I asked a banker yesterday what he thought about Michelle lujan Grisham cancelling our 2nd amendment rights (I live in New Mexico). He replied, "Well just in Albuquerque". Sometimes I get mad at myself for thinking people use their brains.

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2 Thessalonians 9-11:

"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie."

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This fools no one paying attention. Hamlin had little choice probably due to his contract. The league has done irreparable harm. Think viewers will watch when this happens repeatedly? Teams now have cardiologists on field I’m fairly sure...

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This so so sad... so many lives changed forever all for profits and power. I just had a patient yesterday who had a reaction to her 3rd shot -- within 10 days she had tachycardia, hospital admission, almost died -- subsequent blood sugar at 735 with an A1C of 11.2. Her endocrinologist is like “how is this possible you haven’t felt terrible “. Then 12 days later when she gets out of hospital her A1C is back to 5.3. Doctors baffled. THEN she gets turbo skin and breast cancer, there’s more she told me and I didn’t troll the EMR to read it all. She’s into see me for spontaneous tendon rupture now. At least the medical system has acknowledged her V-reaction but made her take a flu shot and she had some of the symptoms all over again. “your immune system is just a bit worn out.” They told her and are denying her request to decline the FLU SHOT!! The flu of all things -- really???????

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He's dead. He died on the playing field back when we saw him go down. His videotaped "appearances" were deep fakes. They can do this now given enough source footage, which they have available from professional athletes and other celebrities.

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Some people are slowly growing weary of being deceived but some people that I know want to keep being deceived. They will believe ANY lie that they are given in order to keep believing what authorities are telling them. It’s far easier to stay in the narrative than to dare consider what the implications are in the event that we have been being lied to the whole time…Better, in their subconscious, to be afraid of a scary virus than the reality of the situation.

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Do you think Hamlin's in on it?

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There are about 30 cases of commotio cordis associated with sports in the US each year. The age group affected "mostly" is boys between the ages of 8 and 18. Mostly being defined as roughly 99%. Cases over the age of 18 are extremely rare and it is thought this is because chest wall and muscular development in males is complete after age 18 which reduces the risk substantially. The activities associated with commotio cordis are baseball, hockey, lacrosse and softball. Notice how football isn't in the list? Why is that? Because there are no little missiles weighing 5-10 ounces travelling at 100 or more miles per hour in football. Still the hits during tackles can be quite energetic but not as energetic as a baseball or hockey puck going 100 miles an hour. And all the padding worn by football players distributes the impacts they undergo across both their body and time. It just isn't likely to deal a blow to a very specific area of the body at exactly the right time when everything is being spread out in both the body and time.

Neat thing about the condition is that it is a "1 in a million" event. The person has to be struck in exactly the right way at precisely the right time for the arrythmia to develop. Unless damage is done to the heart from lack of perfusion during the time of pulselessness and arrythmias become an ongoing condition there is no risk of a repeat occurrence, it goes back to a 1 in a million chance.

You know what isn't a 1 in a million chance? Having your heart stop after suffering from myocarditis. It is the #1 medical cause, non-traumatic, of sudden cardiac arrest in people with otherwise healthy hearts. You know, people in peak physical condition, like athletes. And people who have suffered 1 cardiac arrest after myocarditis are extremely likely to suffer another one.

I promise you during all the practices he took part in and all the preseason games, there was a person who's only job was to be on the sidelines with the automatic external defibrillator in hand at all times and watching for Damar to drop to the ground unexpectedly. Can you imagine being assigned to watch a single player and wondering if every time they went to the ground if you were going to have to go out and try to save their life?

As soon as it was reported the trainers were doing CPR and shocking him I opined his career was over no matter what the outcome was. The fact that they weren't even willing to let him make a token appearance in the first game tells me I was right. As bad as the optics of sidelining him are to the narrative, it would be monumentally worse for the narrative if they put him on the field and he had to be carted off getting CPR again. They just can't take that risk and that tells us the risk is very high indeed.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

I suspect that Hamlin and most other NFL players are in denial that Hamlin's injury was caused by Covid injections. Acknowledging the connection would be too frightening since most players were coerced into getting the shots and therefore could be the next injury. In general, denial regarding the Covid injections is a very understandable defensive mechanism.

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Remember MRS. Buffalo Bills aka Kim Pegula has been suffering from a “stroke” or some other mystery ailment that appeared “suddenly” 18 months ago. Her appearance heavily masked from the back seat of a big limo owned by her vaxxx obsessed hubby at a Bill’s game was ALSO carefully choreographed. Her daughter Jessica a tennis star was forced to come clean in February and say her mother has a long road to.ummmmmmm.... “recovery” 😉

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So they can't give him an implantable defibrillator because that would be de facto proof that he did NOT have commotio cordis. I would bet a sizable amount of money that he really NEEDS an implantable defibrillator but is being told he doesn't need one. He is also being told not to tell that his cardiac arrest is the result of myocarditis or risk losing his big paycheck. Yes, they are risking killing this young man to hide the truth. I would also bet that he sooner than later he just die suddenly. Really sad state of affairs.

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Well, John, I hope our weariness of being defrauded comes to a head soon.

But so many people are just not able to allow themselves to see the truth. If we consider all the times our country (and others, of course) has lied to us, we can sometimes see why they may have done so. I don't think it was part of a game, but maybe it has become one now. Now, I think some people enjoy watching.

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Two well-known journalists, John Roberts and Megyn Kelly, have become pissed and/or brave enough to say out loud and very publicly that the jabs injured them - Roberts with pericarditis and Kelly with auto-immune disease. Limited hangouts or dams bursting? Who knows anymore.

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Soros Summons Kamala For An 8 Hour Meeting As Michelle Obama Rumor Swirl [VIDEO] --https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2023/09/soros-summons-kamala-for-an-8-hour-meeting-as-michelle-obama-rumor-swirl/?utm_source=email2&utm_medium=email2&utm_campaign=email2&utm_id=email2 AMERICANS UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINED FOR A SAFE FUTURE OR DIE AS DO NOTHING SLAVES,,,,,T IS OUR JOB !!!HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT UNITE WE THE PEOPLE - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. #DONOTCOMPLY TO TREASONOUS EVILS = NO TERRORISTOCRATS

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Well said. I thought exactly the same thing when I saw the little caption on Monday night football saying that Hamlin is healthy, but not playing. What a joke. That poor man.

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Hamlin and his family have clearly been paid an enormous blood-oath-soaked $$$$$$$$ accompanied by a forever-dated NDA 🙊🙈🙉 most likely by Pfizer (or insert any needle-nosed jab 💉🦠 Big Pharma name). His televised interviews given (no doubt under needlepoint, er, gunpoint 🤐) after the post-death hit, Lazarus-style, reveal the body language of a child who has been called down to the principal’s office. Same modus operandi used by the Illuminati or perhaps The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World (or any collective nefarious group Ad nauseam) to keep one in line (omertà).

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