Who invited that tiresome ninny to perform at the inaugural?

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This is what happens when you have a practicing non-Christian as a President and there's nobody interested enough to ensure no jackass is the officiant at the changing of the guard. I get that the National Cathedral is the organization that's going to send in their guy (or of course in the case of Episcopals, a girl), but surely this situation could have been avoided. Maybe the good minister got kicked in the head by a rabid squirrel while she walked up Wisconson and she woke from her fevered sleep of wokeness.

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If asking for mercy and consideration for those simply afraid, discouraged or downtrodden is woke, then Jesus was an ultimate woke person.

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She could have left it at that, without the DEI special treatment.

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Well, that doesn’t accord with his attitude to hypocrites, nor with his action getting stuck into the money changers with a cord in the forecourt of the temple. That doesn’t sound too woke to me!

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Trump is a Peale-ian, however that aPeale to you.

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I thought the same thing. In fact while Trump was dancing with the Village People two of the village people kissed on the lips. I didn’t see Trump freak out. He continued to use the song last night. I don’t see why people are afraid unless they have been listening to the left’s continuous fearmongering. I felt more fear during the last four years than ever before in my life. Fear of the spread of diseases that have been manufactured to make us sick and the medications created to keep us sick. My fear isn’t over, but I have some hope now.

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So, you think Big Pharma wasn't trying to keep people sick and diseased before 4 years ago? Come on, this isn't new. We'll find out if this new administration will actually avoid caving into the big money flowing in from lobbyists and pharmaceutical corporations. Maybe RFK can get something accomplished. But, Trump did nothing in his first term to address or improve the FDA, CDC, Big Pharma influence. He helped rush and usher in the Covid vaccines. I have a little hope, but want to see actual results. I want to see Trump prioritizing what's actually important. Changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico is not important to most citizens.

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Oh I know it didn’t start 4 years ago. But what did start 4 years ago was me waking up. My hope is that Trump will listen to RFK Jr. Also, I don’t think Trump will mandate vaccines. I hope for a lot of things. But, I do agree with you. I still think that we have less to fear with this administration than the last. After all, who knows who was actually running the country, I doubt it was Biden. It’s their agenda for us that is truly nefarious and worrisome. And that is actually my point, it is what people should be scared of. Not Trump himself , but it depends on what and whom you listen to.

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And now the Roman Catholic Church under the appalling misrule of Bergoglio is following the exact some path that made the Church of England a shipwreck instead of an ark of the Christian faith.

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I thought she was supposed to be praying to God? She was scolding President Trump, not in conversation, but in a one way monologue from her Leftist bully pulpit. Did she come from the Episcopal church or from a synagogue of Satan?

Like a terrorist hiding behind innocent civilians, the Left pretends to be compassionate as a disguise for tearing down western civilization. This time we did not get fooled again!

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Satan to answer your question. Also Trump and his team are aligned with mRNA "deviloment". A giant pusher of big pharma unfortunately. I hope he proves me wrong on that but it is leaning that way.

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Didn't Jesus preach for mercy and compassion for those downtrodden, discouraged and in fear? That's what I was taught growing up. Her words were pretty similar.

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Galatians 1:8 "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed." That describes the Church of England in all its forms of apostasy.

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If certain targeted groups are fearful, they should stop listening to the groups targeting them. The political Left, who is working to destroy western civilization, targets certain groups and fills them with fear.

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I found the first 12 minutes of sanctimony tiresome, and early into her closing admonition I'm pretty sure the word bitch escaped from my lips.

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Who on earth chose this pathetic humsn for this prayer breakfast? That snakey person who did the organizing needs to be weeded out immediately from Trump's orbit.

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I was baptised in Sydney in Church of England. I had to be told at a wedding that I was best man at, by the Catholic priest, that my church had changed it's name to Anglican. He wasn't impressed 🤷 Even the pastors do not believe in God in my rebranded ex-faith. Every church conspired against the human race when they all urged Emergency Authorisation Use mRNA Gene Altering therapies, untested, without any liability or Corporatocracy oversight. 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

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I was horrified about how the ScoMo government completely capitulated to the Spike Covidians. And the most shocking thing I saw was that madman of a First Minister of the Northern Territory who was threatening to imprison people merely for questioning the scamdemic and the so-called “vaccine.” I have a great love for the Australian people but complete contempt for the various governments there who seem to do everything except serve their people.

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And yet it is the Australians you love that are electing these criminals to power. At some point you have to start blaming them.

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Maybe you should investigate how our voting and political system works before you criticize Australians.

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So true. That woman is a bubble-dwelling woketard Boomer Narcissist, with zero self-awareness.

She is not providing any leadership or service to anyone.

She should be defrocked.

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What people call "woke" now (which is the most overused word on the planet) is actually extremely similar to what Jesus preached in his day to day life - sympathy for the downtrodden, scared, discouraged people.

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Maybe. But I bet Jesus didn’t run around shrieking in the face of anyone that disagreed with him.

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I’m no theologian, but didn’t he say something about render under Caesar that which is Caesars?

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Wokeness is Communist tyranny with trans characteristics, which is not what Jesus preached.

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The word "woke" or "wokeness" is so over-used that it's losing it's meaning rapidly. It now refers to almost everything a conservative disagrees with. The word is used so much it's run into the ground and squashed. What did you have to talk about before you had this word to use? Woke is used to describe a rally or march for something you "don't" agree with. But, if you agree with the purpose of a march or rally, it's not a "woke" event. You see a TV commercial with a black and white married couple having coffee in a coffee shop, the company is being "woke". You walk down a city street and pass by an inter-racial married couple walking into a coffee shop and it's just a "couple", not a woke thing. It's just way overdone and ridiculous using this word to describe nearly every thing that might be societal change.

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No one knows what the man said.

All we know is what someone said he said. Given the various levels of translations, errors in transcription and plain old human deviousness we'll never know what he said or meant. Heck most of us have no clue about what someone said an hour ago even if we were there! Point is, he can be made to have said practically anything by anyone at any time, and then there are legions who'll "interpret" what he was supposed to have said to fit their own, often perverted, agendas. Covid should have taught us all to trust few, if any, "authorities, especially quacks, corporatists, and clergy.

I do, however, rather like the story about driving the money changers out of the temple. Now that's a great example of "love thy neighbor," and one that ought to be practiced more often.

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I agree that no one really knows what was said as the Bible was written by males and many things lost in translation. But, unfortunately many people take it literally as the direct word of God, when it's human interpretation and re-telling.

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Wearing her useless mask does not protect her from the virus of ideological idiocy. The only member of the clergy of the Church of England for whom I have any respect was Archbishop Laud whom the Roundhead Calvinist extremists had to use a Bill of Attainder in order to murder him since no court of law could convict him of any crime. He and Charles I were therefore martyrs since both sought to save English Christianity from the excesses of Calvinism.

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Decline of the Episcopalian church has gone on for decades. They left their biblical foundation in favour of their liberal agenda. This woman bishop is typical of their demise. The Bible specifies the requirements to be a bishop and one is to be the husband of one wife. Hardly fitting for a woman even if she thinks she is a man. Also the promotion of homosexuals right from their archbishop down, is totally against scripture. They are not a Christian organisation but simply a religious one.

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It's a bit more complex. The christian church has a very very long history of castration and gender destruction in monasteries and nunneries. People trying to escape gender is common in religious society. Having compassion for the weak and oppressed *is at the core of christianity. The bit I dont understand is 'lesbian and transgender children' tho. The LGBTQ people took this stuff way too far and now we see a backlash, I guess.

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The Bible clearly condemns all LGBTQ. They all fall under Proverbs 14:12 "There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death."

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I believe the woman, Budde, simply suffers from what most people do who have a glimpse of the limelight today. She feels she must enlarge her part to become a world savior. She's in the spotlight. She's the Star of the Show!! Instead of focusing inward and sussing out her motives for such a tirade, she sallies forth with nary a hint of hesitation. She might discover that she wallows in conceit, arrogance, and ego if she genuinely confronted herself. I would imagine the role of any clergy upon inauguration of a president would be to pray for his wisdom, strength, and fortitude in carrying out his duties while placing a blessing upon the nation.

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This is the usual sanctimonious virtue signaling leftist monologue that lacks any reason or purpose. Its gone beyond annoying and Im not having it. My compassion is reserved for the abused children and victims of the pedophiles and those defend them

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National Cathedral long ago left its faithful Episcopal contributors and builders in the dustbin of denominational history, replaced by stealth theological progress.

Many decades ago the Standing Liturgical Committee declined to have trial services of proposed altered words for a modernized Prayer Book. Change agents knew alert congregants would notice theology had been altered.

Today, Episcopalians who continue worshipping with the denomination’s older familiar hymnal and theologically solid Prayer Book—still honoring the “faith of our fathers”—are the only faith tradition forbidden at National Cathedral.

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I wish Trump had responded like this:


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I like it.

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OMG this uTube link is hysterically the funniest - great ending to my day’s read!!!

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If they "fear for their lives" any more than the rest of us do, it's probably some combination of mental illness and woke nincompoops preaching the litany of oppression and existential threat to them. This twat should be known hereafter as Bishop von Munchausen.

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