“One of the strangest features of the Hall of Mirrors in which we now live is that the public facade of powerful institutions and corporations is staffed with people who seem stunningly incompetent and unserious. I’m thinking about Karine Jean-Pierre, Rochelle Walensky, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden. “

Expendable idiots!

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Aye, Pawns of the Elites. Even a Kissinger, Schwab, or a Soros is just a rook.

The real evil is the Synagogue of Satan, headed by the Rothschild Family.

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Behind the Rothschild Family are Satan and his cohorts-- the fallen angels-- demons.

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The demons will get the guillotine as well, or we will die trying!

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That explains the horrid translation (to Greek) of the Revelation of St. John. "Satan" means prosecutor, and these perps (whatever they were called 1900 years ago - Sicarii סיקריים?) don't want to be prosecuted, so conflated the Devil with prosecution.

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Very interesting. Conflation of languages, ancient religious dogmas, and even 3000-4000 years later, a never ending cycle of death, exploitation and hatred. We are quite the species, n'est pas? :-)

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We come all learning and processing the stuff our ancestors didnt. The cycle continues. e.g,. we are living in the 21st version of what led up to WW2. It just shows that the human condition is the root of all problems and until we deal/ focus on that we will to some degree repeat all that we have read about.

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Jan 27, 2023
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Please, that's historically inaccurate BS. That is just an old, antisemitic screed, and Icke and Duff are ignorant buffoons. The actual historic and linguistic studies have disproven those claims.

I note that there are no citations or corroborating evidence of these silly claims.

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Check your history.

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Schwab's mother was a Rothschild, a couple of degrees of separation from the banking family. Maybe he was jealous of his more famous and fabulously wealthy cousins.

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Every single time!!!

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Please stop spamming this thread.

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Apologies! I was apparently having internet issues and it posted several times. I don’t spam!

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Yes indeed a world run by clowns, very corrupt ones.

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Likely part of the psyop. Insanity like we are witnessing doesn't just happen organically.

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Yeah, people (and corporations) simply "follow the money" Warp Speed was a "no brainier" for Pharma companies. Never worried about effectiveness or anything (other than sales) it didn't even have to WORK (didn't even bother to test for efficacy) but that didn't slow down the lies that it did. False advertising that would get your everyday contractor arrested and jailed, Pharma didn't worry about it AT ALL. Government LIED for them, apparently they felt protected too. Society may be dissolving in front of us (theft up to $1000 is de facto legal) the different "tiers of justice" (rioters destroyed more than 2 billion dollars property apparently completely legally) are openly displayed and ignored, regulators are captured (FDA, CDC, FBI) our "leadership" is indifferent to Communist espionage and other IP theft, and we appear ready to enter nuclear war on the flimsiest "justification" EVER, we were attacked by biological warfare and it appears we helped with virus be creation. Despite international laws against it we are going full speed ahead with OTHER biological agents ebola, lassa, plague- as long as they make you sick and die we want to make it!

Our 'leadership' is obviously "in the tank" for China, and why not? China has given BILLIONS (1.5 billion for Hunter "hedge fund" alone, many millions from China and God knows who else. Our "elections" are obviously corrupt, one party ignored it, while the other party is making "fundemental changes" to society completely at odds with common sense (economic people WARNED against inflation by printing TRILLIONS- "leadership" did it anyway, and coerced captive economic people to assure us that this was a total SURPRISE that this happened. And we will pass ANOTHER 1.7 trillion dollar legislation that will increase the violence of coming economic crash DELIBERATELY

I could continue for many pages how "irrational" this "leadership" is UNLESS the chaos is DELIBERATE (and Black rock recently publicized that the huge recession coming is deliberate, and they would know)

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Well said Richard. The group thrusting the spear the deepest in to the White Western Heart has been at the total destruction of the USA for about 200 years. Rothschilds had their hands in the war of 1812, Civil War, many attempted Central Bank heists, and then finally the last daggers were set with The Act of 1871, The Federal Reserve Act, blackmailing Wilson in to WWI, and then the 19th Amendment. Game over. To our credit, without the jewish led, written and funded Immigration act of 1965, we would have held another century. But the consciously open borders, the blocking of any white immigration, ensured there was only so much the Boomers could carry. We have mostly rotten, spoiled, indoctrinated kids in the Millenials and zoomers. 25% think they are gay, 10% not sure what their gender is, all of them certain they can get rich via crypto and vaping. A mess. Women have become un-marriageable, blacks run amok and are indemnified by leftist/jewish DAs.

This once proud Patriot who did it all the correct way, finds our fat, low cerebral horsepower nation an embarrassment. My future is in the Baltic states, where a tough, resilient white race will not only begin its comeback, we will deal harshly with the sand people who have caused this.

Hail Victory.

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Useful Idiots!

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I'm at least encouraged that others besides myself are noticing this trend of the incompetent.

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And this type of critical thinking is why I follow you.

You think. You deduce. You reason.

These are lost arts. You don't just look at face value.

I think he might also be an example of DEI at work. He's obviously gay and obviously

vying for the attention of his 'Stinger.'

It would be horrifying, but NOT surprising to find someone so young, cavalier and seemingly incompetent in a major position today...he checks all the boxes...I mean Pete Buttegieg???

The mere fact that there is a internet cleanup actively in progress seems to suggest something, as this is the modus operandi of the current power structure...do something bad? Cover it up like a cat in a litter box covering up tootsie rolls.

It all fits...and I find it hard to believe that any evil geniuses actually exist at these places....evil for sure, geniuses, not so much.

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And ironically Buttegieg is a security asset-- you know the ones who provide information about who is a threat to the US? Shows you how far the US security establishment has fallen.

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when it was not possible to live openly as gay, it was a tool of blackmail. People who could be blackmailed are security threats. If everyone knows...not so much.

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He may not be gay. Almost every one in my city talks and acts like him or her anymore, in SF killafornia.

Unless you mean culturally the same, which is not what gay means, or, nor , what it used to meant

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He seemed to be flirting with the male interlocutor.

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I thought he showed signs of shiny inebriation, and a bit of mania; happy to be telling 'secrets' (real or propaganda). A happy drunk, rather than a mean one.

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He states to O'keefe, "I'm a liar... I was on a date. That's what we do." He was talking to a man in the undercover video, which indicates he's gay.

"There's no such thing as bisexual: either you suck D*** or you do NOT suck D***!" -- Andrew Dice Clay, 20th Century

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Yes you're right, he could be bisexual

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BrianO' Shea verified his degrees and employment history, indeed this intellectual lightweight really does work for Pfizer.


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Riding the wave of preferential employment via box checking.

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Yep, that was my exact thought. This is what DEI employment gets you.

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You mean DID work for Pfizer

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Thank you. Like you, I like details and facts.

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I guess wokeness really does work.

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they get a paycheck, anyway

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Frauds, thieves, murderers and posers run the world!

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The problem is that all of these liars & thieves look like everyone else.

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We're living in clown world so the argument that this is too ridiculous to be real is not a sufficient condition to cause me to disbelieve something.

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All good points.

I’m gonna wait longer to see how things shake out on this one in clown world before I draw a conclusion🤡. Some of the pieces in this distorted picture don’t fit anything we’ve ever seen before.

The best golfer in the world can’t make a 5 ft putt when the ball and green is rigged. Don’t trust your own skill and powers of observation. I’m looking to the Lord, who knows ALL, to interpret and disclose truth on these matters.

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“In God, whose words I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?

All day long they injure my cause; all their thoughts are against me for evil. They stir up strife, they lurk; they watch my steps, as they have waited for my life. For their crime will they escape? In wrath cast down the peoples O God!” - Psalm 56:5-7

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Amen! My Lord & Savior Is the great I AM🙏 If God is for us then who can be against us?

My faith & trust is in Him.

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Amen Rosie.

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Why NOT have this guy as a director? We have Karine Jean-FootinMouth as the incompetent spokesperson for even more feckless Biden. We had Pelosi, Swalwell, Schiff, ad nauseam. So why not?

We now live in an idiocracy

Maybe, as a person of colour, he was given a big title, even if not, in actuality, he was super high up the food/virus chain

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"Who is really making the decisions that now affect all of mankind? " Simple answer many souls have succumbed to evil. They have been hypnotized and are absorbed by sin.

"There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.

But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate,

So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."

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“On the Watchtower”...great Jimi Hendrix song! I think Bob Dylan wrote it. Great lyrics!

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the same Bob Dylan who said he sold his soul to the Devil

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I think most of “them” did. Just as they’re doing today.

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Pfizer wants to hide their dead and injured test subjects for 75 years. They are the criminals, not James O’Keefe.

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Kolomoisky and Zelensky unsuspiciously are each members of the most expelled Tribe in human history. Further, nearly the entire Convid scam, and the Biden admin are as well. NOT our greatest ally. Au contraire.

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Gentlemen, you are skirting dangerously close to WrongThink in probing the rise of Zelenskyy.v

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The people disputing his authenticity cannot even spell his name right- Jordon vs Jordan

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Pfizer is the Criminal along with this Clown 🤡 “executive”(?), and Project Veritas is innocent. Most of Pfizer’s other executives are lying Doctors who claim to be evaluating Pfizer’s products independently while they are being paid by Pfizer. Pfizer is a known Criminal Enterprise and should be treated that way.

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Proving you don’t need intelligent people to take down the country. You just need willing participants. I would argue that true intelligence has no involvement in any of this. Otherwise we wouldn’t be in this position.

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"Consider the irony that one of the great idols of the West—Volodymyr Zelensky—was, just a few years ago, a TV actor “who played a high school history teacher who wins the presidential election after a viral video created by his pupils shows him ranting against government corruption in Ukraine.”

This is the way the psychological operators mold public perceptions. They've been doing it for many years. One might argue that this molding of perceptions began following the end of WWII. I believe that is exactly the case. Mk Ultra and Milligram experiments are the proof. There were elements of government that tried to fight back against this shadow "deep state" (CIA) and they (JFK & RFK) were murdered for their efforts and to send a message to anyone else that might get an idea that they could stop these criminals.

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And that’s just what we know and see! Can you imagine what we don’t know and see?

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I can't. I'm not a depraved psychopathic megalomaniac. I can only see the broad strokes of what they might have planned for us down stream.

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