Your words are encouraging, inspiring and reinforce my exact thoughts and beliefs on freedom of speech. Thank you. Without it an intelligent society will surely shrivel and die.

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"Shrivel and die."

God only knows the enemies needing to grow some thicker skin

and develop adult logic are doing all possible to promote intellectual pablum.

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I agree with you on not censoring comments. We are too often treated like fragile children who must be protected from "dangerous" or "harmful" ideas, instead of adults who can assess and make their own minds up. And I love Thomas Sowell!

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Yes, often we also treat our children as fragile. One can show them boundaries and have something place for them to feel supported if they are in trouble if you/parent is not there....a cellphone, a hand signal and or getting away from an unsafe situation by staying in public places. Children need to feel secure in themselves and not be led down some unsafe path/lured. They need to know their parents are still the ones they can trust...as opposed to the government and schools telling them what injections to take and what clothing to wear to fit in with the latest LGBTQ ...lured by visions of grandeur

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How cool and novel is this;

“Because I believe that any reasonable adult who reads our Substack can judge such comments for himself. I don’t need to protect my readers from any comments. They are free to discuss, debate, or simply ignore such comments.”!

Many thanks for trusting us. Rare these days

Amr Australia

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Agreeing totally; especially the notion we can ignore...not reply or acknowledge...just move on.

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Seems the self anointed have gotten away with so much for so long with so little resistance they believe they are invulnerable. Conservatives have let this happen for the most part because not enough of us pushed back hard enough to stop them. Now we have at least two generations of miseducated people who are unable to think for themselves and don’t know a shit idea when they hear it. As Holly Valance said at the recent awards ceremony, all of the Left’s ideas are shit. That’s how we get to the point where CO2 is pollution, castrating boys and chopping healthy breasts off girls is ‘gender affirming care’, full term abortions of healthy babies is ‘planned parenthood’, and novel shots developed in a panic that had obvious and horrific side effects even during the minimal clinical trials and didn’t stop people getting ill and didn’t stop transmission were mandated as ‘safe and effective’. I don’t know how we get back to sanity from here. I hope somebody else does.

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While I agree with most of the things you say, Mr. Tapscott, you are in my opinion affirming the false paradigm of LEFT vs RIGHT....There are people who opposed the "vaccines" in every party and every political affiliation....but I agree --Brandon and his pedophile son must be stopped at all costs. This sickening monster is an enemy of mankind--and apparently the "Woke Agenda" is Satan's own playbook with aim to harming every child it touches....literally.

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I think the left versus right paradigm is useful and appropriate. While some of the left may have opposed vaccine mandates, it's probably more true to say that many of them believe we should act for the "greater good" and that means saving granny from the filthy unvaccinated. You'll of course recognize the propaganda during High Covid.

But more than that, the left has been taken in by the climate pseudoscience, by the ideas of equity and inclusion, etc., disregarding the merits of any of this and assuming that all those on the right are unscientific haters. This too is a result of the propaganda foisted on the left through their favorite media, such as the NY Times and NPR.

Behind all of this collectivist thinking is the disregarding of the ideas of tolerance and of the greater good, as: we're each free to pursue our own greatest good within the broad confines of the law. Frederick Hayek wrote a valuable book on the dangers of collectivist thinking (The Road to Serfdom) and it's this collectivist "we're all in this together" that's the danger, without any critical examination of what "this" is that we're all in.

In my experience, and especially in the past few years, the left are some of the most close-minded, hypnotized people I've ever met, who will literally yell at you at the top of their lungs if you disagree with what NPR says. They have given up thinking for themselves and only obey "the authorities." This is by design. Now the trick being played on us all is to aim all the vitriol of the left onto the right-- the racist homophobic unscientific conspiracy theorists-- see how this works?-- and thereby enact policies, backed by the left, to censor the freedom to think and speak, even more than it is now.

I believe people at heart are good and decent but the goodness and decency of those on the left are now being used against them and against us, as they're blinded by the censorship/propaganda machine they're subject to.

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I don't believe people took the 'shots' for the greater good, I don't think people are that altruistic. I think they took the clot shot to protect themselves and if that helped others that was an additional benefit. They believed the 'safe and effective' propaganda that they heard on outlets repeatedly.

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Mostly agree, except, that "left-right" nonsense is NOT needed. That concept arose out of the French Revolution. We need to dump ALL such divisive rhetoric. The left-right delusion is also the seed which has grown the toxic fruit of the "Uniparty" Deep State. I will go as far as to say that it is so NON-Constitutional, that it's also UN-Constitutional. The words "republic" & "republican" appear in our Constitution, "democrat" & "democracy" do NOT....please rethink your support of the divide-and-conquer strategy of the Globalists, ok?....

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When someone uses the term democracy, I know that is an idea going the wrong way. Our constitution is not maintaining a democracy it is about maintaining a republic. There is a big difference. It is my opinion that several generations have been schooled in the public school system and maybe even in elite private education system to believe that the US Constitution guarantees a democracy and it does not. It is to guarantee a republic form of government.

I wonder if it is a good idea to simply ask the question to those pushing the agenda about the difference between the a republic vs a democracy. See if there is an understanding of the difference, begin to have a conversation away from the divisive subject matter to the difference in what our constitution is to maintain. So many of the leftist organizations are all about maintaining democracy democracy democracy. It is in the name of the orgs. Just maybe the “right” fight is to start using the term republic when speaking about our rights and responsibilities under the constitution and begin a re-education campaign.

State governments should actually take a close look at what is being taught in the classroom. Young and most likely otherwise good teachers are teaching the wrong form of US government because they have been educated to think it is a republic. I wonder if some polling org should do a simple poll that ask the people under 60 years old what form of government our constitution protects. Then have related question to encompass the diff ideology behind each to see if there is an understanding of the difference. In reality the older I get the more I think the libertarian is a bit closer to what the constitution provides.

Hey I could be wrong but I think we have a foundational problem of what many think the constitution provides. I honestly think the “right thinkers” should quit using the term democracy in any form and start using republic to begin a re-education campaign. It election season so imagine if every politician who believes in the republic incorporated that ideology and the word ‘republic’ into their stump speech, it could have a profound effect. Even the MSM might have to begin to explain what a republic is - Imagine that. All they can seem to now talk about is maintaining democracy. What if the conversation shifted to maintaining a republic and how that ties into the hot topic issues vs how a democracy handles the same issue.

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Here's an old song about "democracy" in the developing world. Now this kind of "democracy" has come to the 5 eyes nations and Israel.

Bruce Cockburn "Call it democracy" (w/ subtitles)


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Boy he was so right in that song - truly prophetic!

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Yes, but, in media, I hear every Democrat using "democracy" as a droning mantra. Except, they mean "Democrat Party policies", not "democracy" as a form of government. So, as good as your ideas are, I just dont see them getting any traction, as long as the left-right, Democrat-Republican WAR continues..... "divide-and-conquer", remember?.... Thanks!

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I totally agree they incessant use democracy which is exactly my point. I see how using the word republic can have the connotation of the Republican Party and not the people. Just like democracy, is part and parcel with the Democrats in my mind these days. Even when a Republican uses the word I think he or she is a member of the uni-party. My whole point is to somehow re-educate a vast number of people as to what a republic looks like. For me, I’m totally ok with a government shutdown. Why? Because we are a republic and not a democracy. Most democrats will argue that Republicans want to overturn democracy and well some do like me. I don’t want to be ruled by majority rule and neither did the writers of the constitution. The writer put in so many safeguards to prevent democracy rule yet few these days understand.

America First people want the country to be a republic. So again IMO, those politicians need to start using the word. Many the MSM would have to explain what the word means, unless they of course redefine it. So the America 1st movement need to define it first. Use the term to their advantage by educating the public that the constitution provides for a republic and if necessary a government shutdown because the Democrats are not budging on their agenda, they expect for the other side to budge more. I also don’t mind a continuation resolution for the same reason. At this point, I prefer that the Biden government is stifled with passing any new laws which fulfills their agenda. Could I be wrong, certainly. All essential forms of the government will continue under a shutdown. For the most part it just shuts down some of the deeply entrenched deep state. Unfortunately most in the highest echelons of the cabal are consider essential so they will continue to do what they do.

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But that IS the divide and conquer strategy of the globalists, is it not? I agree with you. But I also believe it's important to see what the globalists are doing: they're using the care and concern of the people on the left for the environment and for justice to turn them against true science and true justice, through the mechanisms of censorship and propaganda.

NPR and the NY Times are solidly aimed at "the left."

Federalist and anti-federalist were the divisions during the framing of the Constitution, roughly corresponding to our own divisions of left and right.

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Yup. Agreed. 100%.... Just to clarify, "left" = Federalist, "right" = Anti-Federalist. Is that what you mean? And, shouldn't see it as a healthy balance, not an either-or?.... Much of my thinking has clarified by reading Buddhist teachings on duality..... Despite his approval of Marxism, HH Dalai Lama has several excellent, easily readable books on basic Buddhist thought, which helped me greatly. Christianity finally makes sense to me, after reading Buddhism. Really!....

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Agree with most of your excellent comment, but I'm not so sure people are good and decent. It seems that 20-30 % are going to be good no matter what, maybe 10-20 % are going to be bad no matter what, and the rest are simply morally fluid depending on their circumstances.

I've been on many outdoor adventures with many different people, and there are very few people I'd want with me when things get bad. Most people panic or get angry when confronted with survival issues. I know it's not the same thing as being good. But they're related.

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To tolerate evil is to do evil.

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Left vs right isn't "parties", but ideologies, applicable globally, and initiated by Jesus Christ Himself, with distinct and different end points.

This novel shots were not "developed in a panic", they sat on a shelf over a decade just awaiting a" bug" to which they could be attached. They were initially intended for SARS-1, but could never get through the testing for approval, because all the animals kept dying!

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Sandra, the animals kept dying and human use studies weren’t approved on the basis that to cause a human’s body to produce anything (a protein) that causes the immune system to attack the protein and the cell producing the protein IS an autoimmune disease. In nature, a virus enters the human body with one or more toxic spike proteins on its exterior. The immune system responds by destroying all of the proteins on the exterior of the virus AND kills the virus itself. Thus, creating a complete immunity to the virus and all components of the virus. The same process occurs when a human cell has gone rogue and is producing harmful proteins, the immune system kills the cell. If enough of that cell type go rogue, the immune system learns to kill that cell type and an autoimmune disease is created. The only way to get approval to inject an autoimmune disease into people was through treating adults like children during an extreme fear situation. Otherwise, people would have said no to the risk of worldwide use of a “newly developed” injectable.

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Politics is downstream from culture, and culture is downstream from race.

Right = normal; Left = abnormal or alien.

Check a video of any Left-wing demo/riot, and you'll notice right away that the only missing element is normal white people.

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No, those are not the meanings of "right" and "left" in Yhwh God's view "repentant sinner" and "unrepentant sinner" are closer, from the contexts in which He uses them. "Normal" is not a fixed point, but a range, in humans.

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"The "Argument of the Beard" is a logical fallacy.

So is the "Black-and-White" fallacy".

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Keep telling yourself that , if it comforts you.

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Yes, 100% free speech.

It allows people to judge a person by the content of their character, to paraphrase MLKJr.

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Excellently said.

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My favourite speech - quote it often

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please let it be that what you meant to say was

“the Anointed”— that is, the self-appointed guardians of American society and politics.

The people who now work for this (Censorship-Industrial Complex) project are half-educated and stupid at best. Most of them are working in the service of aspiring tyrants who wish to expunge the US Constitution from the world.

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I fear for the next generation. When I went to school, we were taught to look at and debate both sides of an issue, and any well-reasoned argument could be considered. Now it seems that students are not taught HOW to think, but WHAT to think. Schools have become more like indoctrination centers than centers of learning.

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Not "more like", but schools ARE indoctrination centers.....

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I recommend Hillsdale College in MI or Grove City in PA. Both schools rate well and refuse to take any federal grants. Hillsdale specifically teach students to think, debate issues and learn the classics in their core. Both are Christian/Christ centered colleges. Hillsdale is also funding K12 charter schools around the country to counter the communistic/globalist hive mind propaganda that is basically everywhere.

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You can never prove someone is wrong, without hearing what they have to say.

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Dear John,

Do you permit comments that can incite violence? Or encourage an overthrowing of the US government?

On other substacks, I've seen many comments recommending "finding community members who used the mRNA on adults and children" and then "have them turn on their supervisors for mercy," and things such as this, seeming to be a throwback to "grab your pitchforks and torches."

Would be interested in your thoughts.

With respect - Karen Kingston

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Lots of anger & frustration out there, it’s what happens when censorship infects all media & discussion is squelched. When only the lies are allowed to percolate. When people die & are harmed as a result, there needs to be accountability. So far it’s sadly lacking everywhere.

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I agree. The question is, as influencers, should influencers percolate frustration and hatred on platforms where they can control the content, thereby augmenting the negative perspectives (misery loves company) or do they control (delete) posts made by followers who are venting hatred and direct their platforms to more factual and less emotive content?

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I have to block people who incite violence because I am under surveillance. That is why I have comments on paid subs only. I assume the people inciting violence are police agitators. I also block spammers. Yes, I am still banned from X. Australians going after the DOD are not popular - ask Julian Assange.

If people want to abuse me they can buy a founding subscription.

That being said, content will always be free.

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Thank you. Agreed. On this front I read many Substacks on "our side" and I have been disappointed to discover that at least two of them, and many of their readers, seem to believe that the fact that the US permits so-called "direct to consumer" drug advertising is tragic, and that the US--and NZ--should join the majority of Western nations in banning this form of speech. Funnily enough, the author of one of these Substacks recently published a piece denouncing censorship.

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I believe direct to public pharma advertising is bad from the point of view that they by way of advertising dollars control the media companies- anti free speech.

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Of course this form of bribery is lamentable. If--however--one unpacks the power Big Pharma has, one will discover that without the aid of the state doing their bidding it would be extremely easy for their (corrupt/often dishonest) "bad speech" to be effectively countered by our "good speech".

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Advertising is in a completely different category than free speech. It may contain subliminals and who knows what other tech nudges and is clearly unregulated as our government is 2/3 captured by pharma. This is akin to Citizens United, in which corporations were legally declared to be individuals. Individuals, the Fourth Estate (or the haunted spectral remains of it) are categorically and legally different than corporations and advertising. IMHO>

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Truth be told, that has been a very destructive practice, part of big Pharma's indoctrination and control. It's also part of what has led to the expansion of drug problems in the world.

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Yes, the "annointed", although one posits t'is more accurate to label them the "annoyed", with us deplorables 'o course! Micro management of our very thoughts, for our betterment!😇 I can't work out whether to re-watch The Purge or V for Vendetta 🤔

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'Censoring' is why there are substacks. The mainstream media as shills for big money (Pharma) and the US government have decided to attack what they decide is 'misinformation'. This is illegal and against the constitution. Free speech his free speech. They censor anything they want, to extremes. THIS is why sub stacks, as the alternative source of info that they are, must remain uncensored.

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Well said John!

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Yes! May we all be filled with courage as we search for truth, allowing no one to fill us with fear.

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Thank you for this.

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What a novel idea, letting your readers decipher fact from fiction. Many thanks💖👍👍

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