Thank you, Dr. McCullough for your tireless and highly capable efforts to warn the public about the horrendous dangers in these so-called “vaccines”. You have been David up against Golliath, and you have not backed down! Like David, your formidable integrity, courage, willingness to do whatever it takes, and concern for your fellow humans, children everywhere and the survival of humanity is impressive, inspiring, remarkable and heartwarming. I believe you will go down in the history books for all f those qualities. I’m deeply grateful to be sharing this human experience with someone like you. (My own story is that my two young adult sons, themselves incredibly talented, compassionate, and previously healthy, were mandated and duped into taking the Covid injections. I didn’t realize they had been indoctrinated by the propaganda (since before the plandemic) and didn’t understand enough at the time to warn them, and now they are dealing with the very sad health consequences of the tremendously reckless push to vaccinate our young. Please, if possible, also speak up about the harms that the shots cause to reproductive health. I know that’s not your area of expertise, but it’s the other major harm that’s crushing those in their 20s and 30s, and you can refer your audience to the courageous experts who have documented the harms, most especially MD Jim Thorpe and dailyclout.io founder Dr. Naomi Wolf. The reproductive harms disproportionately affect women more than men physically, but both the physical harm to the young men and their discouragement over the harm to their beautiful wives and so many other beautiful friends of theirs is heartbreaking. It deserves much more play in the alternative media and at congressional hearings than it’s getting, and the high probability of reproductive harms, documented in Pfizer’s own clinical trial reports, makes the case against keeping the injections on the market even stronger. Our society should be as concerned, if not more concerned, about the widespread drop in fertility and successful pregnancy outcomes since the EAU gene therapy injections rolled out as it is with the other disabilities and death due to harms to the heart, blood vessels and brain. We all benefit from a thriving next generation, and in my opinion, we need to show them that we care about how the injections have impacted their reproductive health. Hope that also resonates with you. In any case, I super appreciate all that you are doing to help us get out of this mess. If you don’t feel it would be wise to also personally give more play to the reproductive harm, I trust your judgment on that. I just wanted to speak up about the value of doing that. I’ve been following your information about the dangers of the injections since a talk that you gave to the public early in 2021. Just wanted to advocate for giving the reproductive harm more play in case you can see a way to do that too.)

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Hi Someone else,

I used to agree with what you said about Dr. McCullough, but I feel differently now after my experience. Like your sons, I have a grandson who was injured by the Covid vaccine. He has been suffering with scary symptoms, but his mother has been unable to get help for him because the doctors don’t acknowledge vaccine injuries. So I decided to book an appointment with The Wellness Company (TWC) in an effort to support Dr. McCullough and get help for my grandson. I have believed in everything that Dr. McCullough has said, and he routinely recommends contacting TWC. So I did.

During my appointment, I mentioned to the nurse practitioner that it was unbelievable that Dr. Drew was still vaccinating his elderly patients despite everything that he’s learned from the brilliant doctors he’s had on his show. And the nurse practitioner told me that Dr. Drew was joining TWC, and he said that he would vaccinate them too in certain circumstances. Can you imagine my shock? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, and I felt betrayed. I would have NEVER booked an appointment with a company that supported the vaccines. Why would Dr. McCullough be part of a company that believes in the vaccines?

I have booked appointments with doctors listed on the FLCCC site before, and I’ve received excellent care from doctors who practice what they preach, no surprises which is the way it should be. So I don’t understand why Dr. McCullough would align with Dr. Drew, but I want to let people know about my experience because I don’t want anyone to feel duped like I did. And, I don’t want anyone to think that they are supporting one thing when they are actually supporting what they are against. All people needed during the last 3 years was early treatment with old, cheap safe and effective drugs and supplements not harmful, deadly vaccines.

It’s not okay for Dr. McCullough to advocate for TWC when they hire people who are still vaccinating. It’s deceptive! The people following Dr. McCullough deeply believe in what he claims to stand for, so for him to be a chief executive at TWC IS A VIOLATION OF OUR TRUST AND HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST BECAUSE THEY HAVE MEMBERS WHO BELIEVE IN AND GIVE THE VACCINES DESPITE THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE THAT THEY HAVE INJURED AND KILLED!!

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Bambi I have a Substack coming out about Dr. Drew's evolving position on the vaccines. We are allowed to have differing views on emerging sources of data. The Wellness Company has supreme regard for personal medical freedom and your individual sovereignty over your right to choose what goes int your body. We respect your views and see FLCCC as a collegial alternative.

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Dr. McCullough,

I appreciate hearing from you, but I am deeply disappointed in your response. Anyone who has listened to Dr. Drew from the beginning as I have does not need an explanation of his decisions and actions. We are painfully aware of them. He just defended his position a month ago on vaccinating the elderly during his interview with Salty Cracker, and he also discounted treatment with Hydroxycloroquine and Ivermectin in the same video. And, in the same video, he told us, in an ad for TWC, that the medical kit with Ivermectin from TWC was a “life saver” at 31:12 of the video.

Here’s what TWC says about the kit:

“The Wellness Company’s prescription-only Medical Emergency Kit provides you with a carefully selected assortment of vital medications, preparing you for those unpredictable moments in life. Our kit ensures access to proven treatments, including Ivermectin, arming you with confidence in the face of unforeseen medical emergencies and resource shortages. Our kit also comes with the Medical Emergency Guidebook as an educational resource for safe use.”

Here’s what Dr. Drew said about Ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine from the Salty Cracker video. The conversation began at 55:50:

Dr Drew said to Salty Cracker: “By the way, I don’t think they’re very useful,” “I don’t think that they did very much.” “I’m not super impressed.” AND I AM SAYING, I DON’T USE THEM.” I DON’T USE THEM AS TREATMENT.” “I DON’T SEE ANY GOOD EVIDENCE THAT THEY’RE USEFUL.”

And here’s what Dr. Drew says about the TWC’s emergency, medical kits:

“I think everyone knows that the next medical crisis could be just around the corner.” In that statement it sounds like he’s using what he calls “panic porn” which he has been so outraged about others using.

Next, he says: “TWC and their doctors are medical professionals you can trust.” Can we? As the saying goes: Actions speak louder than words. TWC enlisted Dr. Drew who completely discredits Ivermectin in the Salty Cracker interview after he first promotes it in the same interview. Is that trustworthy?

Next, he goes on to say: “This medical emergency kit contains an assortment of LIFE SAVING MEDICATIONS INCLUDING IVERMECTIN…”

Then he throws in the scary thought of Anthrax by saying: “From Anthrax to tick bites to Covid 19 TWC’s medical, emergency kit is exactly what you need to have on hand to be prepared.”

That sounds like a profit driven, “panic porn,” ad to me from a doctor who said that the use of fear was manipulative, ineffective, and disgusting. And, this same doctor tells us in the ad on the same video that Ivermectin is a “life saver” only to turn around approximately 25 minutes later and say that Ivermectin is not useful. So what is Ivermectin Dr. McCullough? Is it a proven life saver as TWC claims, or is it a useless drug against Covid as Dr. Drew claims? Can you honestly expect us to believe and trust anything any of you say with such conflicting statements?

Next you said: “We are allowed to have differing views on emerging sources of data.” I completely agree with you. That’s why free speech and transparency are so important. The ability to freely discuss issues, openly and honestly, especially issues that we disagree on, helps us solve problems and discover the truth for all of our wellbeing.

Next, you said that “The Wellness Company has supreme regard for personal medical freedom and your individual sovereignty over your right to choose what goes int your body.” All of your followers agree that each of us should have the freedom to choose what goes into our bodies. And Dr. McCullough, if you would have had said throughout your time in the public spotlight or testifying before Congress that you believed that people should be able to get injected with these Covid vaccines if they wanted, then I wouldn’t have any issue with you or TWC, BUT NEITHER YOU NOR TWC HAVE ADVOCATED OR ANNOUNCED PUBLICLY THAT YOU PROMOTE PEOPLE GETTING THE COVID VACCINES IF THEY WANT THEM! To the extreme contrary, you have openly and loudly demanded that they be removed from the market for the health and well being of all of us. And those of us who have followed you, supported you, believed in your mission, and trusted you have done so because of your stated efforts to rid the world of these ineffective, harmful, injurious, deadly vaccines! We know what you’ve said. You know what you’ve said, so please stop trying to distract from my very valid, legitimate concerns and objections. All of you doctors take an oath to First, do no Harm, so giving a vaccine that you know is ineffective, harmful, and potentially deadly because “the patient wanted” is a violation of that oath especially because early treatment works, and it doesn’t kill people!

Lastly, here’s a response to me from TWC regarding my questions about the joining of you, TWC, and Dr. Drew. You have demanded transparency and accountability throughout the past 3 years which so many of us have respected you for. Therefore, those of us who have believed in your statements would not have expected you to join a company whose response to valid questions, that could have been easily answered, were ignored instead of being answered truthfully. Again, I’m deeply disappointed in you and your support for a company that doesn’t align with your stated positions of truthfulness and transparency. Please stop trying to defend the indefensible Dr. McCullough because you will only lose more respect and credibility by doing so. Thank you 🙏 for your time, and I will continue to support and trust the FLCCC. Sadly, I can’t say the same for you anymore. Bambi Forester

Here’s the reply from TWC:

“Hello Bambi,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Unfortunately, we do not have any information on decidions that have been made within the company.

The providers on the Medical Board are not available for consultations through TWC, but you will have a list of available providers to choose from when you sign up for a consultation. They follow the carefully designed guidelines established by the Medical Board and regularly participate in educational sessions hosted by the board members for high standards of care.

To schedule an appointment outside of TWC with Dr. McCullough, please Call (972) 369-8220.

The practice is located:

7692 Eldorado Parkway

McKinney , TX 75070

(972) 562-8388”

Anyone can plainly see that their response, which could have come from so many companies who place profits over the rights of their customers/patients, appears to be saying that I don’t need to know anything about the company because they know best. Additionally, it shows a lack of honesty and transparency by claiming that they don’t know anything. Do you believe that? I don’t want people being used by a company who they chose because they trusted you. A company whose response is that they don’t know anything, and they won’t answer questions pertaining to your care, is a company who cannot be trusted!! A company who truly cares about their customers/patients gets answers for them versus dismissing them. This is a company that I would have never chosen to seek help from if it wasn’t for my previous trust in you Dr. McCullough. If you want to work with Dr. Drew and others who support the Covid vaccines, that’s your choice. My issue is that you claimed to stand for one thing and then contradicted it by your support and promotion of others whose actions and positions completely contradict your statements. That’s dishonest. That’s deceptive. And that’s unethical no matter how you try to justify it.

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Hopefully, Dr. McCullough will clear this up if this is incorrect.

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Hopefully, Peter McCullough is reading comments as he needs to respond to this post ASAP!

I need to hear him stand tall ASAP telling EVERYONE that there must be total accountability for every person involved in the murder of 17 million persons and still counting…due to this weaponized virus and poisonous shot…ALL serious BIOTERRORISM!

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I agree, and I feel the same way as you do. Thank you 🙏

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Peter McCullough needs to answer all soon, especially after his early am substack…


This time I am directing this message directly to you…

What are you thinking telling us to support a far left group of criminals who have directly destroyed the MICHIGAN REPUBLICAN PARTY?

“Dr. Peter McCullough Supports Stand Up Michigan & Encourages You To As Well!” is what this criminal group posted of your interview with them?

I am in Michigan and have direct knowledge of this group destroying entire counties in my state…

This STAND UP AMERICA group stands with Governor Gretchen Whitmer in their agenda. She is the #2 most powerful skunk democrat in the Democrat Party!

My beloved state has been destroyed because of her and STAND UP AMERICA!

We need answers directly from you Peter???

From a VERY concerned Constitutional Conservative Michigan citizen activist!

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Here is the mission statement from "Stand Up Michigan" "Our Mission

We are an organic grassroots movement made up of We The People whose vision is to reclaim and defend the rights and liberties of Michiganders. Our Mission is to equip and empower We The People to stand up for sacred values, citizen rights and constitutionally-protected freedoms."

I personally know Kristen Meghan and Tammy Clark who are Christian Conservatives and are leading the fight for medical freedom with this organization.


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Dear Truth Matters,

I had a friend tell me yesterday that she thinks Dr. McCullough has sold out. And although I find it hard to believe, and I don’t want to believe it, nothing else seems to make sense. I can hear the sense of betrayal that you understandably feel, and that’s why I shared my story. It’s an awful feeling; and since we have all been betrayed so much during the past few years, I wanted to warm people that Dr. McCullough is behaving in ways that don’t align with what he advocates. All we can do is make calls, write letters or emails, and let others know what we’ve experienced. And I 100% agree with you that TRUTH MATTERS my friend.

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Thank you for your comments!

I like Dr. McCullough and has sent him the direction of strategic planners where ALL the good doctors and scientists should have been over 3 years ago…

I am hitting this TRUSTING WITHOUT VETTING VERY CAREFUL ISSUE hard because this might send the good doctors and scientists to unite with serious strategic planning leaders!

Some learn the hard way especially those that do not know how the sausage is made in the political world…VERY ugly!

The doctors and scientists should have stayed in their lane of expertise as they were told by strategic planners!

I will keep you posted as this has to be resolved quickly by McCullough…an expert in cardiology, NOT the political world!

Will definitely let you know how this resolves…

We all make mistakes, but McCullough and THE WELLNESS COMPANY’s reputation are at stake!

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I believe there were times he gave a caveat for elders with lowered immune systems to receive the jab, but it's been a while since I heard that. This may have been when he was balancing between worlds. It appears, here, that he's pulled out all the plugs, to expose the cartel and peers caught in the matrix. Perhaps, they are short on doctors willing to work there, and have too many inquiries.

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Hi Jeannine. I understand you wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt, I did too. But, these are recent events and not a position he had in the beginning. By the way, he did not get vaccinated, and he spoke out against the vaccines from the beginning which makes the choice of Dr. Drew even more confusing and difficult to understand. I’ve had people tell me that they think he has sold out. That’s really hard for me to believe given everything he has done and said, but his behavior doesn’t make sense which is why I went to him for answers. Sadly, I have been ignored which is very disappointing given how often he has advocated for transparency.

As far as needing doctors, I’m sure that is true. But there are plenty of courageous, brilliant doctors who are standing by their stated convictions and not vaccinating their patients who could have joined him at TWC. So why pick Dr. Drew who is still vaccinating and who seems incapable of incorporating all of the facts and evidence he’s been presented with by doctors who have been on the frontlines saving lives? I don’t know, but I would like an answer.

Additionally, if you want to hear from Dr. Drew himself and where he stands on giving the vaccines, Hydroxycloroquine, and ivermectin, just go to YouTube and watch his interview with Salty Cracker a month ago. On that episode, he finally addresses what many of us have been asking him for months and months, why is he still vaccinating the elderly? And, he states his thoughts on Ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine too later in the same video. Pay special attention to the ad he does for the Wellness Company during the same interview. If after watching that interview and the ad you still think it’s perfectly acceptable for Dr. McCullough to join with Dr. Drew at the Wellness Company, then I’d like to hear your thoughts on why.

Dr. Drew claims that the risk to benefit ratio favors vaccination, but I can’t remember even 1 legitimate doctor on his show that advocated for the vaccines. The ones advocating for the vaccines are the ones who have been exposed as corrupt liars and who have manipulated the data and lied to the public like his hero Fauci. So there is not one honest study that proves any benefit of the vaccines, not one. But there is plenty of evidence and research that shows that these vaccines make people sick, they injure them, they permanently disable them, and they kill them. So whose research is he using to play Russian Roulette with his poor patients? He didn’t say.

I also want to point out that after years of having many brilliant, accomplished, doctors on his show, he finally addresses the question as to why he is vaccinating the elderly with a person who knows nothing about them. He didn’t ask Dr. Kory, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Victory and many other great doctors what they thought did he? No he did not. He asked someone who knows nothing about them. Why do you think he did that?

If you don’t want to listen to the entire interview, you can listen to him regarding the ad and the vaccines beginning at 31:11, and you can listen to him talk about Ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine at 55:50. Then listen to the ad again, and let me know what you think. If you’ve listened to him from the beginning, you know he’s gotten enraged over fear being used to push the vaccines. He’s called it “panic porn.” So what is he pushing with The Wellness Company ad? Lastly, he said that he vaccinated his elderly patients because “they wanted it.” Do you think that they were requesting them based on facts or fear? I look forward to hearing from you Jeannine. Thank you 🙏

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Well said.

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MTG, what a fighter. They’ve done everything to try and kill her, and she comes back stronger. A true David vs Goliath story.

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I think she’s great for holding the hearings and for her opposition to the Administration’s Ukraine policy, but I want her to oppose Israel’s ethnic cleansing, if not genocide, and the U.S.’s U.N. support of and financing of such. The most important issues now, imo, are preventing outright nuclear war, the accidental use of nuclear weapons, and the “anonymous” use of WMDs in countries as retaliation - all of which we may be getting dangerously close to. Supporting Israel based on superstitious religious beliefs is not only insane, imo, but possibly suicidal as well.

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My husbands PSA is now creeping up after it stayed steady for yrs. he has had three covid vaxxes and yet the urology nurse asked him if he had had covid recently saying they are seeing PSA numbers rise post COVID. Not connecting the dots?

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Most doctors and nurses buy into the BS out forth by the CDC. I only had the initial vaccine, which I regret, but my blood pressure is much higher than it used to be. I used to have low blood pressure and now I and pre-hypertensive. My Cardiologist doesn't see any connection, but I do.

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My husband's VA doctor told him a few years ago that he no longer trusted the PSA test. He had two patients and the one with the low PSA test had cancer but the one with the high level had nothing. The doctor refused to worry about it for my husband ever again. Grateful for honesty


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Thank you💕

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Check out dr. McCullough’s detox protocol. Nattokinase, bromelain, curcumin. Somewhere in his substack he has how much and how often.

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Know someone who was 10 years post prostate cancer surgery. Non-existent PSA all those years until post jab. Did spike detox protocol and no more increase. But Checking every 6 months with ultra sensitive PSA test. You can purchase your own test at life extension dot com. You can track your own health independently from docs with their heads in the sand.

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A very big thankmyou.

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Oh goody. You must be kidding.

We will live with this many years.

The worst is on the backs of our children.

In my opinion it may even eventually push our DNA 🧬 to a worse place.

Shame on humanity!!!!!

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Shame on the perpetrators, they must hang. The rest of humanity was cruelly tricked.

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Dr. Bahkti has always said that the most dangerous part of the vax was the lipid nano particle, which has the ability (and purpose) to carry the spike everywhere in the body. This vehicle is apparently what prevent the vax from remaining in your arm, but allows it to travel everywhere.

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Yes, the lipids coating allows the spike or genome code to enter the cell and infect it with new DNA coding. It's appalling how so few have asked, what's in the code; there could be a myriad of instructions, don't you think?

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I’m not a scientist, but I think that the genetic code is basically a portion of the code of the virus in question. On paper, making these products using a computer to fashion them toward a certain pathogen sounds like a good idea. For covid, you use the covid code, for the flu you get the genetic code and use that, etc. Perhaps there is no need for any other instructions, when you have lipid nano particles that will send these MRNA codes everywhere, so that the immune system attacks wherever the lipid nano particle ends up. Sounds like a plan.

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Of course, that's the logical strategy of a v@ccine, but some claim (Dr. Arlis) that they used the DNA code of snakes like cobra, and that's why the PCR could detect the "venom". There were many batches, 160? Perhaps some were from bat corona (enhanced in lab to become more infectious to humans, reported), and some on monkeys (all who died, reported), and/or pengalin, and most saline (harder to conclude impacts, on the whole). The therapy was more insidious than the "enhanced" disease/virus!

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Such serious Congressional testimony at this late date of over 17 million, repeat 17 million vaccine deaths and still counting…am speechless!

Since I know you are trying to help in a BIG way…

I thought this message would resonate to YOU and everyone from me…a patriotic Constitutional Conservative Grandmother of soon to be 9 grandchildren who over my dead body has NO intention of leaving them to a like of miserable Communism!

My message today to ALL…

2024…either the reset will favor the people OR the reset will be in favor of Communist control/WEF/Klaus Schwab…SATAN!

Which is it Americans?

Where are the actionable SOLUTIONS?

NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER…ONLY America First Constitutional Conservative strategic planners! JOIN with a monthly donation to receive their important newsletters! Their site tells you all you need to know about them!

P.S. Support Mike Lindell as FOX has dumped his MY PILLOW advertising WITHOUT notice. He has supported Trump with LOTS of his hard earned $$$ from Day 1, continuing to go after all the election fraud. He deserves EVERYONE’s support to keep his business going!

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Thank you courageous doctors.

Nothing said “congress and the sold-out FNM” like the nearly empty room.

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Bravo. Excellent hearing; we started watching last night and will finish this weekend. Thank you to you and all the others involved!

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Hmmm….I didn’t realize myocarditis was so rare, prior to the vax.

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THANK YOU, Dr. McCullough for your participation in this House Congressional Hearing and making the video available. I have shared it with several people including a family member who is a medical Provider and Researcher.

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I believe these shots were employed as a cover for Big Pharma in order to have a massive data base for mRNA technology as it relates to the development of mRNA “vaccines” as a cancer protocol. That’s where the real money is and they’ve been working on it for over a decade.

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Please Continue the Great Fight as the Truth Warrior you are Dr. McCullough! You are the Shining Star!

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How reassuring this progress you've made is! I've been sending my Congress members Youtube videos, without getting a response. I will forward this one on, as they may have missed this Congressional Committee Meeting; whereupon this chamber is the nexus of deliberation, avenues of new policy, accountability, and reconstituted leadership. I pray Congress listens to this and thwarts any campaign financing from BigPharma---as they have disproved their valuation.

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Dr. McCullough

Your fierce, unapologetic sharing of the truth is spectacular to hear. So enjoyable. It's like watching your favorite sports team kicking ass! I find myself shouting yes!! Yes!! and pumping my fist. Thank you for all of the knowledge you provide. We have used it hear in Collier County FL and made great advancements. Now we must halt the mRNA injections!

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