelites living in the promised land after their freedom from Egypt, complaining about having judges instead of a king like the other nations had. The prophet at the time told them that a king would get them involved in wars. They got their kings and their wars. Humans don't learn

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Exactly, we (collectively) are as dumb as a fence post. I include myself in that sad statement. I'm 68, and I didn't even begin pulling my head out of my backside about this stinking, rotten government until I was in my forties. And at that, it took me another ten years or more to begin grasping the level of depravity of our ruling class. They're vermin.

I can't do much of anything about it now, but at least I'll die eyes open, unlike many of these who came before us.

I hope I can help enlighten a few people to some realities, before I croak, but it isn't easy. People are certainly increasingly polarized, and I'm afraid, indoctrinated.

Hard to get through to people.

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We are the "same era" but I didn't get a radically different lens until covid, which was rather a perfect context for then reading "Chaos the hidden history of the 60s" as well as Talbot's brilliant "The Devil's Chessboard" -- so we were pretty much born just after the structure for corruption that was put into place at the end of WW2. Rethinking the JFK assassination then opened the proverbial Pandora's box. Once you come to grips with the fact that your own govt may find you inconvenient or expendable, a lot of "strange things" make much more sense.

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Devil's Chessboard is required reading.

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I hear you.

I've come to think that indoctrination and Normalcy Bias are public enemies #1 and #1A. I've listened to a psychologist explain normalcy Bias and how it plays into how people, especially unsophisticated people, like I've proven to be, can be duped so easily. I won't bore you with all the details of how I "woke up, one day", but I can tell you that after more than half a lifetime of imagining that my country stood for liberty and justice, freedom and democracy, and all that warm and fuzzy bull, and realizing it was all a gigantic lie, it was very difficult, emotionally speaking. I was pretty angry, for quite some time.

I don't know if enough folks are going to awaken to the sickening realities about this regime and deep state soon enough to make a difference or not. I tend to think we are past a point of no return, and I think we are on the cusp of critical mass.

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But we are seeing conversions and wake-ups every day. It’s an interesting, exciting time in history! The Lord would have had mercy on S n G if Abraham had found just 10 good people. We still have many who fear the Lord and our number is crystallizing and growing every day.

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I would agree that this is an interesting and exciting time. Some of the excitement I could happily live without!

I truly hope many, many conversions to Christianity will continue. I know that God's church is growing in several places around the world that one wouldn't necessarily expect it, Iran, for example.

Though I am a very poor example of a Christian, a Christian I am, and I will continue to try to walk with Christ. I know beyond doubt that all things happen according to God's will. By "according to God's will", I mean that I believe that God is truly The Sovereign, the only sovereign, and that nothing happens without his allowing it to happen.

I've been ridiculed by some for my beliefs. Lot's of uneducated/uninformed people, some of whom claim to be believers, but who don't bother to read and study God's Word, have said things to me like: "How could God approve of such horrible things like mass murder and rape." I used to think that way, too.

Well, to deny that YHWH allows bad things to happen (not that I think he "approves" or "blesses" wickedness) is in my opinion, denying His Sovereignty; it would mean He isn't truly in control. I will not believe He is not in control.

I have experienced His Holy Spirit at work in my life. I know what I know.

God's Word says we should pray for Christ's return, and I do just that. If I could have my selfish wish, He would return this instant.

I believe we are in the early part of the times described in Revelation called the tribulation.

I'm careful to point out that I don't believe Christ will return tomorrow. The prophesy in Revelation mentions several things that have a specific timeframe.

Some of those are some years in length, so we know Christ's return is at least a few years away. The prophesy also says we are in for some extremely challenging times during the tribulation. I think we are there, but I freely acknowledge I could certainly be wrong.

I encourage all to read Matthew 24 where Jesus tells the twelve of certain details about the time approaching the "end of the age", He reminds us that not even He knows when He will return, "only The Father" knows. However, if you carefully examine several books of the Bible like Daniel, Matthew, First and Second Thessalonians and Revelation, for examples, you will find many things described, many of which are taking place in our time.

When challenged like this, many unbelievers and believers will say something like: "There have always been wars and violence and bad times, so how do you know this is the tribulation?" Simple answer: I don't. However, I will point out that something that exists today, that prior to these contemporary times has never existed: highly sophisticated surveillance technology. This is the one thing that could allow for the rise to the man of lawlessness (some call him antichrist) that has never previously existed. Without this technology, plus almost instantaneous worldwide communications, no one man could possibly rule the world. Now, for the first time in recorded history, it is conceivable.


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If you look at the arc of history, you will witness an indubitable pattern in which governments always expand inversely to individual liberty. The first rule for survival: don't trust any government official purportedly acting to advance your individual welfare.

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We’re from the government, and we’re here to help.-President Ronald Reagan’s warning

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Thank you for that recommendation. Was always a conservative millennial, but 2020 made me disbelieve everything I’d ever learned of 20th century history, news, narratives, or leadership. American and worldwide (do we have to believe that the Hapsburg monarchy’s fall and Austro-Hungarian Empire’s breakup by noble forces of Leftism was a good thing for Europe?) It’s hard to put together true stories still but it put all those interesting but strange, older, usually veteran “conspiracy theorist” guys into sharp perspective. Actually my eyes were opened wide in 2019 by a young open communist YouTube commenter trolling me, when he finally said, “Who said a Comm. Revolution needs bloodshed?”

Anyone have a take on whether JFK, Sr. was really a Good Guy?

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In one sense, he wasn’t a “good guy” he was a womanizer so the question is was his political vision for the country good. We would be living in a different world if the coalition of evil actors esp the military-intelligence community hadn’t murdered him and essentially staged a coup. He was not going to commit troops to Vietnam and Pres Johnson did the exact opposite. He successfully had private diplomatic relations with the Russian president. Anyway watch a video of the famous speech he gave at American University in 1963 and decide for yourself.

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There’s also the astonishing history I just heard of the Vietnamese president who was apparently beating back the Communists on his own, before he was taken down by… you guessed it: do you know about Ngo Dinh Diem?


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I’ll tell you the truth, I want to know if there is any evidence that his rep as a womanizer has been just to smut his image. Because he was a Good Guy. My mother swears by him, even though she was a young child when he died.

Incidentally, his next appointment after Dallas was to meet with the renowned Fr. Walter Ciszek in the Oval Office, the imprisoned (23 years, presumed dead) American missionary priest he and his brother had just rescued/swapped for from the Soviets, whose return to the States on October 12, 1963 made front page of the NYT. I love this priest, so I want to love J n RFK.

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And BTW, I failed to thank you for serving our nation. I genuinely appreciate the sacrifice you chose to make.

For me, as far as my appreciation for our veterans are concerned, whether it was a war worth fighting or nothing but a waste of blood and treasure, our citizens who serve, deserve to be honored, and to the extent possible, repaid.

Now we know that Viet Nam was more or less, on par with the insane wars on Afghanistan and Iraq - completely predicated on lies, completely unnecessary, and prosecuted only for the enrichment of a few.

Damn I wish We The People weren't so easily duped!

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the Bush era wars were brought to us by a bunch of draft dodgers like Rumsfeld

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So True John. And if politicians and/or their kids had to fight there may be no wars!

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and if politicians and their kids were at the TOP of the list to go. . .

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Would never happen.

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So it is...When MILITARY ACTIVITY OF ANY KIND for the United States; Regulations must be placed for the activation of the Issue of Politicians and the Deep State with children or Grandchildren to be the first conscribed to the age of 35.

SERVICE is the 'Key Description' of all Officials; so "LET THEM SERVE" The People, instead of themselves.

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Why stop at age 35? Include the parents as well.

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Most pver the age of 35 are already of an age of accomplishment and don't really care about themselves as they have acheived connections to safeguard themselves to desks and such...In places to actually PLAN and CARRY-OUT the Wars and Operations placing the kids and Grandkids of the less fortunate into harm.

Most of their kids and Grandkids are safer in War Zones to some extent and still have not yet attained any power or influence...As Hunter didn't; and then they're also not so safe as in warfare there is no real safe 'space' as the WOKESTERS say.

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Perfect Blaze!

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You're dreaming if you think rich kids would actually get drafted. See my comments above.

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I don't expect them to, but in a sane world those who declare war should fight it. Obviously we live in an Insane, Psychotic world run by Predator/Parasites.

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Yes; agree completely.

I kind of like the way Hollywood scripted that one little dust up near the beginning of the movie Troy, starring Brad Pitt. It was whatever kingdom against whatever other kingdom, and the "war' was decided by a contest between each kingdoms best warrior, Achilles, played by Brad Pitt, and the giant of a guy from the other side. They fight to the Finish, and that settles things. One casualty to settle a war; sweet!

Even better would be if we ever evolved to the "advanced" level of Klatu's civilization from the movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951 version). They ended open conflict by inventing a race of robots with absolute authority. One violent move and Gort zaps you with his laser beam. Problem solved!

Hey, my fantasy isn't any more fantastic or unbelievable than the notion of "elites" serving as combat troops!

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Rich college white boys were the ones who always got a deferment during 'Nam.

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You almost nailed it. It wasn't strictly "rich" white kids. My family was perhaps middle class, but I'm not sure we were even quite that high in the order of things, and my brother who turned 18 in 1969 went to college, in large part, to reduce the chance of getting drafted. He did eventually join the Air Force - at the end of the war -but he had no desire whatever to experience an all expense paid vacation to the jungles of VN.

Without question, young black men we exploited during that war; Dead wrong.

I pray that if our loco government ever began conscripting people, a huge percentage of those selected for service would just refuse to go. I would support that 100%.

I can't predict the future, but I would suspect that if the voluntary enlistment drops much further, the regime will attempt to pull off a stunt like they did on 9/11/01 - create a phony attack on our citizens, portray it (with the help of the corrupt, rotten media) as an attack by whom ever the regime wants a war with, that day, and dupe many "patriotic" young men and women into joining. In other words, murder them with their own love of country. Just like they did in the phony Afghan and Iraq wars.

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Good points.

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Are you familiar with how the Tiananmen Square Massacre went down? How all the camaraderie with the protesters in the Square sharing coffee, pictures and smiles with soldiers could've turned into a bloodbath of unarmed civilians machine-gunned down by soldiers in tanks they shared smiles with just days before?

Because they weren't the same soldiers. When the Chinese regulars were given the order to clear the Square with extreme violence they refused. They had bonds with the protesters. That's when the CCP called in the Mongolian tank divisions. The Mongolian army had no bond with the people. And they ruthlessly, mercilessly, murderously obeyed their orders.


What does this have to do with the proposal to reinstitute the draft in the US? The current Congressional proposal is to draft illegal immigrants along with US citizens. People who have no bond with Americans. No attachment to freedom. No reason to disobey orders to massacre freedom protesters.

Our borders have been porous under the Biden administration. With 8-10-20 million fighting age single men dispersed across the nation, a reserve of draftable soldiers.

Follow along with me. Our military is not built to fight wars against peers. 20+ years in Iraq and Afghanistan trained and equipped it to be an occupying force. Proficient at dispatching insurgents and insurrectionists. But mano-a-mano army vs army training and equipment, not so much. How's the US military equipment and advisors performance in Ukraine against Russian army units working out?

Let's play this out. US citizen conscripts get sent to Ukraine, deployed to the meat-grinder that's running out of meat against Russia. The immigrant conscripts 'protect' the homeland. From insurgents and 'insurrectionists' protesting for freedom.

An army of foreigner conscripts given orders to clear our town squares...by the same politicians and generals indoctrinating our military with Marxist DEI/CRT, who've identified and targeted constitutional freedom supporters, Patriots, MAGA as "domestic threats."

This doesn't end well. Like Tiananmen Square didn't end well. Call this conspiracy kooky all you want. But deep down you know what I'm describing isn't all that far-fetched.

No. No conscript military. No illegal immigrant army. No illegal immigrant police force. No. No. No. No. No.

Our biggest threat isn't overseas. It's here in the US. It's those in power today. Who need a military police force to hold on to power to protect them from the free people they are ruling as tyrants over. They don't get to conscript our bodies to die in a far-off meat grinder on the steppes of Eurasia while foreigners go Mongolian on Americans in the US.

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Freedom Fox, I could not agree more. In fact, it sounds more than plausible, it sounds likely. I wish more people were aware of the likelihood of what you are predicting here.

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“Conspiracy kooky”…no, you’re 🎯!

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In the case of Hong Kong protest of 2019-20, CCP simply paid the local HKPF huge bonuses to beat their own people (and far worse intimidation tactics and gang rape, torture and dumping murdered corpses in public areas put terror into the protestors.) Special Ops were imported from nearby Guandong province to mix in with the militarized "riot" police, but post-2000 WTO membership the Beijing regime is rich enough to grease the wheel by appealing to avarice. Look at how much the biggest stars of Hong Kong (Jackie Chan, Tony Leung Chiu-wai) toe the line for Beijing or piped down.

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Dang again. Be careful, you’re probably giving Them ideas. Except They’re already being fed the ideas by the Devil.

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This is very perceptive. It’s the only scenario that makes sense of otherwise self-destructive policies of the current regime. The Ukraine war is not only an unprovoked attack against Russia, not only a get-rich-quick scheme by Defense plutocrats, but also a recruiting device for armed forces to be used against domestic opponents, I.e. the American people.

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Remember, George HW Bush was eulogized as "the best friend China has ever had in the White House."


"As the US’ chief diplomatic envoy in China during a period before the US had formally opened an official Beijing embassy, Bush met with several key Chinese leaders, including Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, as well as numerous military and diplomatic heads."


"“There’s no doubt Beijing sees him as the best friend China has ever had in the White House, certainly in the category of Nixon,” said Jeffrey Engel, director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University, referring to former US President Richard Nixon, who opened relations with Communist China in 1972"

***FF [Bush was UN Ambassador under Nixon who officially voted to recognize CCP China over the Nationalist government exiled in Taiwan]


"Beginning in 1974, Bush arrived in the capital aged 50 as the second US envoy to Beijing, during a period in which China had yet to fully emerge from decades of self-imposed isolation.

“He thought the future lay in Asia and the future lay in China,” said Engel, of Bush’s decision to accept the role in the Chinese capital.

Bush had traveled to Beijing with the intention of meeting “the next generation of China’s leaders,” according to his diary. But although Bush twice met Chairman Mao Zedong, more often than not he found his diplomatic efforts thwarted."


"But by the time he left in 1975 to take up the role of CIA director under the Ford administration, Bush had developed a special appreciation for and understanding of the Chinese government, Orville Schell, director of the Asia’s Society’s Center on US-China relations, told CNN."

***FF [When the CIA began to recruit card-carrying Communists like John Brennan - Obama's future CIA Director - and began to reorient itself to surveille Americans]


"Massacre in Beijing

Elected to the US Presidency in 1988, Bush took office at a time when relations between the United States and China were at an all time high, as the two countries engaged in increasing levels of economic cooperation.

But that would soon change, when little over a year later, the Chinese Communist Party ordered the military to clear pro-democracy protestors camping in the center of Beijing, leading to hundreds, if not thousands of deaths.

“Bush was president during the single most difficult moment of Chinese-American relations since the Korean War,” said Engel, who worked with Bush on editing and publishing his China diaries.

The events of June 4, 1989, provoked a massive outcry around the world. The Bush administration immediately moved to impose sanctions on the Chinese government, including suspending arms sales and military exchanges.

But behind the scenes Bush made the controversial decision to reach out to Beijing’s then leader Deng Xiaoping to smooth relations following the brutal massacre, an act which the Chinese government never forgot."

***FF [Lessons learned? For future application in the US to put down Patriots?]


"“My long history with Deng and the other leaders made it possible for us to work through the crises without derailing Sino-American relations,” Bush wrote in the foreword to his China diaries in 2007.

Bush secretly sent his national security adviser, Brent Scowcroft, on a mission to China in July 1989 to ensure diplomatic relations were maintained at a time when the world was rapidly isolating China.

The diplomatic overture, described by Schell as a “tough call,” led to widespread outrage in the United States after it was first reported by CNN in July 1989.

Declassified US State Department documents later revealed how Bush hoped to “manage short-term events in a way that will best assure a healthy relationship over time,” a strategy seemingly guided by his recognition that China was too important a country to completely isolate.

“Deng Xiaoping never forgot that after 1989, when China’s luck was really down and Deng was smarting from a terrible self-inflicted wound, Bush came to the rescue,” said Schell.

Engel pointed out years later, when Bush was looking to build consensus in the UN Security Council in 1991 for action against Iraq during the First Gulf War, China didn’t use its veto power against the United States."

***FF [Because the First Gulf War was the beginning of the military reconfiguration from one of army vs. army capabilities to army vs. civilian deployments?]


"During one of Bush’s dozens of post-presidency visits to China in 2006, Engel, who was traveling with him, said the former US leader’s reception upon his arrival in the country was “amazing.”

“He was not greeted as a former President, he was greeted as President … He remarked at the time, nowhere else in the world did they treat him with as much reverence as when he went to China,” he said.

Engel admits part of the grand reception was due to the fact Bush’s son, George, was then in the White House. “(But) there’s also no doubt they were treating him as a great old friend of China,” he said."


"For Bush’s party, he made his feelings on China clear in the foreword to his China diaries, which he wrote in 2007.

“I love the Chinese people. One of my dreams for our world is that these two powerful giants will continue working toward a full partnership and friendship that will bring peace and prosperity to people everywhere,” Bush said."

***FF [Like de-industrializing the US, shipping all manufacturing capacity to China and taking lessons from the CCP on how to impose authoritarian rule over unruly freedom-loving American Patriots (Tiananmen), uniting both systems. Global Marxism. With "Chinese Characteristics" in China. With "American Characteristics" in the US. When both have the same essential system that eliminates friction that causes wars and brings about "full partnerships and friendships."]

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Later the CCP figured they might as well cut out the middleman and buy a President directly. Installed in the White House right now.

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Tiananmen Square falls into the category of "everything we've been told is a lie." Historian Matt Ehret has a recent 'stack about it: "In reality, nobody at all was killed in Tiananmen Square." It was a failed color revolution; a genuine youth groups protest that was quickly coopted by British and American intelligence. Goes to show you we need to question all the stories we've been told these days.


Matt (sources, including US embassy cables leaked by wikileaks, are linked in his 'stack):

"While Tiananmen Square was cleared peacefully on June 4, clashes at street blockades about five kilometers away did kill around 200 civilians and soldiers. Western media hardly ever mention these clashes because photographs and video footage clearly show that deadly violence was initiated not by security forces but by protestors armed with guns, paving stones and Molotov cocktails.

"Instead, the most iconic photograph of the Tiananmen Square protests shows the famous but anonymous “tank man” (pictured above). Western media usually present a cropped photograph and a shortened video of “tank man” that suggest he was trying to stop the tanks from entering Tiananmen Square and that he may ultimately have been arrested or killed.

"In reality, “tank man” blocked the tanks from leaving Tiananmen Square the next morning, talked to some of the soldiers and eventually was whisked away unharmed by bystanders."

2011 story on the Wikileaks leaks here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8555142/Wikileaks-no-bloodshed-inside-Tiananmen-Square-cables-claim.html


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I've listened to Matt. I heard most of his latest episode. I don't trust Matt's version of this history one bit.

Matt gets many other hidden history subjects right. But not this one. He has controlled opposition red flags all over him with respect to China.

I'm not a China hater. I don't singularly blame them for 'covid' and atrocities of pandemic. They worked *with* US bad actors. China correctly told us antivirals worked in March-April 2020, that travel bans don't work. That the US - and Trump - was overreacting, was making it political and that if US wasn't careful it would find its own citizens embracing China's authoritarian model. They were right.

But, China did massacre freedom protesters in Tiananmen Square. With a wink and a nod from the Bush 41 administration. Rewarded for it, integrated into world economy, at the expense and deconstruction of US economy. And then US went on to reconfigure our military from a fighting force to a police occupation force under Bush 43. Following the China Tiananmen Square model. For this moment in history when a coup d'etat like 2020 would need to secure its illegitimate power by repressing dissent.

We are the target. They tell us so. We are the 'domestic threat.' They mean it. Not empty rhetoric. Mass murder massacres are not below them. China model.

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I hear you, and I agree Matt has a blind spot about China's problems; that's why I read his sources. I believe this is ALL a globalist game and the cabal controls all the pieces, China included. I also believe most of what we've been told all our lives has been narrative to build the belief systems the globalists need us to hold so they can carry on with their next plan. What you say here doesn't contradict that belief to me. It would certainly serve the globalists' need to have us believe "China is evil" (while attempting a "color revolution") -- clearly this evil-empire narrative is still ongoing -- and we know the cabal routinely stage the required photos / battles and pay journalists to report their version of events. Journalists have since recanted stories written then. Not that China would't have done some murdering if the globalists decided that served the purpose at the time, mind you. I'll look again. My own view is I think China is the opposite of what's needed in the world and it's the globalists' testing ground to see how much people will put up with. I also see the narrative game: globalists need us to pay attention to and fear some big baddie other than them. This has been the case all our lives. China / Russia / Iran are serving that purpose these days, interchangeably decided on day of, it seems. My guess is that the people there are as fed up with this charade as we are.

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I generally agree with this as someone who regards the left/right stuff as mostly political theatre and distraction from the up/down power struggle. Along the way a lot of "left/right people" are contributing to the noise with the utmost sincerity.

For example, whatever about Putin personally, Russia itself is much more historically-culturally aligned with the West in a way the Chinese would never be. But Russia is on the outs, in my view, because "sincere leftists" don't like Russia's "relatively conservative" stance on sexuality.

I think there is much more to be concerned about with regard to globalists naively selling us out to China. When it comes to the up/down conflict, China has a winner take all view -- that is what the notion of "The Middle Kingdom" is.

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I think the globalists by and large control who we think of as “out” or “in.” I’ve lost my belief in true nation states working or fighting in their own interest. I catch myself whenever I fall back into the standard frame that’s been programmed into us all from birth. This game has been running a long long time.

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One reality that is not a distraction and never Theater unless it’s the literal arena, is that true Christianity is always on the Outs. The up/down is always ultimately the Good True and Beautiful vs. what’s NOT. I’m thinking of the true leader of the Globalists, and all the useful idiots who are sincere followers. Everyone with them is either stupid or evil.

But believers know who wins in the End. And ironically, the favorite leftist catchphrase says it all but not what they want it to say:

LOVE indeed does win.

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Although Western believers try to avoid it because we enjoy immense material comfort ( myself included), real Christianity functions better when it’s on the extreme “outs”.

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Good timing with this post. The EU is beginning the draft. This is not public knowledge yet, but will be soon. The Neocons here in the US will follow. Additionally, the age for the draft will increase and include females.

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Ah... finally it's good to be "old". {grin}

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Women scream for equal rights...until they have to do the hard stuff.

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This is a great point, but those draft dodgers had help from their privileged places. The ruling class, they are not elite, will find a way to dogde anything not favorable to themselves. It could also apply to the war in Israel. Let those protesting here go fight on behalf of the terrorists they support. Would probably shut them down in a heartbeat.

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And not just the politician puppets, we need to include the fighting age children of every single bureaucrat in the DOD, Homeland Security, NSA, CIA, etc. And not just send overseas and sit in a secure compound 300 miles. In the operational field.

The puppets are not making these decisions, the bureaucrats are.

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How many people even know what is really going on in Ukraine? Your post presupposes most people have an accurate picture of what is occuring. Major news outlets have misrepresented what is taking place shamelessly. How many people really understand how serious the situation is?

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Nothing stopping you from going to Ukraine to fight.

Or, send your kids.

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We should remember that even in the era of the draft upper class draft dodging was quite widespread. The draft system was NOT equalizer. Connections as well as draft avoiding schemes were utilized by a great number of influential families. It was and always is the lower strata of the society that are required to die. It doesn’t matter what military system is in place.

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Especially, in the Vietnam Era! And there was a bonus: Agent Orange! A gift that keeps on giving. But it was only to kill vegetation, it won't hurt you. War is rich old men protecting their property by sending middle class and lower class young men off to die. It always has been.

George Carlin

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And after that they blessed us with depleted uranium.

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Excellent point. The arrogant stupidity this war encompasses would end today should those advocating war be held responsible to fight it.

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Anyone who watches tv at this point is just being programmed with a constant stream of propaganda. They have a liberal flavor of propaganda and a conservative flavor. The tv is swaying public opinion to generally support whatever “they” want the public to support. It surprises me how many people just turn on the tv to get their daily “programming”. And the liberals support the liberal war and the conservatives support the conservative wars. And nearly everyone in the country is cheering on a war. I used to be one of those people. I still remember watching “Shock and Awe” and feeling so justified. Now I know it was all lies. Some people still don’t know. Very sad.

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I’m maybe just that much older than you that when I saw “shock and awe,” I went to the bathroom and vomited.

But I had a stepson in the army.

After 8 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, he’s still with us, but he’s not the same kid who enlisted in peacetime. He’s now a Warrant Officer IIII, but war took something from him that he can’t remember ever existed.

Just like millions of other soldiers.

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I’m sorry to hear that and yes, I also have loved ones who have been through the war machine. My dad is a Vietnam vet and my parents just can’t let go of the idea that “America only fights the bad guys”. They would have an existential crisis if they ever allowed themselves to consider it was all just a big corrupt profiteering scam. My dad lost good friends in that war and it soothes the pain to think it was justified.

My babies were in diapers when we watched “shock and awe” on the tv. I didn’t know better then. But I know now. I can’t believe how corrupt the whole system is. At least I know some of it. I’m sure none of us can ever begin to know the depth of depravity that is pulling our world around by the nose but it’s now apparent that what we have all been told is complete lies.

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We don’t need conscription.

We do need "national service" with a military option.

We are not serious about unf$#%ing congress... until we quit allowing offices to be BOUGHT and SOLD (before, during and after “public service”).

P.S. I always respect Courageous Discourse on any subject.

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Having been subject to potential conscription during the time of the Vietnam "Forever" War, spared while in school the by the luck of the draw in the 1st draft lottery. I can not recommend this path. The right path is to figure out the way to stop the evil creating these seemingly unstoppable wars without reinstating the evil of forced conscription into destructive for all that is good forever wars.

A war that never should have been with terrible consequences for the whole of the people of Vietnam persisting unto this day and into the future.

A war that never should have been with terrible consequences for many Americans and their friends, families and loved ones. And a evil karma upon the American People.

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Ah, but the difference between now and the 1960s is that a) Obama and the uniparty laid better groundwork by making it legal to use propaganda on US citizens and, b) many, many young men (and now WOMEN) have been brainwashed to the rainbow eco-religion. Barely out of high school, draft aged citizens had four years of rainbow flags in the classroom and now see rainbow flags flying on flagpoles on their schools. Whereas the Vietnam protests were counter-movements, the current environment is much more a color revolution from within where millions of young people are turned against their own nation's history and, quite frankly, don't know what to believe or even know what a "draft" actually is. Comparing the political and historical awareness of 1960s Americans to today's kids is like comparing a cop to Johnny Cochran.

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No worry, John. The draft will be reinstated. Once those organizing the current tyranny have completed their transformation of our Republic into a Communist state, the draft will flourish. At that point there will be nothing anyone can do to oppose the conscription party. By then, should one post a complaint about said draft, as you have done, that person will be soon be doing push ups in basic training.

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The warmongers remind me of the 3 Stooges skit. They are in a war somewhere and Mo looks at Larry and says, "We're going to fight this war till the very last drop of your blood!"

Danny Huckabee

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These days, students do not protest against war. They only 'protest' against others having the right to say that they do not share the students' role model to become the first 350 pound black trans Hamas fighter in the Azov Batallion. And koderns students will only 'protest' when being told to do so on TikTok and when protests are organized and paid for by the Open Societies Foundation.

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