Dec 13Edited

I had been working as a child and family therapist for a mental health center for five years after grad school when my employer forced me to resign because I refused to take the experimental mRNA injection. When I cited safety signals related to myocarditis in young men and brought up the ethics of informed consent, they ignored and gaslit me. I was incredulous that the medical leadership team could ignore the reality of natural immunity and the risk stratification data that was available at the time. My hubris was not applying for a religious exemption. At the time I didn't think I should have to cite God to justify the Constitutional reality of my Natural Rights to my innate/adaptive immunity and Rights of Conscious to refuse an experimental therapeutic with no long term safety data. It was beyond awful to have to terminate treatment with over thirty clients and walk away from a company that I cared about and had worked hard at for a total of ten years. To lose my job, my salary and have my career thrown down the drain as a young man has been devastating. My savings has been drained, relationships destroyed and cutoff, career in shambles. I was a good employee who always went above and beyond my benchmark, was loyal to the company and cared for my clients and coworkers. I don't believe that they have a mandate anymore but they won't call to have me back or reach out or anything. I want backpay. Having been cut off and ostracized is excruciating. I made a lot of sacrifices as a young man in his thirties to try and get ahead in life but the biomedical fascists and corrupt medical leadership teams have destroyed my career and wiped me out. I haven't had serious thoughts about suicide but I can't stop thinking about wanting to fight back against the injustice, the gaslighting, the corruption, the evil mass formation of the whole thing. It's hard having faith that there will be any sort of restitution and moving on has been difficult. As someone said below- "tyranny and deceit takes a heavy toll." The gaslighting and denial continues and I pray for accountability and justice. I won't stop fighting or having hope.

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Stay strong. You did the right thing. You have your health. I think about all those people who took the jab to keep their job and became so debilitated they lost their job. This is not over. There will be accountability.

God Bless.

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You're not saying that you're willing to go back to work with those evil bastards, are you? What you lost are things, but what you have is so much more valuable: you are smart enough, and resilient enough, and courageous enough to have withstood their assaults on you and us, with your health intact and as a person of integrity and valor. I have faith that you and others in your situation are so valuable that you will soon seek each other out for filling important roles, as people of great character, and you will be rewarded particularly financially. If I was hiring people today, people like you are the ones I want.

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Win by surviving, brother.

Seek Divine Guidance through the path of forgiving those who fired you, and see if it opens a door.

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Yes, saying the Lord's Prayer, forgive us our sins, and help us to forgive those who have sinned against us. And Keep us from evil.

But, knowing this, our forgiveness does not stop you and others from taking legal criminal actions for false advertising that the Covid-19 jabs were safe and effective, a lie, and does not stop those injured from filing bodily harm as a private Criminal Prosecution. The form application are at the local Court House.

Do Name all those complicit, too, like the local News Medias, for example and the unelected Regional Health Authorities who approved mandated injections and mask wearing.

Do Find an ethical private Prosecuting lawyer.

Good luck.

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Thank God for ypur wisdom, you are alive.

He will help you restart, again, even better than before the planned Demic, with false promotions and false ads to promote Covid-19 mRNA or DNA jabs were safe and effective. Over 90% Canadians took the Cool/Kool Aid, 😪

They believed the science, not to test the science.

It was a lie.

Hold those accountable for false lies, like they did in the 1800's, they had prosecuted the manufacturers for stating the Rat Poison did not harm humans.

Another big lie.

Research this.

False promotions killed human beings taking the rat poison.

Strange that they did, but it is used, today, to thin too thick of blood.

The mRNA or DNA Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers seem to have thick skin.

Therefore, they do need to be criminally prosecuted if they lied their product was safe and effective. A lie, they knew this, too.

Best of the future, you are Above Ground. Be Happy.😁🤗😊

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I have had a very similar experience... and know quite a few people like us. We HAVE BEEN proved to have been on the right side of history and all the rest you want (backpay, etc) will be added in the near future. In the meantime... I do hope you reached to the few lawyers that are preparing Class Action Lawsuits and stay strong as things are about to chnage drastically. Blessings

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You are obviously an intelligent deep thinking young man and the world needs young men like you to step up and lead. You are the next generation of young leaders we need. You said you didn’t feel like you should cite religious beliefs to exempt you from the vaccine… but in the final line you said, ‘you pray’… and I do believe God is using this moment to bring people back to HIM. You are young and smart. Do not allow them to win. You have been brought to this moment by God… to do something great with this moment and opportunity. Be strong. Pray. I just feel like something great lies ahead for you. ❤️

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We should be paid backpay and damages, as well as criminal charges brought - but we still preserved our health and our lives, and our consciences. At first, I thought to find another employer doing the same job in the "health" industry; it's what I knew how to do. But after a while I realized how good it felt to not help their deadly allopathic program. I no longer had that internal struggle, we worked out how I could retire early. I would have joined a different enterprise if I'd been younger.

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NK - VERY SORRY for the IMMENSE emotional, psychological and financial suffering to which you have been subjected by these EVIL actions!

I PRAY that ALMIGHTY GOD will provide you His wisdom, guidance, comfort, peace, strength, provision and VICTORY in serving Him as you find your new path forward....🙏

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Besides the suicidal thoughts and depression/anxiety, how many died from the shots? How many are disabled for life? Probably in the thousands

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In the millions worldwide.

My son, in Canada, is disabled. He was Pfizered in 2021.

He is now 27 and suffering with an incurable autoimmune disease.

Healthy young 24 year old man. Pre-jab.

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Sorry, I hope he researches the supplements to help those Covid-19 vaxxed, especially, for taking Ivermectin.

He would likely have to get the Veterinarian horse Ivermectin and take it per weight. It is 100% the same as what some humans can get prescribed for other illnesses, like, Lupus.

All the best to him.

He is lucky to be alive. I have had good friends and one relative die after they got the Covid-19 jab.

The coroners, to my personal knowledge in certain incidents, in BC, do not check the dates of Covid-19 jabs for the sudden deaths after the deceased had been fear-vaxxed or to keep their job, career, attend school, play sports, to travel, etc.

No true informed consent is medical assault. He can also file a criminal Laying of Information to the local Supreme Court Judge, as most Licensing Colleges have/had stopped the majority of their members from Warning the Vaccinations were not truly safe or effective.

There is no charge to file an alleged criminal assault charge of causing bodily harm/death as it was false promotions and advertising that the jabs would not cause harm in any age group, or if taken by those with any health illness or any addiction issues.

You file criminal charges, always, locally.

Someone has to start the Criminal Actions and it's best to have help from a skilled ethical informed "prosecuting" lawyer.

Go public, first, too, then file.

There are Application Forms you get from the local Supreme Court.

You can do the filing, too, anyone can with data information. Where, when, who, what, how is told to the Judge.

The Judge then has the police check the facts, and the police do the actual criminal arrests.

The Corporation is "fined." Their "directors" who were blocking medical warnings, "do no harm," may be tried and may go to prison for complicity in any victims vaxxed injuries who had no true risk consent given, verbally, or in writing.

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Its astronomically high...a year ago it was 22 million dead globally...and people are still dropping dead...and here in Washington state they are still advertising and pushing these death jabs and are in complete denial thwy have killed and injured...and its still emergency use and advertising emergency use drugs is illegal and the left could of cared less!! Insane its still going on!

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In Canada we lost over 300 doctors and hundreds of nurses and thousands of other healthcare workers. Naturally, no MSM source touches this topic and "experts" continue to be "baffled" by the never before seen medical conditions, such as: "died suddenly", turbo cancers, a tsunami of miscarriages, etc ... all predictable.. as they were mentioned in the Safety Data Pfizer wanted to keep SECRET for 75 years!

Lest we Forget:

https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreLockdowns.org/videos/714993519153177 - the number of dead from/with Covid: 587, ALL (!!!)... but 2, were residents in Long Term Care Homes across BC,

https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreLockdowns.org/videos/811405466379620 - CTV News, Break down: 10,947 Covid deaths, with 910,781 (OVER 98%!) of those in Long Term Care Facilities in Quebec & Ontario,

Here’s Pfizer’s OWN safety data that Pfizer DEMANDED to keep SECRET for 75 years: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

Look at Table 1, under Fatalities, and then check out Table 6 under Pregnancies & children... then go to The Appendix...

In case you believe the FDA did not know about what to expect... check out: http://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download and look at Page 16 (it was a slide, during the original presentation) and it shows that on October 22, 2020 they were already aware, and so should the "Public" health professionals in the US, and by extension the world.

as a result... at 1% reporting (https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf Page 6, paragraph 3), here's data for the US: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data - Open VAERS data.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj6-QDVYbv8 - one of the "experts"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNc9PqIZ31M - Bill Gates says: “SADLY” Omicron is a type of a vaccine

At this point, ONLY Nuremberg 2.0 will suffice. Military style Justice! No Legalistic delays! I believe the punishment for breaching the Nuremberg Code has NOT changed since it was established.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ0_VAEniVM - there was “NO compulsory” vaccinations, NZ

https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1706676593261785178 - Musk’s OWN on X, re: “highly effective”

https://rumble.com/v3mcvyu-no-one-is-safe-covid-19-montage-by-matt-orfalea.html - “no one is safe”

Nuremberg 2.0 NOW!!!

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I’m so happy to hear this being reported, I suffered from the worst stress/anxiety during this period not knowing if I was going to be fired, my husband and I both work for the same corporate healthcare scum that did eventually approve our religious exemptions but not everyone I work with was granted one. How awful to threaten our livelihoods and our health, coming from a healthcare institution, makes it really hard to continue working there and I feel like I’m owed at the very least a sincere apology and some retribution. And the harassment and bullying during that period was inexcusable!!

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Tyranny and deceit takes a heavy toll.

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I just said "no" on the principle of "standing naked with the Jews" and got fired after 18 years.

It was an important historical cusp.

We did not let it get to concentration-camps this time.

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I hope the next time there will be a tsunami of people standing up and saying no.

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It did go to concentration camps in northern Australia, but yes, not widespread. Very lucky to have dodged the mandates and very happy to remain unjabbed. May as well mention that during a period of uncertainty on whether we would have mandates at my University, I also experienced both moderate anxiety and mild depression. We got close, with the Federal contractor mandate, but it got shut down in court.

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I accepted this path of fate, compadre , and was not completely unprepared for harsh times, just surprised at the form it took.


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Sadly, many Jews, world wide, have taken the Kool Aid, as have persons of all colors and all Faith's. 😪

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Great Report!

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I didn’t lose a job, I lost my family and 99% of friends, cried a lot and stopped smiling and laughing. I lost four years of me

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I lost jobs, family, and the few acquaintances I had.

No regrets.


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How about a genuine conclusion for a change, that exposes vaccines as mere placebos—psychological crutches designed to comfort an overly anxious mind desperate for control over the fundamentally uncontrollable?!

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Not placebos...poisons.

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Sure. But I'm talking about something much deeper: the core belief that treats vaccines as magical shields for prevention or immune "strengthening." It's the ongoing belief in a deeply flawed paradigm that drives the behavior, that in turn sustains the ongoing deception.

Ironically, this reveals that so-called "health freedom fighters" have forgotten—or never understood—that their passionate arguments are actually just another form of manipulation, since they are based on the flawed paradigm to begin with.

They remain unwittingly trapped within the very intellectual construct "sleight of hand"—a merely sophisticated form of linguistic performance—that ultimately reinforces the very system they believe they're fighting against.

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My guess is that 90% Covid-19 vials were placeboes and only 10% vials had "hot" experimental stuff in them, but still 10% had injured and harmed them, to their deaths, amounting in the millions of a Nation.

The government (s) did not do the randomized testing per the shipments sent to each community, and yet, today, for the present stock, are they hot vials, and harmless placeboes.

The deaths and Injuries would be more obvious if the vaccine hot stuff was in the 90% vials, for the goal of depopulation.

The silent majority of medical persons now have their spin offs of increased sick patients.

The Undertakers have spin off profits in increased deaths, too, if one in every thousand vaxxed persons, died.

That is 13 persons who did not need to die in a population of 13,000, a small town.

Were any missed?

I hope so, enough to file a criminal Laying of Information, their dying soon after being fear-vaxxed.

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Sure. But I was speaking about the notion of vaccines at large.

The notion is built on a flawed paradigm that states that microscopic particles, who are neither sentient nor possess any characteristics of contagion, can indiscriminately infect and cause harm as in a premeditated state.

The portrayal of viruses/bacteria as indiscriminately infectious entities has been regurgitated and repeated over and over again in the last 150 years, therefore substantiating itself as “truth” within the cellular memory of the population.

As a result, it has cultivated a germaphobic mindset that alienates individuals from their own bodies. The resulting disconnection between people and their physical selves is, frankly, concerning to watch. This paradigm has conveniently positioned scientific institutions as modern-day clergy, offering salvation through what might be called 'scientism.'

The real 'gain of function' therefore, can be understood as the enhancement of fear-based conditioning, creating a psychological environment conducive to blindly accepting vaccines and all other inhumane measures, such as in the case of Covid - accepting experimental genetic interventions like modified mRNA treatments.

Therefore, considering the consistent failure of interventions like masks, vaccines, antiviral drugs, social distancing, and quarantines throughout the years should prompt a fundamental re-examination of the underlying paradigm, rather than theoretical fantasies.

Instead, we observe a concerning trend where scientists appear more invested in maintaining these theoretical constructs than in pursuing consistent patterns in observable phenomena.

It even extends further to the other side - the so-called “voices of contention” in regards to Covid measures. They can’t or are unwilling to see that they still operate within the confinement of such paradigm, and in that maintain the very system they believe they fight against “courageously”.

This represents a fundamental corruption of scientific inquiry, where the maintenance of authority or influence takes precedence over the search for truth. The phenomenon extends beyond the scientific community to society at large, where we've collectively surrendered personal authority to the illusion of expertise.

This is the upside-down world we’re living in right now in which technical cunning is revered as wisdom. We've privileged theoretical knowledge over practical experience, inverting the natural order where practice should inform theory in the pursuit of genuine efficiency.

To this day, these crucial questions remain unaddressed:

- Why do scientific explanations constantly anthropomorphize viruses/bacteria if science is about clear, precise, logical patterns?

- How do non-sentient entities "decide" between harmful and beneficial actions (I.e. “good” and “bad” bacteria)?

- What explains the supposed shift between discriminate and indiscriminate infection patterns?

- Why do we celebrate viruses as essential evolutionary agents in one context while demonizing them in another?

- Does our scientific understanding, therefore, reflect reality, or have we simply normalized anthropomorphized explanations through repetition?

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Until this happened, I accepted the mainstream view, thought vaccines were overall beneficial. After going through a horrible time due to the mandates, we questioned the entire model.

On the principle that a good tree can only produce good fruit, and a bad tree can only produce bad fruit, just look at the results of germ theory: vaccine mandates, poisonous vaccines, poisonous drugs of all kinds, neglect of and lies about diet and metabolic disease, antibiotics killing the microbiome instead of carefully balancing it, it just goes on and on.

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Right on. I agree. Scientism seems to have replaced natural common sense and a truth Spirit within us all. Blindly Trusting the so-called experts rather than our testing the science, or asking questions, like is it truly safe and effective - what is the visual, testable and reportable facts? Our inner truth if we get a vibe not to do something, then stop and pray about the situation.

We all have regrets that we did not take a warning from within. 😪

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I was contracted to work in BC under the Interior Health umbrella in late February of 2021. I was unvaccinated for Covid19 (everyone else working at the facility had been offered "first dibs" and were already habbed) and was assured that the jab was not a prerequisite for the job.

I accepted the contract.

In August, after being bombarded by internal emails to GET IT, daily, since I started the job, I began to suss out that the vaccine mandate was definitely in the pipeline... Sick feeling.

My anxiety level and discomfort began to impact my health.

Beginning in late August of 2021, the unjabbed were not to be permitted access to my facility.

Update: That facility is currently running a 5 million dollar fundraiser, in order to expand it.

In its radio & TV "Twas the month before Christmas" ads, the director of this facility claims:

"No one was turned away from our welcoming door...".

That's just Pure BULLSHIT Darlene...


Unvaccinated people in need of pur services WERE INDEED turned away, and not because Joeanna's House was "at capacity".

I was ordered to SCREEN referrals to determine whether they'd been "fully vaccinated' and then LIE to referrals who weren't.

Was directed to claim that no rooms were currently available, and to forward those unj4zbbed referrals to the house director and to my supervisor for "follow-up".

I was NOT permitted to book unvaccinated referrals into a room.

During mid to late August until early September: I was MANDATED to screen all referrals regarding "Covid19 vaccination" compliance.

I was NOT prepared to follow my manager's orders!! Nope.

I began calling in sick at that point, and finally took my leave of employment in late September, in disgust, knowing, understanding, that it was only a matter of time before my contract would be terminated, for declining the jab.

It was a tough couple of years after that. No EI. No jobs for the unjabbed (from hero, pre roll-out, to zero, and zero income. post rollout) but I have NO REGRETS that I stood my ground. And I still do.


I survived it all.

My young man did not. He succumbed to coercion. Caved to Turdeau and Bonnie Henry's jab mandates and is vaccine injured.

He acquired an incurable autoimmune disease which is wreaking havoc with his health, and with his life.


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Addendum: listen to this woman lying through her TEETH @ 2:58

"Previously, we were able to get every single family in."


Not only is THAT statement utter bullshit... NO FAMILIES were permitted entry while I worked within that facility from late February 2021 until late September of 2021!!


The facility boasted a "play area", equipped with very expensive donated toys, but no kids were ever allowed to stay with their parents... Those toys were UNUSED. (But they were dusted every day...)

As mentioned: by August of 2021, only ADULT GUESTS, who were pre-screened for the Covid19 jab, were permitted to book a room.

PS: The director of this facility, Darlene Haslock, my boss, seems to have aged 10 years

and gained at least 40 lbs since I last laid eyes on her in September of 2021.

Perhaps years of lying through her teeth are weighing on her...

Maybe it's just that "the TV camera adds 10 lbs" but I doubt it.

She appears much older and... fat.

If I sound a bit bitter? I kind of am.

No regrets though!

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I drank a lot. Of course, I drank a lot studying 9/11 as well. I was going to slow down, and then COVID-19 hit. 🍷🍷🍷

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Hang in there David.

Just keep hanging in there.

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Take care. Slow down.

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As a spouse of a healthcare worker, my view from the sidelines says a significant part of the increased depression in the field is due to the worker shortage caused by the termination of those who refused the vaccine. This has lead to a chronic state of short staff and long shifts and a deluge of "traveling/contract nurses". In both the hospital and long term care facilities about 1/4 of the nursing staff are not employees of the facilities but fill ins from agencies. And still not all the shifts are filled.

And a second part of it is that those who did comply with the mandates are now seeing cases come in of people who were vaccinated and are either chronically ill or dying when they had been healthy before the jab. Now it may have nothing to do with the jab that these people are getting sick and dying but still in the back of their mind they are wondering and stressed over it.

Add to that those who got the shot are getting covid repeatedly. My wife got a religious exemption and she has had covid exactly once. Myself and 2 of our 3 kids have had it once but never at the same time. The 3rd child was tested today and was positive, but he has been bouncing off the walls all day so it is clearly a mild case. Of the 5 of us, my infection during delta was the worst. Nowhere near life threatening, just a bad cold.

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Joe Dirt, my daughter is a surgical RN and her observations of the workplace match yours. Also, the nurses who critical thinkers and thus lost their jobs (fired or quit) due to refusing jab, were all replaced with newbie nursing school graduates who took jab in order to graduate from nursing school, and are NOT critical thinkers. Always short-staffed for the past four years. Always. To this day, none of the doctors talk about Covid.

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I suspected the personnel crunch was because of the mandates, but of course they'll never tell you that.

When I was fired for refusing their poison (religious exemption denied), I emailed my colleagues, about 100 people, maybe more, using my home email address. My employer blocked my email address after that; I changed to another one, and they blocked that; it was only when my last name didn't appear that I got past the system. In other words, they did their best to make sure we couldn't communicate, even though I wrote politely and respectfully. As far as I know, none of my colleagues at the hospital refused it.

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These jabs have all the right effects for the globalists depopulation agenda 2050

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And every last iota of it was/is purely intentional. There’s a massive amount of blood on the globalists’ hands. Angry? That’s an enormous understatement.

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Angry enough to seek criminal Laying of Information. Get help from an informed and ethical Prosecuting lawyer.

It is local application. You state, who, what, where, how, and when to a local Suprene Court Judge. Check it out.

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Sucked watching our coworkers get sick, some died everyone was told by the docs, "not related". Then it was our families, then it was our friends...we're still watching the cancer that came back group.

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I wish those getting back their cancer would go public if they ever were Covid-19 vaxxed? And, if so, do they know their Vial's Digital Code Label?

Not all Vials had in them, the Monkey stuff, SV40, and it is known to cause cancers.😪

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Every single person who tried to enforce these mandates should lose their job. The old Nazi defense of "I was only following orders." shouldn't work here either. This whole affair was a blatant violation of the Nuremburg protocols. Punish them for it.

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Those who had taken an oath to uphold the US Constitution, and those who violated the laws forbidding medical coercion should be prosecuted, too.

Where I worked, if a company had a contract with the hospital to cut the grass once a month, or deliver printer paper, their entire workforce had to get jabbed. Also everyone with 100% remote jobs. That shows it wasn't about contagion.

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Of course it wasn't. It was all about control and striking fear. A lot of people were afraid of the jab but unfortunately more afraid of not being to put food on the table for their families.

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Thank you for publishing this. The physical damage from these shots is bad enough, but the feelings of anxiety and the loss of job satisfaction, just from the idea that employers or governments can force people to go against core values is devastating. And those that didn't walk away are now stuck with guilt, low self esteem, and physical damage.

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