75% is still a horrendous crime.

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Another hopeful sign is that a lot of the “vaxxed” seem embarrassed to admit it.

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I certainly know some people who had 2 injections, and told me so at the time, who now say they only got one and "under duress".

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Maybe they are being honest now rather than previously. It's more acceptable to speak freely now, so I would expect more honesty than in the past.

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Wow, a little introspection, perhaps? It's progress, I guess. I've been embarrassed for them, and their perpetual mask-wearing brethren, for quite some time now!

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JanC1955, I think you're half right. I think the other half are incapable of introspection...only knee-jerk fear and ego. They simply stuck their fingers up in the air to feel which way the wind was blowing, and they determined the "Cool winds" were blowing in our direction. Kinda' the same way they decided to get vaxxed in the first place.

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No doubt CDC didn't accidentally overcount the percentage of people who took the toxic injections. Like the rest of the mis-, mal-, and dis-information they and other government actors publish, the false injection uptake data probably is simply more propaganda intended to isolate independent thinkers who haven't submitted to the Covid tyranny.

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Even the survey data is probably overcounting due to peer pressure. Watch for the vaccination rate to actually decline, as more people find the courage to honestly answer.

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We aren’t embarrassed....we are enraged that we were lied to and our “care for other humans” was taken advantage of (sorry for the hanging participle). Never again.

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You deserve to feel angry. You're the victim of a crime, having been deprived of your right to informed consent. I'd imagine that millions of others share your feelings. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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The question you should be asking yourself is, "How was I deceived?" Only by thinking and meditating on the emotions and thoughts that brought you personally to make the decision to get the "vaccine" can you understand how to spot obvious falsehoods and liars in public, and in so doing not fall prey to it again in the future and protect those you love from public lies as well.

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A lot of people were under tremendous pressure to take the jab. I'm glad I wasn't under that pressure and could refuse. But people with mortgages to pay and kids to feed were in a very different situation if their jobs were at risk. I refuse to impugn the decisions of other people if I wasn't in their position.

The people who need to examine their motivations are the people who supervised the coercion; government officials, school administrators, HR directors, doctors, and more.

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I'm not impugning any one person. Criticizing someone's decision, however, is not a criticism of that person, it is NOT PERSONAL. The fact that these people were not actually thinking on their own, rather reacting to circumstances, demonstrates that it cannot be an attack on a person.

Each individual must self-regulate their own thoughts, and in so doing come to their own conclusions. That is what MUST happen, and that is what people must realize that they did not do.

I risked my career to avoid the jab. I made preparations to abandon my lifestyle, abandon my family if needed, and move on. I did this because I knew that what we were being told was a lie. I didn't know it was a lie because I could prove it was a lie. I knew it was a lie because the powers that be had to silence people to maintain the lie.

Truth never needs defending.

Lies require your active participation.

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Why unions didn't confer and conclude it was worth the fight to oppose mandates is beyond me. I was initially hopeful about opposition coming from unions or other organizations known for defending things less important than freedom, and, out of fear of covid, considered getting the shot, but decided to instead retire and avoid fighting a battle I would lose (opposing government alone is not productive and I had no colleagues willing to fight). I understand why individuals were frightened into the jab, but agree that people need to think on their own and stop watching news paid for by people who have motive to misinform.

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My son-in-law is a firefighter in Orange County, CA and was NOT mandated to get the shots thanks to their union.

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It’s a good point and bears repeating, $’s. As a retired MD it was easy for me to refuse, but had I still been practicing so much more would have been at stake, and I would have had much less time to read and find some clarity from the thick smokescreen we were all caught in. I very much respect all those who sacrificed their career/jobs, especially as it was still unclear how dangerous the clotshots were. What were initially anecdotes, such as the intracranial thromboses, were not yet large databases such as the insurance and disability data. It took a very high conviction and a lot of courage to put everything on the line at such an early stage! I have a friend who is a firefighter and was next in place to be Fire Chief of our local department. He refused the mandate and lost his job. He set a great example but at high personal cost.

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If you don’t learn to think critically it will happen to you again.

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Stop….please don’t tell me that I don’t know how or “need to learn to think critically”.

You have not one iota of anything to make such a statement.

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Anybody who fell for the “vaccine” narrative was obviously not thinking critically. So I assume they still need to learn to think critically.

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From the Cambridge Dictionary:



US /əˈsʌmp·ʃən/

assumption noun (ACCEPTING AS TRUE)

[ C ]

a willingness to accept something as true without question or proof:

[ + that clause ] The plan was based on the assumption that the schedule could be substantially speeded up by adding more people.

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I'm not going to lie and pretend there's zero schadenfreude going on.

But you must remember, the people who actively participated in the lie that the vaccines were "safe and effective" were also telling people like me and my family members to get vaccinated or lose their jobs, their vacations, access to their kids or family, their ability to participate in any kind of public life. Some people in Europe had to literally rely on friends to deliver necessities to them for survival because the governments there forbade them from going to the store. This was not just "a vaccine" this was medical authoritarianism, and everyone who participated in the lie of "Safe and effective" bears some level of responsibility.

So as someone who never took those jabs, you're goddamn right I'm proud of myself and I do indeed take some comfort in knowing that people who participated in a big lie trying to destroy my life now have to worry about their own life.

This is not a personal attack. This is what happens when you choose a side that is using force on other people, and it comes around later.

That said, The last thing I want to do is spend my time running around going, "I told you so."... I would rather my fellow Americans (Westerners if you're not from the USA), learn to THINK FOR THEMSELVES, ESPECIALLY WHEN LARGE ENTITIES (GOVERNMENT) ARE SPEWING NOTHING BUT FEAR so they don't make that same mistake again.

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A gentle reminder: not every person who was jabbed were "the people" you broadly blame for "participating in lies" and vaccine pressure. In fact many of us...including me...were not only adamantly against, but appalled and outspoken against the ugly coericion, cancelling and threats that took place. It has been a horrifying time .

My reason for engaging you is to let you (and others ) know that not every person can be painted with the same brush. Please do no assume without facts.

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You said “people who participated in a big lie trying to destroy my life now have to worry about their own life.” Are any of those ppl in danger? So far it seems the perpetrators guilty go scott free. I believe they are

Punished when I see it.

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Touche’! Margaret, we don’t know one another and I have nothing personally against you. I was just trying to make the point that if anyone made the serious mistake of allowing a poison to be injected into their body then it would behoove them to understand why they did that, in order to avoid such a disastrous decision again. Jeremy’s reply to dollars4dummies is much more eloquent and nuanced than mine, but I think it is essentially the same idea. Going forward, we can expect perhaps more bioweapons directed against us, but also financial weapons, kinetic war (Ukraine now with the threat of much more in Europe and perhaps Asia). We will need to examine each of those threats carefully, lest we land on the wrong side there as well. Good luck!

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That is very encouraging to find that 25% of public used their intuition on and education to make informed decision despite the constant in your face “get the jab or you may die or kill a loved one.” It’s really sad to see what is happening to those who took this terrible poison. The effects are not

Just bad reactions but an immune system now not capable of keeping robust cancers away.

A friend asked what I thought of recent explosion of cancers in their small Alaskan village. It was confirmed every one of them took the vaccine and none had any family history of cancer. Very sad. She wants to help them but how? My best guess is support immune system now as much as possible. Will that be enough though?

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Another somewhat "dirty" secret, is how many people got "fake" certificates? I heard of a few even in my own small circle of friends here in France, as well as having a couple of offers, and there were rumours of a significant trade in Italy - especially in the south.

Of course, adjusting the numbers of the injected downwards, and projecting that on the excess deaths and adverse reactions, makes these injections look even worse.

Prof Norman Fenton also concluded that up to 26% of UK population did not get the injections (as opposed to the "official" line of 8%):


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I think too that there would remain some bias not to respond to such a survey at all or to answer falsely. The fear campaign has worked well and people are wary of all manner of methods and tricks of surveillance. Ethics and privacy guarantees have been eroded and people know it. As a social science researcher myself I would never participate in such a survey.

I am aware of an activist in airline industry who brought back counterfeit vaccine cards along with loads of real HCQ and ivermectin from South America. How often did that happen around the country?

I also have come to believe that there might have been small communities with activists who as in other countries like Africa, learned to give the shots down the sink or leaked down the back in trade for a real card. How would these folks answer a survey? Further, vials sent out quietly to scientists for analysis likely had to be accounted for in some way. (Although now we have millions of doses that will need to be discarded. That biohazard waste scares me.)

So I am hopeful that the actual number of unjabbed could be closer to 30%. We just heard Fauci whinging to Mayor Bowser that the injection uptake in red states was lagging and his attempt at recruiting black residents in DC revealed an amazing amount of awareness and resistance to the shots. But 25% is outstanding and will provide enough of a control group going forward to evaluate some of the long term effects. It is reassuring too that such a significant number of population resisted. I am assuming this group will also be turning down any future vaccines and that a number of children will no longer receive the massive vaccine schedule as in the past. These trends will be something to watch.

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Just fyi, the resistance to the shots in the black community is not surprising. They've been lied to enough to know government liars when they see them, and memory of medical experimentation on that community is very alive.

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Agreed! But still, it is reassuring that that memory isn't lost for all the propaganda. That shows in Fauci's frustration. All that money spent on counteracting vaccine "hesitancy" and behavioral nudging. Didn't work on quite a few.

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We thought we were alone for so long until courageous speakers and writers like you, Dr. McCullough and John, gave us hope and a sense of sanity in such a crazy world. Thank goodness for the voices of Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity, Jeffrey Tucker (et al) at Brownstone Institute, Robert Kennedy Jr. and the incredible interviews at Children's Health Defense, Russell Brand, numerous Substack writers, Dr. Mercola, and of course many more! THANK YOU!!

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I second this!! Especially for those of us who were cancelled by many family and friends, those people were instrumental in us maintaining our sanity. More importantly, Dr. McCullough and colleagues deserve credit for many of us surviving covid with mild to almost no symptoms and the recommended supplements and medications also saved many we gave that information to. I wonder what THAT number is?

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When my doctor asks if I am vaxxed I always say "Oh yes. Fully up to date". I am not, but I weigh the costs of giving a captured/misinformed MD doctor the wrong info vs. the risks of self-reporting my unvaxxed status. I have learned to trust no doctor and no hospital...and no survey. It is more than 25% for sure.

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I bet the bioweapon-free crowd is far larger than 25%. Heavy suspicion of government. Heavy suspicion of doctors. Heavy suspicion of vaccines. Heavy suspicion of politicians. And that was BEFORE all this Covid madness!!

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Why would anyone at this point consider CDC-reported stats as accurate and not politically influenced? Was not the last of their credibility destroyed with the Redfield testimony?

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I strongly encourage my patients not to go for any boosters, most agree that they will not. Seeing too many aggressive new cancers! All these new patients have had the shots. Also strange fungal infections in your men. impaired immunity!

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May I ask what kind of health care provider you are and what population you are monitoring to see the cancer increase? My personal experience is at least 8 new cancers among personally known people in my not very large circle. I think it is extremely important that the cancer incidence increase is accurately reported.

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I wonder if the fungal infections could be the result of [artificially] low LDL. In Dr. Aseem Malhotra's book on statins, he includes evidence that a too-low LDL level and increased infections appear to be correlated. If I remember correctly, the observed minimum LDL level required to fight infection is 139 mg/dL, well above the "recommended" value.

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Can you say more about the “strange fungal infections in men”. My boyfriend is double jabbed and wonder if I can contract it from him?

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I'm skeptical of these figures. I've never had the vaccine, and no one has ever asked, and I haven't answered any survey or indicated to anyone in any way my status. I believe that there are many more unvaccinated that no one knows about.

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Thank you Jeremy for your thoughts. However please refrain from suggesting what i (we) “should” do and “what or how” i(we) should think to “understand”

“Suggesting” in this way is not the best approach. Nor is the suggestion that “thoughts and emotions” are the difference between a jabbed or un-jabbed choice.

It’s no longer about why the choice was made ...it’s about why the next choice will be made....and the basis on which the choice will be made. I offer to you that with the access to the many trusted writers on Substack, those of us that were “deceived” are among the best informed, self-researched, data-informed, decision competent army of “never-agains” to be found.

Thank you in advance for allowing this response.

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Thank you! The 92% figure was depressing. I should have known it was false...

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The purchase of fake vaccine ID's may be good for the user, it is a terrible societal failure. When you have to break the law to protect your health, your society is sick.

if there ever is a reckoning, any one that promoted the shots, while secretly using a fake vax card and not getting the shot, needs to be exposed. Make Covid shot supports prove they took the shot. If they lied about being vaccinated and supported forcing others to take the shot - no mercy. They were accessory to murder. Out of the drug business for life and huge fines.

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As Mr. Justice Brandeis noted many years ago, the law will be respected when it is respectable. Sadly too many laws in this country are not respectable

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Thank you for continuing to report the truth!

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