If we do not stop referring to these injections as vaccines, little will change. That has to be the very first measure that is taken. Few may not know that in September of 2021, the CDC changed the definition of a vaccine to match the poorly tested products that they were pushing on everyone. Then, we need to start referring to them as what they are: experimental gene-editing injections. I would not even call them gene therapy, as there is nothing therapeutic about them. Further, there is a mountain of evidence to suggest that they are bioweapons, intended to harm. Instead of saying vaccine hesitancy, we need to be saying experimental gene-editing injection refusal. We need to start calling a spade a spade. See this substack article from 12/13/2022 by Sasha Latypova...https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/intent-to-harm

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I agree 100%. Never call them vaccines. People were transfected with untested, unproven and contaminated ( with plasmid DNA ) gene-therapy trash. Sasha continues to do an excellent job exposing the truth. There is definitely intent to harm. Peace.

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I ALWAYS call them Bioweapon shots, because that is what they are...and may even be tied to the US's Population Control Policies. Dr. Malone wrote a substack on that recently, and had a long interview on War Room about it a couple days after.

Population Control and Official USG Policy

Here are the receipts. Not a "conspiracy theory"


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Malone is covering his ass. He is not what a lot of people think he is. His lawsuit against the Breggins is a disgrace. See JJ Couey'w video's on Malone ( GigaOhm Biological ) and Housatonic Live's excellent research work on him. Malone, Kirsch and Weinstein are not on the medical freedom side of the issue. Peace.

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He happened to be the one who wrote about the Population Control Policies, AND brought the receipts. I KNOW people have not known about these dangerous policies. He said he hadn't learned yet if Reagan might have changed any of it for us.

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We agree to disagree. He is a fraud. He is against free speech. Peace.

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I can't even listen to Malone - he's annoying and boring. Better to watch paint dry....and I agree with you

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Yes, I read that substack article by Dr. Malone. It was pretty disturbing but sadly, not surprising. It's good that you have provided a link for those who have not read it.

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Speaking of celebrities, they aren’t necessarily considered a courageous or honest lot. Maybe that’s why they are in the entertainment business, because they get paid well to perform “magic”. I watched a football game once long ago as the receiver made a great over the shoulder catch in full sprint with a defender all over him. What was annoying was that the announcers went on for ten minutes about what a phenomenal catch it was, but it reminded me of watching the exact same kind of plays made by friends when we were young teens on cinder and broken glass lots in the city neighborhood where we each had maybe one item of borrowed football uniform or rags stuffed in pants for padding. Ah, the power of the mic., the ability to delude the people and shape thought. I blame my own schizo, bipolar Boomer generation, perhaps the worse generational stewards of civic responsibility in American history. Not all of course, but the Boomers relished in “chosen” status post WWII. They were going to take the world to Marxist Utopia via Hollywood and especially Democrats who are democrats because they think America is a democracy just because we vote, if incorruptible. America is a Constitutional Republic and every citizen must assume civic responsibility for the other, but without the corruptible “democratic” delusion or ruse of unending victimhood and meaningless equity of Marx that the Founders warned about in pure democracy that historically cannibalizes itself. As a young Nam combat veteran denigrated into oblivion by slander upon my return for going forth on behalf of the people there is no question that the rot in America was always here, mostly in dormancy, but Nam divided America to this day as the catalyst for the cancer to metastasize. Not the war itself, having been deemed a “bad” war by comparing it to WWII, the “good” war, but the corruption of government announcers and actors in media and Hollywood celebrities who propagandize wars as either good or bad, wins and losses, celebrity status phenomenal, or sad. “Thank you for your service” is not necessary. What is is that every Boomer offspring understand that the individual rights one has will be taken from you without individual civic responsibility leaving nothing but pure corruption in a pure democracy.

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Beautiully stated and presented.

Thanks for standing up then and now

dom costabile

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The FAA is an active player in crimes against humanity. It does not care about the health of pilots or the traveling public. It promotes the same Woke Mind Virus that animates the entire federal government, including the Pentagon.

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Shoot, it BEGINS at the Pentagon.

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I prefer my pilots to be free of the Covid bioweapon injection. This is an experimental drug and even goes against the FAA’s own regulations. Shame on all the airlines that mandated this. Captain Snow, bless you and thank you for speaking out.

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Trouble is, they have been feeding this Nano Technology to us in so many ways, that everybody is just about the same, now.

Darkfield Microscopy of Lantus Insulin Shows Self Assembly Hydrogel And Same Nanorobotic Features As In C19 Bioweapon


Darkfield Microscopy of Lantus Insulin Shows Self Assembly Hydrogel


Hydrogel In Injectable Medications - Dexamethasone, Insulin, Benadryl, Lidocaine


C19 Unvaccinated Have Same Blood Clotting Problem As C19 Vaccinated - EDTA And Vitamin C Prevents Blood Clotting In C19 Unvaccinated


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The truth will prevail.

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He is a brave soul and whoever thought vx’g our pilots with an experimental substance would make people feel safer was wrong. This was the same perverse pressure put on so many - but who don’t have the same level of constant vigilance at their desks. Ditto the military, but they’ve done this for years. The long term effects will linger and I’m doubtful many will come forward themselves.

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More of these stories must be told.

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Thank you for giving us an audio track.

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Totally agree. I love hearing his voice and I'm a man 😉

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Dr McCullough…My husband and I have just began to take the Spike Support you recommended. We are unvaxed. I’ve also ordered it for my daughter and husband who are vaxed. It is as good as your recommendations in this article? The only one listed in Spike Support is nattokinase. Thank you for ALL you do and are!!!

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I couldn't take it, because of allergies to some of the other ingredients, so I take each detox therapy separately, and only the ones I'm not allergic to. He had that Spike Support product out way before they discovered additional therapy compounds. More and more are being discovered. There are other therapies discovered now, that also help with the white rubbery blood clots. Read Dr. Mihalcea and Karen Kingston's substacks.

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Thank you for your courageous work.

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I have clear documentation that I had a substantial subdural hematoma (brain bleed) that was discovered by CT 20 days after my Moderna booster. Is there any legal recourse?

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Check into Karen Kingston's substack. She has been dissecting the Patents, and is coming up with some legal defenses against this insaneness

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100% in agreement with Dr. McC. SHAME on those and their families in the public eye playing hide the salami with their vaccine-induced health struggles. How do they live with themselves? It's clear big pharma and the USfedgov care nothing about humanity, but how can people with fans and followings continue to remain mute when they could be telling their stories and helping others see the light? Shameful.

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Thanks for sharing this touching and important part of the story of vaccine injury. I have previously tried to contact you for your opinion of multifunction electrogardiogram MCG as a possible tool to prescreen vax injured patients for mitochondrial dysfunction and global and segmental myocardial susceptibility to dysrhymythia. I am a newbie to this amazing application of AI and frequency electromechanical variability determined by blood flow :use of the elegant tool to diagnose 12 pathophysiological conditions has been verified and compared to coronary angiography. Multiple studies in multiple countries have validated the sensitivity and specificity.

Might this tool allow identification of myo-pericarditis and those at risk of SD?

Please contact me or Joel Wallskog at react19.

Dom Costabile DO MS FAAFP RMSK IFMCP dipACLM. preserving-wellness.com

thanks for your brilliant Battle to inform and educate all of US.... you are brighter than a star!!!

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Wish my Husband's Pacemaker was that kind. He pulled those wires loose, without even raising that arm. The Dr. still got mad at me for letting him raise that arm, which I had already explained that he did not. His was a sudden diagnosis, and he had not even taken the 2 shots yet, or had Covid that we knew of. They waited till he did have both, for the surgery. They never even tried medication, and he had had no heart problems at all before that. He must have been 74 at that time.

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Jul 30, 2023
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Not sure I understand your understanding of what I said. We don't know if he EVER had Covid, he certainly never had any symptoms. The shortness of breath he went to the Dr. for, had been building up for quite a while. Our Family Practice OD, sent him to the Cardiologist. My husband was the one who agreed to the pacemaker, I wasn't even with him at the appointment. They required him to have the 2 shots, before they would do the surgery, just like they were requiring it for everybody for everything. I just wish his Pacemaker was the kind they showed in the picture. They had already tricked all of us Seniors to believing we needed the shots, and back then we thought it was a real vaccine, and all of our information was from the TV. I tried to look up the ingredients, because of my allergies, but didn't know how to find any other information. I should have tried harder.

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Jul 29, 2023Edited
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Al Rosen: I wrote my comment after yours and hadn't seen yours when I wrote it. We think very much alike, including about fearing our own consciences. Perhaps consciences are in short supply these days?

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