For the love of money I wouldn't put anything past big-pharma. Their true colors have been exposed. I will not take any vaccines or other medications developed by Pfizer or Moderna. Personally, it's time to go back to the old ways and use a more natural approach to medication. Corruption is rampant in every area of govt, education, corporate, and pharmaceutical companies.

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“These investigators did an intensive mutational analysis of the early sub strains of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron strains and have come to the conclusion it may have been intentionally modified by humans, potentially to prolong the pandemic.”

I remember when Omicron first emerged on the scene that some postulated the opposite—that white-hatters had engineered a highly contagious mild strain to overtake the more dangerous variants. I don’t personally have an opinion one way or the other but found it an interesting theory from a story arc perspective.

I would love to think there are ethical scientists working inside the labs to undermine the depopulation/totalitarian agenda, but I’ve yet to see evidence of such brave individuals or whistleblowers the caliber of Daniel Ellsberg:

• “Ode to a Whistleblower (Video Tribute to Daniel Ellsberg)” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/ode-to-a-whistleblower-video-tribute)

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Dr. McCullough. Thanks you for your courageous leadership. In March 2020, I mentioned on Facebook that I thought that COVID-19 was a "lab accident" basically from procedural incompetence at the CCP Infectious Disease lab. . I did my US Army War College thesis in 2005 on "Countermeasures for bioterrorism." Because if a country was planning an INTENTIONAL attack, they would most likely develop a vaccine first and vaccinate their military first. I was BLOCK for spreading disinformation. I totally removed my FB presence then. With respect, Robert W. Enzenauer, MD, BG Retired

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Excellent Exposure of these Psychopaths!

Thank you Dr. McCullough!

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Yes, Thank you Dr. McCulloch! Makes me wonder for how many decades this has been going on? Ever since smallpox virus covered blankets were generously donated to the first nations people in British Columbia and along the Missouri River, wiping out most of their population. That is certainly population control. Such events were known to have happened between mid-1700's and mid-1800's

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A Twitter account called The Ethical Skeptic (@ethicalskeptic) posted information to this effect in early 2021. The analysis he posted dealt with the evolutionary timeframes and order of operations required for the emergence of the Omicron genetic sequence. His conclusion was that if Omicron had evovled in nature, it had to be several years older than either the Wuhan strain or Delta and was definitely not descended from either of those.

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Someone did publish phylogenetic trees for all the variants, and it did show that Omicron originated at the same or even slightly earlier origin point for Wuhan, then they both diverged and never crossed paths. They were both built from the same rootstock, which may have been the original SARS from years ago, which was too lethal for desired effects. The 'best' bioweapon will cause high morbidity with relatively low mortality, causing use of both human and material resources to take care of the sick.

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How do whack jobs like Walker - I refuse to call somebody a doctor who's behavior and ideology is outrageous- get that far up the food chain? His casual attitude about using us as guinea pigs and total disregard for humanity, viewing us as walking experiments for profit should tell us everything we need to know about what has happened. I thank God everyday for the decision my husband and I made to run for the hills when the shots rolled out here in the sorry state of CA. Both of us are no spring chickens; from past incidents and because I have multiple chronic conditions, that little voice in my head sent me a warning. As I look back at all the threats and bribes and lies used to convince the masses to comply, I am convinced that I would not be here today IF I had become part of the sheep. Thank you for continuing the fight against this multi layered power grab (crimes against humanity for sure) with your tireless efforts to expose and spread the truth

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This is all so insidious

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Lots of people, very early in the omicron picture, decided/determined that omicron Ba1 & Ba2 had a much earlier MRCA (most recent common ancestor) than the first-emerging Wuhan strain, probably 2017/18. They decided it came from a different line of development altogether.

When omicron emerged and the first papers reported that it replaced Delta there was basically cheering on twitter, as though the developers had had success with it.

But I thought omicron had emerged in South Africa.

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Robert Malone has an article from that time, speculating that Omicron had originated (was released) elsewhere.

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One could argue there never was a pandemic. One could argue there never was a vaccine for covid. The entire fake reality was driven by government propaganda. The pyschopaths just want to poison the entire world population.

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Conservative benefactors: “Why, when, where, how”?

Liberal beneficiaries: “There’s always plausible deniability”.

Conservative benefactors: “Oh, ok, I just wanted to be a good person too”.

Liberal beneficiaries: Then don’t ask questions.

Oh my liberal “democratic” Boomers. You’re not going to like this because it answers all the questions. When did the conservative gift of questioning in the name of science become grotesque? When my “chosen” blatantly bipolar Boomers, born in the bosom of security and opportunity post WWII simultaneously realized their childhood nightmare of Communist Russian nuclear annihilation was real and it’s all Russia, Russia’s fault. To stave off collaboration between China and Russia they chose China as a favored nation in spite of the fact that the CCP were the elephant in the Vietnam war room. Clinton made it official in ‘93, and for good measure gutted middle class manufacturing sending it to totalitarian Party States with slave labor like CCP run Vietnam. Those Boomers are now in all things government institutions, academia, and global corp with their offspring. They were going to take America to Utopia, no more wars, nuclear deniability, fightin da man and his grotesquely unfair Capitalism, but all they promulgated was Liberal deniability. Both Communist nuclear powers are closer and stronger than ever now and all the domino’s have in deed fallen. As the senior liberal Democrat Boomer representative still focus everything on Russia, the deceitfully corrupted wagon of the CCP they hitched America’s shiny van to is now pulling the worn out van. “Whatever you do, don’t ask questions unless you want to be disappeared”. My liberal Democrats now have a uniparty with some Republicans. Over six decades they perfected the weaponization of government against opposition policy questioning, assuring that their own base understand what happens to those who step out of line, just like mafia, cartels, and Communism. Pharma? What did you expect?

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This layman thinks the entire fiasco was engineered and intentionally released SO THAT the profitable and toxic biological weapons could be foisted on the public. A major psyop first, followed by a major bioweapon operation.

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Someone knows who is responsible, until these people are caught, we will be dealing with this the rest of our lives.

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From the beginning of COVID, it was obvious that genetic manipulation was involved. The vaxxes themselves are an artificial response to COVID’s genetic manipulation. The only question is whether COVID started with an accident or was a deliberate release of a bioweapon. The government and a compliant media have been pushing accidental without a shred of proof. By the way, I was the program manager for chemical, biological and radiological defense and am familiar with the Chinese policy on the use of biological warfare.

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Ah, gee Hausdorff, they got bear claw marks all over them, ya think it was a bear?

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True as this may be, it contributes to the fear of these viruses that led to Locksley and bad vaccines. Denis Rancourt, looking at All Cause Mortality data has shown that there NEVER WAS A DEADLY PANDEMIC. the dying was connected to the countermeasures!

Therefore, your post, well intentioned, contribute s to the fear that leads to countermeasures that are the true danger.

Be not afraid!

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Excellent point norica. We need to remember the smallpox vaccines were supplied by the British Crown through various intermediaries. Hmm . . . Prince Philip (King Charles Father/Queen Elizabeth II husband) wanted to be reincarnated as a virus to wipe out billions. Interesting!

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