After the events of the last five years, I have become convinced that most of the governments of the world, in conjunction with their friends in Big Pharma, are engaged in a deliberate campaign to kill off most of the world's population under the guise of 'protecting' the population from dangerous microbes. What we really need protection from is not the microbes, but our own governments and Big Pharma.

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I am starting to believe that the House and Senate Armed services committees were informed of the preplanned bio warfare exercise in advance. Can I prove it? No. But. Why else are the Congressman in DC remaining silent on this issue? Only Senator Johnson and Rand Paul have been vocal? The Covid report is a white wash.

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At this point, they certainly aren't leaving us any other option BUT to believe that.

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I agree, but they are stupid and money blind for they don't see what they are creating will come after them too.

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This is just sickening info. Are we trying to kill everyone? Seems that way to me. Anyone that takes these mRNA jabs is ill informed or crazy. 😜

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"Are we trying to kill everyone?"

The answer definitely appears to be "yes."

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Agreed, but why are people blind to it, just cause they survived? Are they brainwashed or just ignorant, or both. This is just ridiculous. If people decide to listen to this crap it’s their problem. Again when people start dropping like flies the lying official will blame it on other things like global warming or the un-vaxed. 🤥🤥🤥

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Brainwashed AND ignorant. For many decades now, people have been taught not to think for themselves, not to ask questions, but to silently accept as gospel anything we are told by "the authorities." That would be fine if "the authorities" were honest and straightforward and telling us the truth, but they are not. So the lemmings continue following the path to oblivion.

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But People’s first mistake was when they bought the very real and significant campaign - over the last 50 years!- that you must ‘trust’ your MD and turn over all your critical thinking to them- as the expert. So they would care for you.

Not you- take care of yourself.

My mother was one of ten kids in a rural farming state. Those kids never went to the MD. You had to be on deaths door to go…

This campaign - go to the MD for everything. Go to ‘well visits’. Go to ‘preventative care visits’

…Don’t think for yourself. Laid the groundwork for this moment.

Now MDs are supporting all sorts of crazy things- vaccines and transgender surgeries and people are following them right off that cliff. Without a moment of critical thought.

And we now have multiple generations of people… who go to the MD for everything …so they can be ‘cared for’… and the nation’s obsession with medical insurance also reinforces that. You need insurance. Everyone needs it. Government involved… obamaCare, etc

That tells me right there. I don’t want it. It’s going to suck.

And it does. The only really helpful medical care I’ve ever gotten is private MDs, outside my medical coverage.

But people are buying the ‘campaign’ … and marketing.

That’s one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. People need to understand a large percent of MDs now peddle bad advice and opinions.

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Went2docs for50+Long Years - got sicker & collected more & more "diagnoses" + kidney cancer/xtraction, heart attacks & strokes etc etc etc Until I decided2Take Full Responsibility 4my own health & well-being. MuchoMucho Research, fails & oops but Finally, at 70, no more medposions or doc visits4me & I'm Healthier & Happier than I've Ever been - Natural Medicine Works👊🤗

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Yeah, I know what you mean. When I had my last physical I asked my doc for an antibody test (need a script here for that). She refused but did offer me a pneumonia shot, a shingles shot, a flu shot and a Covid Vax shot. My answer was no, no, no and NO. She asked why no Covid shot. I replied politely "my wife did the research and the covid vax is no good".

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My answer would have been ... why would I do that when Pfizer stated in their own documents, plus in EU Parliament, that their jab didn't stop infection or transmission, but that it DOES transfect!!! I'd just love to see their reaction!

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I go to a lab in GA & request my own tests - so far I'm still Allowed 👀

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Well if you're a young healthy twenty year old and just want a vit D test run, the MD/office refuses until you're caught up on your Yearly physical. Because, you know, twenty something's are the unhealthiest sickest ones of the entire population!

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I think most won’t get it, used to trusting drs. You can’t trust any medical advice without lots of investigations. That’s just how we have to handle our health now. Sad…..

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Lawrence, I agree. It is so much easier to just follow a leader than is to be a leader.

Human nature has several innate defects that are readily exploited by immoral rapacious greedy monsters. Real full education helps for a while but eventually we slip back to our native state - weak and frightened, looking for our authorities to lead us.

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Propaganda & mass "education" at work via our own tax $$$😖😵‍💫😡

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📣 Eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized-Owned. Sigh.

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Agreed and well said.

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It only takes 1 or 2 generations 2make major changes in the populace. First they decided2profit off of us by using oil & chemicals as medicines; then they had2destroy the Rlly effective Holistic Hospitals (that actually cured us); next they had2kill off the natural practitioners (research how many flung themselves out of high windows, had fatal/unusual accidents, shot themselves in the back & etc (a Lot in the last few decades); then they had2fund (Rockefeller/Rothschilds) new "medical" schools (brainwashing) & build new "improved" hospitals; next came purchasing/establishing Gov't involvement (licensing/fda) & Finally they designed a truly effective propaganda campaign that included Mucho fear of germs, diseases & manufactured illnesses... it only takes a couple of generations & they've had MANY. They R diabolically Driven in their eugenics & evil decimation of the common folk. They have a 25 point Plan devised in the 1,800s that continues2be Xtremely effective & they Never hit us with just one thing but always bombard us on many levels & theyre VeryVery good at what they do. demons R Real.

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The existential threat posed by farting, and the resulting earthquakes and floods should not be underestimated.

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Yes, sadly it seems they are!

The greed for money have clearly taken over 100%

I only wonder, how many they imagine shall be left here?

The old Colonials should be registered as devoping countries, as this IS what they are.. They've clearly not come anywhere and, now they think that, by copying (History is NOT repeating itself!) what they imagine our History to be, they can restart slavery and all..

Fact is, you cannot repeat what you've never stopped but, that clearly doesn't sink in with these morons 😰😰😰

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Agreed. At least we see it and know not to listen. I’ve watched many I love pass or get injured from the current mRNA jabs.

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Yes, so have I and still, we see these 100% incompetent subjects pressuring more and more pure evil 😰

Take care and please, don't take their bait ever..

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I won’t, and I’m sure you won’t too! Thanks….

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Slavery has never stopped. This Spiritual Warfare has continued throughout history. evil is Real, demons r real. Sigh. If only thePeople realized their own Power...

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Thank goodness we can talk about it here. Others think we’re crazy. Not!!!!! We know truths most are blind to. My moms advise is in my heart every day. “If you do the right thing, when you put your head on your pillow at night you can smile and go to sleep peacefully”. We need more people to listen to my mom. She passed in 1983 but is forever part of my soul.💞

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Yes ‘THEY” are definitely trying to kill off the majority of the population. It’s been one of the long terms goals of the elites (for lack of a better word) for many decades now. It’s not new. It’s absolutely being done on purpose.

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People are mostly brainwashed and don’t see it.

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Absolutely true!

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I don't believe "we" are...

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Depopulation on schedule.

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I think when a shot is a new and so clearly unproven technology, with very scary implications should something go "wrong" (perhaps because, again, it is being "warp driven" when it should be trialled for at least five or even ten years - and there's a video of Gates and those creatures hailing mRNA but "we need ten years to test it", before covid of course) we have every right to refuse it without being punished in any shape of form. If "they" try to mandate it they will be announcing once and for all that they are fascists and enemies of humanity.

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It is eminently clear that the mRNA technology is inherently dangerous and simply cannot be made safe. It is pure insanity for governments to allow the continued production and use of these severely toxic products.

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So-called viral-vector AZ and J&J were just as bad, yet without mRNA.

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This is ONLY by design people!!!!!!!!!

It will obliterate what's left of HUMAN geome and human reproduction. To those LOST SOULS STILL CLINGING #CLNGERS to this new normal of "hope and change" to be achieved by these poisons, I'm sorry but you've been had by the most evil of globalist ruler initiatives. We the people who refused these jabs and remain standing must STEP UP and PUSH BACK EVERYWHERE, and DEMAND an end to this madness. Our govt and it's policies, mandates, and global lockstep "public health charades" against humanity must be ridiculed publicly at every turn.

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90% of the study participants had an adverse reaction and they're going to approve it? Yes the world has gone mad.

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Yep, approve it, and tell us all about it. Nutz.

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I am 100% convinced Pharma is trying to KILL us. No more injections.

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I don't need to be convinced. Suspicious is all I need to avoid big harma products.

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The answer lies in the market.

The developers won’t stop. The money is too lucrative.

This only stops when all people stop willingly injecting themselves. And their kids.

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This can't be allowed to happen, but it is!

Madness, madness.

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Yep. I keep circling back to the same question every time I read one of these updates. WHO. ARE. THESE. PEOPLE???

I've been around for 69 years. I've met a very broad spectrum of personalities and characters in my lifetime. But these people? WHO. ARE. THEY??

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Replacement theory is real! Seems like they are speeding up their genocide agenda of 2030 with these new toxic bio-weapon injections.

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Thanks a lot for sharing!

The EU have clearly now, lost it's plot completely 😰😰😰

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There was 16 deaths in the Placebo group in Phase 3b ! That makes the 5 deaths in the vaccinated group look paltry. What the hell kind of placebo injection were the Placebo group getting ?!? Saline solution with a pinch of Remedisvir and graphene oxide added in ?

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Do we conclude that the Placebos were designed to kill/harm in order to make the 'vaccination' appear to provide protection?

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I was going to post something similar. How the hell does the placebo shot cause 16 deaths??? That needs to be investigated.

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If these "placebos" are like all the others used to approve vaccines over the years, they are far from saline. Just another little lie Big Pharma and our fedgov overlords have been telling for decades.

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Oh my word. I’m up on the vaccine problem. Been studying it for 20 years. But I never thought about the placebos being tainted on purpose. Thanks for this post/information. Now it is even more clear.

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The globalist plan to rule the world. The genocide of most of humanity from the gene therapy shots is their strategy to survive. Problem is, what is going to prevent them from the toxic envenomation contamination in their bodies? Synthetic Biology? The human body doesn't respond well to synthetic modifications. The Bioweapon gene shots is leading us to Extinction.

Reinventing Life: The Benefits and challenges of Synthetic Biology.


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I had high hopes that Japan would make the right call on Covid and would have banned all injections related to it already. Add the toxic drugs now being fed to cows and the chemicals in the sky for climate abuse, one wonders how long we can all survive before being taken seriously ill, poisoned or killed.

It is becoming quite disgusting and we need to start getting very angry with all elements of the medical fraternity, government and media who are happily peddling this filth.

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Ditto on Japan. Et tu, Brute?

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All anyone had to realize is to believe what was written on the Georgia guidestones their intentions were plain to see. There should have been no question.

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From what I have read, these ppl believe if they don’t tell us it messes up their karma. They are truly evil.

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Narcissists love to create chaos to confuse people…. But they occasionally tell the truth. If you’re listening carefully.

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Exactly! I was going to mention the Georgia Guidestones too but figured most people have never heard of them. Someone finally blew them up BTW & they have now been demolished. ‘Bout time!

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I just don't understand why the push for any COVID vaccine. It is not that lethal or morbid so why the push? Further, 2 deaths in the study group is huge. They recalled an RSV vaccine for 1:10,000 cases of bowel intussusception. Why the push? And why ANYONE would get a vaccine after what we know, that continues to create spike protein in your body forever? For what period of time? This is as frightening and as it is enraging that Pharma would push this and the regulators would approve it.

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Why? Do you still not see that the whole goal is to kill off the majority of the world’s population?

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