Peter is a trusted voice, but I will stick with my general time table of 5 years to "see what happens". Mission Impossible today, but perhaps not forever.

Time is always the best healer.

As one of the 17%, I am not looking to be opportunistic. I am 60 years old and someday may have grandchildren to worry about. I am happy to continue to donate blood, but I do think there is a need to separate us out. That could be a useful data base. I know it will not happen, currently, because of the legacy system not allowing for admission of harmful vaccines. And I know they could use that database against us, and I am personally not worried about it. I do understand the concerns of the unvaccinated.

Thus, we wait and pray for a better day when real-Doctors re-take the system back from corp-Doctors.

#PeopleOverProfits in 2023 !!

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"As one of the 17%, I am not looking to be opportunistic. I am 60 years old ..."

Me too! (Well, 60 in Feb). But, in contrast, I AM looking to be opportunistic. Yeah, I wouldn't trust any of the authority legacy systems either

But what about a startup that has the tech to test your blood to confirm that it's clean, doesn't ask for ID, and pays you some cash for the donation?

(BTW, I'm a consultant for Silicon Valley startups. I got my Jones on for getting this kind of startup off the ground.)

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There is such a thing as autologous blood donation, where, before surgery, you donate your own blood which is stored and then will be transfused back to you.


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Thanks for this. I may try and do it on a small scale.

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I suspect more than 17% of adults are completely unvaccinated.

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I have Von Willebrands (similar to hemophilia but different). I am unvaccinated. All medicines used to help me while I’m going through a bleeding episode are all off the market. Desmopressin is the only drug that is not a blood derived product I can use which basically kicks up any VWF from the endothelial cells. No clue why but it’s off the market until 2024. The prospect of needing blood terrifies me. I’ve heard of other people who had family members lined up who have been typed and matched and ready to donate but the doctors unwilling to do so…

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This frustrates me that a patient can do their homework and make every effort to maximize their own health and then to have the "protocols" and professionals dictate in a detached and arrogant manner your outcome based on a different choice.....well, no words. Twice in my life, during medical crisis/diagnosis I have rejected the advice of my doctors and it has turned out that I was right and they thanked me in the aftermath for not listening to them and insisting that they respect my choice. I was fortunate. Too many are ignored. The patient must also be willing to accept the outcome or consequences for making their own choice also.

Best of luck to you.

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I couldn’t agree more. Doctors won’t even trust your instincts based on the patients history. After appendectomy, I had severe internal bleeding. Hemoglobin at 4. After gallbladder surgery (before being diagnosed), I had internal bleeding again. Knowing how it feels is a special feeling you don’t forget. I told them I thought I was bleeding internally and they wouldn’t believe me. Couldn’t order a simple blood test until 5 hours later… meanwhile, my hemoglobin had declined to 5 and I again required blood. So frustrating. I have countless examples of this… it’s unbelievable.

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That's awful. Sadly, I have had similar experiences. I am not a fan of deferring to the experts...everyone should do their own research, ask questions, listen to their intuition and make an informed decision. And when a doctor disrespects that approach...run in the other direction!!!

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Amen, sister! Sadly, this COVID crap has cost me the inability to have another child. It was already too risky but with this blood bank problem, it’s just become double too risky. I wish patient advocate were a job, I would be the best one out there!

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I think this is a critical thing and that we need to get our government to 1) do studies on all of the above and 2) put NO regulations against autologous? self blood banking to be held for you in case of surgery or accidental need.

Many of us old people have too much iron in our blood...depending on how long it lasts, self donation to a private blood bank seems to me the best solution for the unvaxxed.

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"We should be vigilant to unusual transfusion reactions and case reports that could demonstrate transfer of mRNA in the future—but to date no such reports have been published."

Everything you pointed out in this piece are reasons this should never have been allowed. Of course that goes along with the fact there was no medical need in first place...

Oh an BTW doc you might wanna take a hard look at the baby Alex case. By my understanding they wouldn't even allow unjabbed donors that had been secured for the procedure.

And my last point.

With potential shedding issues which these bastards knew about (isolating jabbed from pregnant women) it seems we aren't going to have a choice really as to weather or not this poison gets into our system.

Words fail me to describe the fury I'm experiencing. 6 of my friends are dead from this poison prick and many others injured. I won't be satisfied until those responsible are twitching at the ends of ropes following a fair trial at Nuremberg of course.

I'll volunteer to pull the lever or kick the chairs and I won't need a mask!

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If you can, best to bank your own blood. I can’t trust healthcare authorities to tell me the truth about the COVID jab, I sure can’t trust them to tell me the truth about our blood supply.

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Doc, to your point of truthfulness of donors which I see a the main obstacle.

When people presented to get their poison pricks I'll bet thay had to produce an ID. And I'll bet you'll have to produce an ID to give blood. And I'll bet there's a database maintained at the RMV. In fact I'm positive.

So I don't see separation as a huge issue for the blood banks and truthfulness of a donor is a non issue.

There simply needs to be a will to make this happen.

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You are hopeful the FDA would be interested in assessing any blood clots from vac’d blood products...but the FDA has ZERO interest in our safety as has been demonstrated by the increasing number with side-effects and their desire to sweep all vac issue under the rug. If anything they would send BLM to burn the blood unit down rather than see/hear of a blood donation reaction...e.g. blood clot . We have for many decades called the military industrial complex a negative in politics...now we have both ...the Big Pharma negative influences upon this Nation and the increasing cost of military expansion. Long ago as a healthcare provider I trusted the words of the FDA/CDC and many other Govt agencies...even the military brass...then I wised up as all American must do for your own health and safety..very nefarious activities are afoot..” we must be cautious” and wary.

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That precious newborn, Alexander Bly was given tainted blood even though his parents and gotten donations of unvaxed blood. He passed away. This is murder puts and simple. The hospital claimed they could not locate the blood. Sorry Dr M bug then people should be allowed to bank their own blood gif elective surgeries at least. Half my family is unvaxed and we are going to stay that way.

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Am I to understand that we should view the blood of unjabbed people who recovered from COVID the same as blood from the jabbed (and multiple-jabbed)? Because I've been under the impression that, especially with early treatment, those who recovered from COVID don't face the same dicey medical future as those who took the jab(s).

In any event, I'm not sure why "alternative" blood banks are absolutely out of the question, while "alternative" methods of delivering medical care (e.g., telemedicine and start-ups like The Wellness Company) to people who now wish to stay far away from the medical-industrial complex are not only doable, but underway.

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I’m just doing my best not to need surgery or transfusion for the foreseeable future. But if the situation arises, I plan to autologous blood bank. I have a rare blood type.

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Forcing a patient to accept synthetic mRNA tainted blood, by denying any alternative, is assault.

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I’ve heard of unvaxxed families connecting so their unvaxxed kids don’t marry/reproduce with vaxxed partners, purely for fertility and safety reasons. People understand that some had to get vaxxed for work reasons, but at all costs, it’s imperative for their kids to stay unexposed.

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Probably no one is unexposed. Researchers find it in the sewers, so there is probably some contact contamination. The best hope might be that those smaller dose casual contacts don't damage the immune system so we can clear them out promptly.

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You can also do directed blood donation. I can give blood to someone who is undergoing surgery. As long as the surgery is not on an emergency basis it is possible to recruit vaccine free donors. If the recipient is unvaccinated s/he likely knows others who are similarly unvaccinated who can be tapped for blood typing and, if compatible, for donation.

The problem is when a hospital won't allow it.

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If we develop separate blood banks, there will likely be mistakes made and some will get "vaxed" just as some recipients got HIV during the early days of that epidemic. It seems necessary to determine the offending components and either develop a standard assay to detect it or a filter to remove it. The questions in the introduction would have been answered long ago by a competent medical system with a shred of integrity. Since we seem to lack that, developing separate supplies seems unlikely, and avoiding transfusions is the best approach. It will probably require lawsuits to correct it.

Have we ruled out that these poisons can't be exchanged by sweat, or air, or sex? Researchers measure it in sewers, so shedding seems likely. With so much of the population vaxed, our environment is probably crawling with RNA and spikes. Hopefully our unvaxed, healthy immune systems can clean out those small doses fairly quickly.

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