Well said, but put in layman's terms, "They lied and cheated!"

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Doshi et al nail the intentionally tainted observational trial claims to the wall. The shots don't work and never worked. The campaign to jab every living mammal went to great lengths to sabotage and bury any valid controlled prospective evaluation of their baby. It was a fix from the beginning. The regulators and manufacturers are frauds and criminals.

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I proved this 2 years ago! For the most part there are no "randomized" trials. All subjects are self selected. Only the treatment is randomized. Given this fact, no statistical methods may be applied! Period! This quackery use of statistics is completely out of control.

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State and CDC data continue to show that the unvaxed are doing worse in terms of hospitalizations and deaths. This article helps explain why the apparently benefit is either non-existent or much smaller than claimed.

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The data is unreliable.

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Anything...from this Govt can not be described as reliable...like trusting any data from China...in effect given what I have seen the Biden Admin has created a mirror image of the CCP in the beltway of the USA...protected by the local judges who will let off non-conservatives and jail Trump supporters for a walk in the park.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here: I truly believe these "vaccines" didn't save a single life - based on all the studies and reports I've seen from you and hundreds of other doctors and medical scientists. While this belief on my part can't be proven, what is irrefutable is that these "vaccines" have injured AND killed more people under 60 than covid has. The outright corruption and criminality surrounding the falsely inflated virus narrative and its deadly "vaccines" is astounding.

Then there is the difference between absolute risk reduction (ARR) and relative risk reduction (RRR). It's my understanding that ARR is the real measure. And all these vaccines were measured at under 1.5% ARR in Apr 2021. Pfizer came in at only 0.84%.

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To think the “experts” within the CDC,WH, FDA, NIH, HHS, Surgeon General, Medical Associations, and Big Pharma did not know any of this....of course they did. And still they forced this cruel terrible destructive “vaccine” upon this Nation and the World. THEY KNEW ! Not only was it not only not going to prevent anything...they knew it was dangerous. Does anyone really think Biden was actually given such a hazardous material potentially pushing Kamala into the Prez position...please..I am not that gullible. All we have seen from these actors has been destructive theater whether on the economy or our own health...wit our death and disability....they need total exposure, indictments and prosecutions outside their protective beltway of judges and jury pool.

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I agree! Now who has the guts or nicely put, the courage to do this? Can we start with a petition? Oh, then you are on the FBI watch list. Have we been silenced? Absolutely NOT!

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Thank you for addressing what I think is for many people the most important factor in their trust of the vaccines. And I think one other point is when a study considers a person vaccinated, i.e. two weeks after their second or booster shot, when the shot itself may have lowered immunity and thus contributed to Severe Covid in people who developed it between their first shot and the cutoff date. I believe many nursing home residents died of Covid shortly after they were vaccinated. If that’s true we need to know if they are counted as vaxxed or unvaxxed in the studies which claim high vaccine efficacy.

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Now we know the TGA knew about the spike protein back when in January 2021. So if they knew- so did CDC and the Brit’s.

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The truth will prevail

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Very good points. Thank you!

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Again, I appreciate all your work, time, enthusiasm and serious evidence of the COVID19 treason, ALL great!

Sasha Latypova told everyone in a video that her friend, Katherine Watt has a saying…”If you find what the Globalists DO NOT LIKE, do more of it and harder!”

YES…it is UNITY…I repeat…UNITY of The People in a serious Freedom Movement that will meltdown the Globalist psychopaths!

But, WHO is going to unify The People so this serious evidence of Treason can be addressed properly?

How about you Peter…contact Lex Greene to understand what a real Freedom Movement looks like and HELP LEAD The People in unity with serious strategic planners to save our Republic?

Our strength rests in our numbers and unity, nowhere else. So, we either work together to put an end to the evil insanity, or we perish together!

UNITED, We can do anything we want!

DIVIDED, distracted, deceived, demoralized and/or defeated, there is nothing we can do!

Lex Greene, writer with a serious resume has another important piece out for those who value UNITY for Freedom and Liberty!

Click on Lex’s name to read his last 3 pieces so we all can get in the same lane!


P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with people actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!

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Thank you, Dr. McCullough for reminding us of the real science. Nevertheless, your jousting with the pseudoscientists feels a lot like the science where the Monty Python character battles with the Black Knight. The supposedly valiant Black Knight has all four limbs hacked off and still challenges his opponent to continue the fight, even threatening to spit on him! The debate has taken on truly comedic proportions, where those fighting for the "safe and effective" argument are more and more like the Black Knight every day. I think we have better fights to move on to, as these warriors are nothing if not ridiculous, at this point.

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Agree one hundred percent, but what is the probability any pertinent studies or evaluations will be done? It's very discouraging as someone who used to work in clinical development and previously believed all efforts were in good faith. Things have drastically changed in the last 15 years especially or maybe I was misinformed. Accountability is very hard to come by in America particularly, imo.

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What you need to know about Nanoparticles and how they can kill https://arrowd.substack.com/p/what-you-need-to-know-about-nanoparticles

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