We should be very wary. At the same time, that's not an excuse to not see how threatened the current system is, with a vast multi-polar alliance emerging and arguably many more people becoming aware of the darkness rearing its head than the bad guys feel comfortable with. If they rip off the mask and go for pure dictatorship, they've essentially lost and shown everyone their true hand. And that point, the non-linearity of events will be such that no amount of their modelling and "preparedness" will really be able to anticipate what they're faced with.
If they keep trying to play a long game, their system may very well blow out at any moment. The economy is one giant ticking timebomb. Meanwhile, the alliance of nations that represents the overwhelming majority of the world population outside the “rules-based order” has already organized itself to reject a common enemy, whatever the differences. While the many sides are arguing with each-other, the reality is that all the tribes right now should be unifying themselves against the single tribe that threatens them all: The Wall Street/City of London, Five Eyes and WHO octopus. It's one thing and needs to de defeated as one thing.
In the history of Western civilization, whether Solon in ancient Athens or FDR during the great depression, the system has been put into bankruptcy re-organization multiple times. From there, a return to our natural tradition of building great generational projects is an easy sell. America was built with such an outlook, from Hamilton, Lincoln, McKinnley to FDR. Wall Street, JP Morgan and Chase/Manhatten had very little to do with any of the greatest developments in American history, its revolutions, or victory in the civil war.
Knowing our story is more crucial than ever now.
Let's remember that the devil always overplays his hand.
Now’s not a time to be demoralized but to get folks politically active and organized in ways they've never been before. It's been done before. "The New World Order" was once called the "League of Nations" and was thwarted years ago. Things did not work out the way the bad guys wanted. Or as FDR put it, "They [who] seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers...call this a new order. It is not new and it is not order."
David - sorry to ‘nit-pick’ but please edit your note..... I believe that you meant to say that, ‘We should be very WARY, not ‘very WEARY’ meaning is vastly different and although both apply, wary connotes ‘being on our guard’, 1. On guard; watchful.
2. Characterized by caution.
3. Cautious of danger; carefully watching and guarding against deception, artifices, and dangers; timorously or suspiciously prudent;
circumspect; scrupulous; careful.
- while WEARY, is certainly applicable too, as in, “I am certainly tired of this Shittt, 🥹 but it doesn’t tend to bolster our intestinal fortitude. 😊🕊️❤️
Hi David - After I got past the first line, and read the entirety of your post, I can’t agree with you MORE!!!!!. We Do have the ability to weather this storm. And weather it we must, for the sake of humanity. Thank you for making that point.
Ouff, those were a lot of typos. I updated it. Texting right before bed is usually not a good idea haha. But yes, strategic reality remains what it is. People’s morale is one of the main things being targeted right now. If people think there’s still a chance they can win, despite the odds, they’ll fight back and become more creative than ever. If they think all is lost, they tend to just focus on self-preservation and immediate desire.
Naturally, we know which state of mind the bad guys want everyone in.
David, thank you for your comment! I think one of the best examples of the overplayed hand was remote "learning". They went the totalitarian route toward fear and control but failed to realize how many parents were watching and paying attention to the indoctrination with which they vehemently disagreed. The response was mildly encouraging - large numbers of children removed from these schools and put into private schools or home-schooled. A better response would be to abolish or completely reform the system. Sometimes an unsafe building cannot be retrofitted and needs to be torn down. If the building serves a purpose then rebuild it properly. If it is not needed then let the ground on which it sits serve some other purpose. If the Lord tarries and blesses conservatives (or at least liberty-minded people) with the levers of power once again then massive changes are needed. Entire alphabet agencies need to go. The edict from the Preamble is clear: establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
I don't see anything in that indicating they are justified in outlawing incandescent lights!
Generally, I think you’re right- not only with the ability of parents to see what they were actually indoctrinating our kids with!!!!! But also just with the dictatorial approach to the Covid, mandates the lockdowns, the LIES!!!! They so overplayed their hand, that the public is rethinking the childhood vax schedule. Once you trespass on the peoples trust, the people start question everything, and rightly so.
Why else would they be so draconian and absolute in their punishment of doctors and nurses that dare question any of it? Kind of like the Jan. 6th protesters/rioters/insurrectionists. Can't question elections or vaccines because then someone might have to give an answer.
Stay strong and focused John. We win or we die. Dr. Marik, Dr Kory, and Dr. Mercola are all on the side of truth.
They are true Warrior Patriots. They will never give up or surrender. After reading Dr.Kory’s book, The War on Ivermectin, I can tell you he is more committed than ever to stand against the corrupt medical / Pharma cabal.
With the FLCCC they are building a alternate health system which actually has health as it’s goal, unlike the oxymoronic system in place now. There is an army of Patriotic citizens fighting the corrupt government/corporate agenda to enslave us.
The medical establishment and all universities that run allopathic medical schools are clearly corrupt beyond belief. We need to each continue to pray for God’s help and each continue to do everything we can to resist the increasingly bold tyranny. Writing letters of support, for example to John Strand or Rep. Jim Jordan, is a simple action that we each can choose to take. Back in early 2021 a close friend of mine worried about what would happen to me because I refused to buy into the narrative. I was just feeling my way at the time, but that path has deepened my belief that (1) what matters most in this lifetime is strengthening our faith in our unity with God and each other, and (2) that path continuously leads to the best results for each of us. Regardless of what happens, those who steadfastly serve as our inspiration and guiding light, including RFK Jr, JFK, RFK, MLK Jr, Dr McCullough, Dr Kory, Dr Marik, Dr Nass, Dr Mercola, Dr Kheriaty, Dr Gold, Dr. Vliet, Drs Malone, Dr. Bhakdi, Dr. Lawrie, Dr. Montagne, Dr. Bhattacharya, Ed Dowd, Catherine Austin-Fitts, Steve Kirsch, Dr Naomi Wolf, their close collaborators, and many others, will be enshrined in history as our heroes, in deep gratitude for all of your courage and wisdom.
So very well communicated!!! Thank you for writing this!!!!!!! May I also suggest that you consider subscribing to the Epoch Times, and listen to the three times weekly (40 min long) interview show, American Thought Leaders. The host, Jan J, has interviewed over this past year most of the people that you cite, above, including also Assem Malhotra, twice. EXCELLENT SOURCE of Accurate Information.
Unfortunately, the tendrils of this poison plant stretch to places that defy credulity. Bastyr University (which teaches naturopathic medicine) instituted a jab mandate. Looking at their webpage they also seem all in on DEI and related wokeness. Make-a-Wish Foundation instituted a mandate for anyone accompanying a recipient. If your child wanted to go to Disney, you couldn't go with him/her without complying. Total rat-bastard move IMO. I don't know if there have been any retractions but I certainly haven't seen any apologies, public or otherwise. Please correct me if I am wrong.
It’s coming to Australia with the new Disinformation Bill designed to shut down any dissension from government policy. Of course the government is the biggest spreader of disinformation.
We already have a universal healthcare system in Australia called Medicare. However, you are correct. I can see where one day, Medicare will not cover you without proof of vaccination. It already affects child support payments in Australia.
That's disgusting; make those pHarma toads a) prove that the "fully vaccinated" are healthier than the unvaccinated, b) that vaccines do not cause cancer, heart disease, strokes, or Autoimmunity, and c) that God approves of injecting human DNA contaminants taken from living fetuses into newborn babies, or of injecting toxins in general into them!
Hint- they cannot prove any of the above.
Vaccination may prove to be exactly as beneficial as "witch burning" once was- money to the powerful, destruction of life, and inhumane torture of the innocent in the name of public health.
Yes, some will think I'm a radical, but before you make up your mind just READ what's in a "vaccine" and where and how they got it, and secondly, all the known and suspected adverse events associated with them.
It will curl your hair, and send a sane person away screaming at the idea we do this newborns.
Smart. But even though my "gut" screamed at me not to, I was successfully manipulated by the small Christian School, (Grace Episcopal, that my 4-year-old attended) to vaccinate, her fully, with the CDC reccommended and State of Florida required childhood schedule after she had had only one set of "well-baby" shots earlier.
Those set up a psychic reaction in me, and screaming from her, the likes I never experienced before, yet still, 4 years later, when they told me she would never go to school in the State of Florida without all those she had missed, from 2 months to 4 years of age, I complied, believing a) I couldn't deny my only child and education with other kids, b) that all the other children took them so they couldn't be that dangerous and I must be overreacting, c) not knowing there were Religious Exemptions available.
It almost killed her.
Damn all those lying liars who lie to the hot place with flames & pitchforks.
I hope the truth is FINALLY out about the damage we are doing to our kids, and the utter corruption of pHarma and their lapdogs in Government!
Stand up and fight , but you would be surprised how many patients/ people feel this is ok , till someone on a “board/ panel” says no to the useless eater. Population control all the way.
Be comforted as you watchfully await the unfolding of living American history before your very eyes. Our people’s will was initially shown in 1775 when farmers and mechanics and merchants faced the Imperial Fascists of George III at Lexington and Concord, and began our fight for freedom. And re-watch the film , “Red Dawn “, fiction so very close to reality, that tells needed truths about the American exceptionalism of not allowing tyranny of any kind or type to enslave us. We will not shirk our responsibilities to guard our G-d given rights, nor will we be fey and feckless in the face of the newer fascisms of within our country and from foreign sources. These statements are no mere boilerplate; rather, they accurately depict the spirit of the American people in these increasingly dangerous times. We will stress and fret but we will, again if need be, revive the spirit of Lexington and Concord. Populism is of the people, not merely of the mob. Be comforted- we will prevail!
How old are you? Let me guess - over 55. Have you talked to a Gen X or Y about this? Good luck with that lot. They never even learned what democracy means. That's my biggest worry - we oldies know what's at stake. Most people under 30 have no idea or interest. They are not totally stupid - they know or sense that the MMS and Govrnments are lying. But they just shrug shoulders. They got a bad deal in the past three years and are somewhat annoyed. But they think it is just a phase and will normalize again. They don't see the bigger threat. They are kept just under the anger threshold by the overlords, distracted by side shows like "inclusivity" and "safe the planet" until it's too late.
Yep, and back in 1775 those were hard real men. We don't have an abundance of those anymore. I hate to state the obvious but the Dorito eating couch potato generation are not 1775 men.
Yes, they can't even stop tuning in to regime-supporting entertainment, let alone stand up to the upcoming tyranny. Every one of my friends continues to support MLB and the NFL, despite my pleas to stop watching due to their embrace of BLM.
They had better snap out of it or their only entertainment will be a contest of "how many maggots can you find in the bowl of soup provided by the authorities in the re-education camp."
The "time span" concept is critical. Most people assume disturbances are temporary and things will go "back to normal" soon. They see the USA as "permanent" but there is no empire ever that has completely withstood the test of time. All empires fall sooner or later. It's a matter of how gracefully and in what manner.
The future has never been experienced before, it's notoriously hard to predict. Do we need to fight to maintain "freedom" or do we need to fight to *restore* freedom? From my view, we've already lost freedom but it is of course a matter of point of view. If all you care about is sitting on the couch, eating chips, watching TV or playing a video game then you probably don't care that you can't freely express thoughts everywhere, you probably don't care that your money is monitored and can't be freely used or transferred, you are too uneducated to comprehend how to be healthy so you give up your health to some "expert" who is interested in profit not health, etc, etc.
Big cycle swings happen in time spans longer than a lifetime. The dangers of the past are forgotten. (only to be experienced again and again)
Yes, it can be quite sad. There are a few of us that study history and think about these things but we are pretty rare.
Something I think should be pondered is: Why is the USA the number one economy even though our population is a fraction of what China's population is? You can quickly get mired in the details, but I'm inclined to say it has been our relative freedom over the past 100 years.
Why is freedom important? Freedom is critical because it motivates people! If I have no hope of "getting ahead" then I'm likely to just sit in my living room snacking comfort food (and getting fat) while watching TV. But if I think I can achieve something, if I truly feel I have the freedom to explore and create... well then I will explore and create! (and the world will be better off)
That's part of it. But even the people "running the show" haven't been alive long enough to have actual experience with the cycles. They literally don't even know any better!
Much of the population is too ensconced into their pleasures and and would hate to have any change or interruption of those pleasures. It's easier to just do what the government says
Yes, and mostly because it is "someone else" that is having the problem. Wait until it interferes with their life and then suddenly it is "unacceptable".
As a Gen Xer, that’s not true. Gen X is not 30 year olds lol. We are in our 40s and 50s. We do understand what’s at stake. We are looking to the older generation to tell us what to do because all we have known is freedom. That part is true.
Enough of this shit! The Medical Boards need to be entirely dismantled. They have become nefarious agents of the government. They serve no purpose in public health. They are government agents out to silence the good. The names of the people who are on these so called "medical boards" need to be written down and documented. Justice will be served on them. In the meantime we absolutely need to dismantle these joke agencies. Good Doctors should not have to engage or be compelled to participate in kangaroo courts. WE NEED TO DISMANTLE THE MEDICAL BOARDS NOW! WE ARE IN A WAR!
As an immigrant from former Soviet Union, as someone who always had ability to see and sense things earlier than many people (If I may say so myself), I have been saying the same thing for years now: That our country is turning into something very close to what Stalinist Russia was. The tragedy was, even some of my conservative friends didn’t understand me… Americans are somewhat naive (And that is another thing I have been saying for years), I say it lovingly, because I think the reason of being so gullible (Hence, easily brainwashable) is the good-hearted nature of Americans, but also lack of knowledge and some degree of isolation from the rest of the world… If we are talking about conservatives, they also tend to be more optimistic… My good friend/client, a man in his mid-70s, used to argue with me up until the end of last year that I lost my mind, I was paranoid, that we will vote Biden out, we will get both presidency and Congress back, and everything will be great again—it’s not the first time it’s happening in our country…. The more he learned (He retired and now he has more time for information), the more appalled he was, and finally, one day he said to me, “OK, you were right, are you happy?” He is still optimistic, the exact opposite of me—I am a pessimist (Or maybe, just a realist).🙂 However, after having privilege of recently meeting my heroes, Dr. McCullough, Steve Kirsch and another amazing man I knew nothing about, a lawyer, Tom Renz, I have a tiny glimmer of hope: There are still honest, decent, old-school Americans in my beloved second homeland, they are fighters, and they are happy fighters, they are optimists, so maybe there is hope that we will overcome this dark time in our history? We have to be brutal to the regime (I wince every time when I hear conservative talking heads use the word “regime” about American government!), there is no other way! Please, don’t tell me that we will be doing the same they are doing—there is no going high when the left goes low! They don’t understand that language! I am not saying to replace one ruling party with another—it will result in the same dictatorial regime at some point, I am talking about crushing the extreme left, draining the Deep State swamp and demolishing and rebuilding our education system. Tall order, but if we don’t even try, we can kiss our country goodbye! We are almost at the point of no return…
Outstanding comment. American naïveté and outright ignorance of history is the result of a leftist-dominated educational system. The Holocaust is not the worst thing that happened in the 20th century. Communism's butcher bill far, far exceeds that of the Nazis. Yet, so many are unaware of the murder and brutality that occurred in the USSR, China, Cambodia, etc.
Like Dante's main character in his magnum opus, we're going to have to travel through hell in order to get to heaven.
Most Americans are soft and have never seen war. I was a war fighter long ago and saw the horrors of what happens under a Communist regime. In my opinion, it's better to be dead than red.
Another fine piece. Thank you! Biden's infamous 1 September speech was yet another intimation that he is indeed a sinister character. He appears to be playing a part allotted to him by faceless people behind the scenes. He has seemed sinister to me ever since he conducted his election campaign against Trump from his bunker, and announced as an absolute certainty 'we will win'. Even before the election and the counting of votes, this seemed to suggest he knew the election would be rigged. Then there was his blatant use of bribery to pervert the course of justice in Ukraine when he had the special prosecutor fired. His bullying demeanor, which often reveals a nasty streak in his character, is reminiscent of an ageing gangster in a movie. He and Hunter are not the kind of people one would invite to one's home. It is a great tragedy for America that such an unsuitable person - even without taking into account his obvious physical and mental decrepitude - came to hold such high office. Written from Australia, where we too have our share of problems - every government here, state and federal, is in the hands of 'socialists' i.e. proto-communists.
“Aging gangster” is about right… I am not sure how much of him they show in Australia, but a few months ago, right before he was going to speak somewhere (I think it was PA, not sure) outside, he leaned over to a man who came to hear him speak, a regular local resident, and whispered (It was caught on the mic), “Nobody f… with Bidens!”
I have seen a ratcheting up of the authoritarian bully style out of EU and UN spox, and WEF's Schwab has been doing it for a while. They are all singing from the same hymnal. Trying to look strong, but belie the fact they would get nowhere without monolithic force; they are surely not winning hearts and minds. Unfortunately, a lot of the sovereign force appears to be on their side.
I was fired for vaccine-refusal in October 2021, after treating COVID with repurposed antiviral regimes including vitamin-D, zinc, HCQ ,ivermection and macrolides like azithromycin and doxycycline. That was a political uphill battle, but I was left alone prescribing ivermectin-based treatment for a year or more, having started in August 2020.
The American Board of Family Medicine decertified me this spring for "advising patients against COVID-19 vaccination", which was previously known as "informed consent". CVS reported me to the Texas Medical Board for "endangering patients" with ivermectin and HCQ, which mainly just caused me problems, since I had done no harm, but had to prove it, and so on.
I remain unemployed, but I took the stand that I knew history demanded of me, to stand against the tyranny which makes some people sub-human, "untermenschen".
After that step, the horrors begin.
I put my body in the"unvaccinated" line after leading my clinic's testing and treatment of COVID from day #1.
My conscience is clear, and awareness of the evil and lies is broadening, but the power-cabal cannot change its position, it can only double down on principled dissenters.
I am free to blog, for the moment.
I think we should see that North America is already a form of battleground, and that it may become a physical battleground as well, even if that is a creeping change, and explained as something else that "just-happened".
From all appearances; too many people are not troubled in any way and continue to turn blind eyes to the events marking murder of The Constitution of the United States as they unfold.
Bizarre world with so many living denial and avoidance as though in a dream where the possibility of waking magnifies reality.
Recognition of threat demands action in an unconscious sense and it's as though uncertainty in the options of fight or flight keeps so many frozen in time as gas-lit statues trapped as bunnies breathing hard with eyes darting as they hide in brambles when hunting hounds are baying, howling and running the scent-marked trails.
Operating beyond the corporeal, it's fascinating in a depraved way; observing and tolerating the social psychosis and occasional responses of panic or momentary catatonia upon an individual actually becoming conscious. From a purely psychological aspect it's anomie for most as our world was never unpredictable as now. We're experiencing, first-hand, all the stories of threat and danger all kinds of scientific research, investigation, our ancestors and actual survivors living in tyrannical places have reported and in all the knowledge acquired in our world, few know how to confront and survive this.
"Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one's thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants. It is the right which they first of all strike down. They know its power. Thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers, founded in injustice and wrong, are sure to tremble, if men are allowed to reason."
Good. One more that takes it seriously. Welcome. Now it is all about balancing and channelling that fear into something that gives you purpose, courage and with it - peace.
Take heart- I think we are all here for a reason, and each aware person has a role to play. Find yours and there will be much less time or energy for fear or worries. And it seems that once you jump into the mix to help, some assistance does appear! ; ))
I can only guess, but when they implement a social credit system attached to bank accounts, tying digital ID to everything one does, including use of the internet, they will effectively silence dissent. Dependence on devices will be our undoing. Is it too late to get rid of the cell phones? Probably. We have been caught in their "web" and in their "'net." Like the proverbial frog in the pot
That speech gave me shudders. He is obsessed with Donald Trump. I believe he should do what Nixon did: choose a candidate to replace him who will also pardon him. He will be impeached.
Thanks for reminding me of the book. A boyfriend recommended it to me in the 70’s.
Back in late 2020 when the Control Group lawsuit was filed (in an attempt to obtain a nationwide injunction against ALL vaccine mandates) only 3-5% of the American people questioned vaccine safety. Now, after the "warp speed" covid jabs, approximately 50% of Americans question the safety of ALL vaccines.
Do not lose hope. The awakening has begun with a bang, and it's happening at warp speed;-)
We should be very wary. At the same time, that's not an excuse to not see how threatened the current system is, with a vast multi-polar alliance emerging and arguably many more people becoming aware of the darkness rearing its head than the bad guys feel comfortable with. If they rip off the mask and go for pure dictatorship, they've essentially lost and shown everyone their true hand. And that point, the non-linearity of events will be such that no amount of their modelling and "preparedness" will really be able to anticipate what they're faced with.
If they keep trying to play a long game, their system may very well blow out at any moment. The economy is one giant ticking timebomb. Meanwhile, the alliance of nations that represents the overwhelming majority of the world population outside the “rules-based order” has already organized itself to reject a common enemy, whatever the differences. While the many sides are arguing with each-other, the reality is that all the tribes right now should be unifying themselves against the single tribe that threatens them all: The Wall Street/City of London, Five Eyes and WHO octopus. It's one thing and needs to de defeated as one thing.
In the history of Western civilization, whether Solon in ancient Athens or FDR during the great depression, the system has been put into bankruptcy re-organization multiple times. From there, a return to our natural tradition of building great generational projects is an easy sell. America was built with such an outlook, from Hamilton, Lincoln, McKinnley to FDR. Wall Street, JP Morgan and Chase/Manhatten had very little to do with any of the greatest developments in American history, its revolutions, or victory in the civil war.
Knowing our story is more crucial than ever now.
Let's remember that the devil always overplays his hand.
Now’s not a time to be demoralized but to get folks politically active and organized in ways they've never been before. It's been done before. "The New World Order" was once called the "League of Nations" and was thwarted years ago. Things did not work out the way the bad guys wanted. Or as FDR put it, "They [who] seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers...call this a new order. It is not new and it is not order."
March 15, 1941
People just need to know their real story.
David - sorry to ‘nit-pick’ but please edit your note..... I believe that you meant to say that, ‘We should be very WARY, not ‘very WEARY’ meaning is vastly different and although both apply, wary connotes ‘being on our guard’, 1. On guard; watchful.
2. Characterized by caution.
3. Cautious of danger; carefully watching and guarding against deception, artifices, and dangers; timorously or suspiciously prudent;
circumspect; scrupulous; careful.
- while WEARY, is certainly applicable too, as in, “I am certainly tired of this Shittt, 🥹 but it doesn’t tend to bolster our intestinal fortitude. 😊🕊️❤️
Hi David - After I got past the first line, and read the entirety of your post, I can’t agree with you MORE!!!!!. We Do have the ability to weather this storm. And weather it we must, for the sake of humanity. Thank you for making that point.
Ouff, those were a lot of typos. I updated it. Texting right before bed is usually not a good idea haha. But yes, strategic reality remains what it is. People’s morale is one of the main things being targeted right now. If people think there’s still a chance they can win, despite the odds, they’ll fight back and become more creative than ever. If they think all is lost, they tend to just focus on self-preservation and immediate desire.
Naturally, we know which state of mind the bad guys want everyone in.
David, thank you for your comment! I think one of the best examples of the overplayed hand was remote "learning". They went the totalitarian route toward fear and control but failed to realize how many parents were watching and paying attention to the indoctrination with which they vehemently disagreed. The response was mildly encouraging - large numbers of children removed from these schools and put into private schools or home-schooled. A better response would be to abolish or completely reform the system. Sometimes an unsafe building cannot be retrofitted and needs to be torn down. If the building serves a purpose then rebuild it properly. If it is not needed then let the ground on which it sits serve some other purpose. If the Lord tarries and blesses conservatives (or at least liberty-minded people) with the levers of power once again then massive changes are needed. Entire alphabet agencies need to go. The edict from the Preamble is clear: establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
I don't see anything in that indicating they are justified in outlawing incandescent lights!
Take care and God bless.
Generally, I think you’re right- not only with the ability of parents to see what they were actually indoctrinating our kids with!!!!! But also just with the dictatorial approach to the Covid, mandates the lockdowns, the LIES!!!! They so overplayed their hand, that the public is rethinking the childhood vax schedule. Once you trespass on the peoples trust, the people start question everything, and rightly so.
I think there are a lot of lies under the rocks of the childhood vaccines schedule justifications that they’d rather we not start turning over.
Why else would they be so draconian and absolute in their punishment of doctors and nurses that dare question any of it? Kind of like the Jan. 6th protesters/rioters/insurrectionists. Can't question elections or vaccines because then someone might have to give an answer.
Well put! https://standforhealthfreedom.com/blog/beast/
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼👏👏👏please keep fighting - we have no choice - we are behind you 💯💯💯💯💯
Agree and sad and thank you guys for standing up.
Stay strong and focused John. We win or we die. Dr. Marik, Dr Kory, and Dr. Mercola are all on the side of truth.
They are true Warrior Patriots. They will never give up or surrender. After reading Dr.Kory’s book, The War on Ivermectin, I can tell you he is more committed than ever to stand against the corrupt medical / Pharma cabal.
With the FLCCC they are building a alternate health system which actually has health as it’s goal, unlike the oxymoronic system in place now. There is an army of Patriotic citizens fighting the corrupt government/corporate agenda to enslave us.
It won’t work. We will prevail!
We owe it to our children and grandchildren.
Stand for Freedom!
God bless us!
The medical establishment and all universities that run allopathic medical schools are clearly corrupt beyond belief. We need to each continue to pray for God’s help and each continue to do everything we can to resist the increasingly bold tyranny. Writing letters of support, for example to John Strand or Rep. Jim Jordan, is a simple action that we each can choose to take. Back in early 2021 a close friend of mine worried about what would happen to me because I refused to buy into the narrative. I was just feeling my way at the time, but that path has deepened my belief that (1) what matters most in this lifetime is strengthening our faith in our unity with God and each other, and (2) that path continuously leads to the best results for each of us. Regardless of what happens, those who steadfastly serve as our inspiration and guiding light, including RFK Jr, JFK, RFK, MLK Jr, Dr McCullough, Dr Kory, Dr Marik, Dr Nass, Dr Mercola, Dr Kheriaty, Dr Gold, Dr. Vliet, Drs Malone, Dr. Bhakdi, Dr. Lawrie, Dr. Montagne, Dr. Bhattacharya, Ed Dowd, Catherine Austin-Fitts, Steve Kirsch, Dr Naomi Wolf, their close collaborators, and many others, will be enshrined in history as our heroes, in deep gratitude for all of your courage and wisdom.
Dear Someone Else - Forever and Ever, Amen.
So very well communicated!!! Thank you for writing this!!!!!!! May I also suggest that you consider subscribing to the Epoch Times, and listen to the three times weekly (40 min long) interview show, American Thought Leaders. The host, Jan J, has interviewed over this past year most of the people that you cite, above, including also Assem Malhotra, twice. EXCELLENT SOURCE of Accurate Information.
Unfortunately, the tendrils of this poison plant stretch to places that defy credulity. Bastyr University (which teaches naturopathic medicine) instituted a jab mandate. Looking at their webpage they also seem all in on DEI and related wokeness. Make-a-Wish Foundation instituted a mandate for anyone accompanying a recipient. If your child wanted to go to Disney, you couldn't go with him/her without complying. Total rat-bastard move IMO. I don't know if there have been any retractions but I certainly haven't seen any apologies, public or otherwise. Please correct me if I am wrong.
It’s coming to Australia with the new Disinformation Bill designed to shut down any dissension from government policy. Of course the government is the biggest spreader of disinformation.
Universal healthcare is coming .... no proof of jab compliance no healthcare . Don’t listen to me ... I’m a conspiracy theorist .
Brandon, are you hearing that discussed at the hospital and, if so, do you sense colleagues are on board with that?
My coworkers at the hospital are NOT on board with that.
In private
We already have a universal healthcare system in Australia called Medicare. However, you are correct. I can see where one day, Medicare will not cover you without proof of vaccination. It already affects child support payments in Australia.
That's disgusting; make those pHarma toads a) prove that the "fully vaccinated" are healthier than the unvaccinated, b) that vaccines do not cause cancer, heart disease, strokes, or Autoimmunity, and c) that God approves of injecting human DNA contaminants taken from living fetuses into newborn babies, or of injecting toxins in general into them!
Hint- they cannot prove any of the above.
Vaccination may prove to be exactly as beneficial as "witch burning" once was- money to the powerful, destruction of life, and inhumane torture of the innocent in the name of public health.
Yes, some will think I'm a radical, but before you make up your mind just READ what's in a "vaccine" and where and how they got it, and secondly, all the known and suspected adverse events associated with them.
It will curl your hair, and send a sane person away screaming at the idea we do this newborns.
It's barbaric.
I’ve known this for 50 years, that’s why I didn’t vaccinate my children.
Smart. But even though my "gut" screamed at me not to, I was successfully manipulated by the small Christian School, (Grace Episcopal, that my 4-year-old attended) to vaccinate, her fully, with the CDC reccommended and State of Florida required childhood schedule after she had had only one set of "well-baby" shots earlier.
Those set up a psychic reaction in me, and screaming from her, the likes I never experienced before, yet still, 4 years later, when they told me she would never go to school in the State of Florida without all those she had missed, from 2 months to 4 years of age, I complied, believing a) I couldn't deny my only child and education with other kids, b) that all the other children took them so they couldn't be that dangerous and I must be overreacting, c) not knowing there were Religious Exemptions available.
It almost killed her.
Damn all those lying liars who lie to the hot place with flames & pitchforks.
I hope the truth is FINALLY out about the damage we are doing to our kids, and the utter corruption of pHarma and their lapdogs in Government!
Sorry you had to go through that Katherine.
Ely 🎯
Quite likely. The UN's "One Health" is coming. https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/one-health
DogsLife , I closed my private office 2018, overhead costs soared and was not sustainable. That article is written 2017 … the squeeze was already in .
Stand up and fight , but you would be surprised how many patients/ people feel this is ok , till someone on a “board/ panel” says no to the useless eater. Population control all the way.
Not if I can help it!
Be comforted as you watchfully await the unfolding of living American history before your very eyes. Our people’s will was initially shown in 1775 when farmers and mechanics and merchants faced the Imperial Fascists of George III at Lexington and Concord, and began our fight for freedom. And re-watch the film , “Red Dawn “, fiction so very close to reality, that tells needed truths about the American exceptionalism of not allowing tyranny of any kind or type to enslave us. We will not shirk our responsibilities to guard our G-d given rights, nor will we be fey and feckless in the face of the newer fascisms of within our country and from foreign sources. These statements are no mere boilerplate; rather, they accurately depict the spirit of the American people in these increasingly dangerous times. We will stress and fret but we will, again if need be, revive the spirit of Lexington and Concord. Populism is of the people, not merely of the mob. Be comforted- we will prevail!
How old are you? Let me guess - over 55. Have you talked to a Gen X or Y about this? Good luck with that lot. They never even learned what democracy means. That's my biggest worry - we oldies know what's at stake. Most people under 30 have no idea or interest. They are not totally stupid - they know or sense that the MMS and Govrnments are lying. But they just shrug shoulders. They got a bad deal in the past three years and are somewhat annoyed. But they think it is just a phase and will normalize again. They don't see the bigger threat. They are kept just under the anger threshold by the overlords, distracted by side shows like "inclusivity" and "safe the planet" until it's too late.
Yep, and back in 1775 those were hard real men. We don't have an abundance of those anymore. I hate to state the obvious but the Dorito eating couch potato generation are not 1775 men.
Yes, they can't even stop tuning in to regime-supporting entertainment, let alone stand up to the upcoming tyranny. Every one of my friends continues to support MLB and the NFL, despite my pleas to stop watching due to their embrace of BLM.
It's dangerous to get between someone and their entertainment.
They had better snap out of it or their only entertainment will be a contest of "how many maggots can you find in the bowl of soup provided by the authorities in the re-education camp."
And here maggots are good... a source of protein??
The "time span" concept is critical. Most people assume disturbances are temporary and things will go "back to normal" soon. They see the USA as "permanent" but there is no empire ever that has completely withstood the test of time. All empires fall sooner or later. It's a matter of how gracefully and in what manner.
The future has never been experienced before, it's notoriously hard to predict. Do we need to fight to maintain "freedom" or do we need to fight to *restore* freedom? From my view, we've already lost freedom but it is of course a matter of point of view. If all you care about is sitting on the couch, eating chips, watching TV or playing a video game then you probably don't care that you can't freely express thoughts everywhere, you probably don't care that your money is monitored and can't be freely used or transferred, you are too uneducated to comprehend how to be healthy so you give up your health to some "expert" who is interested in profit not health, etc, etc.
Big cycle swings happen in time spans longer than a lifetime. The dangers of the past are forgotten. (only to be experienced again and again)
True… Isn’t it amazing that mankind is so stupid that it cannot learned from its own mistakes? It’s just sad…
Yes, it can be quite sad. There are a few of us that study history and think about these things but we are pretty rare.
Something I think should be pondered is: Why is the USA the number one economy even though our population is a fraction of what China's population is? You can quickly get mired in the details, but I'm inclined to say it has been our relative freedom over the past 100 years.
Why is freedom important? Freedom is critical because it motivates people! If I have no hope of "getting ahead" then I'm likely to just sit in my living room snacking comfort food (and getting fat) while watching TV. But if I think I can achieve something, if I truly feel I have the freedom to explore and create... well then I will explore and create! (and the world will be better off)
Bread and circuses.
That's part of it. But even the people "running the show" haven't been alive long enough to have actual experience with the cycles. They literally don't even know any better!
Much of the population is too ensconced into their pleasures and and would hate to have any change or interruption of those pleasures. It's easier to just do what the government says
Yes, and mostly because it is "someone else" that is having the problem. Wait until it interferes with their life and then suddenly it is "unacceptable".
As a Gen Xer, that’s not true. Gen X is not 30 year olds lol. We are in our 40s and 50s. We do understand what’s at stake. We are looking to the older generation to tell us what to do because all we have known is freedom. That part is true.
Apologies, I got that wrong. I meant Millenia (Gen Y) and Gen Z
No worries lol. I just don’t want to be lumped in with those crazies 😂
Have you listened to the song, “Try that in a small town?” It is a very popular song.
Try that in a small town jason aldean - YouTube
Too busy looking at tic tok on their screens.
Such a waste...
The medical tyrants aren't against exceptionalism per se; but believe they are the exceptional ones, not those who practice the truth.
PS: permit me to reiterate; watch “Red Dawn”- as a reminder of spirit and resolve and righteous actions, and love of Country.
One way or the other.
Enough of this shit! The Medical Boards need to be entirely dismantled. They have become nefarious agents of the government. They serve no purpose in public health. They are government agents out to silence the good. The names of the people who are on these so called "medical boards" need to be written down and documented. Justice will be served on them. In the meantime we absolutely need to dismantle these joke agencies. Good Doctors should not have to engage or be compelled to participate in kangaroo courts. WE NEED TO DISMANTLE THE MEDICAL BOARDS NOW! WE ARE IN A WAR!
As an immigrant from former Soviet Union, as someone who always had ability to see and sense things earlier than many people (If I may say so myself), I have been saying the same thing for years now: That our country is turning into something very close to what Stalinist Russia was. The tragedy was, even some of my conservative friends didn’t understand me… Americans are somewhat naive (And that is another thing I have been saying for years), I say it lovingly, because I think the reason of being so gullible (Hence, easily brainwashable) is the good-hearted nature of Americans, but also lack of knowledge and some degree of isolation from the rest of the world… If we are talking about conservatives, they also tend to be more optimistic… My good friend/client, a man in his mid-70s, used to argue with me up until the end of last year that I lost my mind, I was paranoid, that we will vote Biden out, we will get both presidency and Congress back, and everything will be great again—it’s not the first time it’s happening in our country…. The more he learned (He retired and now he has more time for information), the more appalled he was, and finally, one day he said to me, “OK, you were right, are you happy?” He is still optimistic, the exact opposite of me—I am a pessimist (Or maybe, just a realist).🙂 However, after having privilege of recently meeting my heroes, Dr. McCullough, Steve Kirsch and another amazing man I knew nothing about, a lawyer, Tom Renz, I have a tiny glimmer of hope: There are still honest, decent, old-school Americans in my beloved second homeland, they are fighters, and they are happy fighters, they are optimists, so maybe there is hope that we will overcome this dark time in our history? We have to be brutal to the regime (I wince every time when I hear conservative talking heads use the word “regime” about American government!), there is no other way! Please, don’t tell me that we will be doing the same they are doing—there is no going high when the left goes low! They don’t understand that language! I am not saying to replace one ruling party with another—it will result in the same dictatorial regime at some point, I am talking about crushing the extreme left, draining the Deep State swamp and demolishing and rebuilding our education system. Tall order, but if we don’t even try, we can kiss our country goodbye! We are almost at the point of no return…
Outstanding comment. American naïveté and outright ignorance of history is the result of a leftist-dominated educational system. The Holocaust is not the worst thing that happened in the 20th century. Communism's butcher bill far, far exceeds that of the Nazis. Yet, so many are unaware of the murder and brutality that occurred in the USSR, China, Cambodia, etc.
Like Dante's main character in his magnum opus, we're going to have to travel through hell in order to get to heaven.
Thank you, John! I still wish I were wrong, but, sadly, I am not…
You're welcome. Truly a spot-on comment. People from E. Europe know what's coming; they've seen this movie before.
Most Americans are soft and have never seen war. I was a war fighter long ago and saw the horrors of what happens under a Communist regime. In my opinion, it's better to be dead than red.
Another fine piece. Thank you! Biden's infamous 1 September speech was yet another intimation that he is indeed a sinister character. He appears to be playing a part allotted to him by faceless people behind the scenes. He has seemed sinister to me ever since he conducted his election campaign against Trump from his bunker, and announced as an absolute certainty 'we will win'. Even before the election and the counting of votes, this seemed to suggest he knew the election would be rigged. Then there was his blatant use of bribery to pervert the course of justice in Ukraine when he had the special prosecutor fired. His bullying demeanor, which often reveals a nasty streak in his character, is reminiscent of an ageing gangster in a movie. He and Hunter are not the kind of people one would invite to one's home. It is a great tragedy for America that such an unsuitable person - even without taking into account his obvious physical and mental decrepitude - came to hold such high office. Written from Australia, where we too have our share of problems - every government here, state and federal, is in the hands of 'socialists' i.e. proto-communists.
“Aging gangster” is about right… I am not sure how much of him they show in Australia, but a few months ago, right before he was going to speak somewhere (I think it was PA, not sure) outside, he leaned over to a man who came to hear him speak, a regular local resident, and whispered (It was caught on the mic), “Nobody f… with Bidens!”
I have seen a ratcheting up of the authoritarian bully style out of EU and UN spox, and WEF's Schwab has been doing it for a while. They are all singing from the same hymnal. Trying to look strong, but belie the fact they would get nowhere without monolithic force; they are surely not winning hearts and minds. Unfortunately, a lot of the sovereign force appears to be on their side.
It was a scary book even worse now we are living it.
Amr Australia.
I was fired for vaccine-refusal in October 2021, after treating COVID with repurposed antiviral regimes including vitamin-D, zinc, HCQ ,ivermection and macrolides like azithromycin and doxycycline. That was a political uphill battle, but I was left alone prescribing ivermectin-based treatment for a year or more, having started in August 2020.
The American Board of Family Medicine decertified me this spring for "advising patients against COVID-19 vaccination", which was previously known as "informed consent". CVS reported me to the Texas Medical Board for "endangering patients" with ivermectin and HCQ, which mainly just caused me problems, since I had done no harm, but had to prove it, and so on.
I remain unemployed, but I took the stand that I knew history demanded of me, to stand against the tyranny which makes some people sub-human, "untermenschen".
After that step, the horrors begin.
I put my body in the"unvaccinated" line after leading my clinic's testing and treatment of COVID from day #1.
My conscience is clear, and awareness of the evil and lies is broadening, but the power-cabal cannot change its position, it can only double down on principled dissenters.
I am free to blog, for the moment.
I think we should see that North America is already a form of battleground, and that it may become a physical battleground as well, even if that is a creeping change, and explained as something else that "just-happened".
Thank you Dr Day...
May the armor of G_d protect you.
Stay strong!
Injectable War Of Attrition: https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/injectable-war-of-attrition
God Bless you!!
I am blessed.
"Of he to whom much is given, much will be required."
Very well stated.
From all appearances; too many people are not troubled in any way and continue to turn blind eyes to the events marking murder of The Constitution of the United States as they unfold.
Bizarre world with so many living denial and avoidance as though in a dream where the possibility of waking magnifies reality.
Recognition of threat demands action in an unconscious sense and it's as though uncertainty in the options of fight or flight keeps so many frozen in time as gas-lit statues trapped as bunnies breathing hard with eyes darting as they hide in brambles when hunting hounds are baying, howling and running the scent-marked trails.
Operating beyond the corporeal, it's fascinating in a depraved way; observing and tolerating the social psychosis and occasional responses of panic or momentary catatonia upon an individual actually becoming conscious. From a purely psychological aspect it's anomie for most as our world was never unpredictable as now. We're experiencing, first-hand, all the stories of threat and danger all kinds of scientific research, investigation, our ancestors and actual survivors living in tyrannical places have reported and in all the knowledge acquired in our world, few know how to confront and survive this.
"Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one's thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants. It is the right which they first of all strike down. They know its power. Thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers, founded in injustice and wrong, are sure to tremble, if men are allowed to reason."
Frederick Douglass, 1860
I’m not sure if this is meant to frighten the shit out of me but it has.
Good. One more that takes it seriously. Welcome. Now it is all about balancing and channelling that fear into something that gives you purpose, courage and with it - peace.
Take heart- I think we are all here for a reason, and each aware person has a role to play. Find yours and there will be much less time or energy for fear or worries. And it seems that once you jump into the mix to help, some assistance does appear! ; ))
There are millions of us, they cannot silence us all.
I can only guess, but when they implement a social credit system attached to bank accounts, tying digital ID to everything one does, including use of the internet, they will effectively silence dissent. Dependence on devices will be our undoing. Is it too late to get rid of the cell phones? Probably. We have been caught in their "web" and in their "'net." Like the proverbial frog in the pot
They can't control the net, they can turn it off, but not control it. They are not clever enough, and they are outnumbered.
Use cash for everything. Talk to your bank or credit union. Join a freedom cell. Support the cause that speaks to you the most.
CHD, FLCCC, Reclaim the Net, Health Freedom for Humanity, or any of dozens of groups scrambling to stave off the darkness.
And, educate, educate educate- media, school boards, medical professionals, legislators, friend and family. Anyone you can.
Together we can stop this diabolical plan and turn everything around.
Just look at what happened to Bud Light, when the forgot who their customers were....
We need to give the same lesson to our Government and the top Corporations too!
That speech gave me shudders. He is obsessed with Donald Trump. I believe he should do what Nixon did: choose a candidate to replace him who will also pardon him. He will be impeached.
Thanks for reminding me of the book. A boyfriend recommended it to me in the 70’s.
Back in late 2020 when the Control Group lawsuit was filed (in an attempt to obtain a nationwide injunction against ALL vaccine mandates) only 3-5% of the American people questioned vaccine safety. Now, after the "warp speed" covid jabs, approximately 50% of Americans question the safety of ALL vaccines.
Do not lose hope. The awakening has begun with a bang, and it's happening at warp speed;-)